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  • 1 examine

    1) (to look at closely; to inspect closely: They examined the animal tracks and decided that they were those of a fox.) apskatīt; izmeklēt
    2) ((of a doctor) to inspect the body of thoroughly to check for disease etc: The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy.) (par ārstu) izmeklēt
    3) (to consider carefully: The police must examine the facts.) izmeklēt; izpētīt
    4) (to test the knowledge or ability of (students etc): She examines pupils in mathematics.) eksaminēt
    5) (to question: The lawyer examined the witness in the court case.) pratināt
    - examiner
    * * *
    apskatīt, izmeklēt; eksaminēt; pratināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > examine

  • 2 cross-examine

    verb (in a court of law, to test or check the previous evidence of (a witness) by questioning him.) nopratināt (jautājumu krustugunīs)
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > cross-examine

  • 3 to examine a witness

    nopratināt liecinieku; nopratināt aculiecinieku

    English-Latvian dictionary > to examine a witness

  • 4 probe

    [prəub] 1. noun
    1) (a long thin instrument used by doctors to examine a wound etc.) zonde
    2) (an investigation: a police probe into illegal activities.) izpēte; izmeklēšana
    2. verb
    1) (to investigate: He probed into her private life.) []pētīt; iedziļināties
    2) (to examine (as if) with a probe: The doctor probed the wound; He probed about in the hole with a stick.) zondēt; iztaustīt
    * * *
    zonde; zondēt; iedziļināties

    English-Latvian dictionary > probe

  • 5 scan

    [skæn] 1. past tense, past participle - scanned; verb
    1) (to examine carefully: He scanned the horizon for any sign of a ship.) pētīt; vērot
    2) (to look at quickly but not in detail: She scanned the newspaper for news of the murder.) pavirši apskatīt; pārlaist acis
    3) (to pass radar beams etc over: The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.) kontrolēt ar radaru
    4) (to pass an electronic or laser beam over a text or picture in order to store it in the memory of a computer.) skenēt, nolasīt ar skeneri
    5) (to examine and get an image of what is inside a person's body or an object by using ultra-sound and x-ray: They scanned his luggage at the airport to see if he was carrying drugs.) skenēt, caurskatīt
    6) (to fit into a particular rhythm or metre: The second line of that verse doesn't scan properly.) būt pantmērā/ritmā
    2. noun
    She had an ultrasound scan to see whether the baby was a boy or a girl; a brain scan; a quick scan through the report.) skenēšana; caurskate; pārskats
    * * *
    vērot, pētīt; pavirši apskatīt; skandēt; skenēt; izvērst; izvērse

    English-Latvian dictionary > scan

  • 6 analyse

    verb (to examine the nature of (something) especially by breaking up (a whole) into parts: The doctor analysed the blood sample.) analizēt
    * * *
    analizēt; sadalīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > analyse

  • 7 audit

    ['o:dit] 1. noun
    (an official examination of financial accounts.) revīzija; audits
    2. verb
    (to examine financial accounts officially.) revidēt; izdarīt auditu
    * * *
    pārbaude, revīzija; izdarīt revīziju, pārbaudīt; apmeklēt nodarbības kā brīvklausītājam

    English-Latvian dictionary > audit

  • 8 cross

    [kros] I adjective
    (angry: I get very cross when I lose something.) dusmīgs; pikts
    II 1. plural - crosses; noun
    1) (a symbol formed by two lines placed across each other, eg + or x.) krustiņš
    2) (two wooden beams placed thus (+), on which Christ was nailed.) krusts
    3) (the symbol of the Christian religion.) krusts; krucifikss
    4) (a lasting cause of suffering etc: Your rheumatism is a cross you will have to bear.) krusts
    5) (the result of breeding two varieties of animal or plant: This dog is a cross between an alsatian and a labrador.) krustojums
    6) (a monument in the shape of a cross.) krusts
    7) (any of several types of medal given for bravery etc: the Victoria Cross.) krusts
    2. verb
    1) (to go from one side to the other: Let's cross (the street); This road crosses the swamp.) krustot; šķērsot
    2) ((negative uncross) to place (two things) across each other: He sat down and crossed his legs.) sakrustot
    3) (to go or be placed across (each other): The roads cross in the centre of town.) krustoties
    4) (to meet and pass: Our letters must have crossed in the post.) ceļā samainīties (par cilvēkiem, vēstulēm)
    5) (to put a line across: Cross your `t's'.) pārsvītrot (burtu)
    6) (to make (a cheque or postal order) payable only through a bank by drawing two parallel lines across it.) pārsvītrot (čeku, pasta pārvedumu)
    7) (to breed (something) from two different varieties: I've crossed two varieties of rose.) krustot
    8) (to go against the wishes of: If you cross me, you'll regret it!) iebilst; neklausīt
    - crossing
    - crossbow
    - cross-breed
    - cross-bred
    - crosscheck
    3. noun
    (the act of crosschecking.) dubulta pārbaude
    - cross-country skiing
    - cross-examine
    - cross-examination
    - cross-eyed
    - cross-fire
    - at cross-purposes
    - cross-refer
    - cross-reference
    - crossroads
    - cross-section
    - crossword puzzle
    - crossword
    - cross one's fingers
    - cross out
    * * *
    krusts; krucifikss; krustiņš; krustojums; pārsvītrojums; sajaukums; krustot, šķērsot; sakrustot; krustot; apzīmēt ar krustiņu; izmainīties ceļā; pārsvītrot; darboties pretī, iebilst; krāpt; krusta, krustisks; pretējs; dusmīgs, īgns; negodīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > cross

  • 9 explore

    1) (to search or travel through (a place) for the purpose of discovery: The oceans have not yet been fully explored; Let's go exploring in the caves.) pētīt
    2) (to examine carefully: I'll explore the possibilities of getting a job here.) izpētīt
    - exploratory
    - explorer
    * * *
    pētīt; izpētīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > explore

  • 10 inspect

    1) (to look at, or examine, carefully or formally: He inspected the bloodstains.) apskatīt; aplūkot
    2) (to visit (eg a restaurant or school) officially, to make sure that it is properly run: Cafés must be regularly inspected to find out if they are kept clean.) inspicēt; pārbaudīt
    3) (to look at (troops etc) ceremonially: The Queen will inspect the regiment.) inspicēt; pārbaudīt
    - inspector
    * * *
    aplūkot, apskatīt; inspicēt, pārbaudīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > inspect

  • 11 investigate

    (to examine or inquire into carefully: The police are investigating the mystery.) []pētīt; izmeklēt
    - investigator
    * * *
    pētīt; izpētīt; izmeklēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > investigate

  • 12 overhaul

    1. [əuvə'ho:l] verb
    (to examine carefully and repair: I had my car overhauled at the garage.) rūpīgi pārbaudīt; kapitāli []remontēt
    2. ['əuvəho:l] noun
    a complete overhaul.) rūpīga pārbaude; kapitālais remonts
    * * *
    pamatīga pārbaude; kapitālremonts; pamatīgi pārbaudīt; kapitāli izremontēt; apsteigt

    English-Latvian dictionary > overhaul

  • 13 scrutinize

    verb (to examine carefully: He scrutinized the coin with a magnifying-glass.) rūpīgi apskatīt/vērot/nopētīt
    * * *
    nopētīt, rūpīgi apskatīt; rūpīgi pārbaudīt, izsekot

    English-Latvian dictionary > scrutinize

  • 14 search

    [sə: ] 1. verb
    1) ((often with for) to look for something by careful examination: Have you searched through your pockets thoroughly?; I've been searching for that book for weeks.) []meklēt
    2) ((of the police etc) to examine, looking for eg stolen goods: He was taken to the police station, searched and questioned.) pārmeklēt; izkratīt
    2. noun
    (an act of searching: His search did not take long.) meklēšana
    - searching
    - searchingly
    - searchlight
    - search party
    - search warrant
    - in search of
    * * *
    meklēšana; aptvarste, pārmeklēšana; izpētīšana; meklēt; aptvarstīt, pārmeklēt; pētīt; izpētīt; iespiesties

    English-Latvian dictionary > search

  • 15 sift

    1) (to separate by passing through a sieve etc: Sift the flour before making the cake.) []sijāt
    2) (to examine closely: He sifted the evidence carefully.) izanalizēt; izpētīt
    * * *
    sijāt; izanalizēt, izskatīt; birt

    English-Latvian dictionary > sift

  • 16 smell

    1. [smel] noun
    1) (the sense or power of being aware of things through one's nose: My sister never had a good sense of smell.) oža
    2) (the quality that is noticed by using this power: a pleasant smell; There's a strong smell of gas.) smarža; smaka
    3) (an act of using this power: Have a smell of this!) Pasmaržo šo!
    2. [smelt] verb
    1) (to notice by using one's nose: I smell gas; I thought I smelt (something) burning.) saost
    2) (to give off a smell: The roses smelt beautiful; Her hands smelt of fish.) smaržot
    3) (to examine by using the sense of smell: Let me smell those flowers.) pasmaržot
    - smelly
    - smelliness
    - smell out
    * * *
    oža; smaka, smarža; saost; ostīt; ost, smaržot

    English-Latvian dictionary > smell

  • 17 sound

    I adjective
    1) (strong or in good condition: The foundations of the house are not very sound; He's 87, but he's still sound in mind and body.) drošs; stabils; vesels; labā stāvoklī
    2) ((of sleep) deep: She's a very sound sleeper.) ciešs/dziļš (miegs)
    3) (full; thorough: a sound basic training.) pamatīgs; vispusīgs
    4) (accurate; free from mistakes: a sound piece of work.) labs; dziļš; pilnīgs; pamatīgs
    5) (having or showing good judgement or good sense: His advice is always very sound.) []prātīgs; pārliecinošs
    - soundness
    - sound asleep
    II 1. noun
    1) (the impressions transmitted to the brain by the sense of hearing: a barrage of sound; ( also adjective) sound waves.) skaņa
    2) (something that is, or can be, heard: The sounds were coming from the garage.) skaņa; troksnis
    3) (the impression created in the mind by a piece of news, a description etc: I didn't like the sound of her hairstyle at all!) stils; pieskaņa; zemteksts
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause something to) make a sound: Sound the bell!; The bell sounded.) skanēt; skandināt
    2) (to signal (something) by making a sound: Sound the alarm!) dot (skaņu) signālu
    3) ((of something heard or read) to make a particular impression; to seem; to appear: Your singing sounded very good; That sounds like a train.) izklausīties
    4) (to pronounce: In the word `pneumonia', the letter p is not sounded.) izrunāt
    5) (to examine by tapping and listening carefully: She sounded the patient's chest.) izklausīt
    - soundlessly
    - sound effects
    - soundproof
    3. verb
    (to make (walls, a room etc) soundproof.) padarīt skaņas necaurlaidīgu
    III verb
    (to measure the depth of (water etc).) mērīt (ūdens) dziļumu
    - sound out
    * * *
    jūras šaurums, zunds; peldpūslis; zonde; skaņa; pieskaņa; lotēt, mērīt dziļumu; skanēt; izklausīties; izprašņāt, iztaujāt; izpētīt; dot signālu; izrunāt; ienirt; zondēt; daudzināt, skandināt; izklaudzināt; izklausīt; veselīgs, vesels; nebojāts, vesels; ciešs, dziļš; pamatots, saprātīgs; dziļš, rūpīgs; spējīgs; pamatīgs; stabils, drošs; likumīgs; cieši

    English-Latvian dictionary > sound

  • 18 study

    1. verb
    1) (to give time and attention to gaining knowledge of a subject: What subject is he studying?; He is studying French; He is studying for a degree in mathematics; She's studying to be a teacher.) studēt; mācīties
    2) (to look at or examine carefully: He studied the railway timetable; Give yourself time to study the problem in detail.) []studēt; []pētīt
    2. noun
    1) (the act of devoting time and attention to gaining knowledge: He spends all his evenings in study; She has made a study of the habits of bees.) studijas; mācības; pētniecība
    2) (a musical or artistic composition: a book of studies for the piano; The picture was entitled `Study in Grey'.) etīde
    3) (a room in a house etc, in which to study, read, write etc: The headmaster wants to speak to the senior pupils in his study.) (darba) kabinets
    * * *
    pētīšana; mācības, studijas; zinātnes nozare; pētījumu objekts; apcerējums, eseja; dziļas pārdomas; darbistaba, kabinets; cenšanās; studija; etīde; iemācīšanās; pētīt; studēt, mācīties; rūpēties

    English-Latvian dictionary > study

  • 19 survey

    1. [sə'vei] verb
    1) (to look at, or view, in a general way: He surveyed his neat garden with satisfaction.) apskatīt; pārlaist skatienu
    2) (to examine carefully or in detail.) izpētīt
    3) (to measure, and estimate the position, shape etc of (a piece of land etc): They have started to survey the piece of land that the new motorway will pass through.) uzmērīt
    4) (to make a formal or official inspection of (a house etc that is being offered for sale).) apskatīt; veikt apskati/novērtējumu
    2. ['sə:vei] noun
    1) (a look or examination; a report: After a brief survey of the damage he telephoned the police; He has written a survey of crime in big cities.) apskate; pārskats; novērtējums
    2) (a careful measurement of land etc.) uzmērījums
    * * *
    apskate; pārskats; mērīšana; karte, plāns; apskatīt; sniegt pārskatu; mērīt; sastādīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > survey

  • 20 exam

    English-Latvian dictionary > exam

См. также в других словарях:

  • Examine — Ex*am ine, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Examined}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Examining}.] [L. examinare, examinatum, fr. examen, examinis: cf. F. examiner. See {Examen}.] 1. To test by any appropriate method; to inspect carefully with a view to discover the real… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • examine — ex·am·ine vt ex·am·ined, ex·am·in·ing 1: to investigate or inspect closely examine the title compare audit 2: to question closely esp. in a court proceeding compare depose …   Law dictionary

  • examine — UK US /ɪgˈzæmɪn/ verb [T] ► to check or study something carefully, especially to prove an idea, learn new information, or discover possible problems: thoroughly/closely/carefully examine sth »The company’s financial statements will then be… …   Financial and business terms

  • examiné — examiné, ée (è gza mi né, née) part. passé. 1°   Les lieux examinés avec soin. •   .... Mais sur la foi d un songe, Dans le sang d un enfant voulez vous qu on se plonge ? Vous ne savez encor de quel père il est né, Quel il est. On le craint, tout …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • examine — [v1] analyze, test appraise, assay, audit, canvass, case, check, check out, chew over*, consider, criticize, delve into, dig into, explore, eye*, finger*, frisk, go into, go over, go through, gun*, inquire, inspect, investigate, look over, look… …   New thesaurus

  • examiné — Examiné, [examin]ée. part. On dit fig. qu Un habit, que du linge est bien examiné, pour dire, qu Il est bien usé. Ce manteau est bien examiné, il monstre la corde …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • examine — [eg zam′ən, igzam′ən] vt. examined, examining [ME examinen < OFr examiner < L examinare, to weigh, ponder, examine < examen, tongue of a balance, examination < ex , out + base of agere, to lead, move: see ACT1] 1. to look at or into… …   English World dictionary

  • examine — c.1300, from O.Fr. examiner interrogate, question, torture, from L. examinare to test or try; weigh, consider, ponder, from examen a means of weighing or testing, probably ultimately from exigere weigh accurately (see EXACT (Cf. exact)). Related …   Etymology dictionary

  • examine — 1 inspect, *scrutinize, scan, audit Analogous words: *analyze, dissect, resolve: contemplate, observe, survey, view, notice, note (see SEE) 2 question, interrogate, quiz, catechize, *ask, query, inquire Analogous words: penetrate, probe (see …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • examine — ► VERB 1) inspect closely to determine the nature or condition of. 2) test the knowledge or proficiency of. 3) Law formally question (a defendant or witness) in court. DERIVATIVES examinee noun examiner noun. ORIGIN Latin examinare weigh, test …   English terms dictionary

  • examine — verb ADVERB ▪ carefully, closely, in detail, minutely ▪ Each case must be carefully examined. ▪ We shall now proceed to examine these two aspects of the problem in detail. ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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