1 devalorize currency
Экономика: девалоризировать валюту -
2 to devalorize currency
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to devalorize currency
3 currency
n1) валюта, деньги
- accounting currency
- adjustable currency
- agreed currency
- agreement currency
- anchor currency
- appreciated currency
- article eight currency
- automatic currency
- base currency
- blocked currency
- cheap currency
- cheque currency
- clearing currency
- collective currency
- common currency
- controlled currency
- convertible currency
- convertible in gold currency
- counterfeit currency
- credit currency
- dealt currency
- decimal currency
- deposit currency
- depreciated currency
- depreciating currency
- devalued currency
- domestic currency
- double currency
- elastic currency
- emergency currency
- exotic currency
- exporter's currency
- falling currency
- fiat currencies
- fiduciary currency
- floating currency
- fluctuating currency
- forced currency
- foreign currency
- fractional currency
- free currency
- freely convertible currency
- freely floating currency
- full-bodied currency
- fully convertible currency
- functional currency
- general asset currency
- gold currency
- green currency
- hand-to-hand currency
- hard currency
- home currency
- importer's currency
- inconvertible currency
- inflated currency
- international currency
- intervention currency
- irredeemable currency
- jointly floating currency
- key currency
- lawful currency
- leading currency
- local currency
- major currencies
- managed currency
- metallic currency
- mixed currency
- national currency
- nonconvertible currency
- overvalued currency
- paper currency
- partially convertible currency
- pegged currency
- permitted currencies
- quotation currency
- redeemable in gold currency
- reference currency
- regulated currency
- reporting currency
- reserve currency
- revalued currency
- scarce currency
- settled currency
- shaky currency
- silver currency
- single currency
- small denomination currency
- soft currency
- sound currency
- splinter currency
- stable currency
- standard currency
- third-country currency
- trading currency
- transaction currency
- treasury currency
- undervalued currency
- unstable currency
- vehicle currency
- volatile currency
- currency in circulation
- currency of account
- currency of a bill
- currency of clearing
- currency of a contract
- currency of credit
- currency of exchange clause
- currency of money
- currency of payment
- currency of price
- currency pegged to the dollar
- appreciate currency
- back currency
- compute in currency
- control currency
- convert currency
- debase currency
- deposit currency
- depreciate currency
- devalorize currency
- devaluate currency
- devalue currency
- dump currency
- earn currency
- exchange currency
- express in currency
- manage currency
- pay in currency
- prop up currency
- purchase currency
- realize for foreign currency
- regulate currency
- remit currency
- revalorize currency
- revalue currency
- sell for foreign currency
- transfer currency from one account to another
- transfer currency to an accountEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > currency
4 depreciate
1. v обесценивать; уменьшать ценность2. v обесцениваться, падать в цене3. v недооценивать, умалять; приуменьшать; уничижатьto depreciate oneself — уничижаться, заниматься самоуничижением
Синонимический ряд:1. belittle (verb) belittle; denigrate; denounce; deprecate; discredit; ridicule; traduce; vilify2. cheapen (verb) cheapen; decline; decrease; deflate; devalorize; devaluate; devalue; downgrade; lessen; lower; mark down; reduce; soften; underprize; underrate; undervalue; write down; write off3. decry (verb) abuse; cry down; decry; derogate; detract; detract from; diminish; discount; disparage; dispraise; downcry; minimise; minimize; opprobriate; run down; take away; take from; talk downАнтонимический ряд:approve; commend; exalt; extol; increase; magnify; praise; raise; recommend
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