Перевод: со всех языков на латышский

с латышского на все языки


  • 1 learning

    noun (knowledge which has been gained by learning: The professor was a man of great learning.) mācīšanās; erudīcija, zināšanas
    * * *
    mācīšanās, studijas; zināšanas, erudīcija

    English-Latvian dictionary > learning

  • 2 book-learning

    teorētiskās zināšanas

    English-Latvian dictionary > book-learning

  • 3 by-ways of learning

    mazāk izpētītas zinātnes nozares

    English-Latvian dictionary > by-ways of learning

  • 4 facility in learning languages

    valodu apgūšanas spējas

    English-Latvian dictionary > facility in learning languages

  • 5 linear learning

    zināšanu apguve no grāmatām

    English-Latvian dictionary > linear learning

  • 6 revival of Learning

    renesanses laikmets

    English-Latvian dictionary > revival of Learning

  • 7 seat of learning

    zinātnes centrs

    English-Latvian dictionary > seat of learning

  • 8 the torch of learning

    zināšanu izplatītājs

    English-Latvian dictionary > the torch of learning

  • 9 learn

    past tense, past participles - learned, learnt; verb
    1) (to get to know: It was then that I learned that she was dead.) uzzināt
    2) (to gain knowledge or skill (in): A child is always learning; to learn French; She is learning (how) to swim.) mācīties
    - learner
    - learning
    - learner-friendly
    * * *
    mācīties; uzzināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > learn

  • 10 pottery

    1) (articles made by fired clay: He is learning how to make pottery.) podniecība
    2) ((plural potteries) a place where articles of fired clay are made: He is working in the pottery.) podniekdarbnīca
    3) (the art of making such articles: He is learning pottery.) podniecība
    * * *
    māla trauki, keramika; podnieka darbnīca; podniecība

    English-Latvian dictionary > pottery

  • 11 apprentice

    [ə'prentis] 1. noun
    (a (usually young) person who is learning a trade.) māceklis
    2. verb
    (to make (someone) an apprentice: His father apprenticed him to an engineer.) nodot mācībā (par mācekli)
    * * *
    māceklis; nodot mācībā

    English-Latvian dictionary > apprentice

  • 12 beginner

    noun (someone who is just learning how to do something: `Does he paint well?' `He's not bad for a beginner'.) iesācējs
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > beginner

  • 13 dunce

    (a person who is slow at learning or stupid: I was an absolute dunce at school.) grūtgalvis; stulbenis
    * * *
    atpalicis skolnieks, nejēga, stulbenis

    English-Latvian dictionary > dunce

  • 14 effort

    1) (hard work; energy: Learning a foreign language requires effort; The effort of climbing the hill made the old man very tired.) piepūle
    2) (a trying hard; a struggle: The government's efforts to improve the economy were unsuccessful; Please make every effort to be punctual.) pūles
    3) (the result of an attempt: Your drawing was a good effort.) sasniegums
    - effortlessly
    * * *
    piepūle; sasniegums

    English-Latvian dictionary > effort

  • 15 facility

    [fə'siləti] 1. noun
    1) (ease or quickness: She showed great facility in learning languages.) spējas
    2) (a skill: He has a great facility for always being right.) izveicība
    2. noun plural
    (facilities the means to do something: There are facilities for cooking.) iespējas; izdevība
    * * *
    izveicība, spējas; vieglums; iespējas, izdevība; aparatūra, ierīce, iekārta

    English-Latvian dictionary > facility

  • 16 flair

    (a natural ability or cleverness for (doing) something: She has flair for (learning) languages.) spējas; dotības
    * * *
    izjūta, nojauta; dotības, spējas

    English-Latvian dictionary > flair

  • 17 fundamental

    1. adjective
    (of great importance; essential; basic: Respect for law and order is fundamental to a peaceful society.) būtisks; pamata-
    2. noun
    (a basic or essential part of any thing: Learning to read is one of the fundamentals of education.) pamati
    * * *
    pamati; pamatlikums, pamatprincips; būtisks, pamata

    English-Latvian dictionary > fundamental

  • 18 grind

    1. past tense, past participle - ground; verb
    1) (to crush into powder or small pieces: This machine grinds coffee.)
    2) (to rub together, usually producing an unpleasant noise: He grinds his teeth.)
    3) (to rub into or against something else: He ground his heel into the earth.)
    2. noun
    (boring hard work: Learning vocabulary is a bit of a grind.) smags/vienmuļš darbs
    - grinding
    - grindstone
    - grind down
    - grind up
    - keep someone's nose to the grindstone
    - keep one's nose to the grindstone
    * * *
    malums; vienmuļš darbs, smags; zubrītājs; mīlēšanās; dibena grozīšana; malt; samalt; saberzt, trīt, asināt; slīpēt; griezt leijerkasti, griezt rokturi; cītīgi strādāt; zubrīt; mīlēties; grozīt dibenu

    English-Latvian dictionary > grind

  • 19 incapable

    ((with of) not able (to do something): incapable of learning anything.) nespējīgs
    * * *
    nespējīgs; tiesībnespējīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > incapable

  • 20 language

    1) (human speech: the development of language in children.) valoda
    2) (the speech of a particular nation: She is very good at (learning) languages; Russian is a difficult language.) valoda
    3) (the words and way of speaking, writing etc usually connected with a particular group of people etc: the language of journalists; medical language.) izteiksmes veids
    * * *
    valoda; izteiksmes veids, stils; programmēšanas valoda; bāršanās, lamas

    English-Latvian dictionary > language

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Learning object metadata — is a data model, usually encoded in XML, used to describe a learning object and similar digital resources used to support learning. The purpose of learning object metadata is to support the reusability of learning objects, to aid discoverability …   Wikipedia

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  • learning — UK US /ˈlɜːnɪŋ/ noun [U] ► the process of getting an understanding of something by studying it or by experience: »Knowledge and learning are essential factors for achieving successful outcomes. »Continuous learning and acquiring new skills are… …   Financial and business terms

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  • Learning theory — may refer to: * Learning theory (education), the process of how humans learn ** Behaviorism ** cognitivism ** Constructivism (learning theory) ** Connectivism (learning theory) * computational learning theory, a mathematical theory to analyze… …   Wikipedia

  • Learning and Teaching Scotland — infobox Organization name = Learning and Teaching Scotland abbreviation = LTS purpose = Educational headquarters = Glasgow/Dundee region served = Scotland language = English leader title = Chairman leader name = John Mulgrew num staff = 250… …   Wikipedia

  • LEArning EDvantage — is the official website of most Singapore Schools.In line with syllabus changes affecting Primary Mathematics, Secondary Mathematics, Sciences and Humanities, LEAD is launching a new set of interactive courseware.In December 2006, Learning… …   Wikipedia

  • Learning Management System — Pour les articles homonymes, voir LMS. Un LMS (Learning Management System) ou MLE (Managed Learning Environment) ou VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) ou CMS (Course Management System) ou LSS (Learning Support System) est un système logiciel… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Learning to fly — or learn to fly may refer to: * Fledging, a bird, bat or other flighted creature learning how to fly * Flight training, where a person takes lessons to fly an aircraft such as a helicopter or fixed wing aircraft * Learn to Fly , a 1999 song from… …   Wikipedia

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