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  • 1 explain

    [ik΄splein] v բացատրել, մեկ նա բանել. explain the meaning of the word բառի իմաստը բացատրել. explain a theory տեսություն ներ կայաց նել. That explains it! Հիմա ամեն ինչ պարզ է. explain yourself Ասեք ինչն է բանը. Մեկնաբանեք ձեր վարվելակերպը

    English-Armenian dictionary > explain

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  • Theory of Constraints — (TOC) is an overall management philosophy. Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt introduced the Theory of constraints in his 1984 book titled The Goal . It is based on the application of scientific principles and logic reasoning to guide human based… …   Wikipedia

  • explain — explainable, adj. explainer, explanator /ek spleuh nay teuhr/, n. /ik splayn /, v.t. 1. to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible: to explain an obscure point. 2. to make known in detail: to explain how to do something. 3. to… …   Universalium

  • Theory of mind — is the ability to attribute mental states beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge, etc. to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires and intentions that are different from one s own.[1] Though there are… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of International Politics — is a 1979 international relations theory book, written by Kenneth Waltz that elaborated a new theory, the neorealist thory of international relations, and surpassed the cognitive limitations of the past. Taking into account the influence of… …   Wikipedia

  • theory — theo‧ry [ˈθɪəri ǁ ˈθiːəri] noun theories PLURALFORM 1. [countable] an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain why something happens or how it works: theory of • The book is called An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change . • The theory… …   Financial and business terms

  • theory — theory, social theory A theory is an account of the world which goes beyond what we can see and measure. It embraces a set of interrelated definitions and relationships that organizes our concepts of and understanding of the empirical world in a… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Theory of everything (disambiguation) — Theory of everything (TOE) is an hypothetical physical theory that would explain all known physical phenomena.Theory of everything may refer to: * Theory of everything (book), a book by Ken Wilber dealing with his Integral theory * Theory of… …   Wikipedia

  • explain — [ek splān′, iksplān′] vt. [ME explanen < L explanare, to flatten < ex , out + planare, to make level < planus, level (see PLANE2): sp. infl. by PLAIN1] 1. to make clear, plain, or understandable 2. to give the meaning or interpretation… …   English World dictionary

  • Theory of value (economics) — Theory of value is a generic term which encompasses all the theories within economics that attempt to explain the exchange value or price of goods and services. Key question in economic theory include why goods and services are priced as they are …   Wikipedia

  • theory — ► NOUN (pl. theories) 1) a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. 2) an idea accounting for or justifying something. 3) a set of… …   English terms dictionary

  • Theory of everything (philosophy) — In philosophy, a theory of everything or TOE is an ultimate, all encompassing explanation of nature or reality.Rescher, Nicholas (2006a). Holistic Explanation and the Idea of a Grand Unified Theory . Collected Papers IX: Studies in Metaphilosophy …   Wikipedia

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