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  • Fermi–Dirac statistics — Statistical mechanics Thermodynamics · …   Wikipedia

  • Fermi liquid — is a generic term for a quantum mechanical liquid of fermions that arises under certain physical conditions when the temperature is sufficiently low. The interaction between the particles of the many body system does not need to be small (see e.g …   Wikipedia

  • Fermi energy — The Fermi energy is a concept in quantum mechanics usually referring to the energy of the highest occupied quantum state in a system of fermions at absolute zero temperature. This article requires a basic knowledge of quantum mechanics.Note that… …   Wikipedia

  • Fermi paradox — The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations.The extreme age of the universe and its …   Wikipedia

  • Fermi hole — The idea of a Fermi hole requires some background in the idea of anti symmetrized wavefunctions. The Pauli exclusion principle is the rule that no more than two electrons can be in the same orbital. The rule traces to a deep algebraic property of …   Wikipedia

  • Fermi-Dirac distribution function — Fermio ir Dirako pasiskirstymo funkcija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Fermi Dirac distribution function vok. Fermi Dirac Verteilungsfunktion, f rus. функция распределения Ферми Дирака, f pranc. fonction de distribution de Fermi… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Fermi's golden rule — In quantum physics, Fermi s golden rule is a way to calculate the transition rate (probability of transition per unit time) from one energy eigenstate of a quantum system into a continuum of energy eigenstates, due to a perturbation. We consider… …   Wikipedia

  • Fermi-Dirac-Verteilungsfunktion — Fermio ir Dirako pasiskirstymo funkcija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Fermi Dirac distribution function vok. Fermi Dirac Verteilungsfunktion, f rus. функция распределения Ферми Дирака, f pranc. fonction de distribution de Fermi… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Fermi-Dirac statistics — /ˌfɜmi dəræk stəˈtɪstɪks/ (say .fermee duhrak stuh tistiks), /ˌfɛəmi / (say .fairmee ) noun the branch of quantum statistics used with systems of identical particles whose wave function changes sign if any two particles are interchanged. {from… …  

  • Fermi-Dirac statistics — noun (physics) law obeyed by a systems of particles whose wave function changes when two particles are interchanged (the Pauli exclusion principle applies) • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy • Hypernyms: ↑law, ↑law of nature …   Useful english dictionary

  • Work function — In solid state physics, the work function is the minimum energy (usually measured in electron volts) needed to remove an electron from a solid to a point immediately outside the solid surface (or energy needed to move an electron from the Fermi… …   Wikipedia

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