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drag coefficient

См. также в других словарях:

  • Drag coefficient — In fluid dynamics, the drag coefficient (commonly denoted as: cd, cx or cw) is a dimensionless quantity that is used to quantify the drag or resistance of an object in a fluid environment such as air or water. It is used in the drag equation,… …   Wikipedia

  • drag coefficient — i. Nondimensional coefficient equal to total drag divided by 1/2ρV2 S, where ρ is density, V is indicated air speed, and S is surface area of the body. ii. A coefficient representing the drag on a given airfoil or other body or a coefficient… …   Aviation dictionary

  • drag coefficient — (Cd) A number used in calculating the aerodynamic drag acting on a vehicle. The drag coefficient is a function of factors like the shape of the vehicle, airflow through the vehicle for ventilation and cooling. The number is determined in a wind… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • drag coefficient — vilkimo koeficientas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. drag coefficient; dragging coefficient vok. Mitbewegungskoeffizient, m; Mitführungskoeffizient, m rus. коэффициент увлечения, m pranc. coefficient d’entraînement, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • coefficient of drag (CD)/drag coefficient — A coefficient dependent upon the angle of attack, shape of the airfoil, Reynolds number, and Mach number. Drag coefficient (CD ) = Drag (D)/Dynamic Pressure (q) or {1 /2 (Density (ρ) × Air Speed2 (V2 ) × Wing Area (S). CD = D/qS, or 2D/ρV2 S …   Aviation dictionary

  • drag coefficient — noun the ratio of the drag on a body moving through air to the product of the velocity and the surface area of the body • Syn: ↑coefficient of drag • Hypernyms: ↑coefficient * * * noun : a factor representing the ratio of the aerodynamic drag… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drag coefficient — Aerodynamics. the ratio of the drag on a body moving through air to the product of the velocity and surface area of the body. Also called coefficient of drag. * * * …   Universalium

  • drag coefficient — noun Date: 1937 a factor representing the drag acting on a body (as an automobile or airfoil) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • drag coefficient — /dræg koʊəˈfɪʃənt/ (say drag kohuh fishuhnt) noun Fluid Dynamics the number which represents the resistance of an object to flow in a fluid environment such as air or water …  

  • drag coefficient — number that represents the intensity of force acting on a body in motion in direct opposition to the body s motion …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Zero-lift drag coefficient — In aerodynamics, the zero lift drag coefficient CD,0 is a dimensionless parameter which relates an aircraft s zero lift drag force to its size, speed, and flying altitude. Mathematically, zero lift drag coefficient is defined as CD,0 = CD − CD,i …   Wikipedia

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