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со всех языков на русский


  • 21 участок обитания

    home range, range
    см. также территория, перемещения, след). His range was confined to the Rush Creek drainage.
    The actual area occupied was probably greater than that indicated in Fig. 1 .
    I believe the actual areas utilized by some lions extend beyond that indicated .
    The winter range was on lower Big Creek and downstream on the Middle Fork. Its extent is not known. Her distinctive track, noted during previous years, revealed that she had been in the area since the study began. .
    Females No 10,11, and 12 reside in the same range as male No 1 .
    I do believe, however, that territories relative to each over are properly depicted by the capture data .
    All females studied appeared to change the extent of their ranges in different winter seasons. The changes were correlated with females reproductive status .
    When alone, a female does not need to utilize a large area, but when accompanied by kittens, the demands of the family for food dictate that she utilize a larger hunting area .
    Female No 4, accompanied by the three approximately 7 to 8 month-old kittens, confined herself to the eastern portion of the range. .
    In 1998, still accompanied by the three kittens (now 18 to 22 months old), she utilized only about one-third of the previous years range. .
    Thus a larger area is required a female reproductive status, and the age and number of her offspring dictate the extent of her seasonal range. The range area is limited by the ability of young to travel great distances .
    Individual ranges were determined by plotting outlying points of observations .
    Each boulder-field supported one to three pair(s), which appeared to occupy broadly overlapping home ranges, rather than strictly defended territories. .

    Русско-английский словарь по этологии (поведению животных) > участок обитания

  • 22 не детей крестить

    lit. we are not to baptize (to christen) each other's children; we're not standing godfather to each other's children (i.e. why should I (we) be too ceremonious?); there's no need to stand on ceremony with smb.

    Крупов был тронут, уговаривал его не бояться Негровых... - Ведь вам с ними не детей крестить; будете учить мальчика, а с отцом, с матерью видеться за обедом. (А. Герцен, Кто виноват?) — Krupov was sympathetic and urged him not to fear the Negrovs... 'After all, you are not becoming one of the family; you are to teach their boy and see the father and mother only at dinner.'

    Постояльцы с ним не заговаривали, да и он сам не любил тратить попусту слова. "Мне ваши деньги нужны, а вам моя харчь,... не детей нам с вами крестить; проезжий поел, покормил, не засиживайся. А устал, так спи, не болтай". (И. Тургенев, Постоялый двор) — The customers did not try to make talk with him, but then he himself did not like to waste breath chatting. 'I want your money, and you want my food... We're not standing godfather to each other's children; eat your fill, feed your horses, and be on your way. And if you're feeling tired, go to sleep, don't chatter.'

    Да и не всё ли равно, с кем разучивать танцы! Не на век же! Не детей же, как говорится у нас в деревне, крестить. (В. Солоухин, Серафима) — And indeed what difference did it make with whom I learned to dance? I was not bound to her forever; we were not, as Russian peasants say, going to christen our children.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не детей крестить

  • 23 жалеть

    1. to be sorry about; 2. to be sorry for; 3. to wish; 4. to regret; 5. to have (no) regret; 6. to sympathize; 7. to have/to feel sympathy for; 8. to feel for; 9. to pity; 10. to have pity on; 11. to spare; 12. to grudge
    Русское многозначное жалеть относится к проявлению чувств и эмоций, таких как жалость, сострадание, сочувствие, оно также выражает отношение к различного рода затратам (времени, денег, сил). Английские эквиваленты относятся к разным частям речи и передаются разными словами и словосочетаниями.
    1. to be sorry about — сожалеть ( о чем-либо), жалеть (что-либо), печалиться, сокрушаться: I know I was unkind to her and I'm sorry about it. — Я знаю, что был с ней нелюбезен, и я об этом очень сожалею. I wish I had attended the concert. — Oh, you need not be sorry about it, the concert was very dull. — Жаль, что я не был на концерте. — О, не о чем сожалеть, концерт был очень скучный. Aunt June had always felt a little sorry that she had never married. — Тетя Джун всегда немного жалела, что не вышла замуж. It was a stupid idea and I'm sorry ever mentioned it. — Это была глупая идея, и мне жаль, что я о пей вообще заговорил. Не was sorry to be leaving the small town where he had grown up. — Ему было жаль покидать этот маленький городок, где он вырос. They will be sorry for the mess they have made in the house when their mother gets home. — Когда мать придет домой, они еще пожалеют, что устроили в доме такой беспорядок. There is nothing to be sorry about, you haven't done anything wrong. — He о чем сожалеть, ты ничего плохого не сделал. She was sorry about hurting him, but she felt she had to tell him about it. — Она сожалела, что причинила ему огорчение, но сознавала, что должна была сказать ему об этом.
    2. tо be sorry for — жалеть ( кого-либо), сочувствовать ( комулибо) ( испытывать чувство жалости): She told me you didn't gel the job, I am very sorry for you. — Она сказала мне, что вы не получили эту работу, я вам сочувствую./Ома сообщила мне, что вам не дали эту работу, мне очень жаль. Sometimes Betty fell sorry for her friend, she seemed so lonely. — Иногда Бетти было жалко подругу, она была такой одинокой./Иногда Бетти жалела подругу, у нее был такой грустный вид. I know he is behaving badly, but I cannot help feeling sorry for him. — Я знаю, что он себя плохо ведет, но не могу его не жалеть. Не will probably go to jail for this, it is his wife I feel sorry for. — Он наверно сядет за это в тюрьму, но я сочувствую больше его жене./Он вероятно попадет за это в тюрьму, но я больше жалею его жену.
    3. to wish — сожалеть, сокрушаться; жалеть, что, жаль, что (глагол wish передает это значение в конструкции с последующим глаголом в форме Subjunctive и может относить ситуацию к настоящему или будущему с Subjunctive I или к прошлому с формой Subjunctive II): I wish I knew the subject better. — Я хотел бы знать этот предмет лучше./Жаль, но этого вопроса я хорошо не знаю. I wish I had accepted his offer. — Жаль, что я не принял этого предложения./Я сожалею о том, что не принял этого предложения./Надо было принять это предложение. I wish I had not told her about it. — Жаль, что я ей об этом рассказал. I wish I did not go there. — Я жалею, что пошел туда. I wish I had known about your decision before. — Жаль, что я не знал о вашем решении раньше.
    4. to regret — жалеть, сожалеть (испытывать печаль, огорчение при мысли о том, что нельзя исправить; желать, чтобы этого не произошло): to regret smth — сожалеть о чем-либо I have often regretted leaving the police post. — Я часто сожалею, что оставил работу в полиции. Inviting the family to live with her was a decision she would later regret. — Она будет позже сожалеть о своем решении предложить этой семье жить с ней. It is a great opportunity, Mr. Joyce, you will never regret it. — Это очень хорошая возможность, мистер Джойс, вы никогда об этом не пожалеете. I said they could come but immediately regretted it. — Я сказал, что им можно прийти, но тут же пожалел об этом./Я сказал, что они могут прийти, но сразу же пожалел об этом.
    5. to have (no) regret — сожалеть, сочувствовать: My only regret is that I never visited the place. — Единственное, о чем я сожалею, это о том, что я не побывал в этом месте. I know that if I didn't make a clean breast with Victor I should be filled with regret for the rest of my life. — Я знаю, что, если бы честно во всем не признался Виктору, я бы сожалел об этом до конца своих дней.
    6. to sympathize — жалеть, сочувствовать ( разделять чьи-либо чувства): Lucy was in a terribly difficult position. Mr. Hardy sympathized with her and offered his help. — Люси была в очень трудном положении, и мистер Харди посочувствовал ей и предложил свою помощь./Люси была и очень трудной ситуации, и мистер Харди пожалел ее и предложил ей помочь. Much as I sympathize with you in your position I don't really see what I can do. — Я вам очень сочувствую в вашем положении, но не вижу, что я могу для вас сделать. I sympathize with you, my son also used to be teased at school. — Я вам сочувствую, моего сына тоже когда-то дразнили в школе./Я вас понимаю, моего сына тоже когда-то дразнили в школе./Я понимаю, как вам неприятно, моего сына тоже когда-то дразнили в школе.
    7. to have/to feel sympathy for — сочувствовать кому-либо ( кто находится в тяжелом положении и выражать понимание его состояния): Не felt some sympathy for the poor old woman, he knew what it was like to be alone. — Он жалел бедную старушку, он знал, что значит быть одиноким./Он сочувствовал бедной старушке, он знал, каково быть одиноким. I'm afraid I don't have much sympathy for people who spend more than they can afford and then find themselves in debt. — Боюсь, я не жалею людей, которые тратят больше, чем они могут себе позволить, и потом оказываются в долгах./Боюсь, я не сочувствую людям, которые тратят больше, чем они могут себе позволить, и потом оказываются в долгах. You have my deepest sympathy we were sorry to hear of your sister's death. — Я вам глубоко сочувствую, мы очень огорчились, узнав о смерти вашей сестры.
    8. to feel for — жалеть, сочувствовать (искренне жалеть кого-либо, у кого неприятности или кому нездоровится; понимать чужие затруднения): I really feel for her, with no job and three children to feed. — Мне ее очень жаль, она без работы и стремя детьми на руках, которых надо кормить./ Я ей очень сочувствую, у нес трое детей, которых надо кормить, а работы нет. You couldn't help feeling for their team when they missed a penalty at the last minute of the game. — Нельзя было не посочувствовать команде, которой забили пенальти в последнюю минуту игры./Нельзя было не посочувствовать команде, когда они пропустили штрафной удар на последней минуте игры.
    9. to pity — жалеть, испытывать жалость к кому-либо ( в его несчастье): When we hear of refugees starving it is not enough to pity their misery; we must do something practical. — Когда слышишь о том, что беженцы голодают, то мало их пожалеть, надо предпринять практические шаги./Когда мы слышим о том, что беженцы голодают, то мало их жалеть, мы должны сделать что-либо для них. I pity you having to leave your home for such a long lime. — Мне жаль, что тебе приходится уезжать из дома так надолго.
    10. to have pity on — жалеть, сжалиться ( над кем-либо) (сочувствовать и делать что-либо, чтобы ему помочь): The starving child came to the door dressed in rags. The old couple, poor as they were, took pity on her and gave her food. — Голодающий ребенок в лохмотьях подошел к дверям пожилой пары; как ни были бедны эти старики сами, они сжалились над ребенком и накормили его. She was full of pity for the little boy with no one to love him and care for him. — Ее переполняла жалость к мальчугану, которого никто не любил, о котором никто не заботился.
    11. to spare — жалеть, беречь, экономить: to spare one's strength — беречь силы/жалеть силы; to spare expenses — экономить на расходах/жалеть делать лишние затраты; to spare no pains — не жалеть сил; to spare no efforts — не жалеть усилий
    12. to grudge — жалеть, скупиться, неохотно давать, неохотно тратить: Не grudged the time for a walk. — Ему жалко тратить время на прогулку. Не grudged me every penny. — Он жалел для меня каждую копейку.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > жалеть

  • 24 hagu

    breath, respiration, air. He haro i te hagu a roto, to draw in air, to breathe. He hakaea mai te hagu, to breathe.
    Figuratively: sustenance, snack. He gau i te hagu, to eat something. He tuha te kai mo te hagu o te tagata, the food was shared for the men's sustenance.
    Figuratively: hagu gatu, a great need, a pressing desire, such as when you hold your breath in expectation. He gatu te hagu, to have a great desire of something (lit. breath is held). He gatu hau o te tagata ki te miro ki te tu'u mai (or: mo te tu'u mai o te miro), the people's great desire for a boat to come. Te matu'a e gatu ró mai te hagu ki taana poki ana oho ki te tahi kaíga, a father feels a great desire to see his son again when he leaves for another country.
    Strength. Te hagu o te rima, the strength of the hands.

    Rapanui-English dictionary > hagu

  • 25 îku

    to choose the best; to arrange something in the best possible way; something fine, exquisite, choice: he-îku i te tagata. to select the best men; tagata îku, fine man: he îku i te kahu, to make a fine dress; he-îku i te kaihaga, to choose delicate, light food. I te nohoga tûai, te matu'a he hakama'a ki taana poki me îku i te kai-haga; e-kai i te me'e mo ta'e pagaha'a; te uhi, te tôa, te me'e mokai. Ana tu'u ki-te ta'u o te oge, ina ekó rahi te haga ki te kai. In the old days, a father would teach his son to choose fine, light foods, and not to eat heavy foods: yams and sugarcane was what he had to eat. When later came a famine, he did not need to eat much.
    to receive one's due share: ka-tahuga.

    Rapanui-English dictionary > îku

  • 26 вырубка и сжигание леса как метод увеличения сельскохозяйственных площадей

    1. Roden und Verbrennen


    вырубка и сжигание леса как метод увеличения сельскохозяйственных площадей

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    slash and burn culture
    A traditional farming system that has been used by generations of farmers in tropical forests and the savannah of north and east Africa. It is known to be an ecologically sound form of cultivation, and because the soil is poor in tropical rain forests it is a sustainable method of farming. It is still practised today, primarily in the developing countries. Small areas of bush or forests are cleared and the smaller trees burned. This unlocks the nutrients in the vegetation and gives the soil fertilizer that is easily taken up by plants. A few years later the soil is degraded and the farmer moves on to do the same at another site. The original ground is left fallow for anything up to 20 years so that the forest can regenerate. With the growth in population and in the subsequent need for more farming land to produce food, the method is increasingly being used today to clear large areas of tropical forests for cattle ranching, and in most cases the ground is not left fallow for long enough and, with modern mechanized farming systems, not enough tree stumps or suitable habitats for plant life are left to start the regeneration process. (Source: WRIGHT)





    Русско-немецкий словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > вырубка и сжигание леса как метод увеличения сельскохозяйственных площадей

  • 27 чрезмерный выпас

    1. Überweidung


    чрезмерный выпас

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    Intensive grazing by animals, for example cattle, sheep or goats, on an area of pasture. It has become a serious threat to the world's rangelands and grasslands. Several factors have led to overgrazing, which leads to the soil being degraded and becoming liable to erosion by wind and rain, and even to desertification. The main pressures leading to widespread overgrazing have been the need to increase the size and numbers of herds to produce more food for an increasing human population, and the transformation of traditional pasture land into plantations to grow cash crops. Throughout the dry tropics, where traditionally herds ranged over vast areas, intensive livestock-rearing schemes have taken over, mostly to provide meat for the export market. Well-digging operations have also led to heavy concentrations of animals in small areas. (Source: WRIGHT)





    Русско-немецкий словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > чрезмерный выпас

  • 28 вырубка и сжигание леса как метод увеличения сельскохозяйственных площадей

    1. slash and burn culture


    вырубка и сжигание леса как метод увеличения сельскохозяйственных площадей

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    slash and burn culture
    A traditional farming system that has been used by generations of farmers in tropical forests and the savannah of north and east Africa. It is known to be an ecologically sound form of cultivation, and because the soil is poor in tropical rain forests it is a sustainable method of farming. It is still practised today, primarily in the developing countries. Small areas of bush or forests are cleared and the smaller trees burned. This unlocks the nutrients in the vegetation and gives the soil fertilizer that is easily taken up by plants. A few years later the soil is degraded and the farmer moves on to do the same at another site. The original ground is left fallow for anything up to 20 years so that the forest can regenerate. With the growth in population and in the subsequent need for more farming land to produce food, the method is increasingly being used today to clear large areas of tropical forests for cattle ranching, and in most cases the ground is not left fallow for long enough and, with modern mechanized farming systems, not enough tree stumps or suitable habitats for plant life are left to start the regeneration process. (Source: WRIGHT)





    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > вырубка и сжигание леса как метод увеличения сельскохозяйственных площадей

  • 29 чрезмерный выпас

    1. overgrazing


    чрезмерный выпас

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    Intensive grazing by animals, for example cattle, sheep or goats, on an area of pasture. It has become a serious threat to the world's rangelands and grasslands. Several factors have led to overgrazing, which leads to the soil being degraded and becoming liable to erosion by wind and rain, and even to desertification. The main pressures leading to widespread overgrazing have been the need to increase the size and numbers of herds to produce more food for an increasing human population, and the transformation of traditional pasture land into plantations to grow cash crops. Throughout the dry tropics, where traditionally herds ranged over vast areas, intensive livestock-rearing schemes have taken over, mostly to provide meat for the export market. Well-digging operations have also led to heavy concentrations of animals in small areas. (Source: WRIGHT)





    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > чрезмерный выпас

  • 30 вырубка и сжигание леса как метод увеличения сельскохозяйственных площадей

    1. culture sur brűlis


    вырубка и сжигание леса как метод увеличения сельскохозяйственных площадей

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    slash and burn culture
    A traditional farming system that has been used by generations of farmers in tropical forests and the savannah of north and east Africa. It is known to be an ecologically sound form of cultivation, and because the soil is poor in tropical rain forests it is a sustainable method of farming. It is still practised today, primarily in the developing countries. Small areas of bush or forests are cleared and the smaller trees burned. This unlocks the nutrients in the vegetation and gives the soil fertilizer that is easily taken up by plants. A few years later the soil is degraded and the farmer moves on to do the same at another site. The original ground is left fallow for anything up to 20 years so that the forest can regenerate. With the growth in population and in the subsequent need for more farming land to produce food, the method is increasingly being used today to clear large areas of tropical forests for cattle ranching, and in most cases the ground is not left fallow for long enough and, with modern mechanized farming systems, not enough tree stumps or suitable habitats for plant life are left to start the regeneration process. (Source: WRIGHT)





    Русско-французский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > вырубка и сжигание леса как метод увеличения сельскохозяйственных площадей

  • 31 чрезмерный выпас

    1. surpâturage


    чрезмерный выпас

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    Intensive grazing by animals, for example cattle, sheep or goats, on an area of pasture. It has become a serious threat to the world's rangelands and grasslands. Several factors have led to overgrazing, which leads to the soil being degraded and becoming liable to erosion by wind and rain, and even to desertification. The main pressures leading to widespread overgrazing have been the need to increase the size and numbers of herds to produce more food for an increasing human population, and the transformation of traditional pasture land into plantations to grow cash crops. Throughout the dry tropics, where traditionally herds ranged over vast areas, intensive livestock-rearing schemes have taken over, mostly to provide meat for the export market. Well-digging operations have also led to heavy concentrations of animals in small areas. (Source: WRIGHT)





    Русско-французский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > чрезмерный выпас

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Food additive — Food additives are substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste and appearance. Some additives have been used for centuries; for example, preserving food by pickling (with vinegar), salting, as with bacon, preserving sweets or …   Wikipedia

  • Food rescue — Food rescue, also called food recovery, is the practice of safely retrieving edible food that would otherwise go to waste and distributing it to those in need.The recovered food is perfectly edible, but often not sellable. Products that are at or …   Wikipedia

  • need — [nēd] n. [ME nede < OE nied, akin to Ger not, Goth nauths < IE * neuti < base * neu , to collapse with weariness > Welsh newyn, starvation] 1. necessity or obligation created by some situation [no need to worry] 2. a lack of something …   English World dictionary

  • need — n Need, necessity, exigency may all denote either a state or condition requiring something as essential or indispensable or the thing required. Need implies pressure and urgency arising either from external or internal causes or forces; it may… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Food coloring — spreading on a thin water film in the International Space Station. Food coloring is a substance, liquid or powder, that is added to food and/or drink to change its color. Food coloring is used both in commercial food production and in domestic… …   Wikipedia

  • Food miles — is a term which refers to the distance food is transported from the time of its production until it reaches the consumer. It is one dimension used in assessing the environmental impact of food. The concept of food miles originated in 1990 in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Food fortification — or enrichment is the process of adding micronutrients (essential trace elements and vitamins) to food. It can be purely a commercial choice to provide extra nutrients in a food, or sometimes it is a public health policy which aims to reduce… …   Wikipedia

  • Need to Know (PBS) — Need to Know Format Commentary/Documentary Country of origin United States Production Running time 1/2 hour gross Broadcast …   Wikipedia

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