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  • 1 annex

    1. साथ जोडना/संलग्न करना
    West and East Germany were annexed due to the efforts of the people.

    English-Hindi dictionary > annex

  • 2 baffle

    1. पर्दा\{रुकावट\}
    Since the house is on the main street we need baffles on our windows.
    1. असमंजस\baffleमें\baffleडालना
    Sita was baffled when she saw a twin of Ram.
    सीता असमंजस में पड़ गयीं जब उसने राम के जुड़वा को देखा.
    2. रुकावट\baffleडालना
    Ravi baffled all their efforts to find the thief.

    English-Hindi dictionary > baffle

  • 3 cripple

    1. लंगड़ा\crippleमनुष्य
    He sits idle at home like cripples.
    1. अपाहिज\crippleकरना
    Her child got crippled by polio attack.
    This measure crippled our efforts.
    The accident has crippled her for life.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cripple

  • 4 deprecate

    1. की निन्दा करना
    The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts

    English-Hindi dictionary > deprecate

  • 5 desire

    1. इच्छा
    A man of many desires but of no efforts,can't do anything.
    2. इच्छित
    She was his heart's desire.
    1. चाहना
    We must desire for freedom.

    English-Hindi dictionary > desire

  • 6 diplomatic

    1. कूटनीतिज्ञ
    Mr. Foreign MInister's diplomatic efforts were successful in gaining international support.

    English-Hindi dictionary > diplomatic

  • 7 disparage

    1. बुराई\disparageकरना
    She disparaged her student's efforts.

    English-Hindi dictionary > disparage

  • 8 effort

    1. प्रयत्न
    Students make efforts to get good jobs.

    English-Hindi dictionary > effort

  • 9 failure

    1. असफलता
    All my efforts to save my aunt's life ended in failure.
    2. असफल व्यक्ति
    She was a failure as a teacher.

    English-Hindi dictionary > failure

  • 10 fall flat

    1. असफल होना
    All his efforts to impress his boss fell flat.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fall flat

  • 11 fall through

    1. असफल होना
    Sri Lanka's efforts to win fell through in the very first round.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fall through

  • 12 fruition

    1. उपयोग
    The efforts over the last several years came to fruition this year.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fruition

  • 13 fruitless

    1. फलहीन
    Our efforts to curb the intruders proved fruitless.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fruitless

  • 14 frustrating

    1. निराश\frustratingयुक्त
    The police made frustrating efforts to keep the mob away.

    English-Hindi dictionary > frustrating

  • 15 preserve

    1. परिरक्षित फल
    Baratanatyam among the classical dances is a south Indian preserve.
    1. बनाए रखना
    Efforts are being made to preserve the wildlife.

    English-Hindi dictionary > preserve

  • 16 redouble

    1. दोहराना/अधिक\redoubleबलवती\redoubleकरना
    You must redouble your efforts if you want to succeed.
    He has redoubled his strenth for the boxing competition.

    English-Hindi dictionary > redouble

  • 17 rein

    1. बागडोर
    The rider holds and pulls the reins in order to control the horse.
    1. लगाम\reinचढ़ाना
    The efforts are going on to rein in terrorists' activities at the border.

    English-Hindi dictionary > rein

  • 18 relieve

    1. पीड़ा\relieveकम\relieveकरना
    Amritanjan relieves headache.
    2. सेवा\relieveसे\relieveमुक्त\relieveकरना
    He was relieved of his job.
    3. कम करना
    The flyovers relieves traffic jams in the city.
    4. कार्य मुक्त करना
    Now you should relieve the guard from his duty.
    5. सहायता करना
    Government is making efforts to relieve famine in Africa.

    English-Hindi dictionary > relieve

  • 19 scorn

    1. से घृणा करना
    She scorned for his proposal to marry him.
    2. तिरस्कार करना
    She scorned the efforts of ameteur singers.

    English-Hindi dictionary > scorn

  • 20 shop Keeper

    1. दुकानदार
    A shop keeper makes all possible efforts to sell his goods.

    English-Hindi dictionary > shop Keeper

См. также в других словарях:

  • Efforts de cohésion — Principe de la coupure Le principe de la coupure, ou principe de la coupe, est un procédé utilisé en résistance des matériaux (mécanique des milieux continus) pour déterminer les contraintes les efforts de cohésion, ou efforts intérieurs lorsqu… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Efforts intérieurs — Principe de la coupure Le principe de la coupure, ou principe de la coupe, est un procédé utilisé en résistance des matériaux (mécanique des milieux continus) pour déterminer les contraintes les efforts de cohésion, ou efforts intérieurs lorsqu… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Efforts to impeach George W. Bush — During the presidency of George W. Bush, several American politicians sought to either investigate Bush for allegedly impeachable offenses, or to bring actual impeachment charges on the floor of the United States House of Representatives. The… …   Wikipedia

  • efforts — ef·fort || efÉ™t n. physical or mental exertion, labor; attempt; something accomplished through hard work; organized operation …   English contemporary dictionary

  • EFFORTS — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Efforts to eliminate the penny in the United States — A debate exists within the United States government, and American society at large, over whether the one cent coin, commonly known as the penny, should be eliminated as a unit of currency in the United States. Two bills introduced in the U.S.… …   Wikipedia

  • Slavery abolition efforts by Les Amis des Noirs — The Slavery abolition efforts by Les Amis des Noirs took place against the background of the French Revolution with the argument that liberté, égalité, fraternité precluded slavery.BackgroundA common perception of the French Revolution of 1789 is …   Wikipedia

  • best efforts — A high standard of undertaking, but nevertheless excusable in the event of a force majeure. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * best efforts ˌbest ˈefforts adjective [only before a noun] 1. FINANCE a best efforts arrangement is one in which a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Diplomatic and humanitarian efforts in the Somali Civil War — Main articles: Somali Civil War (2006), War in Somalia (2006–present), and Disarmament in Somalia The Somali Civil War began in 1988. It has gone through various phases over the past two decades. In 2006, open civil war broke out between the… …   Wikipedia

  • best efforts offering — USA I best efforts deal, Also known as best efforts offering. A bank loan financing where an agent bank agrees to use its best efforts (or commercially reasonable efforts) to arrange a syndicate of lenders that will make the loan but has no… …   Law dictionary

  • best-efforts — UK US noun [plural] ► (also best endeavours) LAW the greatest possible effort to achieve something or do something, especially when this is difficult: use your best efforts to do sth »The buyer shall use his best efforts to get an acceptable… …   Financial and business terms

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