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с португальского на английский


  • 61 wire

    1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) metal drawn out into a long strand, as thick as string or as thin as thread: We need some wire to connect the battery to the rest of the circuit; a wire fence.) fio de arame
    2) (a single strand of this: There must be a loose wire in my radio somewhere.) fio
    3) (the metal cable used in telegraphy: The message came over the wire this morning.) fio
    4) (a telegram: Send me a wire if I'm needed urgently.) telegrama
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten, connect etc with wire: The house has been wired (up), but the electricity hasn't been connected yet.) ligar com arame
    2) (to send a telegram to: Wire me if anything important happens.) mandar um telegrama
    3) (to send (a message) by telegram: You can wire the details to my brother in New York.) telegrafar
    - wiring
    - high wire
    - wire-netting
    * * *
    [w'aiə] n 1 arame. 2 corda de instrumento. 3 fio elétrico. 4 rede ou tela de arame. 5 grade de gaiola. 6 armadilha de arame para caçar coelhos. 7 arame para mover os títeres ou bonecos de um teatro. 8 cerca de arame farpado. 9 linha telegráfica ou telefônica. 10 telégrafo, telegrafia. 11 telegrama, despacho telegráfico. 12 sl batedor de carteiras. 13 coll escuta, gravador portátil. • vt+vi 1 amarrar ou prender com arame. 2 Electr ligar, fazer ligação ou instalação. 3 cercar (com arame). 4 Mil proteger, fortificar (posição, com arame farpado). 5 enfiar em arame (contas). 6 caçar com armadilhas de arame. 7 coll telegrafar a. he was wired for / ele foi chamado por telegrama. 8 enviar dinheiro de um banco a outro eletronicamente. he wired 100 dollars to his mother / ele mandou 100 dólares para sua mãe (através de uma ordem de banco). barbed wire a) arame farpado. b) cerca de arame farpado. copper wire arame de cobre. down to the wires até o último momento. fine wire arame fino. live wire a) Electr condutor sob tensão. b) sl valentão. to get your wires corssed ficar confuso com o que outra pessoa está dizendo. to pull wires a) dirigir ocultamente outra pessoa. b) obter os seus objetivos por meio de influência secreta. c) mexer os pauzinhos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wire

  • 62 be (out) on strike

    ((of workers) to be striking: The electricity workers are (out) on strike.) estar em greve

    English-Portuguese dictionary > be (out) on strike

  • 63 be (out) on strike

    ((of workers) to be striking: The electricity workers are (out) on strike.) estar em greve

    English-Portuguese dictionary > be (out) on strike

  • 64 electrified

    adjective (supplied or charged with electricity: an electrified fence.) electrificado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > electrified

  • 65 link up

    to join or be joined closely or by a link: An electrician called to link up our house to the mains electricity supply (noun link-up) fazer a ligação

    English-Portuguese dictionary > link up

  • 66 master switch

    (a switch for controlling a number of other switches: There is a master switch that controls all the electricity.) disjuntor

    English-Portuguese dictionary > master switch

  • 67 non-conductor

    (a substance etc that does not easily conduct heat or electricity.) mau condutor

    English-Portuguese dictionary > non-conductor

  • 68 power cut

    (a break in the electricity supply: We had a power cut last night.) corte de energia

    English-Portuguese dictionary > power cut

  • 69 power-driven

    adjective (worked by electricity or other mechanical means, not by hand.) movido mecanicamente

    English-Portuguese dictionary > power-driven

  • 70 solar panel

    noun (a piece of equipment, usually installed on a roof, that absorbs energy from the sun to heat water or turn it into electricity.)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > solar panel

  • 71 switch on/off

    (to put or turn on/off (an electric current / light etc): He switched on the light; Switch off the electricity before going on holiday.) (des)ligar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > switch on/off

  • 72 take for granted

    1) (to assume without checking: I took it for granted that you had heard the story.) dar por certo
    2) (to treat casually: People take electricity for granted until their supply is cut off.) não valorizar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take for granted

  • 73 atomic power

    (power (for making electricity etc) obtained from atomic energy.) energia nuclear

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > atomic power

  • 74 be (out) on strike

    ((of workers) to be striking: The electricity workers are (out) on strike.) estar em greve

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > be (out) on strike

  • 75 be (out) on strike

    ((of workers) to be striking: The electricity workers are (out) on strike.) estar em greve

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > be (out) on strike

  • 76 bill

    [bil] I noun
    (a bird's beak: a bird with a yellow bill.) bico
    II 1. noun
    1) (an account of money owed for goods etc: an electricity bill.) conta
    2) ((American) a banknote: a five-dollar bill.) nota
    3) (a poster used for advertising.) cartaz
    2. verb
    (to send an account (to someone): We'll bill you next month for your purchases.) faturar
    - billfold - fill the bill

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bill

  • 77 coil

    [koil] 1. verb
    (to wind into loops: The snake coiled (itself) round the tree.) enrolar
    2. noun
    1) (a length of something wound into a loop or loops: a coil of rope; a coil of hair.) rolo
    2) (a wound length of wire for conducting electricity: the coil in an electric fire.) bobina

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > coil

  • 78 conduct

    1. verb
    1) (to lead or guide: We were conducted down a narrow path by the guide; He conducted the tour.) conduzir, guiar
    2) (to carry or allow to flow: Most metals conduct electricity.) transmitir, conduzir
    3) (to direct (an orchestra, choir etc).) dirigir
    4) (to behave (oneself): He conducted himself well at the reception.) comportar-se
    5) (to manage or carry on (a business).) dirigir
    2. noun
    1) (behaviour: His conduct at school was disgraceful.) comportamento
    2) (the way in which something is managed, done etc: the conduct of the affair.) gerência, direção
    - conduction - conductor

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > conduct

  • 79 conductor

    1) (a thing that conducts heat or electricity: Copper is a good conductor of heat.) condutor
    2) (a director of an orchestra, choir etc.) regente
    3) ((feminine conductress) a person who collects fares on a bus etc: a bus conductor.) cobrador
    4) ((American) a guard on a train.) chefe de trem

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > conductor

  • 80 consume

    1) (to eat or drink: He consumes a huge amount of food.) consumir
    2) (to use: How much electricity do you consume per month?) consumir
    3) (to destroy, eg by fire: The entire building was consumed by fire.) consumir
    - consumption - consumer goods

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > consume

См. также в других словарях:

  • Electricity — (from the Greek word ήλεκτρον, (elektron), meaning amber, and finally from New Latin ēlectricus , amber like ) is a general term that encompasses a variety of phenomena resulting from the presence and flow of electric charge. These include many… …   Wikipedia

  • Electricity — E lec*tric i*ty ([=e] l[e^]k*tr[i^]s [i^]*t[y^]), n.; pl. {Electricities} ([=e] l[e^]k*tr[i^]s [i^]*t[i^]z). [Cf. F. [ e]lectricit[ e]. See {Electric}.] 1. (Physics) a property of certain of the fundamental particles of which matter is composed,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • electricity — [ē΄lek tris′i tē; ē lek΄tris′i′tē, ilek΄tris′i tē] n. [see ELECTRIC] 1. a property of certain fundamental particles of all matter, as electrons (negative charges) and protons or positrons (positive charges) that have a force field associated with …   English World dictionary

  • electricity — 1640s (Browne), from ELECTRIC (Cf. electric) + ITY (Cf. ity). Originally in reference to friction …   Etymology dictionary

  • electricity — [n] energized matter, power AC, current, DC, electromagneticism, electron, galvanism, heat, hot stuff*, ignition, juice*, light, magneticism, service, spark, tension, utilities, voltage; concept 520 …   New thesaurus

  • electricity — ► NOUN 1) a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current. 2) the supply of electric current to a building for heating,… …   English terms dictionary

  • electricity — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ high voltage, low voltage ▪ mains (BrE) ▪ static ▪ cheap, low cost ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • electricity — /i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. 1. See electric charge. 2. See electric current. 3. the science dealing with electric charges and currents. 4. a state or feeling of excitement, anticipation, tension, etc. [1640 50; ELECTRIC + ITY] * * *… …   Universalium

  • electricity — n. 1) to generate; induce electricity 2) to conduct electricity 3) static electricity 4) electricity flows * * * [ɪˌlek trɪsɪtɪ] induce electricity static electricity to conduct electricity to generate electricity flows …   Combinatory dictionary

  • electricity — e|lec|tric|i|ty [ ı,lek trısəti, ,ilek trısəti ] noun uncount *** a form of energy that can produce light, heat, and power for machines, computers, televisions, etc.: The machines run on electricity. a supply of electricity Switch off the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • electricity */*/*/ — UK [ɪˌlekˈtrɪsətɪ] / US / US [ˌɪlekˈtrɪsətɪ] noun [uncountable] a form of energy that can produce light, heat, and power for machines, computers, televisions etc The machines run on electricity. an electricity supply Switch off the electricity… …   English dictionary

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