1 drugstore
2 drugstore
3 drugstore
4 drugstore
noun ((American) a shop which sells various articles (eg cosmetics, newpapers and soft drinks) as well as medicines.) pharmacie -
5 drugstore cowboy
6 drive
drive [draɪv]1. nouna. ( = car journey) trajet m en voitureb. ( = private road) allée fd. ( = energy) énergie fe. ( = promotional campaign) campagne fa. [+ car, train] conduire ; [+ racing car] piloter• he drives a lorry/taxi il est camionneur/chauffeur de taxib. [+ people, animals] pousser (devant soi)c. [+ machine] [person] actionner ; [steam] faire fonctionner( = be the driver) conduire ; ( = go by car) aller en voiture• to drive away/back partir/revenir (en voiture)• can you drive? savez-vous conduire ?• to drive at 50km/h rouler à 50 km/h• did you come by train? -- no, we drove êtes-vous venus en train ? -- non, en voiture4. compounds• drive-in cinema ciné-parc m ► drive-through (British), drive-thru noun ( = restaurant) drive-in m inv adjective [restaurant, drugstore] drive-in[vehicle, person] rouler( = intend, mean) vouloir dire• what are you driving at? où voulez-vous en venir ?► drive away[car] démarrer ; [person] s'en aller en voiture[car] revenir ; [person] rentrer en voiturea. ( = cause to retreat) refoulerb. ( = convey back) ramener (en voiture)► drive in[car] entrer ; [person] entrer (en voiture)[+ nail] enfoncer[car] démarrer ; [person] s'en aller en voiturea. ( = repel) chasserb. ( = leave by car) to drive off a ferry débarquer d'un ferry (en voiture)[+ ferry] embarquer sur[car] sortir ; [person] sortir (en voiture)[+ person] faire sortir( = convey) conduire en voiture► drive up[car] arriver ; [person] arriver (en voiture)* * *[draɪv] 1.1) ( in car)3) ( motivation) dynamisme m4) Computing entraînement m de disques5) Automobile transmission f6) ( path) allée f7) Sport drive m2. 3.1) conduire [vehicle, passenger]; piloter [racing car]; transporter [cargo, load]; parcourir [quelque chose] (en voiture) [distance]to drive something into — rentrer quelque chose dans [garage, space]
3) ( chase or herd) conduirehe was driven from ou out of the country — il a été chassé du pays
4) (power, propel) actionner5) (force, push) lit, fig pousser [boat, person]; enfoncer [nail]; faire passer [road]4.1) Automobile conduireto drive into — entrer dans [garage, space]; rentrer dans [tree, lamppost]
5.to drive up/down a hill — monter/descendre une côte
1) Automobile conduire soi-même2)•Phrasal Verbs:- drive at- drive on -
7 drug
1. noun1) (any substance used in medicine: She has been prescribed a new drug for her stomach-pains.) médicament2) (a substance, sometimes one used in medicine, taken by some people to achieve a certain effect, eg great happiness or excitement: I think she takes drugs; He behaves as though he is on drugs.) drogue, stupéfiant2. verb(to make to lose consciousness by giving a drug: She drugged him and tied him up.) droguer- druggist- drug-addict - drugstore
См. также в других словарях:
drugstore — [ drɶgstɔr ] n. m. • 1928; drug( )store 1925; mot angl., de drug (→ drogue) et store « magasin » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ En Amérique du Nord, Magasin où l on vend divers produits (alimentation, hygiène, pharmacie, etc.). (REM. Au Canada francophone, on dit … Encyclopédie Universelle
drugstore — s.n. Tip de magazin american, unde se vând produse farmaceutice, dar şi alimente preambalate sau altele de larg consum. [pron. drag stăr. / < fr., americ. drugstore]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 25.02.2005. Sursa: DN DRUGSTORE [DRÁG STĂR] s. n.… … Dicționar Român
drugstore — n. a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold. Syn: apothecary s shop, chemist s, chemist s shop, dispensary, pharmacy. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
drugstore — drug‧store [ˈdrʌgstɔː ǁ stɔːr] noun [countable] a shop where you can buy medicines, beauty products etc; = chemist Bre * * * drugstore UK US /ˈdrʌgstɔːr/ noun [C] US (UK chemist) ► COMMERCE a store where you can buy medicines, beauty products,… … Financial and business terms
Drugstore — [Aufbauwortschatz (Rating 1500 3200)] Auch: • Drogerie • Apotheke Bsp.: • In den USA werden in einem Drugstore auch einfache Imbisse verkauft … Deutsch Wörterbuch
Drugstore — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Alternative Rock Gründung 1993 Gründungsmitglieder … Deutsch Wikipedia
drugstore — / drʌgstɔ/, it. / dragstor/ s. angloamer. [comp. di drug farmaco e store negozio ], usato in ital. al masch. [grande negozio, per lo più con orario continuato di apertura, che vende ogni genere di prodotti] ▶◀ ‖ emporio, grande magazzino … Enciclopedia Italiana
drugstore — ► NOUN N. Amer. ▪ a pharmacy which also sells toiletries and other articles … English terms dictionary
drugstore — ☆ drugstore [drug′stôr΄ ] n. a store where medical prescriptions are filled and drugs and medical supplies are sold: most drugstores now also sell a wide variety of merchandise … English World dictionary
Drugstore — Japanese Drugstore Sugi Yakkyoku Drugstore is a common American term for a type of store centrally featuring a pharmacy. Drugstores sell not only medicines, but also miscellaneous items such as candy, cosmetics, and magazines, as well as light… … Wikipedia
drugstore — n. (esp. AE; BE has chemist s) at, in a drugstore (he works at/in a drugstore) * * * [ drʌgstɔː] in a drugstore (he works at/in a drugstore) (esp. AE; BE has chemist s) at … Combinatory dictionary