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со всех языков на все языки


  • 81 དངོས་སུ་

    [dngos su]
    plainly, directly, as real, essential, formal, really, materially, explicitly in person, truly in person, practically, in bodily form, appear bodily, in actual substance, bodily, personally, by one's own personal experience

    Tibetan-English dictionary > དངོས་སུ་

  • 82 གནས་ལུགས་

    [gnas lugs]
    natural (situation, condition of things, state, state of all things), essential nature, mode of subsistence, mode of abiding, reality, being, real (disposition, being, existence), genuine (existence, deep-structuring), existential presence, circumstances, condition, situation, principle, truth, haeceity, presence, being-oneself, being-in-itself, primordial experience of being, the fact of being, blunt fact of existence, things as they are, -> dngos po'i gnas lugs, absolute nature

    Tibetan-English dictionary > གནས་ལུགས་

  • 83 doctor

    § ექიმი; მაგისტრის შემდგომი ტიტული
    1 ექიმი
    2 დოქტორი (მეცნიერების)
    3 მკურნალობა (უმკურნალებს)
    the doctor overdosed her with the medicine ექიმმა წამლის გაძლიერებული დოზა მისცა
    ●●you must see the doctor ექიმთან უნდა წახვიდე
    experience is essential for a doctor გამოცდილება ექიმისათვის არსებითი რამაა
    the doctors consulted about the sick man ექიმებმა ავადმყოფის შესახებ ითათბირეს
    the doctor certified that...... ექიმმა დაადასტურა, რომ…
    the doctor admonished me against smoking ექიმმა თამბაქოს წევისათვის თავის დანებება მირჩია

    English-Georgian dictionary > doctor

  • 84 desirable

    1) [outcome, solution] auspicabile; [area, position] ambito; [ job] appetibile, attraente; [ gift] ricercato, apprezzato

    desirable property (in ad) proprietà di pregio

    2) (sexually) desiderabile
    * * *
    adjective (pleasing or worth having: a desirable residence.) desiderabile
    * * *
    desirable /dɪˈzaɪərəbl/
    A a.
    1 desiderabile, invidiabile: a desirable object [property], un oggetto [una proprietà] desiderabile; a desirable quality [characteristic, skill], una qualità [caratteristica, abilità] invidiabile; Experience is desirable but not essential, l'esperienza è auspicabile ma non essenziale; It is desirable that children get a good start in life, è desiderabile (o auspicabile) che i bambini inizino nel modo giusto la loro vita; It is desirable to widen opportunity in our society, è desiderabile allargare le opportunità nella nostra società; It is desirable for everyone to reduce the amount of waste they produce, è desiderabile che ognuno riduca la quantità di rifuti che produce
    2 ( di persona) desiderabile, attraente
    B n.
    oggetto desiderabile: The list was divided into essentials and desirables, la lista era suddivisa in oggetti indispensabili e desiderabili; The shop is a treasure trove of desirables, il negozio è una miniera di tutto quello che si può desiderare; The pub was frequented by some of the town's less desirables, il pub era frequentato da alcuni degli individui più indesiderati della città
    desirableness n. [u] desirably avv.
    * * *
    1) [outcome, solution] auspicabile; [area, position] ambito; [ job] appetibile, attraente; [ gift] ricercato, apprezzato

    desirable property (in ad) proprietà di pregio

    2) (sexually) desiderabile

    English-Italian dictionary > desirable

  • 85 востребованный

    1. Интеллигенция в советском обществе чувствовала себя невостребованной. — The intelligentsia felt it had no role to play/there was no place for it in Soviet society.

    2. Главный критерий вашего сохранения в составе труппы — востребованность репертуаром. — То stay in our company you have, above all, to be essential to the theater's repertory.

    3. Востребованность этих идей в современном обществе. — The relevance/ importance of these ideas to/in modern society.

    4. Как политик он оказался невостребованным в 1990-е годы. — As a politician he was marginalized in the 1990s.

    5. Время востребовало его гораздо позже. — Не experienced a revival (of his fortunes) much later.

    6. He то чтобы слово «толерантность» было в каком-то специальном загоне, а просто употребляли его редко, не было оно востребовано («Новая газета»). — It's not that the word tolerance was really suppressed but it was rarely used, it wasn't in (great) demand.

    7. Объективно востребованным видится информационный акцент на проблематике обеспечения безопасности миротворческого персонала ООН (из выступления представителя Белоруссии в ООН). — There is clearly an objective need for emphasizing information relating to the problems of safety of UN peace-keeping personnel.

    8. После отставки он некоторое время был невостребованным ("МК") — After the resignation he spent some time on the sidelines/he was sidelined.

    9. Общественное мнение и общественная инициатива по ключевым проблемам, касающимся защиты прав человека, должны быть востребованы высшей властью, президентом России (высказывание Эллы Памфиловой после встречи с президентом) — The highest authorities, including the President of Russia, should be receptive to public opinion and public initiatives on key human rights issues.

    10. Это придает еще большую объективность его миссии, где оказался востребованным весь его богатейший опыт ученого и дипломата — This makes him even more credible in performing his mission, which puts to good use his rich experience of a scholar and diplomat.

    11. В 2000 году он оказался востребован международным сообществом и проделал немалую подготовительную работу для стартующей сейчас миссии. - He was brought back in 2000 to assume an important role in preparing for the mission now getting under way.

    ("Международное сообщество" здесь опущено сознательно - в публицистических текстах такое облегчение текста можно делать безболезненно)

    Пример употребления английского kept on the sidelines, эквивалентного русскому "не был востребован": Mr. Kissinger was kept on the sidelines in the Reagan administration, where he was regarded with suspicion by officials who advocated a hard line with the Soviet Union.

    Русско-английский словарь общей лексики > востребованный

  • 86 governance

    •• government, governance

    •• Government 1. the political direction or control exercised over a nation, state, community, etc. 2. the form or system by which a nation, state, community, etc. is governed. 3. a governing body or persons. 4. control or rule (The Random House Dictionary).
    •• Governance governing, control (Oxford American Dictionary).
    •• О важном отличии употребления слова government в британском и американском вариантах английского языка рассказано в статье American English/British English. Поскольку в британском употреблении это слово, как и у нас, означает обычно правительство, кабинет министров, здесь мы будем говорить в основном об особенностях американской трактовки этого слова. Она связана прежде всего с тем, что для американцев government – это система правления, государственной власти и все, что с ней связано. Согласно доктрине разделения властей (separation of powers) государственная власть делится на законодательную, исполнительную и судебную (суды для американцев тоже government), которые взаимно сдерживают друг друга (система checks and balances – сдержек и противовесов). Далее, государственное управление имеет несколько уровней – федеральный, штатный, муниципальный (местный). Для американцев это тоже government. А вот сказать the Clinton government (или the Nixon government) нельзя. Это лишь часть того, что американцы называют the government (в этом смысле всегда с определенным артиклем), а тех, кто «приходит и уходит» с каждым президентом (кабинет министров – кстати, министры в США, как и в Великобритании, Secretaries - и других политических назначенцев), американцы называют the Administration.
    •• При минимальном внимании переводчик без особого труда сделает правильный выбор. Вот несколько примеров:
    •• 1. I had had many years of experience in government (George Kennan). [Rachel Carson] went to work for the government, editing and writing pamphlets for the Fish and Wildlife Service of the Interior Department (Washington Post). В обоих случаях government – государственная служба. Обратим внимание на Interior Department. Это, конечно, не министерство внутренних дел в нашем понимании, а скорее министерство природных (если угодно, внутренних) ресурсов;
    •• 2. Americans jealously, even obsessively guard their rights and are suspicious of government authority. – Американцы ревностно, болезненно-непримиримо оберегают свои права и с подозрением относятся к власти;
    •• 3. Kremlin funding for social services is sparse, and much of the burden falls on cash-poor and often corrupt local governments (Washington Post). Здесь governments – местные органы власти.
    •• Действительно, американцы не слишком тепло относятся к government. В глазах большинства из них государство – это не только никем не любимые налоги, но и вообще нечто казенное. Соответственно выражение government issue (так говорят о форменной одежде и т.п.) – это казенное имущество. Кстати, сокращение GI, вошедшее в язык во время Второй мировой войны, – отсюда. Так до сих пор называют американских солдат.
    •• В последнее время среди политиков, журналистов и социологов приобрело популярность слово governance, которое уже невозможно отнести, как это делают наши словари, к чисто книжной лексике. Вот заголовок статьи обозревателя «Нью-Йорк таймс» Томаса Фридмана – The Big Issue Now Is Competent Governance. Речь в ней идет об управлении жизнью общества. Чтобы было яснее, приведу довольно пространную цитату: With the collapse of communism, virtually every country has the same “hardware.” That is, they have all adopted free market capitalism to one degree or another. But where they differ is the “software” – the institutions of governance, be they regulatory bodies, a watchdog press, or uncorrupted courts, civil service, parliaments and police. Встречается также выражение corporate governance – структуры и методы управления корпорациями.
    •• * В последнее время часто употребляется словосочетание good governance. Требование обеспечить good governance выдвигается международными «донорами» в качестве условия предоставления помощи развивающимся странам. Необходимость good governance признана в документах ООН, например в Плане действий, принятом в Иоханнесбурге:
    •• Good governance within each country and at the international level is essential for sustainable development. At the domestic level, sound environmental, social and economic policies, democratic institutions responsive to the needs of the people, the rule of law, anti-corruption measures, gender equality and an enabling environment for investment are the basis for sustainable development.
    •• Второе предложение можно считать своего рода рабочим определением этого понятия. К сожалению, русская служба письменных переводов ООН приняла в качестве перевода неудачный, на мой взгляд, вариант благое управление. Отчасти оправдывает ооновских переводчиков необходимость иметь во всех официальных текстах ООН одно и только одно соответствие английскому термину. Существует мнение, что это выражение пришло в английский язык из китайского, а именно из учения Конфуция о «хорошем управлении государством».
    •• И хотя некоторые коллеги считают, что с вариантом благое управление придется смириться, мне кажется, что еще можно побороться. По смыслу (особенно когда речь идет о требовании good governance) это то, что мы назвали бы наведением порядка во власти/управлении/государстве. В зависимости от контекста можно использовать варианты порядок во власти/управлении/государстве и даже оздоровление власти. И все же в большинстве случаев по чисто прагматическим причинам придется выбрать вариант, включающий в себя слово управление (нередко, но не всегда – государственное управление). Здесь возможны варианты надлежащее/адекватное/правильное управление (в последнем варианте – тавтология, но он, по-моему, вполне отражает смысл).
    •• Интересно выражение global governance. Глобальное управление слишком похоже на «мировое правительство», от стремления создать которое все открещиваются. Неплохие варианты – управление глобальными процессами или глобальная управляемость. Corporate governance – корпоративное управление, хотя мне встречалось также внутрикорпоративное управление и даже принципы корпоративного поведения. Может быть, последнее, как утверждают сторонники этого варианта, и лучше отражает суть понятия, но надо помнить, что условен и английский термин и, как следствие, его перевод. Поэтому во избежание путаницы стоит, наверное, остановиться на первом варианте.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > governance

  • 87 government

    •• government, governance

    •• Government 1. the political direction or control exercised over a nation, state, community, etc. 2. the form or system by which a nation, state, community, etc. is governed. 3. a governing body or persons. 4. control or rule (The Random House Dictionary).
    •• Governance governing, control (Oxford American Dictionary).
    •• О важном отличии употребления слова government в британском и американском вариантах английского языка рассказано в статье American English/British English. Поскольку в британском употреблении это слово, как и у нас, означает обычно правительство, кабинет министров, здесь мы будем говорить в основном об особенностях американской трактовки этого слова. Она связана прежде всего с тем, что для американцев government – это система правления, государственной власти и все, что с ней связано. Согласно доктрине разделения властей (separation of powers) государственная власть делится на законодательную, исполнительную и судебную (суды для американцев тоже government), которые взаимно сдерживают друг друга (система checks and balances – сдержек и противовесов). Далее, государственное управление имеет несколько уровней – федеральный, штатный, муниципальный (местный). Для американцев это тоже government. А вот сказать the Clinton government (или the Nixon government) нельзя. Это лишь часть того, что американцы называют the government (в этом смысле всегда с определенным артиклем), а тех, кто «приходит и уходит» с каждым президентом (кабинет министров – кстати, министры в США, как и в Великобритании, Secretaries - и других политических назначенцев), американцы называют the Administration.
    •• При минимальном внимании переводчик без особого труда сделает правильный выбор. Вот несколько примеров:
    •• 1. I had had many years of experience in government (George Kennan). [Rachel Carson] went to work for the government, editing and writing pamphlets for the Fish and Wildlife Service of the Interior Department (Washington Post). В обоих случаях government – государственная служба. Обратим внимание на Interior Department. Это, конечно, не министерство внутренних дел в нашем понимании, а скорее министерство природных (если угодно, внутренних) ресурсов;
    •• 2. Americans jealously, even obsessively guard their rights and are suspicious of government authority. – Американцы ревностно, болезненно-непримиримо оберегают свои права и с подозрением относятся к власти;
    •• 3. Kremlin funding for social services is sparse, and much of the burden falls on cash-poor and often corrupt local governments (Washington Post). Здесь governments – местные органы власти.
    •• Действительно, американцы не слишком тепло относятся к government. В глазах большинства из них государство – это не только никем не любимые налоги, но и вообще нечто казенное. Соответственно выражение government issue (так говорят о форменной одежде и т.п.) – это казенное имущество. Кстати, сокращение GI, вошедшее в язык во время Второй мировой войны, – отсюда. Так до сих пор называют американских солдат.
    •• В последнее время среди политиков, журналистов и социологов приобрело популярность слово governance, которое уже невозможно отнести, как это делают наши словари, к чисто книжной лексике. Вот заголовок статьи обозревателя «Нью-Йорк таймс» Томаса Фридмана – The Big Issue Now Is Competent Governance. Речь в ней идет об управлении жизнью общества. Чтобы было яснее, приведу довольно пространную цитату: With the collapse of communism, virtually every country has the same “hardware.” That is, they have all adopted free market capitalism to one degree or another. But where they differ is the “software” – the institutions of governance, be they regulatory bodies, a watchdog press, or uncorrupted courts, civil service, parliaments and police. Встречается также выражение corporate governance – структуры и методы управления корпорациями.
    •• * В последнее время часто употребляется словосочетание good governance. Требование обеспечить good governance выдвигается международными «донорами» в качестве условия предоставления помощи развивающимся странам. Необходимость good governance признана в документах ООН, например в Плане действий, принятом в Иоханнесбурге:
    •• Good governance within each country and at the international level is essential for sustainable development. At the domestic level, sound environmental, social and economic policies, democratic institutions responsive to the needs of the people, the rule of law, anti-corruption measures, gender equality and an enabling environment for investment are the basis for sustainable development.
    •• Второе предложение можно считать своего рода рабочим определением этого понятия. К сожалению, русская служба письменных переводов ООН приняла в качестве перевода неудачный, на мой взгляд, вариант благое управление. Отчасти оправдывает ооновских переводчиков необходимость иметь во всех официальных текстах ООН одно и только одно соответствие английскому термину. Существует мнение, что это выражение пришло в английский язык из китайского, а именно из учения Конфуция о «хорошем управлении государством».
    •• И хотя некоторые коллеги считают, что с вариантом благое управление придется смириться, мне кажется, что еще можно побороться. По смыслу (особенно когда речь идет о требовании good governance) это то, что мы назвали бы наведением порядка во власти/управлении/государстве. В зависимости от контекста можно использовать варианты порядок во власти/управлении/государстве и даже оздоровление власти. И все же в большинстве случаев по чисто прагматическим причинам придется выбрать вариант, включающий в себя слово управление (нередко, но не всегда – государственное управление). Здесь возможны варианты надлежащее/адекватное/правильное управление (в последнем варианте – тавтология, но он, по-моему, вполне отражает смысл).
    •• Интересно выражение global governance. Глобальное управление слишком похоже на «мировое правительство», от стремления создать которое все открещиваются. Неплохие варианты – управление глобальными процессами или глобальная управляемость. Corporate governance – корпоративное управление, хотя мне встречалось также внутрикорпоративное управление и даже принципы корпоративного поведения. Может быть, последнее, как утверждают сторонники этого варианта, и лучше отражает суть понятия, но надо помнить, что условен и английский термин и, как следствие, его перевод. Поэтому во избежание путаницы стоит, наверное, остановиться на первом варианте.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > government

  • 88 частота (колебаний)

    frequency (f)
    количеств. характеристика периодич. колебаний, равная отношению числа циклов колебаний ко времени их совершения. — the frequency of а motion is the number of times the motion repeats itself per unit of time.
    - биенийbeat frequency

    one of the two additional frequencies produced when two different frequencies are combined.
    -, боковая — sidf frequency

    one of the frequency of a sideband.
    - вибрацииvibration frequency
    - возникновения неисправностей — frequency of troubles trouble shooting lists the common triubles in order of frequency.
    - вращения — rotational speed, r/m, rpm, rpm
    - вращения (с-1, сек-1 по системе си) — rotational speed (s-1)
    - вращения на валу — shaft speed /rpm/
    - вращения нар (начала автоматической работы двигателя)governed run onset speed
    - вращения несущего винтаmain rotor speed
    - вращения, равновесная — оп-speed condition
    - вынужденных колебанийforced oscillation frequency
    -, высокая (вч, в диапазоне от 3 до 30 мгц, длина волны 10-100 м) — high frequency (hf, hf in band of 3 to 30 mhz, 10 to 100 m)
    - глиссады (глиссадного маяка)glide slope beacon frequency
    -, запасная — alternate frequency
    частота, используемая в определенное время или со специальной целью вместо основной частоты. — the frequency assigned for use at а certain time, or for а certain purpose, to replace or supplement the frequency normally used.
    - запросаinterrogation frequency
    -, звуковая — audio frequency (af)
    частота в диапазоне от 15 до 20000 гц. — any frequency corresponding to а normally audible sound wave.
    -, качающаяся — sweep(ing) frequency
    - курса (курсового маяка)localizer frequency
    - на клеммахfrequency at terminals
    напряжение и частота электропитания на клеммах основного оборудования должны выдерживаться в расчетных для данного оборудования пределах. — the system voltage and frequency at the terminals of essential load equipment shall be maintained within the limits for which the equipment is designed.
    -, несущая — carrier (frequency)
    -, низкая (нч, в диапазоне 30300 кгц, 1000 до 10000 м) — low frequency (lf, lf in band of 30 to 300 khz, 1000 to 10000 m)
    -, низкая (звуковая, в диапазоне 15-20000 гц) — audio frequency (af)
    - опроса (системы регистрации параметров)sampling rate
    -, повышенная (эл. колебаний) — overfrequency
    -, пониженная — underfrequency
    - приемаreceiving frequency
    - приема (прилета ла)acceptance rate
    - проведения регламентных работfrequency of scheduled maintenance (checks)
    опыт проведения технического обслуживания на авиапредприятии должен использоваться для установления частоты (периодичности) регламентных работ. — the evaluation of the airlines own maintenance experience should be used to establish the frequency of scheduled maintenance.
    -, промежуточная — intermediate frequence (if)
    -, равновесная ( равновесные обороты двигателя) — on-speed condition
    -, резонансная — resonant frequency
    - сигнала бедствияdistress frequency
    частота передачи сигнала бедствия определяется международным соглашением. напр., частота сигнала для самолетов, летящих над водными пространствами, составляет 500 кгц. — a frequency reserved for distress calls, by international agreement. it is 500 khz for ships at sea and aircraft over the sea.
    -, собственная — natural frequency
    частота свободных колебаний (вибрации). — the frequency of free vibration.
    - упьтравысокая (увч, в диапазоне от 30 до 300 мгц) — very high frequency (vhf, band of 30 to 300 mhz, wavelength - metric waves)
    -, ультравысокая (увч, в диапазоне от 300 до 3000 мгц, длина волны от 10 до 100 см) — ultrahigh frequency (uhf, uhf, 300 to 3000 mhz, wavelengh 10 to 100 cm)
    диапазон ч. (радио) — (radio) frequency range
    радиоприемные устройства работают в диапазоне частот от 200 до 400 khz. — radio receiving equipment operates within the radio frequency range of 200-400 khz.
    настройка на ч. — tuning to frequency
    передача на ч.... гц — transmission on frequency of... hz
    полоса ч. — frequency band
    настраивать на ч. — tune to frequency
    передавать (принимать) на ч.... гц — transmit/ receive/ on frequency of... hz
    преобразовывать ч. — convert frequency
    классификация частот (по икао) — nomenclature of frequencies

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > частота (колебаний)

  • 89 эксплуатация

    operation, service
    - (техническое обслуживание)maintenance
    -, безаварийная (агрегата) — trouble-free operation
    -, безаварийная (самолета), — accident-free operation
    -, безопасная — safe operation
    - в аварийных условиях (разд. 3 рлэ) — emergency procedures
    данный раздел должен включать основные действия (экипажа) в аварийных условиях. — this section should contain essential operating procedures for emergency conditions.
    под аварийными условиями понимаются возможные, но необычные условия эксплуатации ла, требующие незамедлительных и точных действий для существенного уменьшения опасности. — an emergency, in this context, is defined as a foreseeable, but unusual, situation in which immediate and precise action will substantially reduce the risk of disaster.
    - в метеоусловиях категории (1, 2, 3) — operation to category (1, 2, 3) limits, category (1, 2, 3) operation
    - в нормальных условиях (разд. 4 рлэ) — normal procedures
    данный раздел должен включать действия экипажа в нормальных условиях эксплуатации и в случаях отказов /неисправностей, не указанных в разд. 3. — this section should contain normal procedures and those procedures in the event of malfunctioning which are not included in section 3.
    - в нормальных метеоусловияхnormal weather operation
    - в полетеin-flight procedures
    - в сложных метеоусловияхlow weather operation
    - в тропикахoperation in tropic area
    - в условиях высоких температурhot weather operation
    - в условиях низких (пониженных) температур — cold weather operation in cold weather operation the generator may be slow to produce stabilized power.
    -, грамотная (техническое обслуживание) — intelligent maintenance perform maintenance intelligently.
    -, дальнейшая восстановить агрегат для дальнейшей эксплуатации. — further service recondition the unit for further service.
    - летательных аппаратов тяжелее воздуха — aviation the operation of heavierthan-air aircraft.
    -, летная — flight operation
    -, наземная — ground operation
    насос предназначается для наземной эксплуатации (работы) системы. — the pump is provided for the ground operation of the system
    -, наземная (действия, производимые с ла на земле) — ground handling
    -, нормальная — normal procedures
    - по состоянию (использование в работе с контролем состояния)on-condition use
    - по состоянию, техническая — on-condition maintenance, oc maintenance

    a failure preventive maintenance process.
    - систем самолетаmanagement of airplane systems
    - систем самолета (раздел рлэ)systems
    - систем экипажем в полетеcrew operating procedures to use systems in flight
    находиться вне э. (о ла) — be inactive
    в э. — in service /operation/
    ввод в э. — introduction into service
    (случай) возможный в э. — expected in operation /service/
    дата ввода в э. — date placed in service
    заметки по э. (раздел формуляра или паспорта) — notes
    ненаходящийся в э. — out-of-serviee
    ненаходящийся в э. (временно не эксплуатируемый) — during period of idleness
    непригодный к э. — unserviceable
    опыт э. — operational experience
    особенности э. — peculiarities of operation
    практика э. — maintenance practices
    практически возможный в э. — operationally practicable
    простота э. — operational simplicity
    с момента ввода в э. — since placed in service
    с начала э. — since placed in service
    снятие с э. — withdrawal from service
    удобство э. — ease of handling
    условия э. — operating conditions
    вводить в э. — place /put/ in service
    вводиться в э. — enter service

    the а/с first entered service in may 1980 with b.e.a.
    допускать к дальнейшей э. — return to service

    return the unit to service as serviceable.
    допускать к дальнейшей э. (считать работоспособным) — consider serviceable
    не находиться в э. более чем... — be out of use for more than...
    признавать (считать) годным к (летной) эксплуатации — determine to be in airworthy condition, certify as airworthy
    считать ла или указанные части годными к эксплуатации после переборки, ремонтa, модификации или установки. — certify that an aircraft or parts thereof comply with the current airworthiness requirements after being overhauled, repaired, modified, or installed.
    снимать с э. — withdraw from service

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > эксплуатация

  • 90 Internet security

    the means used to protect Web sites and other electronic files from attack by hacker s and virus es. The Internet is, by definition, a network; networks are open, and are thus open to attack. A poor Internet security policy can result in a substantial loss of productivity and a drop in consumer confidence.
         The essential elements of Internet security are: constant vigilance—the perfect Internet security system will be out of date the next day; a combination of software and human expertise—security software can only do so much, it must be combined with human experience; and internal as well as external security—many security breaches come from within an organization.

    The ultimate business dictionary > Internet security

  • 91 Hall, Joseph

    SUBJECT AREA: Metallurgy
    b. 1789
    d. 1862
    English ironmaker who invented the wet puddling process.
    Hall was a practical man with no theoretical background: his active years were spent at Bloomfield Ironworks, Tipton, Staffordshire. Around 1816 he began experimenting in the production of wrought iron. At that time, blast-furnace or cast iron was converted to wrought iron by the dry puddling process invented by Henry Cort in 1784. In this process, the iron was decarburized (i.e. had its carbon removed) by heating it in a current of air in a furnace with a sand bed. Some of the iron combined with the silica in the sand to form a slag, however, so that no less than 2 tons of cast iron were needed to produce 1 ton of wrought. Hall found that if bosh cinder was charged into the furnace, a vigorous reaction occurred in which the cast iron was converted much more quickly than before, to produce better quality wrought iron, a ton of which could be formed by no more than 21 cwt (1,067 kg) of cast iron. Because of the boiling action, the process came to be known as pig boiling. Bosh cinder, essentially iron oxide, was formed in the water troughs or boshes in which workers cooled their tools used in puddling and reacted with the carbon in the cast iron. The advantages of pig boiling over dry puddling were striking enough for the process to be widely used by the late 1820s. By mid-century it was virtually the only process used for producing wrought iron, an essential material for mechanical and civil engineering during the Industrial Revolution. Hall reckoned that if he had patented his invention he would have "made a million". As luck would have it, the process that he did patent in 1838 left his finances unchanged: this was for the roasting of cinder for use as the base of the puddling furnace, providing better protection than the bosh cinder for the iron plates that formed the base.
    1857, The Iron Question Considered in Connection with Theory, Practice and Experience with Special Reference to the Bessemer Process, London.
    Further Reading
    J.Percy, 1864, Metallurgy. Iron and Steel, London, pp. 670 ff. W.K.V.Gale, Iron and Steel, London: Longmans, pp. 46–50.

    Biographical history of technology > Hall, Joseph

  • 92 Outram, Benjamin

    b. 1 April 1764 Alfreton, England
    d. 22 May 1805 London, England
    English ironmaster and engineer of canals and tramroads, protagonist of angled plate rails in place of edge rails.
    Outram's father was one of the principal promoters of the Cromford Canal, Derbyshire, and Benjamin Outram became Assistant to the canal's Engineer, William Jessop. In 1789 Outram was appointed Superintendent in charge of construction, and his responsibilities included the 2,978 yd (2,723 m) Butterley Tunnel; while the tunnel was being driven, coal and iron ore were encountered. Outram and a partner purchased the Butterley Hall estate above the tunnel and formed Outram \& Co. to exploit the coal and iron: a wide length of the tunnel beneath the company's furnace was linked to the surface by shafts to become in effect an underground wharf. Jessop soon joined the company, which grew and prospered to eventually become the long-lived Butterley Company.
    As a canal engineer, Outram's subsequent projects included the Derby, Huddersfield Narrow and Peak Forest Canals. On the Derby Canal he built a small iron aqueduct, which though designed later than the Longdon Aqueduct of Thomas Telford was opened earlier, in 1796, to become the first iron aqueduct.
    It is as a tramroad engineer that Outram is best known. In 1793 he completed a mile-long (1.6 km) tramroad from Outram \& Co.'s limestone quarry at Crich to the Cromford Canal, for which he used plate rails of the type recently developed by John Curr. He was, however, able to use a wider gauge—3 ft 6 in. (1.07 m) between the flanges—and larger wagons than Curr had been able to use underground in mines. It appears to have been Outram's idea to mount the rails on stone blocks, rather than wooden sleepers.
    Outram then engineered tramroads to extend the lines of the Derby and Peak Forest Canals. He encouraged construction of such tramroads in many parts of Britain, often as feeders of traffic to canals. He acted as Engineer, and his company often provided the rails and sometimes undertook the entire construction of a line. Foreseeing that lines would be linked together, he recommended a gauge of 4 ft 2 in. (1.27 m) between the flanges as standard, and for twenty years or so Outram's plateways, with horses or gravity as motive power, became the usual form of construction for new railways. However, experience then showed that edge rails, weight for weight, could carry greater load, and were indeed almost essential for the introduction of steam locomotives.
    Further Reading
    R.B.Schofield, 1986, "The design and construction of the Cromford Canal, 1788–1794", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 57 (provides good coverage of Outram's early career).
    P.J.Riden, 1973, The Butterley Company and railway construction, 1790–1830', Transport History 6(1) (covers Outram's development of tramroads).
    R.A.Mott, 1969, Tramroads of the eighteenth century and their originator: John Curr', Transactions of the Newcomen Society 42.
    "Dowie" (A.R.Cowlishaw, J.H.Price and R.G.P. Tebb), 1971, The Crich Mineral Railways, Crich: Tramway Publications.

    Biographical history of technology > Outram, Benjamin

  • 93 Spencer, Christopher Miner

    b. 10 June 1833 Manchester, Connecticut, USA
    d. 14 January 1922 Hartford, Connecticut, USA
    American mechanical engineer and inventor.
    Christopher M.Spencer served an apprenticeship from 1847 to 1849 in the machine shop at the silk mills of Cheney Brothers in his native town and remained there for a few years as a journeyman machinist. In 1853 he went to Rochester, New York, to obtain experience with machinery other than that used in the textile industry. He then spent some years with the Colt Armory at Hartford, Connecticut, before returning to Cheney Brothers, where he obtained his first patent, which was for a silk-winding machine.
    Spencer had long been interested in firearms and in 1860 he obtained a patent for a repeating rifle. The Spencer Repeating Rifle Company was organized for its manufacture, and before the end of the American Civil War about 200,000 rifles had been produced. He patented a number of other improvements in firearms and in 1868 was associated with Charles E.Billings (1835–1920) in the Roper Arms Company, set up at Amherst, Massachusetts, to manufacture Spencer's magazine gun. This was not a success, however, and in 1869 they moved to Hartford, Connecticut, and formed the Billings \& Spencer Company. There they developed the technology of the drop hammer and Spencer continued his inventive work, which included an automatic turret lathe for producing metal screws. The patent that he obtained for this in 1873 inexplicably failed to protect the essential feature of the machine which provided the automatic action, with the result that Spencer received no patent right on the most valuable feature of the machine.
    In 1874 Spencer withdrew from active connection with Billings \& Spencer, although he remained a director, and in 1876 he formed with others the Hartford Machine Screw Company. However, he withdrew in 1882 to form the Spencer Arms Company at Windsor, Connecticut, for the manufacture of another of his inventions, a repeating shotgun. But this company failed and Spencer returned to the field of automatic lathes, and in 1893 he organized the Spencer Automatic Machine Screw Company at Windsor, where he remained until his retirement.
    Further Reading
    J.W.Roe, 1916, English and American Tool Builders, New Haven; reprinted 1926, New York, and 1987, Bradley, Ill. (briefly describes his career and his automatic lathes).
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1965, Tools for the Job, London; repub. 1986 (gives a brief description of Spencer's automatic lathes).

    Biographical history of technology > Spencer, Christopher Miner

  • 94 διαθήκη

    διαθήκη, ης, ἡ (Democr., Aristoph.+; ins, pap, LXX, En, TestSol, TestAbr, Test12Patr; ParJer 6:21; ApcEsdr, ApcMos; AssMos Fgm. a; Philo, Joseph., Just.; Mel., HE 4, 26, 14) apart from the simplex θήκη ‘case, chest’, for the mng. of this word one must begin with the mid. form of the verb διατίθεμαι, which is freq. used in legal and commercial discourse of disposition of things (s. L-S-J-M s.v. διατιθημι B), w. implication of promissory obligation. Disposition of one’s personal effects would naturally come under testamentary law, hence
    last will and testament (so exclusively in Hellenistic times, Eger [s. 3 below] 99 note; exx. e.g. in Riggenbach 292ff; Behm 10, 1; 2; Philo, Joseph., Test12Patr; loanw. in rabb.) Hb 9:16f; δ. κεκυρωμένη a will that has been ratified Gal 3:15; cp. 17, where δ. shades into mng. 2 (s. κυρόω 1, προκυρόω); s. also EBammel, below, and JSwetnam, CBQ 27, ’65, 373–90. On Jewish perspective s. RKatzoff, An Interpretation of PYadin 19—A Jewish Gift after Death: ProcXXCongPap 562–65.
    As a transl. of בְּרִית in LXX δ. retains the component of legal disposition of personal goods while omitting that of the anticipated death of a testator. A Hellenistic reader would experience no confusion, for it was a foregone conclusion that gods were immortal. Hence a δ. decreed by God cannot require the death of the testator to make it operative. Nevertheless, another essential characteristic of a testament is retained, namely that it is the declaration of one person’s initiative, not the result of an agreement betw. two parties, like a compact or a contract. This is beyond doubt one of the main reasons why the LXX rendered בְּרִית by δ. In the ‘covenants’ of God, it was God alone who set the conditions; hence covenant (s. OED s.v. ‘covenant’ sb. 7) can be used to trans. δ. only when this is kept in mind. So δ. acquires a mng. in LXX which cannot be paralleled w. certainty in extra-Biblical sources, namely ‘decree’, ‘declaration of purpose’, ‘set of regulations’, etc. Our lit., which is very strongly influenced by LXX in this area, seems as a rule to have understood the word in these senses (JHughes, NovT 21, ’79, 27–96 [also Hb 9:16–20; Gal 3:15–17]). God has issued a declaration of his purpose Ro 11:27 (Is 59:21); 1 Cl 15:4 (Ps 77:37); 35:7 (Ps 49:16), which God bears in mind (cp. Ps 104:8f; 105:45 al.) Lk 1:72; it goes back to ancestral days Ac 3:25 (PsSol 9:10; ParJer 6:21). God also issued an ordinance (of circumcision) 7:8 (cp. Gen 17:10ff). Since God’s holy will was set forth on more than one occasion (Gen 6:18; 9:9ff; 15:18; 17:2ff; Ex 19:5 and oft.), one may speak of διαθῆκαι decrees, assurances (cp. διαθῆκαι πατέρων Wsd 18:22; 2 Macc 8:15.—But the pl. is also used for a single testament: Diog. L. 4, 44; 5, 16. In quoting or referring to Theophr. sometimes the sing. [Diog. L. 5, 52; 56] is used, sometimes the pl. [5, 51; 57]) Ro 9:4; Eph 2:12. Much emphasis is laid on the δ. καινή, mentioned as early as Jer 38:31, which God planned for future disposition (Hb 8:8–10; 10:16). God’s decree or covenant directed toward the Christians is a καινὴ δ. (δ. δευτέρα Orig., C. Cels. 2, 75) Lk 22:20; 1 Cor 11:25; 2 Cor 3:6; Hb 8:8; 9:15a; PtK 2 p. 15, 5, or δ. νέα Hb 12:24; PtK 2 p. 15, 6 which, as a δ. αἰώνιος (cp. Jer 39:40; En 99:2) Hb 13:20, far excels 7:22; 8:6 the παλαιὰ δ. 2 Cor 3:14, or πρώτη δ. Hb 9:15b, with which it is contrasted. Both are mentioned (Did., Gen. 46, 4; 235, 26) Gal 4:24; B 4:6ff (Ex 34:28; 31:18; Just., D. 67, 9). Blood was shed when the old covenant was proclaimed at Sinai Hb 9:20 (Ex 24:8); the same is true of the new covenant Hb 10:29. τὸ αἷμά μου τ. διαθήκης Mt 26:28; Mk 14:24 (ELohse, Märtyrer u. Gottesknecht2, ’63, 122–29) is prob. to be understood in connection w. this blood (s. WWrede, ZNW 1, 1900, 69–74; TRobinson, My Blood of the Covenant: KMarti Festschr. 1925, 232–37; for a critique of this view s. GWalther, Jesus, D. Passalamm des Neuen Bundes, ’50, 22–27 and JJeremias TLZ, ’51, 547. For Syriac background JEmerton, JTS 13, ’62, 111–17; s. also ÉDelebrecque, Études grecques sur l’vangile de Luc ’76, 109–21).—The v.l. Lk 22:29 may be derived from Jer 39:40 or Is 55:3 LXX (for the cognate acc. s. Aristoph., Aves 440).—δ. may also be transl. decree in the Ep. of Barnabas (4:6ff; 6:19; 9:6; 13:1, 6; 14:1ff δ. δοῦναί τινι); but the freq. occurrence of the idea of inheritance (6:19; 13:1, 6; 14:4f), makes it likely that the ‘decree’ is to be thought of as part of a will.
    The mng. compact, contract seems firmly established for Gr-Rom. times (FNorton, A Lexicographical and Historical Study of Διαθήκη, Chicago 1908, 31ff; EBruck, D. Schenkung auf d. Todesfall im griech. u. röm. Recht I 1909, 115ff; JWackernagel, D. Kultur d. Gegenw. I 82 1907, 309). It remains doubtful whether this mng. has influenced our lit. here and there (exc. quite prob. Lk 22:29 v.l. with its administrative tenor; the phrase διατίθεμαι δ. as Aristoph., Av. 440 of a treaty agreement), but the usage of the term δ. in such sense would again serve as a bridge to LXX usage.—The expr. ἡ κιβωτὸς τ. διαθήκης covenant chest i.e. the sacred box (Eng. ‘ark’ as loanw. from Lat. arca) that symbolized God’s pledge of presence w. Israel (Ex 31:7; 39:14 al.) Hb 9:4; Rv 11:19 or αἱ πλάκες τ. διαθ. (Ex 34:28; Dt 9:9, 11) Hb 9:4 would have required some acquaintance with Israelite tradition on the part of ancient readers.—ERiggenbach, D. Begriff d. Διαθήκη im Hb: Theol. Stud. f. TZahn 1908, 289ff, Hb2 1922, 205ff al.; ACarr, Covenant or Testament?: Exp. 7th ser., 7, 1909, 347ff; JBehm, D. Begriff D. im NT 1912; ELohmeyer, Diatheke 1913; WFerguson, Legal Terms Common to the Macedonian Inscr. and the NT, 1913, 42–46 (testamentary exhibits); HKennedy, Exp. 8th ser., 10, 1915, 385ff; GVos, Hebrews, the Epistle of the Diatheke: PTR 13, 1915, 587–632; 14, 1916, 1–61; OEger, ZNW 18, 1918, 84–108; EBurton, ICC Gal 1921, 496–505; LdaFonseca, Διαθήκη foedus an testamentum?: Biblica 8, 1927; 9, 1928; EBammel, Gottes διαθήκη (Gal 3:15–17) u. d. jüd. Rechtsdenken, NTS 6, ’60, 313–19; NDow, A Select Bibliography on the Concept of Covenant, Austin Seminary Bulletin 78, 6, ’63; CRoetzel, Biblica 51, ’70, 377–90 (Ro 9:4); DMcCarthy, Berit and Covenant (Deut.), ’72, 65–85; EChristiansen, The Covenant in Judaism and Paul ’95.—DELG s.v. θήκη. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > διαθήκη

  • 95 Computers

       The brain has been compared to a digital computer because the neuron, like a switch or valve, either does or does not complete a circuit. But at that point the similarity ends. The switch in the digital computer is constant in its effect, and its effect is large in proportion to the total output of the machine. The effect produced by the neuron varies with its recovery from [the] refractory phase and with its metabolic state. The number of neurons involved in any action runs into millions so that the influence of any one is negligible.... Any cell in the system can be dispensed with.... The brain is an analogical machine, not digital. Analysis of the integrative activities will probably have to be in statistical terms. (Lashley, quoted in Beach, Hebb, Morgan & Nissen, 1960, p. 539)
       It is essential to realize that a computer is not a mere "number cruncher," or supercalculating arithmetic machine, although this is how computers are commonly regarded by people having no familiarity with artificial intelligence. Computers do not crunch numbers; they manipulate symbols.... Digital computers originally developed with mathematical problems in mind, are in fact general purpose symbol manipulating machines....
       The terms "computer" and "computation" are themselves unfortunate, in view of their misleading arithmetical connotations. The definition of artificial intelligence previously cited-"the study of intelligence as computation"-does not imply that intelligence is really counting. Intelligence may be defined as the ability creatively to manipulate symbols, or process information, given the requirements of the task in hand. (Boden, 1981, pp. 15, 16-17)
       The task is to get computers to explain things to themselves, to ask questions about their experiences so as to cause those explanations to be forthcoming, and to be creative in coming up with explanations that have not been previously available. (Schank, 1986, p. 19)
       In What Computers Can't Do, written in 1969 (2nd edition, 1972), the main objection to AI was the impossibility of using rules to select only those facts about the real world that were relevant in a given situation. The "Introduction" to the paperback edition of the book, published by Harper & Row in 1979, pointed out further that no one had the slightest idea how to represent the common sense understanding possessed even by a four-year-old. (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986, p. 102)
       A popular myth says that the invention of the computer diminishes our sense of ourselves, because it shows that rational thought is not special to human beings, but can be carried on by a mere machine. It is a short stop from there to the conclusion that intelligence is mechanical, which many people find to be an affront to all that is most precious and singular about their humanness.
       In fact, the computer, early in its career, was not an instrument of the philistines, but a humanizing influence. It helped to revive an idea that had fallen into disrepute: the idea that the mind is real, that it has an inner structure and a complex organization, and can be understood in scientific terms. For some three decades, until the 1940s, American psychology had lain in the grip of the ice age of behaviorism, which was antimental through and through. During these years, extreme behaviorists banished the study of thought from their agenda. Mind and consciousness, thinking, imagining, planning, solving problems, were dismissed as worthless for anything except speculation. Only the external aspects of behavior, the surface manifestations, were grist for the scientist's mill, because only they could be observed and measured....
       It is one of the surprising gifts of the computer in the history of ideas that it played a part in giving back to psychology what it had lost, which was nothing less than the mind itself. In particular, there was a revival of interest in how the mind represents the world internally to itself, by means of knowledge structures such as ideas, symbols, images, and inner narratives, all of which had been consigned to the realm of mysticism. (Campbell, 1989, p. 10)
       [Our artifacts] only have meaning because we give it to them; their intentionality, like that of smoke signals and writing, is essentially borrowed, hence derivative. To put it bluntly: computers themselves don't mean anything by their tokens (any more than books do)-they only mean what we say they do. Genuine understanding, on the other hand, is intentional "in its own right" and not derivatively from something else. (Haugeland, 1981a, pp. 32-33)
       he debate over the possibility of computer thought will never be won or lost; it will simply cease to be of interest, like the previous debate over man as a clockwork mechanism. (Bolter, 1984, p. 190)
       t takes us a long time to emotionally digest a new idea. The computer is too big a step, and too recently made, for us to quickly recover our balance and gauge its potential. It's an enormous accelerator, perhaps the greatest one since the plow, twelve thousand years ago. As an intelligence amplifier, it speeds up everything-including itself-and it continually improves because its heart is information or, more plainly, ideas. We can no more calculate its consequences than Babbage could have foreseen antibiotics, the Pill, or space stations.
       Further, the effects of those ideas are rapidly compounding, because a computer design is itself just a set of ideas. As we get better at manipulating ideas by building ever better computers, we get better at building even better computers-it's an ever-escalating upward spiral. The early nineteenth century, when the computer's story began, is already so far back that it may as well be the Stone Age. (Rawlins, 1997, p. 19)
       According to weak AI, the principle value of the computer in the study of the mind is that it gives us a very powerful tool. For example, it enables us to formulate and test hypotheses in a more rigorous and precise fashion than before. But according to strong AI the computer is not merely a tool in the study of the mind; rather the appropriately programmed computer really is a mind in the sense that computers given the right programs can be literally said to understand and have other cognitive states. And according to strong AI, because the programmed computer has cognitive states, the programs are not mere tools that enable us to test psychological explanations; rather, the programs are themselves the explanations. (Searle, 1981b, p. 353)
       What makes people smarter than machines? They certainly are not quicker or more precise. Yet people are far better at perceiving objects in natural scenes and noting their relations, at understanding language and retrieving contextually appropriate information from memory, at making plans and carrying out contextually appropriate actions, and at a wide range of other natural cognitive tasks. People are also far better at learning to do these things more accurately and fluently through processing experience.
       What is the basis for these differences? One answer, perhaps the classic one we might expect from artificial intelligence, is "software." If we only had the right computer program, the argument goes, we might be able to capture the fluidity and adaptability of human information processing. Certainly this answer is partially correct. There have been great breakthroughs in our understanding of cognition as a result of the development of expressive high-level computer languages and powerful algorithms. However, we do not think that software is the whole story.
       In our view, people are smarter than today's computers because the brain employs a basic computational architecture that is more suited to deal with a central aspect of the natural information processing tasks that people are so good at.... hese tasks generally require the simultaneous consideration of many pieces of information or constraints. Each constraint may be imperfectly specified and ambiguous, yet each can play a potentially decisive role in determining the outcome of processing. (McClelland, Rumelhart & Hinton, 1986, pp. 3-4)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Computers

  • 96 Concepts

       From a psychological perspective, concepts are mental representations of classes (e.g., one's beliefs about the class of dogs or tables), and their most salient function is to promote cognitive economy.... By partitioning the world into classes, we decrease the amount of information we must perceive, learn, remember, communicate, and reason about. Thus, if we had no concepts, we would have to refer to each individual entity by its own name; every different table, for example, would be denoted by a different word. The mental lexicon required would be so enormous that communication as we know it might be impossible. Other mental functions might collapse under the sheer number of entities we would have to keep track of.
       Another important function of concepts is that they enable us to go beyond the information given.... When we come across an object, say a wolf, we have direct knowledge only of its appearance. It is essential that we go beyond appearances and bring to bear other knowledge that we have, such as our belief that wolves can bite and inflict severe injury. Concepts are our means of linking perceptual and nonperceptual information. We use a perceptual description of the creature in front of us to access the concept wolf and then use our nonperceptual beliefs to direct our behavior, that is, run. Concepts, then, are recognition devices; they serve as entry points into our knowledge stores and provide us with expectations that we can use to guide our actions.
       A third important function of concepts is that they can be combined to form complex concepts and thoughts. Stoves and burn are two simple concepts; Stoves can burn is a full-fledged thought. Presumably our understanding of this thought, and of complex concepts in general, is based on our understanding of the constituent concepts. (Smith, 1988, pp. 19-20)
       The concept may be a butterfly. It may be a person he has known. It may be an animal, a city, a type of action, or a quality. Each concept calls for a name. These names are wanted for what may be a noun or a verb, an adjective or an adverb. Concepts of this type have been formed gradually over the years from childhood on. Each time a thing is seen or heard or experienced, the individual has a perception of it. A part of that perception comes from his own concomitant interpretation. Each successive perception forms and probably alters the permanent concept. And words are acquired gradually, also, and deposited somehow in the treasure-house of word memory.... Words are often acquired simultaneously with the concepts.... A little boy may first see a butterfly fluttering from flower to flower in a meadow. Later he sees them on the wing or in pictures, many times. On each occasion he adds to his conception of butterfly.
       It becomes a generalization from many particulars. He builds up a concept of a butterfly which he can remember and summon at will, although when he comes to manhood, perhaps, he can recollect none of the particular butterflies of past experience.
       The same is true of the sequence of sound that makes up a melody. He remembers it after he has forgotten each of the many times he heard or perhaps sang or played it. The same is true of colours. He acquires, quite quickly, the concept of lavender, although all the objects of which he saw the colour have faded beyond the frontier of voluntary recall. The same is true of the generalization he forms of an acquaintance. Later on he can summon his concept of the individual without recalling their many meetings. (Penfield, 1959, pp. 228-229)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Concepts

  • 97 Creativity

       Put in this bald way, these aims sound utopian. How utopian they areor rather, how imminent their realization-depends on how broadly or narrowly we interpret the term "creative." If we are willing to regard all human complex problem solving as creative, then-as we will point out-successful programs for problem solving mechanisms that simulate human problem solvers already exist, and a number of their general characteristics are known. If we reserve the term "creative" for activities like discovery of the special theory of relativity or the composition of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony, then no example of a creative mechanism exists at the present time. (Simon, 1979, pp. 144-145)
       Among the questions that can now be given preliminary answers in computational terms are the following: how can ideas from very different sources be spontaneously thought of together? how can two ideas be merged to produce a new structure, which shows the influence of both ancestor ideas without being a mere "cut-and-paste" combination? how can the mind be "primed," so that one will more easily notice serendipitous ideas? why may someone notice-and remember-something fairly uninteresting, if it occurs in an interesting context? how can a brief phrase conjure up an entire melody from memory? and how can we accept two ideas as similar ("love" and "prove" as rhyming, for instance) in respect of a feature not identical in both? The features of connectionist AI models that suggest answers to these questions are their powers of pattern completion, graceful degradation, sensitization, multiple constraint satisfaction, and "best-fit" equilibration.... Here, the important point is that the unconscious, "insightful," associative aspects of creativity can be explained-in outline, at least-by AI methods. (Boden, 1996, p. 273)
       There thus appears to be an underlying similarity in the process involved in creative innovation and social independence, with common traits and postures required for expression of both behaviors. The difference is one of product-literary, musical, artistic, theoretical products on the one hand, opinions on the other-rather than one of process. In both instances the individual must believe that his perceptions are meaningful and valid and be willing to rely upon his own interpretations. He must trust himself sufficiently that even when persons express opinions counter to his own he can proceed on the basis of his own perceptions and convictions. (Coopersmith, 1967, p. 58)
       he average level of ego strength and emotional stability is noticeably higher among creative geniuses than among the general population, though it is possibly lower than among men of comparable intelligence and education who go into administrative and similar positions. High anxiety and excitability appear common (e.g. Priestley, Darwin, Kepler) but full-blown neurosis is quite rare. (Cattell & Butcher, 1970, p. 315)
       he insight that is supposed to be required for such work as discovery turns out to be synonymous with the familiar process of recognition; and other terms commonly used in the discussion of creative work-such terms as "judgment," "creativity," or even "genius"-appear to be wholly dispensable or to be definable, as insight is, in terms of mundane and well-understood concepts. (Simon, 1989, p. 376)
       From the sketch material still in existence, from the condition of the fragments, and from the autographs themselves we can draw definite conclusions about Mozart's creative process. To invent musical ideas he did not need any stimulation; they came to his mind "ready-made" and in polished form. In contrast to Beethoven, who made numerous attempts at shaping his musical ideas until he found the definitive formulation of a theme, Mozart's first inspiration has the stamp of finality. Any Mozart theme has completeness and unity; as a phenomenon it is a Gestalt. (Herzmann, 1964, p. 28)
       Great artists enlarge the limits of one's perception. Looking at the world through the eyes of Rembrandt or Tolstoy makes one able to perceive aspects of truth about the world which one could not have achieved without their aid. Freud believed that science was adaptive because it facilitated mastery of the external world; but was it not the case that many scientific theories, like works of art, also originated in phantasy? Certainly, reading accounts of scientific discovery by men of the calibre of Einstein compelled me to conclude that phantasy was not merely escapist, but a way of reaching new insights concerning the nature of reality. Scientific hypotheses require proof; works of art do not. Both are concerned with creating order, with making sense out of the world and our experience of it. (Storr, 1993, p. xii)
       The importance of self-esteem for creative expression appears to be almost beyond disproof. Without a high regard for himself the individual who is working in the frontiers of his field cannot trust himself to discriminate between the trivial and the significant. Without trust in his own powers the person seeking improved solutions or alternative theories has no basis for distinguishing the significant and profound innovation from the one that is merely different.... An essential component of the creative process, whether it be analysis, synthesis, or the development of a new perspective or more comprehensive theory, is the conviction that one's judgment in interpreting the events is to be trusted. (Coopersmith, 1967, p. 59)
       In the daily stream of thought these four different stages [preparation; incubation; illumination or inspiration; and verification] constantly overlap each other as we explore different problems. An economist reading a Blue Book, a physiologist watching an experiment, or a business man going through his morning's letters, may at the same time be "incubating" on a problem which he proposed to himself a few days ago, be accumulating knowledge in "preparation" for a second problem, and be "verifying" his conclusions to a third problem. Even in exploring the same problem, the mind may be unconsciously incubating on one aspect of it, while it is consciously employed in preparing for or verifying another aspect. (Wallas, 1926, p. 81)
       he basic, bisociative pattern of the creative synthesis [is] the sudden interlocking of two previously unrelated skills, or matrices of thought. (Koestler, 1964, p. 121)
        11) The Earliest Stages in the Creative Process Involve a Commerce with Disorder
       Even to the creator himself, the earliest effort may seem to involve a commerce with disorder. For the creative order, which is an extension of life, is not an elaboration of the established, but a movement beyond the established, or at least a reorganization of it and often of elements not included in it. The first need is therefore to transcend the old order. Before any new order can be defined, the absolute power of the established, the hold upon us of what we know and are, must be broken. New life comes always from outside our world, as we commonly conceive that world. This is the reason why, in order to invent, one must yield to the indeterminate within him, or, more precisely, to certain illdefined impulses which seem to be of the very texture of the ungoverned fullness which John Livingston Lowes calls "the surging chaos of the unexpressed." (Ghiselin, 1985, p. 4)
       New life comes always from outside our world, as we commonly conceive our world. This is the reason why, in order to invent, one must yield to the indeterminate within him, or, more precisely, to certain illdefined impulses which seem to be of the very texture of the ungoverned fullness which John Livingston Lowes calls "the surging chaos of the unexpressed." Chaos and disorder are perhaps the wrong terms for that indeterminate fullness and activity of the inner life. For it is organic, dynamic, full of tension and tendency. What is absent from it, except in the decisive act of creation, is determination, fixity, and commitment to one resolution or another of the whole complex of its tensions. (Ghiselin, 1952, p. 13)
       [P]sychoanalysts have principally been concerned with the content of creative products, and with explaining content in terms of the artist's infantile past. They have paid less attention to examining why the artist chooses his particular activity to express, abreact or sublimate his emotions. In short, they have not made much distinction between art and neurosis; and, since the former is one of the blessings of mankind, whereas the latter is one of the curses, it seems a pity that they should not be better differentiated....
       Psychoanalysis, being fundamentally concerned with drive and motive, might have been expected to throw more light upon what impels the creative person that in fact it has. (Storr, 1993, pp. xvii, 3)
       A number of theoretical approaches were considered. Associative theory, as developed by Mednick (1962), gained some empirical support from the apparent validity of the Remote Associates Test, which was constructed on the basis of the theory.... Koestler's (1964) bisociative theory allows more complexity to mental organization than Mednick's associative theory, and postulates "associative contexts" or "frames of reference." He proposed that normal, non-creative, thought proceeds within particular contexts or frames and that the creative act involves linking together previously unconnected frames.... Simonton (1988) has developed associative notions further and explored the mathematical consequences of chance permutation of ideas....
       Like Koestler, Gruber (1980; Gruber and Davis, 1988) has based his analysis on case studies. He has focused especially on Darwin's development of the theory of evolution. Using piagetian notions, such as assimilation and accommodation, Gruber shows how Darwin's system of ideas changed very slowly over a period of many years. "Moments of insight," in Gruber's analysis, were the culminations of slow long-term processes.... Finally, the information-processing approach, as represented by Simon (1966) and Langley et al. (1987), was considered.... [Simon] points out the importance of good problem representations, both to ensure search is in an appropriate problem space and to aid in developing heuristic evaluations of possible research directions.... The work of Langley et al. (1987) demonstrates how such search processes, realized in computer programs, can indeed discover many basic laws of science from tables of raw data.... Boden (1990a, 1994) has stressed the importance of restructuring the problem space in creative work to develop new genres and paradigms in the arts and sciences. (Gilhooly, 1996, pp. 243-244; emphasis in original)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Creativity

  • 98 принципы комплексной безопасности

    1. principles of safety integration


    принципы комплексной безопасности
    [Директива 98/37/ЕЭС по машинному оборудованию]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    1.2.2. Principles of safety integration

    (a) Machinery must be so constructed that it is fitted for its function, and can be adjusted and maintained without putting persons at risk when these operations are carried out under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.
    The aim of measures taken must be to eliminate any risk of accident throughout the foreseeable lifetime of the machinery, including the phases of assembly and dismantling, even where risks of accident arise from foreseeable abnormal situations.

    (b) In selecting the most appropriate methods, the manufacturer must apply the following principles, in the order given:
    — eliminate or reduce risks as far as possible (inherently safe machinery design and construction),
    — take the necessary protection measures in relation to risks that cannot be eliminated,
    — inform users of the residual risks due to any shortcomings of the protection measures adopted, indicate whether any particular training is required and specify any need to provide personal protection equipment.

    (c) When designing and constructing machinery, and when drafting the instructions, the manufacturer must envisage not only the normal use of the machinery but also uses which could reasonably be expected.

    The machinery must be designed to prevent abnormal use if such use would engender a risk.In other cases the instructions must draw the user’s attention to ways — which experience has shown might occur — in which the machinery should not be used.

    (d) Under the intended conditions of use, the discomfort, fatigue and psychological stress faced by the operator must be reduced to the minimum possible taking ergonomic principles into account.

    (e) When designing and constructing machinery, the manufacturer must take account of the constraints to which the operator is subject as a result of the necessary or foreseeable use of personal protection equipment (such as footwear, gloves, etc.).

    (f) Machinery must be supplied with all the essential special equipment and accessories to enable it to be adjusted, maintained and used without risk.

    1.1.2. Принципы комплексной безопасности.

    (a) Машинное оборудование должно конструироваться так, чтобы оно выполняло заранее предусмотренные функции, и чтобы была возможность производить их наладку и техническое обслуживание, не подвергая персонал риску во время осуществления этих операций в условиях, предусмотренных изготовителем.
    Целью принимаемых мер является устранение любого риска несчастного случая в течение прогнозируемого периода срока службы машинного оборудования, включая фазы сборки и демонтажа, а также когда несчастный случай может произойти вследствие возникновения чрезвычайных обстоятельств, которые невозможно было предвидеть заранее.

    (b) Выбирая наиболее подходящие меры, изготовитель должен применять следующие принципы в указанном порядке:
    - по возможности устранить или сократить риски (сделать изначально безопасными как конструкцию, так и собранное машинное оборудование);
    - принять все необходимые меры защиты против рисков, которые не могут быть устранены;
    - информировать пользователей о возможных остаточных рисках, которые могут иметь место из-за недостаточности принятых мер защиты, с описанием всей необходимой специальной подготовки персонала и всех средств личной защиты, которыми его необходимо снабдить.

    (c) При конструировании и производстве машинного оборудования, а также при составлении инструкций изготовитель должен предусмотреть не только обычное использование машинного оборудования, но и потенциальное его использование.
    Машинное оборудование должно быть сконструировано таким образом, чтобы предотвратить ненадлежащее его использование, если оно повлечет за собой возникновение риска. В прочих случаях инструкции должны обратить внимание пользователя на то, каким образом машинное оборудование не следует использовать (на основании уже имеющегося опыта).

    (d) При надлежащих условиях использования необходимо сократить до минимума всевозможные неудобства, чувство усталости и психологического стресса, которые испытывает оператор, принимая при этом в расчет принципы эргономики.

    (e) При конструировании и производстве машинного оборудования изготовитель обязан принимать во внимание скованность и ограниченность движений оператора, которые являются следствием необходимых или предусмотренных средств личной защиты (таких как специальная обувь, перчатки и т.п.).

    (f) Машинное оборудование должно быть снабжено всем основным специальным оборудованием, необходимым для пуска, текущего обслуживания и безопасного использования.

    [Официальный перевод]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > принципы комплексной безопасности

  • 99 principles of safety integration

    1. принципы комплексной безопасности


    принципы комплексной безопасности
    [Директива 98/37/ЕЭС по машинному оборудованию]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    1.2.2. Principles of safety integration

    (a) Machinery must be so constructed that it is fitted for its function, and can be adjusted and maintained without putting persons at risk when these operations are carried out under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.
    The aim of measures taken must be to eliminate any risk of accident throughout the foreseeable lifetime of the machinery, including the phases of assembly and dismantling, even where risks of accident arise from foreseeable abnormal situations.

    (b) In selecting the most appropriate methods, the manufacturer must apply the following principles, in the order given:
    — eliminate or reduce risks as far as possible (inherently safe machinery design and construction),
    — take the necessary protection measures in relation to risks that cannot be eliminated,
    — inform users of the residual risks due to any shortcomings of the protection measures adopted, indicate whether any particular training is required and specify any need to provide personal protection equipment.

    (c) When designing and constructing machinery, and when drafting the instructions, the manufacturer must envisage not only the normal use of the machinery but also uses which could reasonably be expected.

    The machinery must be designed to prevent abnormal use if such use would engender a risk.In other cases the instructions must draw the user’s attention to ways — which experience has shown might occur — in which the machinery should not be used.

    (d) Under the intended conditions of use, the discomfort, fatigue and psychological stress faced by the operator must be reduced to the minimum possible taking ergonomic principles into account.

    (e) When designing and constructing machinery, the manufacturer must take account of the constraints to which the operator is subject as a result of the necessary or foreseeable use of personal protection equipment (such as footwear, gloves, etc.).

    (f) Machinery must be supplied with all the essential special equipment and accessories to enable it to be adjusted, maintained and used without risk.

    1.1.2. Принципы комплексной безопасности.

    (a) Машинное оборудование должно конструироваться так, чтобы оно выполняло заранее предусмотренные функции, и чтобы была возможность производить их наладку и техническое обслуживание, не подвергая персонал риску во время осуществления этих операций в условиях, предусмотренных изготовителем.
    Целью принимаемых мер является устранение любого риска несчастного случая в течение прогнозируемого периода срока службы машинного оборудования, включая фазы сборки и демонтажа, а также когда несчастный случай может произойти вследствие возникновения чрезвычайных обстоятельств, которые невозможно было предвидеть заранее.

    (b) Выбирая наиболее подходящие меры, изготовитель должен применять следующие принципы в указанном порядке:
    - по возможности устранить или сократить риски (сделать изначально безопасными как конструкцию, так и собранное машинное оборудование);
    - принять все необходимые меры защиты против рисков, которые не могут быть устранены;
    - информировать пользователей о возможных остаточных рисках, которые могут иметь место из-за недостаточности принятых мер защиты, с описанием всей необходимой специальной подготовки персонала и всех средств личной защиты, которыми его необходимо снабдить.

    (c) При конструировании и производстве машинного оборудования, а также при составлении инструкций изготовитель должен предусмотреть не только обычное использование машинного оборудования, но и потенциальное его использование.
    Машинное оборудование должно быть сконструировано таким образом, чтобы предотвратить ненадлежащее его использование, если оно повлечет за собой возникновение риска. В прочих случаях инструкции должны обратить внимание пользователя на то, каким образом машинное оборудование не следует использовать (на основании уже имеющегося опыта).

    (d) При надлежащих условиях использования необходимо сократить до минимума всевозможные неудобства, чувство усталости и психологического стресса, которые испытывает оператор, принимая при этом в расчет принципы эргономики.

    (e) При конструировании и производстве машинного оборудования изготовитель обязан принимать во внимание скованность и ограниченность движений оператора, которые являются следствием необходимых или предусмотренных средств личной защиты (таких как специальная обувь, перчатки и т.п.).

    (f) Машинное оборудование должно быть снабжено всем основным специальным оборудованием, необходимым для пуска, текущего обслуживания и безопасного использования.

    [Официальный перевод]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > principles of safety integration

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  • My Love: Essential Collection — My Love: Essential Collection …   Wikipedia

  • Coalition of Essential Schools — The Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) is an organization created to further a type of whole school reform originally envisioned by founder Ted Sizer in his book, Horace s Compromise. CES began in 1984 with twelve schools; it currently has 600… …   Wikipedia

  • Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School — Infobox School name = Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School imagesize = 200px caption = motto = established = 1995 type = Charter school affiliation = district = grades = 7 12 president = principal = Teriann Schrader head of school = dean =… …   Wikipedia

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