1 flame attenuation
1) Электроника: затухание в пламени2) Космонавтика: ослабление факела3) Силикатное производство: вытягивание огнём -
2 flame attenuation
3 flame attenuation
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > flame attenuation
4 flame attenuation
5 flame attenuation
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > flame attenuation
6 attenuation
1) затухание; ослабление2) коэффициент затухания, декремент; коэффициент ослабления•- acoustoelectric attenuation
- adjacent-channel attenuation
- atmospheric attenuation
- beam attenuation
- bound-electron attenuation
- cloud attenuation
- clutter attenuation
- crosstalk attenuation
- current attenuation
- direct-coupled attenuation
- dissipative attenuation
- echo attenuation
- erasing attenuation
- far-end crosstalk attenuation
- far-field attenuation
- feedback attenuation
- filter attenuation
- flame attenuation
- free-space attenuation
- geometrical attenuation
- harmonic attenuation
- impurity attenuation
- ionosphere attenuation
- lattice attenuation
- leakage attenuation
- magnetoacoustic attenuation
- magnetoelastic attenuation
- meteorological precipitation attenuation
- meteor trail attenuation
- microwave attenuation
- mist attenuation
- near-end crosstalk attenuation
- network attenuation
- out-of-band attenuation
- overall system attenuation
- path attenuation
- phonon attenuation
- plane-earth attenuation
- power attenuation
- precipitation attenuation
- rain attenuation
- rainfall attenuation
- range attenuation
- receiver attenuation
- reflective attenuation
- relaxation attenuation
- second-channel attenuation - shield attenuation
- sideband attenuation
- signal attenuation
- snowfall attenuation
- sound attenuation
- space attenuation
- specific attenuation
- spherical-earth attenuation
- spurious-response attenuation
- stopband attenuation
- submillimeter-wave attenuation
- through attenuation
- transmission attenuation
- turbulent fluctuation attenuation
- ultrasonic attenuation
- voltage attenuation
- wave attenuation
- waveguide attenuation -
7 attenuation
1) затухание; ослабление2) коэффициент затухания, декремент; коэффициент ослабления•- adjacent-channel attenuation
- atmospheric attenuation
- attenuation of wave
- beam attenuation
- bound-electron attenuation
- cloud attenuation
- clutter attenuation
- crosstalk attenuation
- current attenuation
- direct-coupled attenuation
- dissipative attenuation
- echo attenuation
- erasing attenuation
- far-end crosstalk attenuation
- far-field attenuation
- feedback attenuation
- filter attenuation
- flame attenuation
- free-space attenuation
- geometrical attenuation
- harmonic attenuation
- impurity attenuation
- ionosphere attenuation
- lattice attenuation
- leakage attenuation
- magnetoacoustic attenuation
- magnetoelastic attenuation
- meteor trail attenuation
- meteorological precipitation attenuation
- microwave attenuation
- mist attenuation
- near-end crosstalk attenuation
- network attenuation
- out-of-band attenuation
- overall system attenuation
- path attenuation
- phonon attenuation
- plane-earth attenuation
- power attenuation
- precipitation attenuation
- rain attenuation
- rainfall attenuation
- range attenuation
- receiver attenuation
- reflective attenuation
- relaxation attenuation
- second-channel attenuation
- second-channel interference attenuation
- shadow attenuation
- shield attenuation
- sideband attenuation
- signal attenuation
- snowfall attenuation
- sound attenuation
- space attenuation
- specific attenuation
- spherical-earth attenuation
- spurious-response attenuation
- stopband attenuation
- submillimeter-wave attenuation
- through attenuation
- transmission attenuation
- turbulent fluctuation attenuation
- ultrasonic attenuation
- voltage attenuation
- wave attenuation
- waveguide attenuation
- wide-band attenuationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > attenuation
8 attenuation
ослабление; успокоение; демпфирование; затухание attenuation flame - ослабление факела -
9 fiber
1) волокно2) цел.-бум. волокнистая масса3) фибра4) лесн. либриформ7) пищ. мезга•-
acetate fiber
acrylic fiber
active fiber
adhesive fiber
allskin fiber
alumina fiber
animalized fiber
anisotropic fiber
artificial fiber
asbestos fiber
axially aligned fiber
bare fiber
basalt fiber
bast fiber
bicomponent fiber
bimodal fiber
birefringent fiber
bonding fiber
- broad bandwidth fiber -
buffered glass fiber
butt-joined fibers
cane fiber
carbon fiber
cathodoluminescent fiber
ceramic fiber
chopped glass fiber
circular-core fiber
circumferentially spaced fibers
cladded fiber
clad fiber
coat-core fiber
coated fiber
coherence-retaining fiber
compliant fiber
compression fiber
concatenated fiber
concentric coated fiber
conical fiber
conjugate fiber
continuous glass fiber
copper fiber
coupled fibers
crimped fiber
cuprammonium fiber
delay fiber
dielectrically coated fiber
dielectric coated fiber
discontinuous-index fiber
dispersion-free fiber
dispersive fiber
doped-core fiber
dope-dyed fiber
double window fiber
double-clad fiber
double-mode fiber
downstream fiber
drawn fiber
dry-spun fiber
dual-core fiber
dull fiber
elastomer fiber
energized fiber
excentrically cladded fiber
extended-spectral-response fiber
feed fiber
field spliced fiber
first window fiber
flame-retardant fiber
focusing fiber
freshly drawn fiber
fused silica fiber
fusion-spliced fibers
glass fiber
glass-ceramic fiber
glass-clad silica core fiber
glass-on-glass fiber
graded-index fiber
gradient-index fiber
gradient fiber
graphite fiber
graphitized carbon fiber
guiding fiber
hard-glass fiber
heat-insulating fiber
heat-resistant fiber
heat-treated fiber
hemispherical-ended fiber
heterogeneous fiber
high bandwidth fiber
high NA fiber
high tensile strength fiber
high transmission loss fiber
high-absorbency viscose fiber
high-attenuation fiber
high-capacity fiber
high-dispersive fiber
high-loss fiber
highly multimode fiber
high-strength fiber
hollow-core fiber
homogeneous fiber
illuminating fiber
imaging fiber
input fiber
irradiated fiber
isotropic fiber
jacketed fiber
just-drawn fiber
lacquer coated fiber
laser fiber
laser-fed fiber
launch fiber
lensed-faced fiber
light-carrying fiber
light-focusing fiber
light-guide glass fiber
light-guiding fiber
light-transmitting fiber
liquid-core fiber
long glass fiber
longitudinal fiber
longitudinally alignedfibers
low pilling fiber
low-attenuation fiber
low-capacity fiber
low-dispersion fiber
lower fiber
low-loss fiber
low-transmission loss fiber
man-made fiber
matched fibers
median fiber
melt-adhesive fiber
metal coated fiber
metallic fiber
metallized fiber
mica fiber
mineral fiber
mismatched fibers
mode-matched fibers
monocomponent fiber
monocrystalline fiber
monomode fiber
multicomponent fiber
multicore fiber
multimode fiber
multiple fiber
nerve fiber
newly drawn fiber
nonpolarization-preserving fiber
oblique-faced fiber
oblique fiber
one-mode fiber
optical glass fiber
optically identical fibers
outer fiber
output fiber
overcompensated fiber
parabolically graded fiber
parabolic fiber
passivated fiber
phototransmissive glass fiber
phototransmissive fiber
piezoelectrically stressed fiber
piezoelectrically stretched fiber
pixel fiber
plane-end fiber
plastic cladded fiber
plastic clad fiber
plastic fiber
plastic packaged fiber
plastic-core fiber
pliant fiber
polarization-conserving fiber
polarization-holding fiber
polarization-maintaining fiber
polarization-preserving fiber
polarizing fiber
polished fiber
polymer cladded fiber
polymer clad fiber
power-law profile fiber
primary glass fiber
pristine glass fiber
quartz fiber
radiation-resistant fiber
reed fiber
reference fiber
reinforcing fiber
rock fiber
second window fiber
secondary coated fiber
segmented-core fiber
self-centering fiber
self-focusing fiber
selfoc fiber
semidull fiber
sending fiber
sensing fiber
short wavelength fiber
shrinkage fiber
signal-bearing fiber
signal fiber
silica fiber
silicon-core fiber
single continuous fiber
single fiber
single optical fiber
single-crystal fiber
single-material fiber
single-mode fiber
sized glass fiber
smooth optical fiber
solid-core fiber
source fiber
spherical-ended fiber
spliced fiber
staple fiber
staple glass fiber
stepped-index fiber
step-index fiber
subordinate fiber
superfine fiber
synthetic fiber
tailor-made fiber
tap fiber
tapered fiber
tensile fiber
tension fiber
textile fiber
textile glass fiber
thermal-insulating fiber
third window fiber
transmitting fiber
transverse fiber
triangular-profile index fiber
triangular-profile fiber
trimmed fiber
twin-core fiber
twisted fiber
two-mode fiber
uncladded fiber
unclad fiber
uncoated fiber
undercompensated fiber
undulated glass fiber
unimodal fiber
unimode fiber
unjacketed fiber
upper fiber
upstream fiber
UV grade fiber
VAD fiber
virgin glass fiber
vulcanized fiber
waveguide fiber
wet-spun fiber
wideband fiber
wood fiber
zero-dispersion fiber -
10 length
1) длина; расстояние; протяжённость3) продолжительность, длительность4) прокатанная заготовка лесн. сортимент•length between perpendiculars — длина ( судна) между перпендикулярами;length over buffers — длина вагона по буферам;length over coupler pulling faces — длина вагона по осям сцепления автосцепок;length of bogie wheelbase — база тележкиlength of cut — 1. ширина среза 2. длина резания 3. мерная длина ( проката)length of easement curve — дорож. длина переходной кривойlength of heat — 1. продолжительность нагрева 2. продолжительность плавкиlength of lay — 1. шаг свивки (каната, кабеля) 2. шаг скрутки ( провода)length of life — время (длительность) жизниlength of prediction — метео срок действия прогнозаlength of reduced section — длина участка неравномерной деформации ( на образце)-
absorber collapsed length
active fuel length
actuation length
aeroplane reference field length
anchor chain length
anchorage length
antenna effective length
apparent arc length
approach block length
arc length
arm length
attenuation length
available runway length
axial length
backwater length
barrel length
base length
basic runway length
beam focal length
bearing length
block length
body length
boiling length
bolt length
bond length
boom length
braking length
breaking length or paper
burst length
cable's length
calming length
campaign length
carrier drift length
chord airfoil length
code length
coil length
collapsing length
constraint length
contact length
correlation length
coupled length
coupling length
crack length
crest length
critical buckling length
cushion length
cut length
Debye length
developed length
diffusion length
downstream length
drift length
effective focal length
effective length
electrical engagement length
electrical length
embedment length
entire tree length
entrance length
equivalent length of conductor
face length
factory length
field length
fin length
final gage length
fixed design flame length
flange focal length
floodable length
focal length
foil-base length
forecast length
fracture path length
free length
gage length
gap length
gate length
grid length
grip length
haul length
inside length
installed length
instruction length
interaction length
journey length
knit garment length
laid length
lap length
leg length
load-line length
log length
loop length
memory length
merchantable length
mesh length
mixing length
moderation length
molded length
nonboiling length
normal arc length
optical path length
overall length
overhanging length
panel length
part-program length
path length
ping length
pipe length
plasma length
plate run length
plateau length
propagation length
pulling length
pull length
pulse length
radiation length
rail length
raise length
record length
register length
registered length
repeat length
roll length
run length
runner length
runway visual length
scattering length
screening length
semifinished section length
shielding length
slowing-down length
span length
spray length
spring length
standardization length
standard length
stitch length
stope length
storage length
strained length
string length
stroke length
sweep length
switch rail length
test length
tonnage length
total heated length
track circuit length
transitional length
transmission length
transmission route length
tree length
unit length
unsupported length
upstream length
waterline length
wave length
word length -
11 core caravan
основная колонна эстафеты
В основную колонну включаются все транспортные средства, необходимые для обеспечения сохранности и продвижения Олимпийского огня. Безопасность основной колонны обеспечивается с помощью автомобилей местных сил правопорядка, один из которых едет в начале колонны, а другой замыкает ее. В конце колонны может также находиться автомобиль, обеспечивающий ограничение дорожного движения. Количество транспортных средств в составе колонны и ее протяженность определяются ОКОИ. Он же определяет возможность каких-либо изменений по пути продвижения колонны, исходя из местных условий.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
core caravan
Consists of all vehicles necessary for the protection and movement of the Olympic flame and includes all vehicles considered to be inside the security envelope from the local law enforcement vehicle at the front end to the local law enforcement or traffic attenuation vehicle in the rear. The OCOG determines the size and scope of the core caravan as well as changes to the core caravan based on local operating conditions.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > core caravan
См. также в других словарях:
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Turbidity — standards of 5, 50, and 500 NTU Turbidity is the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by individual particles (suspended solids) that are generally invisible to the naked eye, similar to smoke in air. The measurement of turbidity is a key… … Wikipedia
Dropped ceiling — Dropped ceiling, after installation. Light fixtures, a speaker grill, smoke detectors, and an air grill are all visible … Wikipedia
HEBREW LANGUAGE — This entry is arranged according to the following scheme: pre biblical biblical the dead sea scrolls mishnaic medieval modern period A detailed table of contents precedes each section. PRE BIBLICAL nature of the evidence the sources phonology… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
flamboyant — flamboyance, flamboyancy, n. flamboyantly, adv. /flam boy euhnt/, adj. 1. strikingly bold or brilliant; showy: flamboyant colors. 2. conspicuously dashing and colorful: the flamboyant idol of international society. 3. florid; ornate; elaborately… … Universalium
List of statistics topics — Please add any Wikipedia articles related to statistics that are not already on this list.The Related changes link in the margin of this page (below search) leads to a list of the most recent changes to the articles listed below. To see the most… … Wikipedia
Micro-g environment — The term micro g environment (also µg, often referred to by the term microgravity) is more or less a synonym of weightlessness and zero G, but indicates that g forces are not quite zero, just very small.[1] The symbol for microgravity, µg, was… … Wikipedia
cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… … Universalium
radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… … Universalium
sculpture — sculptural, adj. sculpturally, adv. /skulp cheuhr/, n., v., sculptured, sculpturing. n. 1. the art of carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works of art in three dimensions, as in relief, intaglio, or in the… … Universalium