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См. также в других словарях:

  • Endocranium — vgl. Endokranium …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • endocranium — [en΄dō krā′nē əm] n. pl. endocrania [en΄dō krā′nēə] or endocraniums 1. DURA MATER 2. the processes supporting the brain in the head capsule of an insect …   English World dictionary

  • endocranium — that portion of the neurocranium consisting of the elements surrounding the olfactory, optic and otic capsules and the anterior end of the notochord …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • endocranium — n. [Gr. endon, within; kranion, skull] The inner surface of the cranium …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • endocranium — endocranial, adj. /en doh kray nee euhm/, n., pl. endocrania / nee euh/. Anat. 1. the inner lining membrane of the skull; the dura mater. 2. the inside surface of the skull. [1875 80; < NL; see ENDO , CRANIUM] * * * …   Universalium

  • endocranium — noun The layer between the dura mater and the skull …   Wiktionary

  • endocranium — The lining membrane of the cranium, or dura mater of the brain. SYN: entocranium. * * * en·do·cra·ni·um (en″do kraґne əm) [endo + Gr. kranion skull] the endosteal outer layer of the dura mater of the brain …   Medical dictionary

  • Endocranium — En|do|cra|ni|um: ↑Endokranium …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Endocranium — En|do|cra|ni|um* [...k...] vgl. ↑Endokranium …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • endocranium — n. inner lining of the skull (Anatomy) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • endocranium — en·do·cranium …   English syllables

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