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  • err on the side of — (something) to choose an action that may be too extreme. If we re not sure what s needed, let s err on the side of being too prepared. Usage notes: usually used in the form err on the side of caution: I decided to err on the side of caution and… …   New idioms dictionary

  • err on the side of — ► err on the side of display more rather than less of (a specified quality) in one s actions. Main Entry: ↑err …   English terms dictionary

  • err on the side of — display more rather than less of (a specified quality) in one s actions it is better to err on the side of caution * * * err on the side of ◇ To err on the side of something, such as caution, is to use or show more of it than may be needed so… …   Useful english dictionary

  • err on the side of — display more rather than less of (a quality): it is better to err on the side of caution. → err …   English new terms dictionary

  • err on the side of — verb To behave in a manner which favours or which is biassed toward. Every man would prefer that the woman in whom he feels an interest should err on the side of bigotry rather than on that of what is called liberalism in points of religious… …   Wiktionary

  • err on the side of something — err on the side of (something) to choose an action that may be too extreme. If we re not sure what s needed, let s err on the side of being too prepared. Usage notes: usually used in the form err on the side of caution: I decided to err on the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • err on the side of something — phrase to do more than is really necessary in order to avoid a particular situation We are erring on the side of caution and have closed the school. Thesaurus: to avoid risks or dangersynonym Main entry: err * * * err on the side of sth idiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • err on the side of caution — ► to decide to take care rather than take any risks: »Given the uncertainties in the market, it would be far better to err on the side of caution. Main Entry: ↑caution …   Financial and business terms

  • err on the side of caution — if you err on the side of caution when you are deciding what to do, you do the thing that is safe instead of taking a risk. I decided to err on the side of caution and spend less than my full allowance …   New idioms dictionary

  • err on the side of caution —    When uncertain about what to do, if you err on the side of cautionyou do more than what is adequate rather than take any risks.     When I m not sure how much food to prepare, I tend to err on the side     of caution and prepare far too much …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • err on the side of caution — verb To act in the least risky manner in a situation where one is uncertain about the consequences. They are all zealous to the last degree in support of the extreme policy. . . . They certainly will not err on the side of caution …   Wiktionary

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