1 dominio
m.1 control.2 authority, power.3 domain (territorio).4 mastery (conocimiento) (de arte, técnica).5 domain (computing).* * *1 (soberanía) dominion2 (poder) power, control3 (supremacía) supremacy4 (de conocimientos) mastery, good knowledge; (de un idioma) good command5 (territorio) domain\dominio de sí mismo self-controlejercer dominio to exert controlser del dominio público to be public knowledge* * *noun m.1) domain2) dominance, domination3) mastery* * *SM1) (=control) controldominio de sí mismo, dominio sobre sí mismo — self-control
2) (=conocimiento) commandes impresionante su dominio del inglés — his command of o fluency in English is impressive
¡qué dominio tiene! — isn't he good at it?
3) (=autoridad) authority ( sobre over)4) (=territorio) dominion5) (Educ) field, domain6) (Inform) domain* * *1)a) ( control) controlb) (de idioma, tema) commandse requiere perfecto dominio del inglés — fluent English o perfect command of English required
c) (ámbito de ciencia, arte) sphere2)a) (Hist, Pol) dominion* * *= area, dominance, realm, command, mastery, domain, domination, dominion, grip, pervasiveness, primacy, preserve, rule, sway.Ex. The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.Ex. The arrangements should also negotiate resistance to perceived 'American dominance', erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.Ex. Nevertheless, this situation does not appropriately demonstrate what is normally conceived to be the realm of indexing systems.Ex. Businesses are using all of the new communicating technological developments to increase their command over the information they need.Ex. The library has proven to be an imperfect panacea, and the librarian has suffered a definite loss of mastery.Ex. The CRONOS data bank includes a FISH domain, with data on catches and fleet statistics, and the COMEXT data bank covers the external trade statistics of fisheries.Ex. He cautions, however, that this approach can also mean domination of one person by another.Ex. The author reviews the sources of information relating to the emigration of Indians to the various British dominions, colonies and other countries for the period 1830-1950.Ex. It is therefore often hard to escape the grip of the official phraseology for fear that, in doing so, the meaning of the material will be altered or lost.Ex. New technologies are leading to a gradual recognition of the importance of information and of its pervasiveness throughout society and the economy.Ex. The article is entitled 'The classification of literature in the Dewey Decimal Classification: the primacy of language and the taint of colonialism' = El artículo se titula "La clasificación de la literatura en la Clasificación Decimal de Dewey: la primacía del lenguaje y el daño del colonialismo".Ex. This article discusses the role of the librarian, who may view on-line as either status-enhancing or their own preserve.Ex. The British in Malaya used education as a divisive factor to prolong their rule, while the Americans in the Philippines adopted a 'Philippines for the Filipinos' policy = Los británicos en Malaya usaron la educación como un factor divisorio para prolongar su dominio, mientras los americanos en las Filipinas adoptaron una política de "Las Filipinas para los filipinos".Ex. During this period Africa was influenced by external forces as the Islamic states of the north extended their sway south.----* afianzar el dominio sobre = tighten + Posesivo + grip on.* análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.* base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.* de dominio público = publicly owned [publicly-owned].* dominio completo = stranglehold.* dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.* dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.* dominio de una lengua extranjera = language proficiency.* dominio perfecto = a fine art.* dominio público = public domain.* dominio total = stranglehold.* entrar dentro del dominio de = fall under + the umbrella of.* nivel de dominio medio = working knowledge.* nombre de dominio = domain name.* programa de dominio público = public domain software.* ser de dominio público = be public domain.* ser el dominio de = be the domain of.* * *1)a) ( control) controlb) (de idioma, tema) commandse requiere perfecto dominio del inglés — fluent English o perfect command of English required
c) (ámbito de ciencia, arte) sphere2)a) (Hist, Pol) dominion* * *= area, dominance, realm, command, mastery, domain, domination, dominion, grip, pervasiveness, primacy, preserve, rule, sway.Ex: The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.
Ex: The arrangements should also negotiate resistance to perceived 'American dominance', erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.Ex: Nevertheless, this situation does not appropriately demonstrate what is normally conceived to be the realm of indexing systems.Ex: Businesses are using all of the new communicating technological developments to increase their command over the information they need.Ex: The library has proven to be an imperfect panacea, and the librarian has suffered a definite loss of mastery.Ex: The CRONOS data bank includes a FISH domain, with data on catches and fleet statistics, and the COMEXT data bank covers the external trade statistics of fisheries.Ex: He cautions, however, that this approach can also mean domination of one person by another.Ex: The author reviews the sources of information relating to the emigration of Indians to the various British dominions, colonies and other countries for the period 1830-1950.Ex: It is therefore often hard to escape the grip of the official phraseology for fear that, in doing so, the meaning of the material will be altered or lost.Ex: New technologies are leading to a gradual recognition of the importance of information and of its pervasiveness throughout society and the economy.Ex: The article is entitled 'The classification of literature in the Dewey Decimal Classification: the primacy of language and the taint of colonialism' = El artículo se titula "La clasificación de la literatura en la Clasificación Decimal de Dewey: la primacía del lenguaje y el daño del colonialismo".Ex: This article discusses the role of the librarian, who may view on-line as either status-enhancing or their own preserve.Ex: The British in Malaya used education as a divisive factor to prolong their rule, while the Americans in the Philippines adopted a 'Philippines for the Filipinos' policy = Los británicos en Malaya usaron la educación como un factor divisorio para prolongar su dominio, mientras los americanos en las Filipinas adoptaron una política de "Las Filipinas para los filipinos".Ex: During this period Africa was influenced by external forces as the Islamic states of the north extended their sway south.* afianzar el dominio sobre = tighten + Posesivo + grip on.* análisis de dominios del conocimiento = domain analysis.* base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.* de dominio público = publicly owned [publicly-owned].* dominio completo = stranglehold.* dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.* dominio del conocimiento = knowledge domain.* dominio de una lengua extranjera = language proficiency.* dominio perfecto = a fine art.* dominio público = public domain.* dominio total = stranglehold.* entrar dentro del dominio de = fall under + the umbrella of.* nivel de dominio medio = working knowledge.* nombre de dominio = domain name.* programa de dominio público = public domain software.* ser de dominio público = be public domain.* ser el dominio de = be the domain of.* * *A1 (control) controlbajo el dominio árabe under Arab control o ruleen ningún momento perdió el dominio de sí mismo at no time did he lose his self-controlen pleno dominio de sus facultades in full command of her facultiespara ampliar su dominio to extend their control o dominanceel dominio de su país sobre los mares their country's naval supremacy2 (de un idioma, un tema) commandsu dominio de estas técnicas her command o mastery of these techniquesse requiere perfecto dominio del inglés fluent English o perfect command of English requiredel escritor tiene un gran dominio del lenguaje the author has an excellent command of the languageser del dominio público to be public knowledge3(ámbito, campo): el dominio de las letras the field o sphere of lettersentra en el dominio de la fantasía it moves into the realms of fantasyBC ( Inf) domainnombre de dominio domain name* * *
dominio sustantivo masculino
2a) (Hist, Pol) dominionb)
3 (Inf) domain
dominio sustantivo masculino
1 (poder) control: tiene mucho dominio de sí mismo, he's very self-controlled
2 (conocimiento profundo) command, grasp
3 (ámbito, campo) scope, sphere
4 (territorio) lands
(colonias) colonies
♦ Locuciones: ser de dominio público, to be public knowledge
' dominio' also found in these entries:
- absoluto
- contención
- control
- lastre
- pública
- público
- señorío
- garra
- command
- domain
- dominion
- excellent
- mastery
- out
- preserve
- realm
- rule
- self-command
- self-composure
- self-control
- self-restraint
- stranglehold
- sway
- control
- dominance
- hold
- public
- self
- strangle
* * *dominio nm1. [dominación] control ( sobre over);la guerrilla tiene el dominio sobre esta zona this area is under guerrilla control;territorios bajo dominio romano territory under Roman rule;tenía al partido bajo su absoluto dominio he had the party under his absolute control;el dominio del partido correspondió al equipo visitante the visiting team had the best of the match;en ningún momento perdió el dominio de la situación at no time did he lose control of the situation;trata de mantener el dominio de ti mismo try to keep control of yourself2. [territorio] domain;un antiguo dominio portugués a former Portuguese territory o colony;la caza estaba prohibida en sus dominios hunting was forbidden on his land o domain3. [ámbito] realm, field;temas que pertenecen al dominio de la cibernética topics relating to the field of cybernetics;entramos en los dominios de la ciencia ficción we are entering the realms of science fiction4. [conocimiento] [de arte, técnica] mastery;[de idiomas] command;su dominio del tema his mastery of the subject;tiene un buen dominio del pincel she has a good command of the brush;para el puesto requerimos dominio de al menos dos lenguas the post requires mastery of at least two languages;tiene un gran dominio del balón he has great ball control;ser de dominio público to be public knowledge;era de dominio público que vivían separados it was common o public knowledge that they were living apart5. Informát domaindominio público public domain* * *m1 control;dominio de sí mismo self-control2 fig: de idioma command3 INFOR domain4:ser del dominio público be in the public domain* * *dominio nm1) : dominion, power2) : mastery3) : domain, field* * *dominio n1. (control, poder) control / rule2. (conocimiento) command -
2 dominio
3 dominio
4 dominio
• ascendancy• domain• dominance• domination• dominion• grasp• inflow of capital from abroad• influence• influenced• mastery• prevalence• sphere of activity• sway -
5 dominio de sí mismo
self-control -
6 dominio útil
• dominio utile• dominium utile• useful ownership -
7 dominio útil
m.useful ownership, dominium utile, dominio utile. -
8 dominio completo
m.complete control, stranglehold.* * *(n.) = strangleholdEx. Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.* * *(n.) = strangleholdEx: Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.
9 dominio de las personas con más edad
(n.) = senior powerEx. At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with mudpies, leprechauns, senior power, red power, the Chinese New Year, prisoners' rights, and workers' control.* * *(n.) = senior powerEx: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with mudpies, leprechauns, senior power, red power, the Chinese New Year, prisoners' rights, and workers' control.
Spanish-English dictionary > dominio de las personas con más edad
10 dominio de una lengua extranjera
(n.) = language proficiencyEx. As far as work abroad is concerned, preference should be given to librarians under the age of 45 with foreign language proficiency who are willing to cover at least part of their travel costs.* * *(n.) = language proficiencyEx: As far as work abroad is concerned, preference should be given to librarians under the age of 45 with foreign language proficiency who are willing to cover at least part of their travel costs.
Spanish-English dictionary > dominio de una lengua extranjera
11 dominio del conocimiento
(n.) = knowledge domainEx. Researchers gather and disseminate information outside their core knowledge domains through personal networks.* * *(n.) = knowledge domainEx: Researchers gather and disseminate information outside their core knowledge domains through personal networks.
12 dominio perfecto
m.perfect ownership.* * *Ex. The article is entitled 'Abstracting as a fine art'.* * *Ex: The article is entitled 'Abstracting as a fine art'.
13 dominio público
m.1 public domain, PD.2 public property.* * *(n.) = public domainEx. However, there remains a considerable number of documents which enter the public domain and which provide invaluable raw material for academic research.* * *(n.) = public domainEx: However, there remains a considerable number of documents which enter the public domain and which provide invaluable raw material for academic research.
14 dominio total
(n.) = strangleholdEx. Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.* * *(n.) = strangleholdEx: Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.
15 dominio absoluto
• fee absolute• fee simple• fee simple absolute• freehold -
16 dominio absoluto de propiedad
• freehold estateDiccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > dominio absoluto de propiedad
17 dominio administrativo
• administrative domain -
18 dominio aéreo
• air rights -
19 dominio condicionado
• conditional fee -
20 dominio condicional
• fee simple conditional
См. также в других словарях:
dominio — (Del lat. dominĭum). 1. m. Poder que alguien tiene de usar y disponer de lo suyo. 2. Poder o ascendiente que se ejerce sobre otra u otras personas. 3. Territorio sujeto a un Estado. U. m. en pl. Se usaba especialmente para designar los… … Diccionario de la lengua española
Dominio — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término dominio puede referirse a: Dominio (biología), una subdivisión de los seres vivos; Dominio (teología), un dogma eclesiástico basado en el Génesis (1:20 28); Dominio (redes informáticas); Dominio de… … Wikipedia Español
Dominio PX — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dominio PX de NADH oxidasa (p40phox), unido a un lípido. El dominio PX es un dominio estructural de unión a fosfoinositidol involucrado en el marcado de proteínas de la membrana celular. Este dominio fue determinado… … Wikipedia Español
dominio — sustantivo masculino 1. Poder o superioridad que se tiene sobre personas o cosas: España tuvo bajo su dominio un gran imperio. Sinónimo: dominación. 2. Derecho de propiedad: el dominio de una finca. 3. Conocimiento profundo de algo: dominio del… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Dominio C1 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dominio C1 de PKC delta (1ptr) Plano medio de la bicapa lipídica puntos negros. Límite de la región central hidrocarbonos puntos azules (lado citoplasmático). Capa de fosfolípidos puntos amarillos. El dominio C1… … Wikipedia Español
dominio — un dominio en el diseño o ejecución de un estudio clinico refleja los factores que deben ser considerados para evaluar la medida en que los resultados del mismo son válidos y fiables (es decir la calidad del estudio). Cada dominio tiene sus… … Diccionario médico
dominio — /do minjo/ s.m. [dal lat. dominium, der. di domĭnus signore, padrone ]. 1. a. [potestà totale esercitata sopra persone o cose: mantenere il proprio d. su un territorio ] ▶◀ egemonia, (lett.) imperio, potere, predominio, signoria, sovranità,… … Enciclopedia Italiana
domínio — s. m. 1. Direito de propriedade. 2. Faculdade de usar e dispor livremente do que é próprio. 3. Território ou territórios pertencentes a um Estado ou senhorio. 4. Propriedade; bens imóveis. 5. Conhecimento. 6. Influência, poder, superioridade,… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Dominio — (Del lat. dominium, propiedad, dominio.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 Facultad de una persona para disponer libremente de lo que es suyo. SINÓNIMO pertenencia potestad propiedad 2 Territorio perteneciente a una persona o sujeto al poder de un… … Enciclopedia Universal
dominio — do·mì·nio s.m. AU 1a. il dominare, l avere piena autorità, potere su qcn. o qcs.: brama, sete di dominio, essere sotto il dominio di qcn. Sinonimi: autorità, 1comando, 2potere. 1b. potere politico: avere, esercitare il dominio su una nazione |… … Dizionario italiano
dominio — s m 1 Poder que tiene algo o alguien de imponer su voluntad, su fuerza, su capacidad, etc sobre algo o alguien: el dominio del rey sobre su pueblo, el dominio de Inglaterra sobre el mar, el dominio de un equipo de futbol 2 Territorio o zona sobre … Español en México