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  • 1 Frame

    That which encloses anything: P. and V. περβολος, ὁ, κύτος, τό (Plat.).
    A frame of wicker: P. πλέγμα, τό.
    Frame of a carriage ( as opposed to wheels): P. ὑπερτερία, ἡ (Plat.).
    Framework, structure: P. and V. κατάστασις, ἡ. P. σύστημα, τό, σύστασις, ἡ, σύνταξις, ἡ, V. ἁρμόσματα, τά.
    Wood-work of a building: P. ξύλωσις, ἡ.
    Body: P. and V. σῶμα, τό. V. δέμας, τό.
    Trunk: P. and V. κύτος, τό (Plat.).
    Frame for weaving: P. and V. ἱστός, ὁ.
    Shape: P. and V. σχῆμα, τό; see Shape.
    Frame of mind: P. διάθεσις, ἡ.
    Put in a certain frame of mind, v.: P. διατιθέναι πως.
    Be in a certain frame of mind: P. διακεῖσθαί πως, P. and V. ἔχειν πως.
    v. trans.
    Enclose: P. and V. περιβάλλειν.
    Construct: P. and V. συντιθέναι, συμπηγνύναι, συναρμόζειν, συνάπτειν, P. κατασκευάζειν; see Organise.
    Contrive: P. and V. συντιθέναι, μηχανᾶσθαι, τεχνᾶσθαι, τεκταίνεσθαι, P. ἐκτεχνᾶσθαι, Ar. and V. μήδεσθαι.
    Make up: P. κατασκευάζειν, συσκευάζειν, P. and V. πλέκειν, V. ἐμπλέκειν, ῥάπτειν, πορράπτειν, καταρράπτειν; see Contrive.
    Invent: P. and V. εὑρίσκειν; see Invent.
    Frame (laws.): P. and V. γρφειν; with law-giver as subject: P. and V. τιθέναι.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Frame

  • 2 Construction

    Act of building: P. οἰκοδομία, ἡ, οἰκοδόμησις, ἡ, κατασκευή, ἡ.
    Composition, putting together: P. and V. σύνθεσις, ἡ.
    Frame-work, organisation: P. and V. κατάστασις, ἡ, κατασκευή, ἡ (once Eur.), P. σύνταξις, ἡ, σύστασις, ἡ.
    Making: P. ἐργασία, ἡ, ποίησις, ἡ, δημιουργία, ἡ.
    Interpretation: P. ἑρμηνεία, ἡ.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Construction

См. также в других словарях:

  • frame|work — «FRAYM WURK», noun, verb, –n. 1. a support or skeleton; stiff part that gives shape to a thing; frame: »The bridge had a steel framework. 2. Figurative. the way in which a thing is put together; structure or system: »the framework of government.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • frame·work — /ˈfreımˌwɚk/ noun, pl works [count] 1 : the basic structure of something These influences threaten the very framework of our society. : a set of ideas or facts that provide support for something The book provides a general framework for… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Frame analysis — is a multi disciplinary social science research method used to analyze how people understand situations and activities. The concept is generally attributed to the work of Erving Goffman and his 1974 book Frame analysis: An essay on the… …   Wikipedia

  • frame — vt framed, fram·ing 1: to formulate the contents of and draw up (as a document) in the two hundred years since our Constitution was framed W. J. Brennan, Jr. 2: to contrive the evidence against (as an innocent person) so that a verdict of guilty… …   Law dictionary

  • Frame, Set & Match — (FSM) is a post production facility based in Sydney, Australia. Established in 1984 by Stephen Dunn and Rick Schweikert, FSM has developed from small operations to become a major producer and participant in film, television and design throughout… …   Wikipedia

  • work up — index churn, compose, foment, frame (formulate), perturb, pique, provoke, scheme …   Law dictionary

  • Work (physics) — Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law History of classical mechanics  …   Wikipedia

  • frame — Synonyms and related words: Platonic form, Platonic idea, adjoin, aesthetic form, anatomy, angle, appendicular skeleton, archetype, architectonics, architecture, arrange, arrangement, art form, assemble, attitude, axial skeleton, backing, bank,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Frame bundle — In mathematics, a frame bundle is a principal fiber bundle F(E) associated to any vector bundle E. The fiber of F(E) over a point x is the set of all ordered bases, or frames, for Ex. The general linear group acts naturally on F(E) via a change… …   Wikipedia

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