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  • Electrocoagulation — is also known as Radio Frequency Diathermy or Short Wave Electrolysis. A fine wire probe or other delivery mechanism is used to transmit radio waves to tissues near the probe. Molecules within the tissue are caused to vibrate which lead to a… …   Wikipedia

  • ÉLECTROCOAGULATION — Technique chirurgicale permettant la coagulation de certains tissus et des petits vaisseaux grâce à la chaleur produite par l’application d’un bistouri électrique. Cette technique dérivée de la diathermie est couramment utilisée pour réaliser… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Électrocoagulation — L’électrocoagulation parfois appelée thermocoagulation, est une technique médicale qui consiste à appliquer une aiguille dans laquelle passe un courant électrique alternatif à haute fréquence au contact d un tissu. L application de l aiguille a… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Electrocoagulation — The coagulation (clotting) of tissue using a high frequency electrical current applied locally with a metal instrument or needle with the aim of stopping bleeding. There is also, for example, laser coagulation and photocoagulation. * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • electrocoagulation — n. the coagulation of body tissues by means of a high frequency electric current concentrated at one point as it passes through them. Electrocoagulation, using a diathermy knife, permits bloodless incisions to be made during operation …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • electrocoagulation — elektrokoaguliacija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Koloidinės sistemos koaguliacija elektriniame lauke. atitikmenys: angl. electrocoagulation rus. электрокоагуляция …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • electrocoagulation — /i lek troh koh ag yeuh lay sheuhn/, n. Med., Surg. the coagulation of a tumor or other diseased tissue by means of diathermy. [1910 15; ELECTRO + COAGULATION] * * * …   Universalium

  • electrocoagulation — noun A form of electrosurgery in which a high frequency electric current is used to bring about the coagulation and destruction of tissue …   Wiktionary

  • electrocoagulation — n. (Medicine) hardening or destruction of tissue through the application of an electrical current …   English contemporary dictionary

  • electrocoagulation — “+ noun Etymology: electr + coagulation : the coagulation of tissue by surgical diathermy; also : the operation of coagulating tissue in this way : electrocautery …   Useful english dictionary

  • Электрокоагуляция (Electrocoagulation) — коагуляция тканей с помощью электрического тока высокой частоты, который концентрируется в одной точке (месте своего прохождения), нагревая удаляемые ткани. Электрокоагуляция, в процессе которой используется диатермический нож, позволяет делать… …   Медицинские термины

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