Перевод: с английского на румынский

с румынского на английский


  • 1 fan

    I 1. [fæn] noun
    1) (a flat instrument held in the hand and waved to direct a current of air across the face in hot weather: Ladies used to carry fans to keep themselves cool.) evantai
    2) (a mechanical instrument causing a current of air: He has had a fan fitted in the kitchen for extracting smells.) ventilator
    2. verb
    1) (to cool (as if) with a fan: She sat in the corner, fanning herself.) a(-şi) face vânt cu evantaiul
    2) (to increase or strengthen (a fire) by directing air towards it with a fan etc: They fanned the fire until it burst into flames.) a aţâţa
    II [fæn] noun
    (an enthusiastic admirer of a sport, hobby or well-known person: I'm a great fan of his; football fans; ( also adjective) fan mail/letters (= letters etc sent by admirers).) fan, admirator

    English-Romanian dictionary > fan

  • 2 shoot

    [ʃu:t] 1. past tense, past participle - shot; verb
    1) ((often with at) to send or fire (bullets, arrows etc) from a gun, bow etc: The enemy were shooting at us; He shot an arrow through the air.) a trage
    2) (to hit or kill with a bullet, arrow etc: He went out to shoot pigeons; He was sentenced to be shot at dawn.) a trage în
    3) (to direct swiftly and suddenly: She shot them an angry glance.) a lansa
    4) (to move swiftly: He shot out of the room; The pain shot up his leg; The force of the explosion shot him across the room.) a se repezi; a proiecta
    5) (to take (usually moving) photographs (for a film): That film was shot in Spain; We will start shooting next week.) a filma; a fotografia
    6) (to kick or hit at a goal in order to try to score.) a şuta
    7) (to kill (game birds etc) for sport.) a vâna
    2. noun
    (a new growth on a plant: The deer were eating the young shoots on the trees.) mugure
    - shoot down
    - shoot rapids
    - shoot up

    English-Romanian dictionary > shoot

См. также в других словарях:

  • Direct fire — Direct Di*rect , a. [L. directus, p. p. of dirigere to direct: cf. F. direct. See {Dress}, and cf. {Dirge}.] 1. Straight; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous; leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end; as, a direct line; direct means …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Direct fire — A gunner aiming a QF 4 inch Mk V naval gun for direct firing Direct fire refers to the launching of a projectile directly at a target on a relatively flat trajectory. The firing weapon must have a sighting device and an unobstructed line of sight …   Wikipedia

  • direct fire — tiesioginė ugnis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Ugnis, nukreipta į taikytojo matomą taikinį. atitikmenys: angl. direct fire pranc. tir direct …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • direct fire — tiesioginė ugnis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Ugnis, tiesiogiai nukreipta į taikinį, kurį mato taikytojas. atitikmenys: angl. direct fire rus. огонь прямой наводкой …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

  • direct fire — Fire delivered on a target using the target itself as a point of aim for either the weapon or the director …   Military dictionary

  • direct fire control — tiesioginis ugnies valdymas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Toks ugnies valdymas, kai ugnis valdoma tik mechaninėmis priemonėmis (komandomis, signalais, perduodant juos įvairiomis ryšių priemonėmis ar be jų). atitikmenys: angl. direct fire… …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

  • direct fire — noun fire delivered on a target that is visible to the person aiming it • Hypernyms: ↑fire, ↑firing * * * noun Etymology: direct (III) + fire, v. : gunfire by direct aiming on a visible target …   Useful english dictionary

  • direct-fire —  ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷, | ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb : to fire without provision for preheating the air or gas some furnaces are direct fired …   Useful english dictionary

  • direct fire — artillery fire aimed straight at a target …   English contemporary dictionary

  • direct fire — /dəˌrɛkt ˈfaɪə/ (say duh.rekt fuyuh) noun gunfire delivered on a target, using the target itself as a point of aim for either the gun or the director …  

  • Direct — Di*rect , a. [L. directus, p. p. of dirigere to direct: cf. F. direct. See {Dress}, and cf. {Dirge}.] 1. Straight; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous; leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end; as, a direct line; direct means. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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