1 draw a conclusion
draw a conclusion делать вывод -
2 draw a conclusion
3 draw a conclusion
4 draw a conclusion
1. сделать вывод2. делать вывод; заключениеcome to a conclusion — делать вывод; приходить к заключению
5 draw a conclusion
come to a conclusion — делать вывод; приходить к заключению
6 draw the conclusion
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > draw the conclusion
7 draw a conclusion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > draw a conclusion
8 draw a conclusion
сделать выводАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > draw a conclusion
9 draw a conclusion
1) Общая лексика: выводить заключение, сделать вывод, выдать заключение2) Математика: вывести, выводить, приходить к выводу3) Вычислительная техника: делать заключение4) Кабельные производство: заключать (делать вывод)5) юр.Н.П. заключать, заключить6) Макаров: делать вывод, приходить к заключению -
10 draw the conclusion
1) Авиация: подготавливать заключение2) Политика: прийти к заключению3) Контроль качества: делать вывод -
11 draw a conclusion
12 draw a conclusion
заключать; делать выводEnglish-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > draw a conclusion
13 draw a conclusion
14 draw the conclusion
15 draw a conclusion
сделать выводEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > draw a conclusion
16 draw a conclusion
прийти́ к вы́водуThe Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > draw a conclusion
17 draw a conclusion
делать вывод; делать заключение -
18 draw the conclusion
19 draw a conclusion from
1) Общая лексика: вывести заключение (сделать вывод) из (чего-л.), сделать вывод из (чего-л.)2) Психология: (smth.) делать вывод из (чего-л.)3) Психоанализ: (smth) делать вывод из (чего-л.)4) Макаров: вывести заключение из (чего-л.), сделать вывод из (чего-л.), сделать вывод на основании (чего-л.)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > draw a conclusion from
20 draw a conclusion from (smth)
Психоанализ: делать вывод из (чего-л.)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > draw a conclusion from (smth)
См. также в других словарях:
draw a conclusion — draw a conclusion/an inference/ phrase to decide what to believe about something after you have considered the facts Readers are invited to draw their own conclusions from the report. Thesaurus: to form an opinion, or to have an ideasynonym… … Useful english dictionary
draw a conclusion — index ascertain, deduce, deduct (conclude by reasoning), derive (deduce), determine, find (determine) … Law dictionary
draw a conclusion — {v. phr.} To make an inference. * /After he failed to keep an appointment with me for the third time, I drew the conclusion that he was an unreliable person./ … Dictionary of American idioms
draw a conclusion — {v. phr.} To make an inference. * /After he failed to keep an appointment with me for the third time, I drew the conclusion that he was an unreliable person./ … Dictionary of American idioms
draw\ a\ conclusion — v. phr. To make an inference. After he failed to keep an appointment with me for the third time, I drew the conclusion that he was an unreliable person … Словарь американских идиом
draw a conclusion — reach an outcome, conclude … English contemporary dictionary
conclusion — UK US /kənˈkluːʒən/ noun ► [C] a decision or judgment that is made after careful thought: »The findings and conclusions of the report are simply guidelines, not rulings. reach/come to/draw a conclusion »Information is gathered into a profile and… … Financial and business terms
draw an inference — draw a conclusion/an inference/ phrase to decide what to believe about something after you have considered the facts Readers are invited to draw their own conclusions from the report. Thesaurus: to form an opinion, or to have an ideasynonym… … Useful english dictionary
draw — draw1 W1S1 [dro: US dro:] v past tense drew [dru:] past participle drawn [dro:n US dro:n] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(picture)¦ 2 draw (somebody s) attention 3 draw a conclusion 4 draw a comparison/parallel/distinction etc 5¦(get a reaction)¦ 6¦(attract)¦ 7¦(get… … Dictionary of contemporary English
conclusion — noun 1 (C) something you decide after considering all the information you have: These are the report s main conclusions. (+ that): Becky came to the conclusion that he must have forgotten. | lead to/point to/support the conclusion (that): All the … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
draw — draw1 [ drɔ ] (past tense drew [ dru ] ; past participle drawn [ drɔn ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 create picture ▸ 2 move slowly/smoothly ▸ 3 pull something ▸ 4 get information from ▸ 5 choose someone/something ▸ 6 compare two things ▸ 7 get particular… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English