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  • 1 time

    1. noun
    1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) ώρα
    2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) χρόνος
    3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) καιρός, ώρα
    4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') (διαθέσιμος) χρόνος
    5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) κατάλληλη στιγμή / περίσταση
    6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) φορά
    7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) περίοδος, στιγμή
    8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) χρόνος, ρυθμός
    2. verb
    1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) χρονομετρώ
    2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) επιλέγω το χρόνο, διαλέγω την ώρα μου (για)
    - timelessly
    - timelessness
    - timely
    - timeliness
    - timer
    - times
    - timing
    - time bomb
    - time-consuming
    - time limit
    - time off
    - time out
    - timetable
    - all in good time
    - all the time
    - at times
    - be behind time
    - for the time being
    - from time to time
    - in good time
    - in time
    - no time at all
    - no time
    - one
    - two at a time
    - on time
    - save
    - waste time
    - take one's time
    - time and time again
    - time and again

    English-Greek dictionary > time

  • 2 go

    [ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) πηγαίνω
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) περνώ
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) δίνομαι, πουλιέμαι
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) οδηγώ
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) πηγαίνω
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) `φεύγω`, απομακρύνομαι, εκδιώκομαι
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) εξελλίσομαι
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) φεύγω
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) εξαφανίζομαι
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) κάνω
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) χαλώ
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) δουλεύω, λειτουργώ
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) γίνομαι
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) είμαι
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) μπαίνω
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) πέρνω
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) ξοδεύομαι
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) είμαι επιτρεπτικός
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) κάνω (ήχο)
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) έχω κάποια μελωδία
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) πετυχαίνω
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.)
    2) (energy: She's full of go.)
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.)
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.)
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) άδεια
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go

    English-Greek dictionary > go

  • 3 record

    1. ['reko:d, -kəd, ]( American[) -kərd] noun
    1) (a written report of facts, events etc: historical records; I wish to keep a record of everything that is said at this meeting.) αρχείο, καταγραφή, εγγραφή, πρακτικό
    2) (a round flat piece of (usually black) plastic on which music etc is recorded: a record of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony.) δίσκος
    3) ((in races, games, or almost any activity) the best performance so far; something which has never yet been beaten: He holds the record for the 1,000 metres; The record for the high jump was broken/beaten this afternoon; He claimed to have eaten fifty sausages in a minute and asked if this was a record; ( also adjective) a record score.) ρεκόρ, ανώτατη επίδοση
    4) (the collected facts from the past of a person, institution etc: This school has a very poor record of success in exams; He has a criminal record.) μητρώο, ιστορικό, παρελθόν
    2. [rə'ko:d] verb
    1) (to write a description of (an event, facts etc) so that they can be read in the future: The decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.) καταγράφω
    2) (to put (the sound of music, speech etc) on a record or tape so that it can be listened to in the future: I've recorded the whole concert; Don't make any noise when I'm recording.) ηχογραφώ, (εγ)γράφω
    3) ((of a dial, instrument etc) to show (a figure etc) as a reading: The thermometer recorded 30°C yesterday.) καταγράφω
    4) (to give or show, especially in writing: to record one's vote in an election.) καταγράφω
    - recording
    - record-player
    - in record time
    - off the record
    - on record

    English-Greek dictionary > record

  • 4 cry

    1. verb
    1) (to let tears come from the eyes; to weep: She cried when she heard of the old man's death.) κλαίω
    2) ((often with out) to shout out (a loud sound): She cried out for help.) φωνάζω
    2. noun
    1) (a shout: a cry of triumph.) κραυγή
    2) (a time of weeping: The baby had a little cry before he went to sleep.) κλάμα
    3) (the sound made by some animals: the cry of a wolf.) ουρλιαχτό
    - cry off

    English-Greek dictionary > cry

  • 5 until

    preposition, conjunction
    (to the time of or when: He was here until one o'clock; I won't know until I get a letter from him.) έως, μέχρι

    English-Greek dictionary > until

  • 6 roll

    I 1. [rəul] noun
    1) (anything flat (eg a piece of paper, a carpet) rolled into the shape of a tube, wound round a tube etc: a roll of kitchen foil; a toilet-roll.) ρολό
    2) (a small piece of baked bread dough, used eg for sandwiches: a cheese roll.) ψωμάκι, φραντζολάκι
    3) (an act of rolling: Our dog loves a roll on the grass.) κουτρουβάλα, στριφογύρισμα
    4) (a ship's action of rocking from side to side: She said that the roll of the ship made her feel ill.) κούνημα
    5) (a long low sound: the roll of thunder.) μπουμπουνητό
    6) (a thick mass of flesh: I'd like to get rid of these rolls of fat round my waist.) δίπλα
    7) (a series of quick beats (on a drum).) τυμπανοκρουσία
    2. verb
    1) (to move by turning over like a wheel or ball: The coin/pencil rolled under the table; He rolled the ball towards the puppy; The ball rolled away.) κυλώ, τσουλάω
    2) (to move on wheels, rollers etc: The children rolled the cart up the hill, then let it roll back down again.) κυλώ
    3) (to form (a piece of paper, a carpet) into the shape of a tube by winding: to roll the carpet back.) τυλίγω
    4) ((of a person or animal in a lying position) to turn over: The doctor rolled the patient (over) on to his side; The dog rolled on to its back.) ανοίγω (φύλλο): ισοπεδώνω, στρώνω
    5) (to shape (clay etc) into a ball or cylinder by turning it about between the hands: He rolled the clay into a ball.) κάνω μπάλα, κάνω ρολό
    6) (to cover with something by rolling: When the little girl's dress caught fire, they rolled her in a blanket.) τυλίγω
    7) (to make (something) flat or flatter by rolling something heavy over it: to roll a lawn; to roll pastry (out).) ανοίγω (φύλλο): ισοπεδώνω, στρώνω
    8) ((of a ship) to rock from side to side while travelling forwards: The storm made the ship roll.) κουνιέμαι, μποτζάρω
    9) (to make a series of low sounds: The thunder rolled; The drums rolled.) μπουμπουνίζω
    10) (to move (one's eyes) round in a circle to express fear, surprise etc.) κινώ κυκλικά τα μάτια μου
    11) (to travel in a car etc: We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst.) ταξιδεύω με τροχοφόρο
    12) ((of waves, rivers etc) to move gently and steadily: The waves rolled in to the shore.) κυματίζω ελαφρά
    13) ((of time) to pass: Months rolled by.) περνώ
    - rolling
    - roller-skate
    3. verb
    (to move on roller-skates: You shouldn't roller-skate on the pavement.) κάνω πατίνι
    - roll in
    - roll up
    (a list of names, eg of pupils in a school etc: There are nine hundred pupils on the roll.) κατάλογος ονομάτων

    English-Greek dictionary > roll

  • 7 near

    [niə] 1. adjective
    1) (not far away in place or time: The station is quite near; Christmas is getting near.) κοντινός,κοντά
    2) (not far away in relationship: He is a near relation.) στενός
    2. adverb
    1) (to or at a short distance from here or the place mentioned: He lives quite near.) κοντά
    2) ((with to) close to: Don't sit too near to the window.) κοντά(σε)
    3. preposition
    (at a very small distance from (in place, time etc): She lives near the church; It was near midnight when they arrived.) κοντά σε
    4. verb
    (to come near (to): The roads became busier as they neared the town; as evening was nearing.) πλησιάζω
    - nearness
    - nearby
    - nearside
    - near-sighted
    - a near miss

    English-Greek dictionary > near

  • 8 pass

    1. verb
    1) (to move towards and then beyond (something, by going past, through, by, over etc): I pass the shops on my way to work; The procession passed along the corridor.) περνώ
    2) (to move, give etc from one person, state etc to another: They passed the photographs around; The tradition is passed (on/down) from father to son.) δίνω,πασσάρω,μεταβιβάζω
    3) (to go or be beyond: This passes my understanding.) υπερβαίνω,ξεπερνώ
    4) ((of vehicles etc on a road) to overtake: The sports car passed me at a dangerous bend in the road.) προσπερνώ
    5) (to spend (time): They passed several weeks in the country.) περνώ
    6) ((of an official group, government etc) to accept or approve: The government has passed a resolution.) ψηφίζω
    7) (to give or announce (a judgement or sentence): The magistrate passed judgement on the prisoner.) εκδίδω(απόφαση),επιβάλλω(ποινή)
    8) (to end or go away: His sickness soon passed.) περνώ
    9) (to (judge to) be successful in (an examination etc): I passed my driving test.) περνώ,πετυχαίνω(σε)
    2. noun
    1) (a narrow path between mountains: a mountain pass.) πέρασμα,στενό
    2) (a ticket or card allowing a person to do something, eg to travel free or to get in to a building: You must show your pass before entering.) άδεια εισόδου,πάσο
    3) (a successful result in an examination, especially when below a distinction, honours etc: There were ten passes and no fails.) προβιβάσιμη βαθμολογία
    4) ((in ball games) a throw, kick, hit etc of the ball from one player to another: The centre-forward made a pass towards the goal.) πάσα
    - passing
    - passer-by
    - password
    - in passing
    - let something pass
    - let pass
    - pass as/for
    - pass away
    - pass the buck
    - pass by
    - pass off
    - pass something or someone off as
    - pass off as
    - pass on
    - pass out
    - pass over
    - pass up

    English-Greek dictionary > pass

  • 9 stop

    [stop] 1. past tense, past participle - stopped; verb
    1) (to (make something) cease moving, or come to rest, a halt etc: He stopped the car and got out; This train does not stop at Birmingham; He stopped to look at the map; He signalled with his hand to stop the bus.) σταματώ
    2) (to prevent from doing something: We must stop him (from) going; I was going to say something rude but stopped myself just in time.) σταματώ,εμποδίζω
    3) (to discontinue or cease eg doing something: That woman just can't stop talking; The rain has stopped; It has stopped raining.) (αυτοπ.)σταματώ
    4) (to block or close: He stopped his ears with his hands when she started to shout at him.) κλείνω,βουλώνω
    5) (to close (a hole, eg on a flute) or press down (a string on a violin etc) in order to play a particular note.) παίζω νότα πνευστού οργάνου(με τρύπες)
    6) (to stay: Will you be stopping long at the hotel?) μένω
    2. noun
    1) (an act of stopping or state of being stopped: We made only two stops on our journey; Work came to a stop for the day.) στάση,σταμάτημα
    2) (a place for eg a bus to stop: a bus stop.) στάση
    3) (in punctuation, a full stop: Put a stop at the end of the sentence.) τελεία
    4) (a device on a flute etc for covering the holes in order to vary the pitch, or knobs for bringing certain pipes into use on an organ.) σαν τρύπα(φλάουτου),κλειδί(κλαρίνου)
    5) (a device, eg a wedge etc, for stopping the movement of something, or for keeping it in a fixed position: a door-stop.) πώμα,τάπα,τακάκι
    - stopper
    - stopping
    - stopcock
    - stopgap
    - stopwatch
    - put a stop to
    - stop at nothing
    - stop dead
    - stop off
    - stop over
    - stop up

    English-Greek dictionary > stop

  • 10 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) ανακούφιση
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) βοήθημα, αρωγή
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) αντικαταστάτης (π.χ. με αλλαγή βάρδιας)
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) λύση πολιορκίας
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) ανάγλυφο
    - relieved

    English-Greek dictionary > relief

  • 11 year

    [jiə] 1. noun
    1) (the period of time the earth takes to go once round the sun, about 365 days: We lived here for five years, from November 1968 to November 1973; a two-year delay.) έτος, χρόνος, χρονιά
    2) (the period from January 1 to December 31, being 365 days, except in a leap year, when it is 366 days: in the year 1945.) έτος
    2. adverb
    (every year: The festival is held yearly.) μια φορά το χρόνο
    - all the year round
    - all year round
    - long

    English-Greek dictionary > year

  • 12 run

    1. present participle - running; verb
    1) ((of a person or animal) to move quickly, faster than walking: He ran down the road.) τρέχω
    2) (to move smoothly: Trains run on rails.) κυλώ
    3) ((of water etc) to flow: Rivers run to the sea; The tap is running.) κυλώ, ρέω, τρέχω
    4) ((of a machine etc) to work or operate: The engine is running; He ran the motor to see if it was working.) δουλεύω
    5) (to organize or manage: He runs the business very efficiently.) διευθύνω, διαχειρίζομαι, κουμαντάρω
    6) (to race: Is your horse running this afternoon?) τρέχω σε αγώνα
    7) ((of buses, trains etc) to travel regularly: The buses run every half hour; The train is running late.) κάνω δρομολόγιο
    8) (to last or continue; to go on: The play ran for six weeks.) διαρκώ
    9) (to own and use, especially of cars: He runs a Rolls Royce.) οδηγώ
    10) ((of colour) to spread: When I washed my new dress the colour ran.) ξεβάφω
    11) (to drive (someone); to give (someone) a lift: He ran me to the station.) πηγαίνω με το αυτοκίνητο
    12) (to move (something): She ran her fingers through his hair; He ran his eyes over the letter.) περνώ
    13) ((in certain phrases) to be or become: The river ran dry; My blood ran cold (= I was afraid).) γίνομαι
    2. noun
    1) (the act of running: He went for a run before breakfast.)
    2) (a trip or drive: We went for a run in the country.)
    3) (a length of time (for which something continues): He's had a run of bad luck.)
    4) (a ladder (in a stocking etc): I've got a run in my tights.)
    5) (the free use (of a place): He gave me the run of his house.)
    6) (in cricket, a batsman's act of running from one end of the wicket to the other, representing a single score: He scored/made 50 runs for his team.)
    7) (an enclosure or pen: a chicken-run.)
    - running 3. adverb
    (one after another; continuously: We travelled for four days running.) συνεχώς
    - runaway
    - rundown
    - runner-up
    - runway
    - in
    - out of the running
    - on the run
    - run across
    - run after
    - run aground
    - run along
    - run away
    - run down
    - run for
    - run for it
    - run in
    - run into
    - run its course
    - run off
    - run out
    - run over
    - run a temperature
    - run through
    - run to
    - run up
    - run wild

    English-Greek dictionary > run

  • 13 stand

    [stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb
    1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) στέκομαι
    2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) στέκομαι,σηκώνομαι όρθιος
    3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) στέκω
    4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) παραμένω,ισχύω
    5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) στέκω
    6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) στέκω,υφίσταμαι,είμαι σε κατάσταση
    7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) θέτω υποψηφιότητα
    8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) στήνω(όρθιο),ακουμπώ,βάζω
    9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) δικάζομαι/υποφέρω,ανέχομαι
    10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) κερνώ
    2. noun
    1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) θέση
    2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.) βάθρο,στήριγμα,βάση
    3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) πάγκος,περίπτερο
    4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) εξέδρα
    5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) θέση εξεταζόμενου μάρτυρα
    - standing 3. noun
    1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) διάρκεια
    2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) (κοινωνική κλπ.)θέση,υπόληψη
    4. adjective
    ((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) σε κατάσταση αναμονής
    5. adverb
    (travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) σε κατάσταση αναμονής
    - standing-room
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - stand aside
    - stand back
    - stand by
    - stand down
    - stand fast/firm
    - stand for
    - stand in
    - stand on one's own two feet
    - stand on one's own feet
    - stand out
    - stand over
    - stand up for
    - stand up to

    English-Greek dictionary > stand

  • 14 that

    1. [ðæt] plural - those; adjective
    (used to indicate a person, thing etc spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: Don't take this book - take that one; At that time, I was living in Italy; When are you going to return those books?) εκείνος, αυτός εκεί
    2. pronoun
    (used to indicate a thing etc, or (in plural or with the verb be) person or people, spoken of before, not close to the speaker, already known to the speaker and listener etc: What is that you've got in your hand?; Who is that?; That is the Prime Minister; Those present at the concert included the composer and his wife.)
    3. [ðət, ðæt] relative pronoun
    (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned in a preceding clause in order to distinguish it from others: Where is the parcel that arrived this morning?; Who is the man (that) you were talking to?) που, ο οποίος
    4. [ðət, ðæt] conjunction
    1) ((often omitted) used to report what has been said etc or to introduce other clauses giving facts, reasons, results etc: I know (that) you didn't do it; I was surprised (that) he had gone.) ότι, πως
    2) (used to introduce expressions of sorrow, wishes etc: That I should be accused of murder!; Oh, that I were with her now!) να / είθε
    5. adverb
    (so; to such an extent: I didn't realize she was that ill.) τόσο
    - that's that

    English-Greek dictionary > that

  • 15 snatch

    [snæ ] 1. verb
    1) (to (try to) seize or grab suddenly: The monkey snatched the biscuit out of my hand.) αρπάζω,βουτώ
    2) (to take quickly, when one has time or the opportunity: She managed to snatch an hour's sleep.) αρπάζω,παίρνω στα κλεφτά
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt to seize: The thief made a snatch at her handbag.) απότομη κίνηση για να αρπάξω
    2) (a short piece or extract eg from music, conversation etc: a snatch of conversation.) απόσπασμα,κομμάτι

    English-Greek dictionary > snatch

  • 16 here

    [hiə] 1. adverb
    1) ((at, in or to) this place: He's here; Come here; He lives not far from here; Here they come; Here is / Here's your lost book.) (εδώ)ορίστε
    2) (at this time; at this point in an argument: Here she stopped speaking to wipe her eyes; Here is where I disagree with you.) σ'αυτό το σημείο
    3) (beside one: My colleague here will deal with the matter.) από 'δω
    2. interjection
    1) (a shout of surprise, disapproval etc: Here! what do you think you're doing?) ε!
    2) (a shout used to show that one is present: Shout `Here!' when I call your name.) παρών!
    - hereabouts
    - hereabout
    - hereafter
    - the hereafter
    - hereby
    - herein
    - herewith
    - here and there
    - here goes
    - here's to
    - here
    - there and everywhere
    - here you are
    - neither here nor there

    English-Greek dictionary > here

См. также в других словарях:

  • From the Terrace — is a 1960 motion picture directed by Mark Robson and starring Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Myrna Loy, Barbara Eden, Ina Balin, and Leon Ames.The screenplay was written by Ernest Lehman based on the 1958 novel by John O Hara that tells the story… …   Wikipedia

  • List of minor characters from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy — The following is a list of minor characters in the various versions of The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy , by Douglas Adams.AgrajagAgrajag is a constantly reincarnated entity who ends up being killed multiple times by Arthur Dent. First… …   Wikipedia

  • The Time Tunnel — Infobox Television show name = The Time Tunnel caption = The Time Tunnel intertitle format = Science fiction runtime = approx. 52 minutes creator = Irwin Allen starring = James Darren Robert Colbert Whit Bissell John Zaremba Lee Meriwether… …   Wikipedia

  • The Time Ships — infobox Book | name = The Time Ships title orig = translator = image caption = Cover of HarperCollins 1996 mass market paperback edition author = Stephen Baxter illustrator = cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Time Machine — This article is about the novel by H.G. Wells. For other uses, see The Time Machine (disambiguation). The Time Machine   …   Wikipedia

  • French Revolution from the summer of 1790 to the establishment of the Legislative Assembly — The Civil Constitution of the Clergy divided the French people. Good Catholics were strongly opposed to it. Some nobles were so worried about the way things were going that they left France. They urged the royal family to join them.The French… …   Wikipedia

  • From the Earth to the Moon — This article is about the Jules Verne novel. For the 1958 film adaptation, see From the Earth to the Moon (film). For the unrelated miniseries, see From the Earth to the Moon (TV miniseries). From the Earth to the Moon   …   Wikipedia

  • The time is up — Up Up ([u^]p), adv. [AS. up, upp, [=u]p; akin to OFries. up, op, D. op, OS. [=u]p, OHG. [=u]f, G. auf, Icel. & Sw. upp, Dan. op, Goth. iup, and probably to E. over. See {Over}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Aloft; on high; in a direction contrary to that of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • From the Earth to the Moon (miniseries) — Infobox Television show name = From the Earth to the Moon caption = From the Earth to the Moon, the signature edition, DVD cover format = Drama, History camera = picture format = audio format = runtime = 60 minutes creator = developer = producer …   Wikipedia

  • John Maclean's Speech From the Dock — John Maclean MA, Scottish socialist agitator was a prominent activist against World War I. On 9 May 1918 he was tried for his anti war activities at the High Court in Edinburgh. He used this trial to argue for socialism and against war by making… …   Wikipedia

  • List of characters from The Sopranos — The characters from the HBO series, The Sopranos that are friends or family of the Sopranos. Contents 1 Soprano family blood relations 1.1 Domenica Nica Baccalieri 1.2 Anthony Tony B. Blundetto …   Wikipedia

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