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  • 1 Engage

    v. trans.
    Hire: Ar. and P. μισθοῦσθαι.
    Engage ( the attention): P. and V. κατέχειν.
    Attack: P. and V. εἰς χεῖρας ἔρχεσθαι (dat.), συμβάλλειν (dat.), πόλεμον συνάπτειν (dat. or πρός, acc.), Ar. and V. συνίστασθαι (dat.), V. μχην συμβάλλειν (dat.), μχην συνάπτειν (dat.), εἰς γῶνα συμπίπτειν (dat.); see Encounter.
    It happened in many places that two, or at some parts even more ships were perforce engaged with one: P. συνετύγχανε πολλαχοῦ... δύο περὶ μίαν καὶ ἔστιν ᾗ καὶ πλείους ναῦς κατʼ ἀνάγκην συνηρτῆσθαι (Thuc. 7, 70).
    Bring into conflict: P. συμβάλλειν, V. συνγειν, συνάπτειν, συμφέρειν, P. and V. ἀντιτάσσειν, Ar. and V. ἀντιτιθέναι.
    Betroth: see Betroth.
    V. intrans. Promise, undertake: P. and V. πισχνεῖσθαι, φίστασθαι, ἐπαγγέλλεσθαι, V. πίσχεσθαι, P. ὑποδέχεσθαι, Ar. and P. ἐγγυᾶσθαι; see Promise.
    Engage in, be engaged in: Ar. and P. πραγματεύεσθαι (acc., or περ, acc. or gen.). διατρβειν (περ, acc. or gen., or πρός, acc.), P. and V. σπουδάζειν (acc., or περ, acc. or gen.).
    Engage in an enterprise: P. and V. ὁμιλεῖν (dat.), ἅπτεσθαι (gen.); see Share.
    I am engaged: P. ἀσχολία μοί ἐστι.
    Manage: P. and V. πράσσειν.

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  • 2 engage

    1) (to begin to employ (a workman etc): He engaged him as his assistant.) προσλαμβάνω
    2) (to book; to reserve: He has engaged an entertainer for the children's party.) κλείνω,προσλαμβάνω
    3) (to take hold of or hold fast; to occupy: to engage someone's attention.) κρατώ,απασχολώ
    4) (to join battle with: The two armies were fiercely engaged.) εμπλέκομαι(σε μάχη),συγκρούομαι
    5) (to (cause part of a machine etc to) fit into and lock with another part: The driver engaged second gear.) συμπλέκω,βάζω(ταχύτητα)
    - engagement
    - engaging

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  • 3 Fight

    P. and V. μχη, ἡ, γών, ὁ, V. ἀλκή, ἡ.
    Contest: P. and V. μιλλα, ἡ, V. γωνία, ἡ, πλαισμα, τό, ἆθλος, ὁ, δῆρις, ἡ (Æsch.).
    Encounter: V. συμβολή, ἡ, Ar. and P. σύνοδος, ἡ.
    Warfare: Ar. and V. Ἄρης, ὁ, V. δόρυ, τό.
    Sea fight: P. ναυμαχία, ἡ.
    Land fight: P. πεζομαχία, ἡ.
    Without a fight: use adv., P. ἀμαχεί.
    v. trans.
    P. and V. μχεσθαι (dat. or πρός, acc.), γωνίζεσθαι (dat. or πρός, acc.), V. συμβάλλειν μχην (dat.).
    Oppose: P. and V. ἐναντιοῦσθαι (dat.), ἀνθίστασθαι (dat.).
    Engage: see Engage.
    Fight a battle: P. μάχην μάχεσθαι (Isoc.).
    Be fought ( of a battle): P. and V. γίγνεσθαι.
    Fight a losing battle with: V. δυσμαχεῖν (dat.).
    Fight a land battle: P. πεζομαχεῖν.
    Fight a sea battle: Ar. and P. ναυμαχεῖν, P. διαναυμαχεῖν.
    Fight a sea battle with others: Ar. and P. συνναυμαχεῖν.
    V. intrans. P. and V. μχεσθαι, γωνίζεσθαι, Ar. and P. διαγωνίζεσθαι, V. μάρνασθαι, αἰχμάζειν.
    Go to war: P. and V. πολεμεῖν.
    Fight it out: P. and V. διαμχεσθαι, P. διαπολεμεῖν.
    Fight again, renew the fight: P. ἀναμάχεσθαι.
    Fight against: see Fight.
    Oppose: P. and V. ἐναντιοῦσθαι (dat.), ἀνθίστασθαι (dat.), ἀντιτείνειν (dat.), P. ἀνταγωνίζεσθαι (dat.); see Oppose.
    You indeed did shamelessly fight against dying: V. σὺ γοῦν ἀναιδῶς διεμάχου τὸ μὴ θανεῖν (Eur., Alc. 694).
    Fight against the gods: V. θεομαχεῖν.
    Fight by side of: V. παρασπίζειν (dat.).
    Fight for: P. προπολεμεῖν (gen. or absol.), Ar. προμχεσθαι (gen.), V. περμχεσθαι (gen.), περμαχεῖν (gen.).
    The cause was worth fighting for: P. ἦν δὲ ἄξιος ὁ ἀγών (Thuc. 7, 56).
    Fight in: P. ἐναγωνίζεσθαι.
    You made it ( the land) a fair field for the Greeks to fight in: P. παρέσχετε αὐτὴν (τὴν γῆν) εὐμενῆ ἐναγωνίσασθαι τοῖς Ελλησι (Thuc. 2, 74).
    Fight with: see Fight.
    Fight on the side of: P. συμμάχεσθαι (dat.), συναγωνίζεσθαι ( dat).

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  • 4 embark on

    (to start or engage in: She embarked on a new career.) ξεκινώ

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  • 5 preoccupy

    (to engage or occupy (a person's mind etc) or the attention of (someone) completely: His mind was preoccupied with plans for his holiday.) απασχολώ,απορροφώ

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  • 6 sign up

    1) (to join an organization or make an agreement to do something etc by writing one's name.) (εγ)γράφομαι
    2) (to engage for work by making a legal contract.) αναλαμβάνω υπηρεσία,πιάνω δουλειά

    English-Greek dictionary > sign up

  • 7 wage

    I [wei‹] verb
    (to carry on or engage in (especially a war): The North waged war on/against the South.) διεξάγω / κάνω (πόλεμο)
    II [wei‹]
    ((also wages noun plural) a regular, usually weekly rather than monthly, payment for the work that one does: He spends all his wages on books; What is his weekly wage?) μισθός, (οικονομικές) απολαβές

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  • 8 Bespeak

    v. trans.
    Hire, engage: Ar. and P. μισθοῦσθαι.
    Claim: P. and V. δικαιοῦν.

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  • 9 Close

    Solid, dense: P. and V. πυκνός.
    Narrow: P. and V. στενός, V. στενόπορος.
    Close-packed: P. and V. πυκνός, ἁθρόος.
    Stifling: Ar. and P. πνιγηρός
    Secret: P. and V. κρυπτός, φανής, δηλος; see also Taciturn.
    Keep close: see Hide.
    Mean, stingy: Ar. and P. φειδωλός.
    Evenly balanced (e.g., a close fight): P. and V. σόρροπος, P. ἀντίπαλος.
    I did not expect the numbers would be so close: P. οὐκ ᾤμην ἔγωγε οὕτω παρʼ ὀλίγον ἔσεσθαι τὸν γεγονότα ἀριθμόν (Plat., Ap. 36A).
    Near: P. ὅμορος, Ar. and V. πλησίος, ἀγχιτέρμων, P. and V. πρόσχωρος; see Near.
    Careful: see Attentive.
    Close relationship: P. ἀναγκαία συγγένεια, ἡ; see Near.
    At close quarters: use adv., P. and V. ὁμόσε, P. συστάδον.
    Consecrated ground: P. and V. τέμενος, τό, ἄλσος, το (Plat.), V. σηκός, ὁ, σήκωμα, τό.
    End: P. and V. τέλος, τό, καταστροφή, ἡ (Thuc.).
    Cessation: P. and V. διλυσις, ἡ.
    v. trans.
    P. and V. κλῄειν, συγκλῄειν, ποκλῄειν, Ar. and P. κατακλῄειν.
    Put to: P. προστιθέναι.
    Fasten close, etc.: Ar. and V. πακτοῦν, V. πυκάζειν.
    Block up: P. and V. φράσσειν, P. ἐμφράσσειν, ἀποφράσσειν.
    Bring to an end: P. and V. τελευτᾶν, P. τέλος ἐπιτιθέναι (dat.); see End.
    Close ( eyes) of another: P. συλλαμβάνειν (Plat.), V. συμβάλλειν, συναρμόζειν, συνάπτειν, P. and V. συγκλῄειν.
    Close one's eyes: P. and V. μύειν, P. συμμύειν (Plat.), Ar. καταμύειν.
    Close one's mouth: V. ἐγκλῄειν στόμα, Ar. ἐπιβειν στόμα, P. ἐμφράσσειν στόμα.
    Keep quiet and close your mouth: V. ἡσυχάζετε συνθέντες ἄρθρα στόματος (Eur., Cycl. 624); see also Shut.
    Close ranks: P. and V. συντάσσεσθαι, P. συστρέφεσθαι.
    Close with, accept: P. and V. δέχεσθαι (acc.).
    Close with ( an enemy): P. and V. προσβάλλειν (dat.), συμβαλλειν (dat.), ὁμόσε ἰέναι (dat.), P. συμμιγνύναι (dat.); see Engage.
    V. intrans. Come to an end: P. and V. τελευτᾶν, τέλος ἔχειν, τέλος λαμβάνειν, V. ἐκτελευτᾶν.
    Of combatants: P. and V. μχην συνάπτειν, συμβάλλειν, P. συμμιγνύναι, συμμίσγειν, εἰς χεῖρας ἰέναι, V. εἰς ταὐτὸν ἥκειν.
    Shut: P. and V. κλῄεσθαι, συγκλῄεσθαι.

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  • 10 Combat

    P. and V. γών, ὁ, μχη, ἡ, μιλλα, ἡ, V. γωνία, ἡ, ἆθλος. ὁ, πλαισμα, τό, δῆρις, ἡ (Æsch.).
    Engage in single combat, v.: P. and V. μονομαχεῖν.
    Engaged in single combat, adj.: Ar. and V. μονόμαχος.
    v. intrans.
    P. and V. ἐναντιοῦσθαι (dat.), ἀνθίστασθαι (dat.), γωνίζεσθαι (dat. or πρός, acc.), μχεσθαι (dat. or πρός, acc.), P. ἀνταγωνίζεσθαι (dat.).
    Argue against: P. and V. ἀντιλέγειν (dat.).

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  • 11 Commerce

    Ar. and P. ἐμπορία, ἡ.
    Money-making: P. χρηματισμός, ὁ.
    Engage in commerce: P. ἐμπορεύεσθαι.
    Make money: P. χρηματίζεσθαι.

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  • 12 Encounter

    v. trans.
    Meet persons: P. and V. τυγχνειν (gen.), συντυγχνειν (dat., V. gen.), ἐντυγχνειν (dat.), παντᾶν (dat.), συναντᾶν (dat.) (Xen., also Ar.), P. περιτυγχάνειν (dat.), Ar. and P. ἐπιτυγχνειν (dat. or gen.), V. ἀντᾶν (dat.), συναντιάζειν (dat.), παντιάζειν (dat.), ἀντικυρεῖν (dat.), συνάντεσθαι (dat.); see Meet.
    Encounter ( things): P. and V. τυγχνειν (gen.), ἐντυγχνειν (dat.), ἐμπίπτειν (εἰς, acc.), περιπίπτειν (dat.), Ar. and V. κυρειν (gen.), V. συγκυρεῖν (dat.), ἀντᾶν (dat.).
    Experience: P. and V. χρῆσθαι (dat.).
    Face: P. and V. πέχειν, φίστασθαι; see Face.
    Encounter in battle: P. and V. παντᾶν (dat.), συμφέρεσθαι (dat.), συμβάλλειν (dat.), ἀντιτάσσεσθαι (dat.), V. συμβάλλειν μχην (dat.); see also Engage.
    Meeting: V. πάντημα, τό, συνάντησις, ἡ.
    Coming together: P. and V. ὁμιλία, ἡ, συνουσία, ἡ.
    Conflict: P. and V. γών, ὁ, μχη, ἡ, μιλλα, ἡ, V. γωνία, ἡ, ἆθλος, ὁ, πλαισμα, τό, συμβολή, ἡ, Ar. and P. σνοδος, ἡ.

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  • 13 Join

    v. trans.
    Unite: P. and V. συνάπτειν, συναρμόζειν, συνδεῖν, V. συναρτᾶν.
    In marriage: P. and V. συζευγνναι (Xen.), V. ζευγνναι; see Marry.
    Hold together: P. and V. συνέχειν.
    Join battle ( with): P. and V. εἰς χεῖρας ἔρχεσθαι (dat.). συμβάλλειν (dat.), V. μχην συμβάλλειν (dat.), μχην συνάπτειν (dat.), εἰς γῶνα συμπίπτειν (dat.), Ar. and V. συνίστασθαι (dat.); see Engage.
    Join issue with: see under Issue.
    Associate oneself with: P. and V. προστθεσθαι (dat.).
    Join as ally: P. προσχωρεῖν (dat.), ὅπλα θέσθαι μετά (gen.); see side with.
    Meet: P. and V. συναντᾶν (dat.) (Xen. also Ar.); meet.
    Of detachments joining a main body: P. συμμιγνύναι (dat.), συμμίσγειν (dat.), προσμιγνύναι (dat.).
    From Leucas Cnemus and his ships from that quarter, which were to have joined these, only reached Cyllene after the battle at Stratus: P. ἀπὸ Λευκάδος Κνῆμος καὶ αἱ ἐκεῖθεν νῆες, ἃς ἔδει ταύταις συμμῖξαι, ἀφικνοῦνται μετὰ τὴν ἐν Στράτῳ μάχην εἰς τὴν Κυλλήνην (Thuc. 2, 84).
    V. intrans. Come together: P. and V. συνέρχεσθαι.
    Join in, take part in: P. and V. μεταλαμβνειν (gen.), μετέχειν (gen.), κοινωνεῖν (gen.); see Share.
    Join in doing a thing: in compounds use P. and V. συν.
    Join in saving: P. and V. συσσώζειν.
    It is mine to join not in hating but in loving: V. οὔτοι συνέχθειν ἀλλὰ συμφιλεῖν ἔφυν (Soph., Ant. 523).
    It is mine to join in wise measures, not insane: V. συσσωφρονεῖν γὰρ οὐχὶ συννοσεῖν ἔφυν (Eur., I.A. 407).
    Join with, ally oneself with: Ar. and P. συνίστασθαι μετ (gen.); see side with.

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  • 14 Match

    A match for: use adj., P. ἀντίπαλος (dat.), ἐνάμιλλος (dat.).
    In fighting: also use P. ἀξιόμαχος (dat.).
    Lightly armed I would be a match for you in full panoply: V. κἂν ψιλὸς ἀρκέσαιμι σοί γʼ ὡπλισμένῳ (Soph., Aj. 1123).
    Unaided we are a match for our enemies: P. αὑτοὶ ἀρκοῦμεν πρὸς τοὺς πολεμίους (Thuc. 6, 84).
    Contest: P. and V. γών, ὁ, μιλλα, ἡ, V. πλαισμα, τό, ἆθλος, ὁ; see Contest.
    Union by marriage: P. and V. κῆδος, τό, κήδευμα, τό, κηδεία, ἡ.
    v. trans.
    Equal: P. and V. σοῦσθαι (dat.), ἐξισοῦσθαι (dat.), P. ἰσάζεσθαι (dat.).
    Be like: P. and V. ὁμοιοῦσθαι (dat.), ἐξομοιοῦσθαι (dat.).
    Engage, bring into conflict: P. and V. ἀντιτάσσειν, P. συμβάλλειν, V. συνγειν, συνάπτειν, συμφέρειν, Ar. and V. ἀντιτιθέναι.
    Be matched against: P. and V. ἀντιτάσσεσθαι (dat. or πρός, acc.).
    Well matched, adj.: P. and V. ἰσόρροπος.
    He who has come to match her powers: V. ὃς δʼ ἦλθεν ἐπὶ τἀντίπαλον (Eur., Bacch. 278).
    Set one thing against another ( as equivalent): P. and V. ἀντιτιθέναι (τί τινος).
    absol., tally: P. and V. συμβαίνειν, συντρέχειν, συμπίπτειν, V. συμβάλλεσθαι, συμπίτνειν, συγκόλλως ἔχειν.

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  • 15 Meet

    Fitting, suitable: P. and V. ἐπιτήδειος, σύμφορος, πρόσφορος.
    Opportune: P. and V. καίριος, ἐπκαιρος, V. εὔκαιρος,
    Becoming: P. and V. εὐπρεπής, σύμμετρος, πρέπων, προσήκων, εὐσχήμων, καθήκων, Ar. and P. πρεπώδης, V. ἐπεικώς, προσεικώς, συμπρεπής.
    It is meet, v.:P. and V. πρέπει, προσήκει, ἁρμόζει.
    v. trans.
    Encounter ( persons): P. and V. τυγχνειν (gen.), συντυγχνειν (dat.; V. gen.), ἐντυγχνειν (dat.), παντᾶν (dat.), συναντᾶν (dat.) (Xen., also Ar.), P. περιτυγχάνειν (dat.), Ar. and P. ἐπιτυγχνειν (dat. or gen.), V. ἀντᾶν (dat.). συναντιάζειν (dat.), παντιάζειν (dat.), συνάντεσθαι (dat.), ἀντικυρεῖν (dat.).
    Meet ( things; e.g., disasters): P. and V. τυγχνειν (gen.), ἐντυγχνειν (dat.), ἐμπίπτειν (εἰς, acc.), περιπίπτειν (dat.), Ar. and V. κυρεῖν (gen.), V. συγκυρεῖν (dat.), ἀντᾶν (dat.).
    Experience: P. and V. χρῆσθαι (dat.).
    Face: P. and V. πέχειν, φίστασθαι; see Face.
    Light on: see light on.
    Meet in battle: P. and V. παντᾶν (dat.), συμφέρεσθαι (dat.), συμβάλλειν (dat.), ἀντιτάσσεσθαι (dat.), V. συμβάλλειν μχην (dat.), see also Engage.
    Have an interview with: P. and V. συνέρχεσθαι (dat.), συγγίγνεσθαι (dat.); see Interview.
    Deal with: P. ὁμιλεῖν (dat.), προσομιλεῖν (dat.); see have dealings with, under Dealings.
    Meet ( accusation): P. and V. ἀντιλέγειν (dat.).
    It is not at all easy to meet the tactics of these men: P. οὐ πάνυ ἐστὶ ῥᾴδιον ταῖς τούτων παρασκευαῖς ἀνταγωνίζεσθαι (Den. 1078).
    Have you met me on ground where I am unassailable in everything? P. οὗ μὲν ἐγὼ ἀθῷος ἅπασι... ἐνταῦθα ἀπήντηκας; (Dem. 269).
    Meet the wishes and views of each: P. τῆς ἑκάστου βουλησέως τε καὶ δόξης τυχεῖν (Thuc. 2, 35).
    Meet folly with folly: V. ἀντιτείνειν νήπιʼ ἀντὶ νηπίων (Eur., Med. 891).
    V. intrans. Come together: P. and V. συνέρχεσθαι.
    Meet ( of things): P. συμβάλλειν εἰς ταὐτό.
    Where branching roads meet: V. ἔνθα δίστομοι... συμβάλλουσιν... ὁδοί (Soph., O.C. 900).
    Meet for discussion: Ar. and P. συγκαθῆσθαι.
    Meet beforehand: P. προαπαντᾶν (absol.).
    Meet with: P. and V. τυγχνειν (gen.), προστυγχνειν (gen.), Ar. and V. κυρεῖν (gen.); see light on, encounter.
    met., experience: P. and V. χρῆσθαι (dat.).
    We happened to meet with a storm: P. ἐτύχομεν χειμῶνί τινι χρησάμενοι (Antiphon, 131).

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  • 16 Occupy

    v. trans.
    Take possession of: Ar. and P. καταλαμβνειν.
    Hold: P. and V. ἔχειν, κατέχειν.
    They themselves occupied the rest of the line ( of battle): P. τὸ ἄλλο αὐτοὶ ἐπεῖχον (Thuc.).
    He occupies the end of the line: V. τάξιν ἐσχάτην ἔχει (Soph., Aj. 4).
    Dwell in: P. and V. ἔχειν (acc.), νέμειν (rare P.) (acc.), νέμεσθαι (mid.) (acc.); see Inhabit.
    Employ (time, etc): Ar. and P. διατρβειν, κατατρβειν; see Spend.
    Engage (attention, etc.): P. and V. κατέχειν (Eur., Alc. 344).
    The Athenians were occupied in Melos: P. ἐν τῇ Μήλῳ οἱ Ἀθηναῖοι κατείχοντο (Thuc. 3, 94, cf., Soph., Trach. 249).
    Occupy oneself: Ar. and P. πραγματεύεσθαι, διατρβειν.
    Be occupied in: P. πραγματεύεσθαι (acc., or περί, acc., or gen.), Ar. and P. διατρβειν (ἐν, dat.), ἐνδιατρβειν (dat.).

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  • 17 Pit

    P. and V. βραθρον, τό, ὄρυγμα, τό.
    For catching prey: use snare.
    Pit of the stomach: V. τὰ κοῖλα γαστρός (Eur., Phoen. 1411).
    v. trans.
    Match: P. and V. ἀντιτάσσειν, P. συμβάλλειν, V. συνγειν, συνάπτειν, Ar. and V. ἀντιτιθέναι; see Engage.
    Be pitted against: P. ἀνταγωνίζεσθαι (dat.), P. and V. ἀντιτάσσεσθαι (dat. or πρός, acc.).

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  • 18 Sea-fight

    P. ναυμαχία, ἡ.
    Engage in a sea fight, v.: Ar. and P. ναυμαχεῖν, P. διαναυμαχεῖν.
    Defeat in a sea fight: P. καταναυμαχεῖν (acc.).

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  • 19 Single combat

    P. μονομαχία, ἡ (Hdt.).
    Engage in single combat with, v.: P. and V. μονομαχεῖν (absol. or dat.).
    By single combat: V. μονομχου διʼ ἀσπδος, μονομχῳ δορί.
    To guide the ranks or the spear in single combat? V. λόχων ἀνάσσειν, ἢ μονοστόλου δορός; (Eur., Phoen. 742).
    Champions in single combat: V. μονομχοι προστται οἱ.

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  • 20 With

    P. and V. μετ (gen.), σύν (dat.) (Dem. 823, but rare in P. except in a few phrases, as σὺν ὅπλοις).
    Together with: P. and V. μα (dat.), ὁμοῦ (dat.) (rare P.).
    Be with, v.: P. and V. συνεῖναι (dat. or absol.).
    Bring one into odium with: use P. and V. διαβάλλειν τινά (P. and V. dat., P. πρός, acc.).
    (Engage, fight) with: P. and V. πρός (acc.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > With

См. также в других словарях:

  • engagé — engagé, ée [ ɑ̃gaʒe ] adj. • XVIe; de engager 1 ♦ Archit. Partiellement intégré dans un mur ou un pilier. Colonne engagée. 2 ♦ Qui s est engagé dans l armée (opposé à appelé). Des soldats engagés. Subst. Les engagés et les appelés. « Engagé… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • engagé — engagé, ée (an ga jé, jée) part. passé. 1°   Mis en gage. Des effets engagés au mont de piété.    Domaine engagé, domaine que le souverain concède avec la faculté d y rentrer en remboursant le prix ; ainsi dit parce que, sous l ancienne monarchie …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • engage — [en gāj′, ingāj′] vt. engaged, engaging [ME engagen < OFr engagier: see EN 1 & GAGE1] 1. Obs. to give or assign as security for a debt, etc. 2. to bind (oneself) by a promise; pledge; specif. (now only in the passive), to bind by a promise of… …   English World dictionary

  • engage — en‧gage [ɪnˈgeɪdʒ] verb [transitive] formal to arrange to employ someone or to pay someone to do something for you: engage somebody to do something • You will need to engage a commercial lawyer to protect your interests in the drafting of a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Engage — En*gage , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Engaged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Engaging}.] [F. engager; pref. en (L. in) + gage pledge, pawn. See {Gage}.] 1. To put under pledge; to pledge; to place under obligations to do or forbear doing something, as by a pledge,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • engage — I (hire) verb appoint, arrange for the services of, arrange for the use of, bind, book, charter, commission, conducere, contract for, employ, enlist, enlist in one s service, fill a position, give a job to, give a situation to, give employment to …   Law dictionary

  • engage — [v1] hire for job, use appoint, bespeak, book, bring on board*, charter, come on board*, commission, contract, employ, enlist, enroll, ink*, lease, place, prearrange, put on, rent, reserve, retain, secure, sign on, sign up, take on, truck with*;… …   New thesaurus

  • Engage — may refer to:* Engagement in preparation for marriage* Engage (organization), a UK based political organization * Engage (visual arts), the UK National Association for Gallery Education [http://www.engage.org] * N Gage, a smartphone and handheld… …   Wikipedia

  • Engage — En*gage , v. i. 1. To promise or pledge one s self; to enter into an obligation; to become bound; to warrant. [1913 Webster] How proper the remedy for the malady, I engage not. Fuller. [1913 Webster] 2. To embark in a business; to take a part; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • engage in — I verb accept, apply oneself to, assume, be occupied with, carry on, commence, commit to, concern oneself with, conduct, contract, devote oneself to, embark on, employ, endeavor, execute, exercise, follow, labor, manage, operate, participate, ply …   Law dictionary

  • engage — ► VERB 1) attract or involve (someone s interest or attention). 2) (engage in/with) participate or become involved in. 3) chiefly Brit. employ or hire. 4) enter into a contract to do. 5) enter into combat with. 6) (with reference to a part of a… …   English terms dictionary

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