1 frame section
1) Техника: участок рамы2) Автомобильный термин: сечение лонжерона, сечение рамы -
2 frame section
3 frame section
сечение рамы; сечение лонжерона -
4 upper frame section
Техника: верхняя рама -
5 frame
рама; рамка; ферма; балка; станина; корпус; остов; каркас; козлы; дуга; скоба; обойма; струбцинка; конструкция; строение; сооружение; II собирать из частей (конструкцию); вставлять в раму; строить, сооружать- frame cross-member - frame diagram - frame extension - frame girder - frame head - frame longitudinal member - frame lug - frame member - frame misalignment - frame of axis - frame of roof - frame section - frame side member - frame side rail - frame straightener - frame turn-over hoist - frame weave - frame weaving - frame work - box frame - braced frame - bracing frame - buffer frame - built-up frame - cambered frame - car frame - cast-welded frame - saw frame - double-drop frame - double standard frame - drying frame - glass frame - hammer frame - herringbone frame - high-level frame - hinged frame - inswept frame - joggled frame - kick-up frame - lattice frame - lift frame - load-bearing frame - magnet frame - main frame - open frame - pin-connected frame - pinion frame - pipe frame - plate frame - portal frame - pressed frame - pressed steel frame - push frame - radiator frame - rigid frame - riveted frame - seat frame - side frame - side-car frame - split frame - spring frame - stamped frame - steel frame - stiffening frame - straight frame - straight-braced frame - supporting frame - swing frame - track frame - track roller frame - truck frame - trussed frame - tubular frame - tubular herringbone frame - tyre carrier frame - underslung frame - welded frame - wheel house frame - winch frame - window frame - windshield frame - wire frame - wood frame - wood-filled frame - X-frame -
6 frame
рама; каркас, остов; см. тж. framework; рамочная антенна; фото кадр; рамный; каркасный; pl. оси координат; рамки [границы] ( области применения)— Z frame -
7 section
1) профиль; сечение2) отсек; секция; участок; часть•- box section
- cable cross section
- closed section
- crankcase section
- cross section
- double-T section
- effective section
- entry section
- exit section
- forebody section
- frame section
- I-section
- lateral section
- longitudinal section
- metering section
- part section
- rim section
- tire section
- tooth section
- trailing section
- T-section
- variable section* * ** * *• /vt/ подразделять• секция -
8 frame leakage protection
защита от тока утечки на корпус
Защита, входной воздействующей величиной которой является ток, протекающий через соединение, связывающее корпус установки с землей.
Пример: защита трансформатора от тока утечки на бак.
[Разработка типовых структурных схем микропроцессорных устройств РЗА на объектах ОАО "ФКС ЕЭС". Пояснительная записка. Новосибирск 2006 г.]EN
frame leakage protection
case ground protection (US)
frame ground protection (US)
protection in which the input energizing quantity is a current flowing through the path connecting the framework of the stated equipment in the protected section to earth
Example: A frame leakage protection of a transformer tank.
[ IEV ref 448-14-21]FR
protection de masse
protection dont la grandeur d'alimentation est un courant circulant dans la connexion reliant à la terre la structure du matériel considéré, dans la section protégée
Exemple: Protection de masse d'une cuve de transformateur.
[ IEV ref 448-14-21]Тематики
- Gestell-Erdschlussschutz, m
- Kessel-Erdschlussschutz, m
защита от токов утечки на корпус
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > frame leakage protection
9 frame
1) рама; станина; корпус; каркас; остов; ферма || заключать в раму; обносить рамой; сооружать каркас3) метал. опока7) возд., мор. шпангоут9) система координат; система отсчёта10) габарит ( электрической машины)11) эл. (линейная) опора12) лесопильная рама13) цел.-бум. сеточный стол14) подрамник ( черпальной формы)15) блок данных16) фрейм ( в искусственном интеллекте)17) формат ( факсимильной копии)18) вчт., тлв кадр ( изображения); конверт ( в сетях передачи данных)19) рамка ( на экране дисплея)22) швейн. пяльцы25) создавать26) собирать из частей, составлять•frame by frame — по (отдельным) кадрам;frames per second — кадров в секунду, кадр/с-
activation frame
adjustable frame
all-welded frame
antialiased single frame
articulated frame
automatic quiller frame
balanced frame
balloon frame
beam frame
bearer frame
bed frame
bodyside frame
bogie frame
bogie side frame
bogie suspension frame
bossed frame
box frame
box-section frame
braced frame
bracing frame
building frame
built-up frame
can roving frame
canopy frame
canted frame
cant frame
cap spinning frame
car body frame
car frame
carriage frame
case frame
cased frame
cast-welded frame
chain gill drawing frame
channel frame
claw frame
color frame
command frame
continuous frame
cooling frame
coordinate frame
cramping frame
cramp frame
cushion frame
cutting frame
damper frame
data frame
deal saw frame
deep frame
digital interface frame
display frame
distributing frame
dobby frame
door frame
double egress frame
double-twisting frame
doubling frame
draft frame
draw frame
drawbar hitch frame
drawing-in frame
drawing-out frame
drop frame
dry spinning frame
drying frame
dry-wall frame
entire frame
exposed frame
fabricated bogie frame
fancy twisting frame
ferrite frame
filling spinning frame
film frame
finder frame
fire frame
fixed reservation frame
fixed-format frame
fixed-length frame
flaring frame
flyer frame
fly frame
free-standing beam frame
freeze frame
front track roller frame
full frame
fuselage frame
gate frame
generalized coordinate frame
gill drawing frame
girder frame
gooseneck frame
ground frame
grouted frame
guide frame
H frame
harness frame
hatch frame
heddle frame
high-output draw frame
high-pressure gate frame
hinged frame
hoist-head frame
hold frame
hyperstatic frame
imperfect frame
inertial frame
inertial reference frame
ingot chair-tilting frame
injection frame
intercostal frame
interlocking frame
intermediate frame
internally braced frame
intersecting gill drawing frame
jacquard frame
joggled frame
knife frame
ladder-type frame
ladle frame
laminated frame
lap frame
lap-drawing frame
lapping frame
lead frame
lift frame
line-supervision frame
link frame
load-bearing frame
log frame
magnet frame
main distribution frame
main frame
maintenance test frame
meter frame
middle frame
midship frame
mold frame
mounting frame
moving frame
multiple-bay frame
needle bar frame
Newtonian reference frame
object-centered coordinate frame
openreading frame
operator seat frame
outstanding frame
page frame
panting frame
parallel lift frame
pattern chain tension frame
peephole frame
perfect frame
picture frame
pile frame
pin-connected frame
plane frame
portal frame
positioning frame
power frame
press frame
printing frame
printing-down vacuum frame
propeller frame
radiator frame
rake frame
reading frame
redundant frame
reference frame
rigid-jointed frame
rigid frame
ring frame
roller frame
roof suspension swing frame
round knitting frame
roving frame
rugged work designed frame
sand frame
saw pit frame
scanning frame
screen frame
shrink frame
side frame
sieve frame
slotted frame
smoking frame
soap frame
soap-cooling frame
space frame
spectacle frame
spinning frame
spiral drawing frame
split frame
stack frame
stator frame
stenter frame
stern frame
stiff frame
stiffening frame
still frame
stub frame
supervisory frame
suppressed frame
swing frame
television frame
tension frame
tenter frame
three-piece frame
throwing frame
tilting frame
time frame
time-code frame
top frame
torsion-free frame
track frame
transfer molding frame
truck frame
truck-side frame
tweendeck frame
two-point mounting roller frame
unslotted frame
variable-length frame
video frame
viewer-centered coordinate frame
warp ring spinning frame
water frame
web frame
wet-spinning frame
wide-gage track frame
window frame
wing main frame
wood H frame -
10 frame
1) конструкция, сооружение, строение; скелет сооружения; каркас; рама, рамка; станина; корпус2) ферма, стропила3) козлы; дуга; скоба4) стойка; колонка; траверса5) границы, пределы, рамки6) система отсчёта, система координат7) создавать, вырабатывать8) собирать ( конструкцию)9) оправлять•- A-frame - adjustable frame - all concrete frame - all-welded frame - angle iron frame - balloon frame - bearing frame - bent frame - body frame - boring frame - box-section frame - box- frame - braced frame - bracing frame - building frame - built-up frame - cab frame - carriage frame - catch frame - channel frame - chassis frame - closed rigid frame - composite truss frame - concrete frame - curved frame - door frame - engine frame - filter frame - finder frame - foundation frame - gate frame - grouted frame - guide frame - half-lattice frame - hanger frame - high-pressure gate frame - hinged frame - hingeless frame - horizontal frame - imperfect frame - jigging frame - knee frame - lattice frame - leader frame - main frame - measuring frame - metal frame - moment-resisting space frame - multiple-bay frame - portal frame - redundant frame - reinforced concrete frame - reinforced concrete skeleton frame - rigid frame - rotary frame - saw frame - self-stressed frame - skeleton frame - skeleton frame construction - slider frame - space frame - steel frame - stiff frame - stiffening frame - supporting frame - travelling frame - window frame* * *1. стержневая конструкция, каркас; рама2. дверная или оконная коробка- A frame
- arched frame
- balloon frame
- braced frame
- bracing frame
- building frame
- chassis frame of crane mounting
- complex frame
- continuous rigid frame
- continuous frame
- conveyor belt frame
- door frame
- filter frame
- fir frame
- fixed frame
- grouted frame
- high-rise building frames
- hingeless frame
- hopper frame
- imperfect frame
- knocked-down frame
- lifting frame
- measuring frame
- moment-resisting space frame
- multiple frame
- multispan frame
- multistory frame
- no-hinged frame
- one-span frame
- orthogonal space frame
- pile frame
- plane frame
- portal frame
- precast concrete frame
- reinforced concrete tower frames
- rigid frame
- rigid portal frame
- rolling shutter frame
- semirigid frame
- several stories high frame
- single swing frame
- site-cast concrete frame
- skewed space frame
- space frame
- steel rigid frame
- steel frame
- steel tube space frame
- structural frame
- structural steelwork frame
- three-dimensional frame
- three-hinged frame
- three-pinned frame
- tie frames
- timber frame
- window frame -
11 frame
каркас; рама- articulated frame
- auxiliary frame
- backbone frame
- bent frame
- body frame
- bogie frame
- box-section frame
- caliper frame
- center tube frame
- center-girder frame
- channel frame
- chassis frame
- curved frame
- cushion frame
- door frame
- drop frame
- dropped frame
- energy-absorbing frame
- engine frame
- flat-topped constant depth frame
- flat-topped frame
- herringbone frame
- inswept frame
- ladder-type frame
- load-bearing frame
- low-profile frame
- main frame
- perimeter frame
- perimeter-type frame
- pipe frame
- pressured steel frame
- rigid frame
- riveted frame
- seat frame
- space frame
- step frame
- straight frame
- supporting frame
- truck frame
- tubular frame
- tubular herringbone frame
- underslung frame
- welded frame
- window frame* * *• рама -
12 frame ground protection
защита от тока утечки на корпус
Защита, входной воздействующей величиной которой является ток, протекающий через соединение, связывающее корпус установки с землей.
Пример: защита трансформатора от тока утечки на бак.
[Разработка типовых структурных схем микропроцессорных устройств РЗА на объектах ОАО "ФКС ЕЭС". Пояснительная записка. Новосибирск 2006 г.]EN
frame leakage protection
case ground protection (US)
frame ground protection (US)
protection in which the input energizing quantity is a current flowing through the path connecting the framework of the stated equipment in the protected section to earth
Example: A frame leakage protection of a transformer tank.
[ IEV ref 448-14-21]FR
protection de masse
protection dont la grandeur d'alimentation est un courant circulant dans la connexion reliant à la terre la structure du matériel considéré, dans la section protégée
Exemple: Protection de masse d'une cuve de transformateur.
[ IEV ref 448-14-21]Тематики
- Gestell-Erdschlussschutz, m
- Kessel-Erdschlussschutz, m
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > frame ground protection
13 frame levelling implement section
Техника: секция выравнивания рамыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > frame levelling implement section
14 frame levelling section
Техника: секция выравнивания рамыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > frame levelling section
15 section frame
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > section frame
16 box-section frame
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > box-section frame
17 box-section frame
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > box-section frame
18 box section track roller frame
Общая лексика: рама коробчатого сеченияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > box section track roller frame
19 box-section frame
1) Техника: рама коробчатого сечения2) Автомобильный термин: рама с лонжеронами замкнутого профиля -
20 midship section frame
Техника: практический мидель-шпангоут
См. также в других словарях:
Frame (vehicle) — A frame is the main structure of an automobile chassis. All other components fasten to it.ConstructionThere are three main designs for frame rails. These are:*C shaped *Boxed *HatC shapeBy far the most common, the C rail has been used on nearly… … Wikipedia
Frame and panel — construction (also called rail and stile ) is a woodworking technique often used in the making of doors, wainscoting, and other decorative features for cabinets, furniture, and homes. The basic idea is to capture a floating panel within a sturdy… … Wikipedia
Section Eleven of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms — is the section of the Canadian Constitution s Charter of Rights that protects a person s legal rights in criminal and penal matters. This includes both criminal as well as regulatory offences, as it provides rights for those accused by the state… … Wikipedia
Frame bundle — In mathematics, a frame bundle is a principal fiber bundle F(E) associated to any vector bundle E. The fiber of F(E) over a point x is the set of all ordered bases, or frames, for Ex. The general linear group acts naturally on F(E) via a change… … Wikipedia
Frame fields in general relativity — In general relativity, a frame field (also called a tetrad or vierbein) is a set of four orthonormal vector fields, one timelike and three spacelike, defined on a Lorentzian manifold that is physically interpreted as a model of spacetime. The… … Wikipedia
Frame — A frame is a structural system that supports other components of a physical construction. Frame may also refer to:Engineering construction* Framing (construction), a building term known as light frame construction * Frame (vehicle), to which… … Wikipedia
Frame story — A frame story (also frame tale, frame narrative, etc.) is a literary technique and a type of story within a story, whereby an introductory or main narrative is presented, at least in part, for the purpose of setting the stage either for a more… … Wikipedia
Frame of a vector space — This article is about a generalization of bases to linearly dependent sets of vectors. For a linearly independent set of vectors, see k frame. In linear algebra, a frame of a vector space V with an inner product can be seen as a generalization of … Wikipedia
Frame synchronizer — ApplicationTelevisionA frame synchronizer is a device used in live television production to match the timing of an incoming video source to the timing of an existing video system. They are often used to time in consumer video equipment to a… … Wikipedia
frame — /freɪm / (say fraym) noun 1. an enclosing border or case, as for a picture. 2. anything composed of parts fitted and joined together; a structure. 3. the sustaining parts of a structure fitted and joined together; framework; skeleton. 4. the body …
frame — noun 1》 a rigid structure surrounding a picture, door, etc. ↘(frames) a metal or plastic structure holding the lenses of a pair of glasses. ↘the rigid supporting structure of a vehicle, aircraft, or other object. ↘a box like structure … English new terms dictionary