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  • 1 paste

    1) (a soft, damp mixture, especially one made up of glue and water and used for sticking pieces of paper etc together.) lepilo
    2) (a mixture of flour, fat etc used for making pies, pastry etc.) testo
    3) (a mixture made from some types of food: almond paste.) krema
    * * *
    I [péist]
    testo, testenina; kašnata zmes, kaša; technical steklovina; lepilo, klej; pasteta, maža; pasta; steklen biser; zmes za izdelavo nepravih biserov; slang klofuta
    this book is scissors and paste — ta knjiga je kompilacija, plagiat
    II [péist]
    transitive verb
    lepiti (up, on), nalepiti (up), zalepiti ( together), zlepiti ( with), prilepiti (on); slang primazati klofuto

    English-Slovenian dictionary > paste

  • 2 pastry

    plural - pastries; noun
    1) (flour paste used in making pies, tarts etc.) testo
    2) (a pie, tart etc made with this: Danish pastries.) fino pecivo
    * * *
    fino pccivo, tortno pecivo; listnasto, krhko testo

    English-Slovenian dictionary > pastry

  • 3 noodle

    (a strip of paste usually made with water, flour and egg: fried noodles.) rezanec
    * * *
    rezanec, testenina; butec, osel; slang glava, "buča"

    English-Slovenian dictionary > noodle

  • 4 starch

    1. noun
    1) (a white food substance found especially in flour, potatoes etc: Bread contains starch.) škrob
    2) (a powder prepared from this, used for stiffening clothes.) škrob
    2. verb
    (to stiffen (clothes) with starch.) škrobiti
    - starchiness
    * * *
    škrob; apretura; figuratively togost, formalizem, službenost (v obnašanju); plural s škrobom bogata hrana, ogljikovi hidrati
    starch paste — tiskarsko lepilo;
    adjective ( starchly adverb)
    (redko) točen, figuratively tog, formalističen, služben (v obnašanju);
    transitive verb (na)škrobiti, apretirati (perilo)
    to starch up figuratively napraviti bolj togo (formalno)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > starch

См. также в других словарях:

  • paste — [[t]pe͟ɪst[/t]] pastes, pasting, pasted 1) N MASS Paste is a soft, wet, sticky mixture of a substance and a liquid, which can be spread easily. Some types of paste are used to stick things together. He then sticks it back together with flour… …   English dictionary

  • Paste — Paste, n. [OF. paste, F. p[^a]te, L. pasta, fr. Gr. ? barley broth; cf. ? barley porridge, ? sprinkled with salt, ? to sprinkle. Cf. {Pasty}, n., {Patty}.] 1. A soft composition, as of flour moistened with water or milk, or of earth moistened to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Paste eel — Paste Paste, n. [OF. paste, F. p[^a]te, L. pasta, fr. Gr. ? barley broth; cf. ? barley porridge, ? sprinkled with salt, ? to sprinkle. Cf. {Pasty}, n., {Patty}.] 1. A soft composition, as of flour moistened with water or milk, or of earth… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • paste — [pāst] n. [ME past < OFr paste < LL pasta < Gr pastē, mess of barley porridge < passein, to sprinkle] 1. a) dough used in making rich pastry b) PASTA 2. any of various soft, moist, smooth textured substances [toothpaste] …   English World dictionary

  • paste — 01. Italy is the world s leader in the export of tomato [paste]. 02. Originally a salty [paste], soy sauce was introduced in China during the Zhou dynasty. 03. She [pasted] pictures of her favorite movie stars in a little album. 04. She mixed the …   Grammatical examples in English

  • paste — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Late Latin pasta dough, paste Date: 14th century 1. a. a dough that contains a considerable proportion of fat and is used for pastry crust or fancy rolls b. a confection made by… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • paste — n. & v. n. 1 any moist fairly stiff mixture, esp. of powder and liquid. 2 a dough of flour with fat, water, etc., used in baking. 3 an adhesive of flour, water, etc., esp. for sticking paper and other light materials. 4 an easily spread… …   Useful english dictionary

  • paste — /payst/, n., v., pasted, pasting. n. 1. a mixture of flour and water, often with starch or the like, used for causing paper or other material to adhere to something. 2. any soft, smooth, and plastic material or preparation. 3. dough, esp. when… …   Universalium

  • paste — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ stiff (esp. BrE), thick ▪ smooth ▪ wallpaper ▪ curry, fish, tomato …   Collocations dictionary

  • paste — I UK [peɪst] / US noun [uncountable] 1) a kind of glue, often made of flour and water, that is used to make paper or something else stick to a surface wallpaper paste 2) a food made by crushing meat, fish, or vegetables. It can be added to other… …   English dictionary

  • flour — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ bread, cake ▪ all purpose (AmE), baking (AmE), plain (BrE), self raising (BrE), self rising (AmE) ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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