Перевод: с английского на русский

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См. также в других словарях:

  • flapping — 1. adjective That flaps or flap. flapping sails 2. noun a) The action of the verb to flap. b) A phonological process found in many dialects of English, especially American English and C …   Wiktionary

  • flapping — The angular movement of a rotor blade above or below the plane of the hub. Blades ride higher and lower during their rotation, but they can do so only if they are allowed to move freely about a horizontal hinge or flexible root element. Design… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Flapping — Flap Flap, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Flapped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Flapping}.] [Prob. of imitative origin; cf. D. flappen, E. flap, n., flop, flippant, fillip.] 1. To beat with a flap; to strike. [1913 Webster] Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flapping — /ˈflæpɪŋ/ (say flaping) verb 1. present participle of flap. –noun 2. the practice of directing traffic flow by the use of movable lane markers. –phrase 3. with one s ears flapping, Colloquial with keen interest or astonishment, especially when… …  

  • flapping — noun the motion made by flapping up and down • Syn: ↑flap, ↑flutter, ↑fluttering • Derivationally related forms: ↑flutter (for: ↑fluttering), ↑flap, ↑flap …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flapping-Tremor — [flạ̈ping...; zu engl. to flap = flattern]: Zittern in Form rascher Beuge und Streckbewegungen in den Fingergelenken (bei drohendem Koma) …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • flapping track — flapˈtrack or flapping track noun A racetrack for flapping • • • Main Entry: ↑flap …   Useful english dictionary

  • flapping hinge — A hinge connecting a rotor blade to the hub and about which the blade rises and falls (i.e., flaps during its rotation, and thus permits equalization of lift or rotor thrust) between the advancing blade half and the retreating blade half of the… …   Aviation dictionary

  • flapping plane — The plane in which flapping occurs (i.e., a plane normal to the plane of the rotor disc) …   Aviation dictionary

  • flapping to equality — During the movement of a helicopter rotating blade, the speed of airflow over the advancing blade is higher than the retreating blade, resulting in production of an unequal amount of lift. This is called a dissymmetry of lift. To correct this… …   Aviation dictionary

  • flapping — n. loose back and forth movement, fluttering (often noisy); moving up and down (of wings, arms, etc.) flæp n. loose back and forth movement; sound made by such a movement; moveable part attached only on one side (usually hangs loosely or covers… …   English contemporary dictionary

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