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  • 21 ferguson formula four-wheel drive car

    English-russian automobile dictionary > ferguson formula four-wheel drive car

  • 22 Ferguson, Roger W.

    эк., амер. Фергюссон, Роджер У. (1951- ; вице-председатель Совета управляющих Федеральной Резервной системы США)

    The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > Ferguson, Roger W.

  • 23 ferguson formula four-wheel drive car

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > ferguson formula four-wheel drive car

  • 24 Ferguson, Sir Alex

    (b. 1941) Gen Mgt
    British soccer manager. Considered to be one of the most successful club managers of all time, whose management methods, particularly in the area of motivation, are studied by other business leaders. His approach is set out in Managing My Life: My Autobiography (1999).

    The ultimate business dictionary > Ferguson, Sir Alex

  • 25 toad, Ferguson's

    4. DEU
    5. FRA
    Ареал обитания: Азия


  • 26 Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson ['plesɪ‚vɜ:səs'fɜ:gəsən]
    American History = procès de 1869 par lequel la cour suprême décida que la ségrégation raciale était légale

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > Plessy vs Ferguson

  • 27 Plessy v Ferguson

    פלסי נגד פרגוסון, החלטה של ביהמ"ש העליון של ארה"ב (1896) אשר אישרה את ההפרדה בין הלבנים והשחורים במקומות ציבוריים בארה"ב
    * * *
    ב"הראב םיירוביצ תומוקמב םירוחשהו םינבלה ןיב הדרפהה תא הרשיא רשא (6981) ב"הרא לש ןוילעה ש"מהיב לש הטלחה,ןוסוגרפ דגנ יסלפ

    English-Hebrew dictionary > Plessy v Ferguson

  • 28 Plessy vs Ferguson

    פלסי נגד פרגוסון, החלטה של ביהמ"ש העליון של ארה"ב (1896) אשר אישרה את ההפרדה בין הלבנים והשחורים במקומות ציבוריים בארה"ב
    * * *
    ב"הראב םיירוביצ תומוקמב םירוחשהו םינבלה ןיב הדרפהה תא הרשיא רשא (6981) ב"הרא לש ןוילעה ש"מהיב לש הטלחה,ןוסוגרפ דגנ יסלפ

    English-Hebrew dictionary > Plessy vs Ferguson

  • 29 Plessy v. Ferguson

    "Плесси против Фергюсона"
    Дело в Верховном суде [ Supreme Court, U.S.], в решении по которому (1896) была подтверждена конституционность закона штата, который требовал сегрегации [ segregation] в общественном транспорте. Суд определил, что на основании положения о равной защите законами [ equal protection of laws] Четырнадцатой поправки [ Fourteenth Amendment] штат вправе предоставить неграм "раздельные, но равные" [ separate but equal] условия. Это решение Суда служило оправданием политики сегрегации для ряда штатов вплоть до 1954, когда оно было отменено.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Plessy v. Ferguson

  • 30 Plessy vs. Ferguson

    [ˏplesɪɑˊvǝ:sǝs ˊfǝ:rgǝsǝn] решение Верховного Суда США от 1896 о том, что сегрегация негров не противоречит закону, при условии, что им предоставляются те же услуги, что и белым. Касалось пассажирского железнодорожного транспорта, но в некоторых штатах привело к сегрегации школ, гостиниц, ресторанов, мест в театрах, автобусах и др. Было отменено в 1955 решением по иску Брауна к Управлению образования г. Топика [Brown versus Board of Education (Brown decision)]

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Plessy vs. Ferguson

  • 31 фергусон

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > фергусон

  • 32 VC

    < econ> ■ Venture-Kapital-Firma f
    <edp.av> ■ Spannungssteuerung f
    < fin> ■ Wagniskapital n ; Risikokapital n
    <mvhcl.drive> ■ Visko-Differentialbremse f ; Visko-Differentialsperre f ; Viskose-Differentialsperre f ; Ferguson-Differentialsperre f ; Ferguson-Differentialbremse f

    English-german technical dictionary > VC

  • 33 visco-differential

    <mvhcl.drive> ■ Visko-Differential n ; Viskose-Differential n ; Visko[se]-Sperrdifferential n ; Ferguson-Differential n ; Ferguson-Sperrdifferential n

    English-german technical dictionary > visco-differential

  • 34 Viscous Control

    <mvhcl.drive> ■ Visko-Differentialbremse f ; Visko-Differentialsperre f ; Viskose-Differentialsperre f ; Ferguson-Differentialsperre f ; Ferguson-Differentialbremse f

    English-german technical dictionary > Viscous Control

  • 35 viscous coupling differential

    <mvhcl.drive> ■ Visko-Differential n ; Viskose-Differential n ; Visko[se]-Sperrdifferential n ; Ferguson-Differential n ; Ferguson-Sperrdifferential n

    English-german technical dictionary > viscous coupling differential

  • 36 viscous coupling differential brake

    (VC) <mvhcl.drive> ■ Visko-Differentialbremse f ; Visko-Differentialsperre f ; Viskose-Differentialsperre f ; Ferguson-Differentialsperre f ; Ferguson-Differentialbremse f

    English-german technical dictionary > viscous coupling differential brake

  • 37 viscous-coupled limited-slip differential

    <mvhcl.drive> ■ Visko-Differential n ; Viskose-Differential n ; Visko[se]-Sperrdifferential n ; Ferguson-Differential n ; Ferguson-Sperrdifferential n

    English-german technical dictionary > viscous-coupled limited-slip differential

  • 38 address, forms of

    обращение. В качестве обращения к знакомому человеку употребляют фамилию с добавлением слова Mister [Mr. Jones], Mistress [Mrs. Brown] или Miss [Miss Brown], первые имена [Dick, Maggy] или имена нарицательные, типа Dear, Darling, Honey «дорогой»«дорогая». Стандартными фразами при обращении к незнакомому человеку являются: Excuse me (please), I beg your pardon, Beg your pardon. Среди близких людей или в кругу молодёжи вместо них используются Hi!, Hey! (Эй, постой!). В качестве фразы привлечения внимания может употребляться: Look here! I say...; Just a minute. Официантов подзывают словами ‘Waiter', ‘Waitress'. Девочек в школе называют по именам, а мальчиков по фамилиям. Распространены обращения по званиям: Professor ( при обращении к университетскому преподавателю), Captain ( при обращении вышестоящего военного к нижестоящему), Doctor ( при обращении к врачу). Если ‘Hello' является стандартной формой приветствия предпринимателя по отношению к своему работнику, то в ответ он обязательно услышит: ‘Hello, Mr. Ferguson', и в обратном случае в ответ на ‘Hello, Mr. Ferguson' будет ‘Hello, Jim'

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > address, forms of

  • 39 Collins, Lewis D.

       Entre 1927 y 1954, ano de su prematura muerte debida a un ataque cardiaco, realiza un total aproximado de 120 peliculas, de las que unas veinte son cortometrajes. Se dedica, especialmente, al western, sobre todo para Universal y Monogram. Es un director modesto, sin estilo visible que, como tantos otros, trabaja para las sucesivas estrellas de la epoca.
        Guns for Hire. 1932. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Willis Kent. Lane Chandler, Sally Darling.
        Via Pony Express. 1933. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Majestic. Jack Hoxie, Marceline Day.
        Gun Law. 1933. 59 min. Blanco y Negro. Majestic. Jack Hoxie, Paula Fix.
        Trouble Busters. 1933. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Majestic. Jack Hoxie, Lane Chandler, Kaye Edwards.
        The Man from Hell. 1934. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Willis Kent. Reb Russell, Fred Kohler, Ann Darcy.
        Brand of Hate. 1934. 63 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Supreme. Bob Steele, William Farnum, Lucille Browne.
        The Desert Trail. 1935. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram/Lone Star. John Wayne, Mary Kornman.
        Little Joe, the Wrangler. 1942. 64 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Tex Ritter, Fuzzy Knight, Jennifer Holt.
        Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground. 1943. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Tex Ritter, Fuzzy Knight, Jennifer Holt.
        Raiders of San Joaquin. 1943. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Johnny Mack Brown, Tex Ritter, Fuzzy Knight, Jennifer Holt.
        Oklahoma Raiders. 1944. 57 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Tex Ritter, Fuzzy Knight, Jennifer Holt.
        Trigger Trail. 1944. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Rod Cameron, Eddie Dew, Fuzzy Knight, Vivian Austin.
        Raiders of Ghost City (co-d.: Ray Taylor). 1944. 225 minutos. 13 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Dennis Moore, Wanda McKay, Lionel Atwill.
        The Old Texas Trail. 1944. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Rod Cameron, Fuzzy Knight, Marjorie Clements.
        The Royal Mounted Rides Again (co-d.: Ray Taylor). 1945. 221 minutos. 13 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. George Dolenz, Bill Kennedy, Milburn Stone.
        The Scarlet Horseman (co-d.: Ray Taylor). 1946. 248 minutos. 13 capitulos. Blanco y Negro. Universal. Peter Cookson, Janet Shaw.
        Ride, Ryder, Ride! 1949. 60 minutos. Cinecolor. Equity/Eagle Lion. Jim Bannon, Peggy Stewart, Emmett Lynn.
        Roll, Thunder, Roll! 1949. 60 minutos. Cinecolor. Equity/Eagle Lion. Jim Bannon, I. Stanford Jolley, Don Kay Reynolds, Nancy Gates.
        The Fighting Redhead. 1949. 55 minutos. Cinecolor. Equity/Eagle Lion. Jim Bannon, Peggy Stewart, Don Kay Reynolds.
        Cowboy and the Prizefighter. 1949. 59 minutos. Cinecolor. Equity/Eagle Lion. Jim Bannon, Emmett Lynn, Don Kay Reynolds, Karen Randle.
        Law of the Panhandle. 1950. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Jane Adams, Milburn Morante.
        Cherokee Uprising. 1950. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Andy Clyde, Lois Hall.
        Colorado Ambush. 1951. 51 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Lois Hall, Myron Healey.
        Abilene Trail. 1951. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Andy Clyde, Noel Neill.
        Man from Sonora. 1951. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Phyllis Coates, House Peters, Jr.
        Canyon Raiders. 1951. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Fuzzy Knight, Phyllis Coates.
        Nevada Badmen. 1951. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Fuzzy Knight, Phyllis Coates.
        Stagecoach Driver. 1951. 52 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Fuzzy Knight, Gloria Winters.
        Oklahoma Justice. 1951. 51 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Phyllis Coates, Jimmy Ellison.
        Lawless Cowboys. 1951. 58 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Fuzzy Knight, Pamela Duncan.
        The Longhorn. 1951. 70 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Bill Elliot, Phyllis Coates, Myron Healey.
        Texas Lawmen. 1951. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Frontier Pictures - /Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Jimmy Ellison, Lee Roberts.
        Stage to Blue River. 1951. 55 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Fuzzy Knight, Phyllis Coates.
        Texas City (Misterio en Texas). 1952. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Lois Hall, Jimmy Ellison.
        Waco. 1952. 68 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Bill Elliott, Pamela Blake, I. Stanford Jolley.
        The Gunman. 1952. 52 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Fuzzy Knight, Phyllis Coates.
        Wild Stallion. 1952. 70 minutos. Cinecolor. Monogram. Ben Johnson, Edgar Buchanan, Martha Hyer.
        Kansas Territory. 1952. 65 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Bill Elliott, Peggy Stewart, Fuzzy Knight.
        Dead Man’s Trail. 1952. 59 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Barbara Allen, Jimmy Ellison.
        Montana Incident. 1952. 54 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Whip Wilson, Peggy Stewart, Noel Neill.
        Fargo (Los atracadores de Fargo). 1952. 69 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Bill Elliott, Phyllis Coates, Fuzzy Knight.
        Canyon Ambush. 1952. 53 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Monogram. Johnny Mack Brown, Phyllis Coates, Lee Roberts.
        The Homesteaders. 1953. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Allied. Bill Elliott, Emmett Lynn, Robert Lowery.
        The Marksman. 1953. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Allied. Wayne Morris, Elena Verdugo, Frank Ferguson.
        Vigilante Terror. 1953. 70 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Allied. Bill Elliott, Fuzzy Knight, Mary Ellen Kay.
        Texas Bad Man. 1953. 62 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Allied. Wayne Morris, Elaine Riley, Frank Ferguson.
        Two Guns and a Badge (Dos pistolas y una insignia). 1954. 60 minutos. Blanco y Negro. Allied. Wayne Morris, Beverly Garland, Morris Ankrum.

    English-Spanish dictionary of western films > Collins, Lewis D.

  • 40 Carroll, Thomas

    b. 1888 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    d. 22 February 1968 Australia
    Australian engineer responsible for many innovations in combine-harvester design, and in particular associated with the Massey Harris No. 20 used in the "Harvest Brigade" during the Second World War.
    Carroll worked first with the Buckeye Harvester Co., then with J.J.Mitchell \& Co. In 1911 he was hired by the Argentinian distributor for Massey Harris to help in the introduction of their new horse-drawn reaper-thresher. Carroll recommended modifications to suit Argentinian conditions, and these resulted in the production of a new model. In 1917 he joined the Toronto staff of Massey Harris as a product design leader, the No. 5 reaper-thresher being the first designed under him. Many significant new developments can be attributed to Carroll: welded sections, roller chains, oil-bath gears, antifriction ball bearings and the detachable cutting table allowing easy transfer of combines between fields were all innovations of which he was the source.
    In the 1930s he became Chief Engineer with responsibility for the design of a self-propelled harvester. The 20 SP was tested in Argentina only eight months after design work had begun, and it was to this machine that the name "combine harvester" was applied for the first time. Improvements to this original design produced a lighter 12 ft (3.65 m) cut machine which came off the production line in 1941. Three years later 500 of these machines were transported to the southern United States, and then gradually harvested their way northwards as the corn ripened. It has been estimated that the famous "Harvest Brigade" harvested over 1 million acres, putting 25 million bushels into store, with a saving in excess of 300,000 labour hours and half a million gallons of fuel.
    Carroll retired from Massey Ferguson in 1961.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    American Society of Agricultural Engineers C.H. McCormick Gold Medal 1958.
    1948, "Basic requirements in the design and development of the self propelled combine"
    Agricultural Engineer. 29(3), 101–5.
    Further Reading
    G.Quick and W.Buchele, 1978, The Grain Harvesters, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (provides a detailed account of the development of the combine harvester).
    K.M.Coppick, 1972, gave an account of the wartime effort, which he mistakenly called "Massey Ferguson Harvest Brigade", presented to the Canadian Society for
    Agricultural Engineers, Paper 72–313.

    Biographical history of technology > Carroll, Thomas

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ferguson — steht für: Ferguson (Familienname), der Familienname Ferguson (1745) Ferguson, ein Asteroid Ferguson Research, eine britische Firma Massey Ferguson, einen Hersteller landwirtschaftlicher Maschinen und Geräte Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten:… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ferguson — may refer to:PeoplePlacesIn the United States: * Ferguson, Iowa * Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis Companies and products* Ferguson Enterprises, a provider of plumbing, HVAC and safety equipment * Ferguson Company (also known as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Ferguson — Ferguson, IA U.S. city in Iowa Population (2000): 126 Housing Units (2000): 56 Land area (2000): 0.249159 sq. miles (0.645319 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.249159 sq. miles (0.645319 sq. km)… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Ferguson —   [ fəːgəsn],    1) Adam, schottischer Historiker und Philosoph, * Logierait (bei Perth) 20. 6. 1723, ✝ Saint Andrews 22. 2. 1816; wurde Priester (1745) und war als Feldprediger in verschiedenen schottischen Regimentern tätig, dann Bibliothekar,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Ferguson, IA — U.S. city in Iowa Population (2000): 126 Housing Units (2000): 56 Land area (2000): 0.249159 sq. miles (0.645319 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.249159 sq. miles (0.645319 sq. km) FIPS code:… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Ferguson, KY — U.S. city in Kentucky Population (2000): 881 Housing Units (2000): 397 Land area (2000): 1.745853 sq. miles (4.521739 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.745853 sq. miles (4.521739 sq. km) FIPS… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Ferguson, MO — U.S. city in Missouri Population (2000): 22406 Housing Units (2000): 9191 Land area (2000): 6.188508 sq. miles (16.028161 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.010115 sq. miles (0.026197 sq. km) Total area (2000): 6.198623 sq. miles (16.054358 sq. km)… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Ferguson [1] — Ferguson (spr. Fergus en), 1) James, geboren 1710 zu Keith in Banffshire in Schottland; hütete in seiner Jugend die Schafe u. erlangte bei dieser Gelegenheit Kenntnisse der Gestirne, so daß sein Herr bewogen wurde, ihm eine wissenschaftliche… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Ferguson [2] — Ferguson, Städtischer Bezirk (Post township) in der Grafschaft Centre im Staate Pennsylvanien; (Nordamerika), 1700 Ew …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Ferguson — (spr.förgössen), 1) James, Mechaniker und Astronom, geb. 1710 zu Keith in der schottischen Grafschaft Banff, gest. 16. Nov. 1776 in Edinburg, anfangs Schäfer, dann Porträtmaler, widmete sich später wissenschaftlichen Studien und lebte seit 1743… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Ferguson — (spr. förgĕß n), Adam, engl. Geschichtsforscher und Moralphilosoph, geb. 20. Juni 1723 zu Logieraith (Schottland), 1759 84 Prof. an der Universität Edinburgh, gest. 22. Febr. 1816 zu St. Andrews …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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