1 dielectric layer
диэлектрический слой
непроводящий слой
слой диэлектрика
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > dielectric layer
2 dielectric layer
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dielectric layer
3 dielectric layer
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > dielectric layer
4 dielectric layer
1) Техника: диэлектрический слой, непроводящий слой, слой диэлектрика2) Электрохимия: диэлектрический слой (например, нижний слой Al2O3) -
5 dielectric layer
6 dielectric layer
7 dielectric layer
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > dielectric layer
8 dielectric layer
English-Russian dictionary of microelectronics > dielectric layer
9 method for etching a dielectric layer over a semiconductor substrate
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > method for etching a dielectric layer over a semiconductor substrate
10 layer
2) горн. пласт7) вчт. уровень ( иерархической структуры)•layer free from base — кфт. бесподложечный слой-
ablation layer
absorbed layer
acceptor layer
accumulation layer
adsorbed layer
alignment layer
amorphous layer
anode layer
antihalation layer
antireflection layer
antireflective layer
antistatic layer
Appleton layer
application layer
as-grown layer
atmospheric boundary layer
back layer
backing layer
back-up layer
ballast layer
barrier layer
base layer
batch layer
blending layer
blocking layer
bottom layer
boundary layer
buffer layer
buried layer
cable layer
cap layer
cathode interface layer
cathode layer
chalcogenide layer
Chapman layer
chemisorption layer
chilling layer
chill layer
cladding layer
clad layer
cloud layer
cloud-topped boundary layer
coal layer
coil layers
collector layer
composite layer
compression layer
concentric layers
conducting layer
confining layer
contact layer
continuous layer
convective unstable layer
covering layer
cushion layer
D layer
dan layer
dead layer
depletion layer
deposited layer
diamond-bearing layer
dielectric layer
diffused layer
diffusion-source layer
dipole layer
dislocation layer
doped layer
drain layer
driving layer
dueling layer
dummy layer
dust layer
E layer
effective layer
elastomer layer
elevated layer
embedded metal layer
emitter layer
emitting layer
emulsion layer
enriched layer
epitaxial layer
epoxy layer
evaporated layer
extension layer
F layer
fettled layer
field oxide layer
filter layer
fog layer
gate insulation layer
ground layer
gunned layer
hanging layer
heat-insulating layer
Heaviside layer
heavy layer
high-concentration layer
high-mobility layer
hydraulic fill layer
image receiving layer
impurity layer
insulating layer
interface layer
intermediate layer
intrinsic layer
inversion layer
ion-implanted layer
ionized layer
ionospheric layer
Kennelly-Heaviside layer
light-sensitive layer
link layer
low-emission layer
low-mobility layer
masking layer
metallic layer
metallization layer
moderating layer
monoatomic layer
monocrystalline layer
monomolecular layer
multiple layer
n layer
native layer
negative layer
network layer
neutral layer
nonconducting layer
nonducting layer
nucleating layer
oceanic mixed layer
ohmic layer
oil layer
ozone layer
p layer
paper layer
passivation layer
photoconductive layer
photographic layer
photosensitive layer
physical layer
physisorption layer
planarization layer
planetary boundary layer
plank layer
polycrystalline silicon layer
poly silicon layer
presentation layer
protective layer
receiving layer
restraining layer
sandwiched layer
scattering layer
scuff resisting layer
sealing layer
seal layer
semiconducting layer
separation layer
session layer
shallow diffused layer
shallow layer
sintered layer
slag-impregnated surface layer
solvent layer
sporadic-E layer
sputtered layer
sputter layer
stratified layers
strip layers
subbing layer
subcloud layer
substrate layer
subsurface layer
superconducting layer
supernatant layer
surface layer
thermal boundary layer
transition layer
transmission control layer
transparent layer
transport layer
trapping layer
tropospheric layer
turbulent boundary layer
underglaze layer
undoped layer
unsteady boundary layer
velocity boundary layer
velocity layer
wall boundary layer
wearing layer
web cross layers
wind-mixed layer
wire reinforcement layer
wiring layer -
11 layer
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > layer
12 layer
1. слой2. плёнка3. прокладка4. листablation layer — абляционный слой
asbestos layer — асбестовая прокладка
ceramic layer — керамическая прокладка
charring layer — обугливающийся [коксующийся] слой, слой обугливающегося [коксующегося] материала
close-packed layer — плотноупакованный слой
conducting layer — проводящий слой
dielectric layer — 1) слой диэлектрика 2) непроводящий слой
hard rubber layer — эбонитовая прокладка
heat-protection layer — теплозащитный слой
insulating layer — изоляционный слой
monocrystalline epitaxial layer — монокристаллический эпитаксиальный слой
monomolecular layer — мономолекулярный слой
oxide layer — окисная плёнка
photoconducting layer — фотопроводящий слой
photosensitive layer — фоточувствительный слой
radiating layer — излучающий слой
reflecting layer — отражающий слой
sandwiched layer — прокладка с заполнителем, трёхслойная прокладка
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > layer
13 nonconducting layer
диэлектрический слой
непроводящий слой
слой диэлектрика
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > nonconducting layer
14 interlayer dielectric film layer
Микроэлектроника: диэлектрическая плёнкаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > interlayer dielectric film layer
15 three-layer dielectric waveguide
Макаров: трёхслойный диэлектрический волноводУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > three-layer dielectric waveguide
16 three-layer dielectric waveguide
English-russian dictionary of physics > three-layer dielectric waveguide
17 interlayer dielectric film layer
диэлектрическая пленка, разделяющая проводящие слоиEnglish-Russian dictionary of microelectronics > interlayer dielectric film layer
18 constant
1) константаб) постоянная; коэффициент; модуль2) постоянный; не изменяющийся; неизменяемый; фиксированный3) вчт литерал, самозначимый символ или самозначимая группа символов, проф. буквальный символ или буквальная группа символов ( в тексте программы)•- acoustical attenuation constant
- acoustical phase constant
- acoustical propagation constant
- adaptation constant
- address constant
- adiabatic dielectric constant
- anisotropy constant
- aperiodic time constant
- arbitrary constant
- attenuation constant
- Boltzmann constant
- capacitor constant
- charge-storage time constant
- clamped dielectric constant
- coil constant
- collector-base time constant
- collector depletion-layer time constant
- complex constant
- complex dielectric constant
- compliance constant
- constant-strain electrooptic constant
- constant-stress electrooptic constant
- Cotton-Mouton constant
- Coulomb force constant
- coupling constant
- damping constant
- decay constant
- decimal constant
- demagnetizing constant
- derivative-active time constant
- dielectric constant
- dielectric constant at constant strain
- dielectric constant at constant stress
- dielectric phase constant
- differential dielectric constant
- diffusion constant
- direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant
- direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant
- distributed constant
- distribution constant
- effective dielectric constant
- elastic compliance constant
- elastic stiffness constant
- elastoresistive constant
- electric constant
- electric charge time constant
- electric discharge time constant
- electrocaloric constant
- electromagnetic constant
- electron diffusion constant
- electron-phonon coupling constant
- electrooptic constant
- electrostrictive constant
- equilibrium-distribution constant
- exchange interaction constant
- Faraday constant
- fast time constant
- Feigenbaum constant
- fine-structure constant
- first-order anisotropy constant
- floating-point constant
- fundamental constant
- galvanometer constant
- grating constant
- Hall constant
- Hall-effect constant
- hole diffusion constant
- hyperfine coupling constant
- hysteresis material constants
- image attenuation constant
- image phase constant
- image phase-change constant
- image transfer constant
- imaginary constant
- inertia constant
- initial dielectric constant
- integer constant
- integral-action time constant
- Kerr constant
- Lame constants
- lattice constant
- longitudinal piezoresistive constant
- lumped constant
- magnetic constant
- magnetic anisotropy constant
- magnetic hysteresis constants
- magnetoelastic coupling constant
- magnetoelectric constant
- magnetoresistive constant
- magnetostriction constant
- Margie-Righi-Leduc constant
- molecular-field constant
- momentum constant
- morphic constant
- Nernst-Ettingshausen constants
- network constants
- network attenuation constant
- network phase constant
- network transfer constant
- numeric constant
- Peltier constant
- phase constant
- phase-change constant
- phenomenological constant
- photoelectric constant
- piezoelectric constant
- piezomagnetic constant
- piezooptic constant
- piezoresistive constant
- Planck constant
- propagation constant
- pulse-fall time -constant
- pulse-rise time constant
- pyroelectric constant
- pyromagnetic constant
- quadratic electrooptic constant
- quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant
- quadrature-axis transient short-circuit time constant
- quadrupole coupling constant
- Rayleigh constants
- RC constant
- real constant
- reciprocity constant
- recoil constant
- reduced Planck's constant
- register constant
- relative dielectric constant
- relative stress optical constant
- reversible dielectric constant
- Righi-Leduc constant
- Rydberg constant
- scintillation-counter energy-resolution constant
- screening constant
- Seebeck constant
- shielding constant
- solar constant
- specific gamma-ray constant
- spin-lattice coupling constant
- spin-orbit coupling constant
- spread constant
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant
- stored-energy constant
- thermal-stress constant
- thermal time constant
- third-order elastic constant
- time constant
- transfer constant
- transmission constant
- transmission-line constants
- Verdet constant
- wavelength constant
- Weiss constant
- Weiss-field constant
- Zeeman splitting constant -
19 constant
1) константаб) постоянная; коэффициент; модуль2) постоянный; не изменяющийся; неизменяемый; фиксированный3) вчт. литерал, самозначимый символ или самозначимая группа символов, проф. буквальный символ или буквальная группа символов ( в тексте программы)•- acoustical attenuation constant
- acoustical phase constant
- acoustical propagation constant
- adaptation constant
- address constant
- adiabatic dielectric constant
- anisotropy constant
- aperiodic time constant
- arbitrary constant
- attenuation constant
- Boltzmann constant
- capacitor constant
- charge-storage time constant
- clamped dielectric constant
- coil constant
- collector depletion-layer time constant
- collector-base time constant
- complex constant
- complex dielectric constant
- compliance constant
- constant-strain electrooptic constant
- constant-stress electrooptic constant
- Cotton-Mouton constant
- Coulomb force constant
- coupling constant
- damping constant
- decay constant
- decimal constant
- demagnetizing constant
- derivative-active time constant
- dielectric constant at constant strain
- dielectric constant at constant stress
- dielectric constant
- dielectric phase constant
- differential dielectric constant
- diffusion constant
- direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant
- direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant
- distributed constant
- distribution constant
- effective dielectric constant
- elastic compliance constant
- elastic stiffness constant
- elastoresistive constant
- electric charge time constant
- electric constant
- electric discharge time constant
- electrocaloric constant
- electromagnetic constant
- electron diffusion constant
- electron-phonon coupling constant
- electrooptic constant
- electrostrictive constant
- equilibrium-distribution constant
- exchange interaction constant
- Faraday constant
- fast time constant
- Feigenbaum constant
- fine-structure constant
- first-order anisotropy constant
- floating-point constant
- fundamental constant
- galvanometer constant
- grating constant
- Hall constant
- Hall-effect constant
- hole diffusion constant
- hyperfine coupling constant
- hysteresis material constants
- image attenuation constant
- image phase constant
- image phase-change constant
- image transfer constant
- imaginary constant
- inertia constant
- initial dielectric constant
- integer constant
- integral-action time constant
- Kerr constant
- Lame constants
- lattice constant
- longitudinal piezoresistive constant
- lumped constant
- magnetic anisotropy constant
- magnetic constant
- magnetic hysteresis constants
- magnetoelastic coupling constant
- magnetoelectric constant
- magnetoresistive constant
- magnetostriction constant
- Margie-Righi-Leduc constant
- molecular-field constant
- momentum constant
- morphic constant
- Nernst-Ettingshausen constants
- network attenuation constant
- network constants
- network phase constant
- network transfer constant
- numeric constant
- Peltier constant
- phase constant
- phase-change constant
- phenomenological constant
- photoelectric constant
- piezoelectric constant
- piezomagnetic constant
- piezooptic constant
- piezoresistive constant
- Planck constant
- propagation constant
- pulse-fall time-constant
- pulse-rise time constant
- pyroelectric constant
- pyromagnetic constant
- quadratic electrooptic constant
- quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant
- quadrature-axis transient short-circuit time constant
- quadrupole coupling constant
- Rayleigh constants
- RC constant
- real constant
- reciprocity constant
- recoil constant
- reduced Planck's constant
- register constant
- relative dielectric constant
- relative stress optical constant
- reversible dielectric constant
- Righi-Leduc constant
- Rydberg constant
- scintillation-counter energy-resolution constant
- screening constant
- Seebeck constant
- shielding constant
- solar constant
- specific gamma-ray constant
- spin-lattice coupling constant
- spin-orbit coupling constant
- spread constant
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant
- stored-energy constant
- thermal time constant
- thermal-stress constant
- third-order elastic constant
- time constant
- transfer constant
- transmission constant
- transmission-line constants
- Verdet constant
- wavelength constant
- Weiss constant
- Weiss-field constant
- Zeeman splitting constantThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > constant
20 waveguide
волновод || волноводный- air-filled waveguide
- Alfven waveguide
- all-metal waveguide
- aluminum waveguide
- anisotropic waveguide
- aperiodic distributed parameter waveguide
- aperture waveguide
- asymmetrically beveled waveguide
- axially symmetric waveguide
- beam waveguide
- beam mode waveguide
- below cutoff waveguide
- bend waveguide
- bending waveguide
- bent waveguide
- bidirectional waveguide
- bifurcated waveguide
- brass waveguide
- broadband waveguide
- buried waveguide
- circular waveguide
- circular fiber waveguide
- closed waveguide
- composite waveguide
- confocal beam waveguide
- conical waveguide
- continuously curved waveguide
- coplanar waveguide
- copper waveguide
- copper-coated waveguide
- corrugated waveguide
- corrugated ferrite slab waveguide
- coupled-cavity waveguide
- crossed waveguides
- crustal waveguide
- curved waveguide
- cutoff waveguide
- cylindrical waveguide
- depletion-layer waveguide
- diaphragmatic waveguide
- dielectric waveguide
- dielectric-coated waveguide
- dielectric-filled waveguide
- dielectric-loaded waveguide
- diffused waveguide
- diffusive waveguide
- disk-loaded waveguide
- dissipative waveguide
- distributed beam waveguide
- dominant-mode waveguide
- double-heterojunction optical waveguide
- double-ridge waveguide
- drawn waveguide
- dual-mode waveguide
- dual-ridge waveguide
- dumb-bell waveguide
- earth-crust waveguide
- elastic waveguide
- electroplated waveguide
- electropolished waveguide
- elliptic waveguide
- empty waveguide
- E-plane truncated cylindrical waveguide
- evanescent waveguide
- ferrite waveguide
- ferrite-filled waveguide
- ferrite-loaded waveguide
- ferrodielectric waveguide
- ferromagnetic waveguide
- fiber waveguide
- filled waveguide
- filleted waveguide
- fin waveguide
- flanged waveguide
- flexible waveguide
- folded waveguide
- gas-dielectric waveguide
- gaseous waveguide
- gas-filled waveguide
- graded-index optical waveguide
- gradient-index optical waveguide
- gyroelectric waveguide
- gyromagnetic waveguide
- gyrotropic-medium waveguide
- H-waveguide
- helical waveguide
- helix waveguide
- heterojunction optical waveguide
- highly overmoded waveguide
- hollow waveguide
- homogeneous waveguide
- hybrid-mode waveguide
- ideal waveguide
- in-diffused waveguide
- inhomogeneous waveguide
- interdigitally loaded waveguide
- interlocked-type waveguide
- ion-implanted waveguide
- ionospheric waveguide
- iris-loaded waveguide
- irregular waveguide
- isotropic waveguide
- layered dielectric waveguide
- layered dielectric slab waveguide
- leaky waveguide
- lens waveguide
- light waveguide
- loaded waveguide
- lossless waveguide
- lossy waveguide
- matched waveguide
- match-terminated waveguide
- mild-steel waveguide
- millimeter waveguide
- mirror beam waveguide
- monomode waveguide
- multibeam waveguide
- multimode waveguide
- nickel waveguide
- nonconfocal beam waveguide
- nonhomogeneous waveguide
- nonreciprocal waveguide
- nonuniform waveguide
- off-sized waveguide
- open waveguide
- open-ended waveguide
- optical waveguide
- out-diffused waveguide
- overmoded waveguide
- parabolic waveguide
- parallel-plate waveguide
- periodic waveguide
- periodically disturbed waveguide
- periodically loaded waveguide
- phase-shifter waveguide
- piezoelectric waveguide
- pipe-type waveguide
- planar dielectric waveguide
- planar optical waveguide
- plasma waveguide
- pointed waveguide
- precision waveguide
- pressurized waveguide
- prism beam waveguide
- proton-implanted optical waveguide
- pump waveguide
- pyramidally tapered waveguide
- quasi-optical waveguide
- reciprocal waveguide
- rectangular waveguide
- regular waveguide
- rib waveguide
- ribbon waveguide
- ridge waveguide
- ridged waveguide
- rigid waveguide
- ring waveguide
- rod waveguide
- screened waveguide
- seismic waveguide
- semiconductor-filled waveguide
- septate waveguide
- serpent waveguide
- serpentine waveguide
- shielded waveguide
- short-circuit waveguide
- single-heterojunction optical waveguide
- single-mode waveguide
- single-ridged waveguide
- sinuous waveguide
- slab waveguide
- slitted waveguide
- slotted waveguide
- smooth nonuniform waveguide
- snake waveguide
- spiral waveguide
- square waveguide
- squeezable waveguide
- standard waveguide
- standard-size waveguide
- step-index optical waveguide
- step-twisted waveguide
- straight-tapered waveguide
- strip waveguide
- surface waveguide
- surface-acoustic-wave waveguide
- tapered waveguide
- thin-film waveguide
- trapezoidal waveguide
- trifurcated waveguide
- tropospheric waveguide
- trough waveguide
- truncated waveguide
- T-septum waveguide
- tubular waveguide
- twin-slab waveguide
- twisted waveguide
- two-mode waveguide
- uniconductor waveguide
- uniform waveguide
- unloaded waveguide
- variable cross-section waveguide
- vertebrate waveguide
- π-waveguide
См. также в других словарях:
dielectric layer — dielektriko sluoksnis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dielectric layer vok. dielektrische Schicht, f rus. диэлектрический слой, m pranc. couche diélectrique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Dielectric layer — Диэлектрический слой … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
gate dielectric layer — izoliacinis užtūros sluoksnis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. gate dielectric layer; gate insulation layer vok. Gatedielektrikumschicht, f; Gateisolationsschicht, f rus. изолирующий слой затвора, m; подзатворный… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Dielectric barrier discharge — (DBD) is the electrical discharge between two electrodes separated by an insulating dielectric barrier. Originally called silent (inaudible) discharge and also known as ozone production discharge[1] or partial discharge,[2] it was first reported… … Wikipedia
Dielectric spectroscopy — A dielectric permittivity spectrum over a wide range of frequencies. The real and imaginary parts of permittivity are shown, and various processes are depicted: ionic and dipolar relaxation, and atomic and electronic resonances at higher energies … Wikipedia
Dielectric mirror — Two broadband dielectric mirrors being used in an optics experiment. A dielectric mirror is a type of a mirror composed of multiple thin layers of dielectric material, typically deposited on a substrate of glass or some other optical material. By … Wikipedia
gate-insulation layer — izoliacinis užtūros sluoksnis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. gate dielectric layer; gate insulation layer vok. Gatedielektrikumschicht, f; Gateisolationsschicht, f rus. изолирующий слой затвора, m; подзатворный… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Electric double-layer capacitor — Maxwell Technologies MC and BC series supercapacitors (up to 3000 farad capacitance) An electric double layer capacitor (EDLC), also known as supercapacitor, supercondenser, electrochemical double layer capacitor, or ultracapacitor, is an… … Wikipedia
capacitor dielectric and piezoelectric ceramics — ▪ ceramics Introduction advanced industrial materials that, by virtue of their poor electrical conductivity, are useful in the production of electrical storage or generating devices. Capacitors (capacitor) are devices that store… … Universalium
High-k dielectric — The term high κ dielectric refers to a material with a high dielectric constant (κ) (as compared to silicon dioxide) used in semiconductor manufacturing processes which replaces the silicon dioxide gate dielectric. The implementation of high κ… … Wikipedia
Double layer (interfacial) — A double layer (DL, also called an electrical double layer, EDL) is a structure that appears on the surface of an object when it is placed into a liquid. The object might be a solid particle, a gas bubble, a liquid droplet, or a porous body. The… … Wikipedia