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  • 41 ἀσωτία

    ἀσωτία, ας, ἡ (s. σῴζω; Pla. et al.; Polyb. 32, 11, 10; 39, 7, 7; PFay 12, 24 [103 B.C.]; Pr 28:7; 2 Macc 6:4; TestJud 16:1; TestAsh 5:1 v.l.) the verb σῴζω refers to preservation, hence ἀσωτία gener. denotes ‘wastefulness’ (for a detailed discussion of the topic Aristot., EN 4, 1–45), then reckless abandon, debauchery, dissipation, profligacy, esp. exhibited in convivial gatherings (Athen. 11, 485a ἀπὸ τῶν εἰς τ. μέθας κ. τ. ἀσωτίας πολλὰ ἀναλισκόντων) debauchery Eph 5:18; wild living Tit 1:6; flood of dissipation τῆς ἀ. ἀνάχυσις 1 Pt 4:4.—DELG s.v. σῶς. M-M. TW. Spicq.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἀσωτία

  • 42 ἐγκράτεια

    ἐγκράτεια, είας, ἡ (ἐν + -κράτεια, s. next entry; X., Pla. et al.; Diod S 10, 5, 2; Epict. 2, 20, 13; Vett. Val. index; Herm. Wr. 13, 9; PFay 20, 21; Sir 18:29 [v.l. in a superscr.]; 4 Macc 5:34; Test12Patr; EpArist 278; Philo; of Essenes in Jos., Bell. 2, 120; 138, and a prophet Ant. 8, 235; Just., D. 2, 2; 8:3 w. καρτερία; Ath., R. 75, 19 w. σωφροσύνη; Theoph. Ant. III 15 [p. 234, 14]) restraint of one’s emotions, impulses, or desires, self-control (for detailed discussion s. Aristot., EN 7, 1145a–1154b; esp. w. ref. to matters of sex; cp. Simplicius in Epict. p. 117, 18; 123, 14; TestNapht 8:8; Hippol., Ref. 7, 28, 7) 2 Cl 15:1. In a list of virtues Gal 5:23. W. other virtues (Lucian, Demosth. Enc. 40; PFay s. above; cp. Christian ins: Sb 8705 πίστις, ἐλπίς, ἀγάπη, δικαιοσύνη, εἰρήνη, ἀλήθεια, μακροθυμία, ἐγκράτεια) 1 Cl 35:2; 62:2; 64; w. δικαιοσύνη Ac 24:25; w. γνῶσις and ὑπομονή 2 Pt 1:6; w. μακροθυμία B 2:2; w. ἁπλότης Hv 2, 3, 2; w. πίστις and φόβος m 6, 1, 1. (W. ἀγαθὴ πρᾶξις Iren., 1, 6, 4 [Harv. I 58, 2].) ἀγαπᾶν ἐν πάσῃ ἐ. in all chastity Pol 4:2; ἐ. διπλῆ Hm 8:1. Personified as a virtue v 3, 8, 4; 7; Hs 9, 15, 2. Bestowed by God 1 Cl 38:2.—DELG s.v. κράτος. M-M. TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐγκράτεια

  • 43 обстоятельное обсуждение

    detailed / in-depth discussion

    Русско-английский словарь по проведению совещаний > обстоятельное обсуждение

  • 44 подробное обсуждение

    detailed / in-depth discussion

    Русско-английский словарь по проведению совещаний > подробное обсуждение

  • 45 ausführlich

    I Adj. detailed; in-depth...; Brief: long, lengthy; (umfassend) comprehensive, full, thorough; ausführliche Berichterstattung in-depth ( oder extended) coverage; könnten Sie etwas ausführlicher sein? could you be more precise ( oder go into more detail)?
    II Adv. in detail; in depth; sehr ausführlich at great length, in great detail; ausführlicher in greater detail
    * * *
    at full length (Adv.); in detail (Adj.); detailed (Adj.); elaborate (Adj.); copious (Adj.); full (Adj.); particular (Adj.); circumstantial (Adj.)
    * * *
    aus|führ|lich ['ausfyːɐlɪç] (Aus) [aus'fyːɐlɪç]
    1. adj
    detailed; Informationen, Gespräche, Katalog auch full
    2. adv
    in detail, in full
    * * *
    (in detail; taking a long time: She told us at length about her accident.) at length
    * * *
    [ˈausfy:ɐ̯lɪç, ausˈfy:ɐ̯lɪç]
    I. adj detailed
    eine \ausführliche Erklärung a full explanation
    \ausführliche Informationen full [or detailed] information no pl, no art
    II. adv in detail [or full]
    sehr \ausführlich in great detail
    \ausführlicher in more [or greater] detail
    * * *
    Adjektiv detailed, full < account, description, report, discussion>; thorough, detailed, full < investigation, debate>; detailed <introduction, instruction, letter>
    adverbial in detail; < investigate> thoroughly, fully

    etwas ausführlicher/sehr ausführlich beschreiben — describe something in more or greater/in great detail

    * * *
    A. adj detailed; in-depth …; Brief: long, lengthy; (umfassend) comprehensive, full, thorough;
    ausführliche Berichterstattung in-depth ( oder extended) coverage;
    könnten Sie etwas ausführlicher sein? could you be more precise ( oder go into more detail)?
    B. adv in detail; in depth;
    sehr ausführlich at great length, in great detail;
    ausführlicher in greater detail
    * * *
    Adjektiv detailed, full <account, description, report, discussion>; thorough, detailed, full <investigation, debate>; detailed <introduction, instruction, letter>
    adverbial in detail; < investigate> thoroughly, fully

    etwas ausführlicher/sehr ausführlich beschreiben — describe something in more or greater/in great detail

    * * *
    detailed adj. adv.
    at length adv.
    elaborately adv.
    explicitly adv.
    in detail expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ausführlich

  • 46 détail

    détail [detaj]
    masculine noun
       a. ( = particularité) detail
    c'est un détail ! that's just a minor detail!
       b. [de facture, compte] breakdown
    il ne fait pas de or le détail ! (inf) he doesn't make any exceptions!
    vendre au détail [+ marchandise, vin] to (sell) retail ; [+ articles, couverts] to sell separately
    * * *
    nom masculin
    1) ( petit élément) detail
    2) ( analyse précise) breakdown
    3) Commerce retail

    acheter/vendre (quelque chose) au détail — to buy/sell (something) retail

    * * *
    detaj nm

    Il cherchait à connaître le détail de ce dossier. — He wanted to know the details of the file.

    donner le détail de [affaire, dossier] — to give a detailed account of, [compte] to give a breakdown of

    ne pas faire dans le détail (= employer les grands moyens) — not to do things by half, (= ne pas faire de distinctions) to make no distinctions

    C'est peut-être un détail, mais... — It may be just a detail, but...

    3) ART detail

    au détail — retail, (= individuellement) separately

    * * *
    détail nm
    1 ( petit élément) detail; détail fâcheux/significatif/troublant annoying/significant/disturbing detail; détail sans intérêt unimportant detail; détails techniques technical details; soigner chaque détail to pay attention to every detail; le moindre détail the slightest detail; étudier/dépeindre/imaginer dans les moindres détails to study/depict/imagine in minute detail;
    2 ( analyse précise) breakdown; détail des dépenses breakdown of expenses; détail chiffré breakdown in figures; expliquer en détail/plus en détail to explain in detail/in greater detail; entrer dans le détail or les détails to go into detail; ne pas faire dans le détail not to do in detail; ils n'ont pas fait de détail, ils ont licencié tout le monde they didn't use half-measures, they laid everybody off; avoir un sens/le goût du détail to have an eye/a liking for detail; raconter qch en détail to give a detailed account of sth; analyse/étude/discussion de détail detailed analysis/study/discussion; un point de détail a minor detail; ‘un détail, n'oubliez pas votre manuel la prochaine fois!’ ‘just one thing, don't forget your textbook next time!’;
    3 Comm retail; acheter/vendre (qch) au détail to buy/sell (sth) retail.
    [detaj] nom masculin
    1. [exposé précis] breakdown, detailed account, itemization
    faire le détail de quelque chose to break something down, to itemize something
    2. [élément - d'un récit, d'une information] detail, particular
    a. [ennuyeux] I won't bore you with the detail ou details
    pour plus de détails, écrivez à... for further details, write to...
    [point sans importance] detail, minor point
    Clemenceau, détail d'un portrait par Manet Clemenceau, a detail from a portrait by Manet
    5. [petite partie - d'un meuble, d'un édifice] detail
    au détail locution adjectivale
    [vente] retail (modificateur)
    au détail locution adverbiale
    vendre quelque chose au détail to sell something retail, to retail something
    de détail locution adjectivale
    1. [mineur]
    en détail locution adverbiale

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > détail

  • 47 eingehend

    I Part. Präs. eingehen
    II Adj. nur attr.
    1. Post etc.: incoming
    2. (ausführlich) detailed; Bericht: auch full...; (gründlich) thorough; Artikel etc.: in-depth...; (sorgfältig) careful
    III Adv. in detail; (gründlich) thoroughly; in depth; (sorgfältig) carefully; sich eingehend mit etw. auseinander setzen oder befassen etc. auch look at s.th. from every angle
    * * *
    in detail; circumstantial; incoming; radical
    * * *
    1. adj
    (= ausführlich) detailed; (= gründlich) thorough; Bericht, Studien, Untersuchungen in-depth attr
    2. adv
    (= ausführlich) in detail; (= gründlich) thoroughly
    * * *
    I. adj detailed
    ein \eingehender Bericht a detailed [or an exhaustive] report
    eine \eingehende Erörterung a lengthy discussion
    eine \eingehende Prüfung an exhaustive [or extensive] [or a thorough] test
    \eingehende Studien detailed [or in-depth] [or thorough] studies
    \eingehende Untersuchungen comprehensive surveys
    II. adv in detail
    \eingehend besprechen/diskutieren/erörtern to discuss at length
    \eingehend studieren to study thoroughly
    * * *
    Adjektiv detailed
    adverbial in detail
    * * *
    A. ppr eingehen
    B. adj nur attr
    1. Post etc: incoming
    2. (ausführlich) detailed; Bericht: auch full …; (gründlich) thorough; Artikel etc: in-depth …; (sorgfältig) careful
    C. adv in detail; (gründlich) thoroughly; in depth; (sorgfältig) carefully;
    befassen etc auch look at sth from every angle
    * * *
    Adjektiv detailed
    adverbial in detail
    * * *
    extensive adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > eingehend

  • 48 показать

    (= показывать) show, register, read, exhibit, reveal, depict, display, illustrate, indicate
    Анализ этих уравнений показывает, что... - Inspection of these equations shows that...
    Более совершенным рассуждением можно показать, что... - By a more refined argument it can be shown that...
    Более того, данное обсуждение показывает, что... - The discussion shows, moreover, that...
    Более точное вычисление показывает, что... - A more exact calculation shows that...
    Быстро покажем, что... - It will be shown in a moment that...
    В главе 2 мы вернемся к этому вопросу и попытаемся показать, что... - In Chapter 2 we shall return to this question and try to show that...
    В предыдущем параграфе мы уже показали, как исследовать... - In the preceding section we have shown how to investigate...
    Важно, что исследование также показывает, что... - Importantly, the study also shows that...
    Нам остается лишь показать, что... - All that remains is to show that...
    Вычисления показали, что... - Computations have shown that...
    Далее будет показано, что... - It will be shown in the sequel that...
    Далее можно показать, что... - It can further be shown that...
    Далее, легко показать, что... - It is easy to show, furthermore, that...
    Далее, мы показываем, что существуют функции, нарушающие это неравенство при к > 2... - Next, we show that there are functions which violate this inequality for к > 2.
    Дальнейшее исследование, однако, показало, что... - Further investigation, however, has shown that...
    Дальнейшее применение соотношения (1) показывает, что... - Further application of (1) shows that...
    Данная формулировка показывает сразу несколько аспектов. - The formulation reveals several things.
    Данные примеры должны показать, что... - These examples should make it clear that...
    Данный подход показывает, что... - The present approach shows that...
    Данный результат следует немедленно, если мы можем показать, что... - The result will follow immediately if we can show that...
    Действительно, в этом случае мы могли бы показать, что... - Indeed, in this case, we may show that...
    Довольно громоздкое вычисление показывает, что... - A somewhat lengthy computation shows that...
    Еще более удивительным является пример, найденный Смитом [11], который показывает, что... - Even more startling is an example due to Smith [11], which shows that...
    Еще раз, это показывает зависимость... - Again, this demonstrates the dependence of...
    Здесь мы можем только показать, что... - We can show here only that...
    Изучение... показывает, что... - Studies of... indicate that...
    Используя определения F и G, легко показать, что... - It is a simple matter, using the definitions of F and G, to show that...
    Используя эти соотношения, мы легко можем показать по индукции, что... - From these relations we can easily show by induction that...
    Исследование уравнения (4) показывает, что... - An examination of (4) shows that...
    Исследования показали важность... - The studies demonstrated the importance of...
    Видимо, все это показывает, что... - All this seems to show that...
    Как легко показать, используя..., этим можно полностью пренебречь. - It is utterly negligible, as we can easily show by...
    Как показывает следующий пример, это не обязательно выполняется. - This is not necessarily the case, as the following example illustrates.
    Как приложение данного результата, мы покажем, что... - As an application of this result, we show that...
    Количественный анализ этих результатов показывает, что... - A quantitative analysis of these results shows that...
    Легко показать, что... - It is easily shown that...
    Легкое изменение приведенного выше рассуждения показывает, что... - A slight modification of the above reasoning shows that...
    Метод анализа, намеченный в предыдущем абзаце, показывает... - The method of analysis outlined in the last paragraph shows...
    Многие годы экспериментов показали, что... - Many years of experimentation have shown that...
    Можно показать, что в целом это заключение является справедливым. - It can be shown that this conclusion is generally valid.
    Можно показать, что они являются как достаточными, так и необходимыми. - It may be shown that they are sufficient as well as necessary.
    Можно показать, что это эквивалентно условию... - This can be shown to be equivalent to the condition that...
    Мы должны показать, что... - We have to show that...
    Мы можем показать это на простом примере. - We can demonstrate this with a simple example.
    Мы оставляем для самостоятельного решения задачу показать, что... - We leave it as a problem to show that...
    Мы покажем теперь, что это не справедливо. - We shall now show that this is not the case.
    Мы хотим явно показать, что... - We wish to show explicitly that...
    На самом деле мы лишь показали, что... - We have in fact only shown that...
    На самом деле мы можем показать, что... - We can show, in fact, that...
    На самом деле, его исследование, похоже, показывает, что... - Actually his investigation seemed to show that...
    Нам остается показать, что... - We need only to show that...; It remains for us to show that...
    Намеченные выше вычисления показывают, что... - The calculations outlined above show that...
    Например, мы покажем, что... - We shall show, for example, that...
    Например, не слишком трудно показать, что... - For example, it is not too difficult to show that...
    Например, экспериментально было показано, что... - For example, it has been shown experimentally that...
    Наш простой пример показывает, что... - Our simple example demonstrates that...
    Наши цифры показывают, что... - Our figures show that...
    Небольшое изменение этого доказательства показывает, что... - A minor modification of the proof shows that...
    Небольшое размышление показывает, что... - A moment's reflection will indicate that...
    Недавние эксперименты показали, что... - Recent experiments have shown that...
    Недавняя работа показала, что... - Recent work has shown that...
    Недолгое размышление покажет, что... - A moment's thought will show that...
    Несколько иное рассуждение показывает, что... - A slightly different argument shows that...
    Общие наблюдения показывают... - It is a matter of common observation that...
    Один тип... показан на рис. 2. - One type of... is shown in Figure 2.
    Однако, мы хотим показать, что... - We wish to show, however, that...
    Однако мы уже показали, что... - But we have already shown that...
    Однако следующая теорема показывает, что... - The next theorem shows, however, that...
    Он показал существование глобального по времени решения. - Не showed existence of a global-in-time weak solution.
    Описанные здесь исследования показывают, что... - The studies described here show that...
    Исторический опыт показывает, что... - Historical experience shows that...
    Остается показать, что... - It remains to be shown that...
    Оценка показывает, что... - It is estimated that...
    Подобное же рассуждение показывает нам... - A similar argument will show that...
    Подобные вычисления показывают, что... - Similar computations reveal that...
    Подобным образом можно показать, что... - In like manner it can be shown that...
    Подробный вывод показал бы, что... - A detailed derivation would show that...
    Подстановка этой величины в уравнение (1) показывает, что... - Insertion of this value into equation (1) shows that...
    Полная теория показывает, что... - Detailed theory shows that...
    Помимо всего, нам необходимо показать, что... - Above all, we need to show that...
    Помимо прочих следствий, данный результат показывает, что... - Among other things, this result shows that...
    Последнее разложение показывает, что... - The latter expansion shows that...
    Это может быть трудно показать на практике. - In practice this may be difficult to demonstrate.
    Предварительные результаты показывают, что... - The preliminary results suggest that...
    Пренебрегая этими эффектами, легко показать, что... - Neglecting these effects it is easy to show that...
    Приведенный выше пример 2 показывает, что... - Example 2 above shows that...
    Придерживаясь тех же обозначений, что и в первом параграфе, мы покажем, что... - With the same notation as in Section 1, we shall show that...
    Применение данного метода показывает... - An application of this process shows...
    Продолжая действовать так же, как в параграфе 1, мы можем показать, что... - Proceeding as in Section 1, we may show that...
    Ранее мы показывали, что... - Earlier we showed that...
    Рассуждение, приведенное в конце последней главы, показывает, что... - The argument at the end of the last chapter shows that...
    Рассуждения Гильберта относительно этого уравнения показывают, что... - Hilbert's discussion of this equation shows that...
    Реальные вычисления, однако, показывают, что... - Actual computations show, however, that...
    Результат показан ниже. - The result is recorded below.
    С другой стороны, эксперименты показывают, что... - On the other hand, experiments show that...
    Следующая серия примеров (= иллюстраций) показывает... - The following series of illustrations shows...
    Следующая теорема позволяет нам показать, что... - The following theorem enables us to show that...
    Следующие задачи помогут показать, что важность... - The following problems will help show that importance of...
    Следующие примеры покажут важность данного определения. - Examples will bring out the significance of this definition.
    Следующий пример показывает, что... - The following example shows that...
    Следующим шагом мы покажем, что... - Next it will be shown that...
    Совершенно аналогичным образом можно показать, что... - It can be shown by an exactly similar process that...
    Сравнение А и В показывает, что... - A comparison of A and В shows that...
    Сравнение с точным результатом (2) показывает, что... - A comparison with the exact result (2) shows that...
    Ссылка на уравнение (6) показывает, что... - Reference to equation (6) shows that...
    Стандартные вычисления показывают, что... - A routine calculation shows that...
    Таблицы данных показывают, что... - The tables show that...
    Теоретические соображения показывают, что... - Theoretical considerations show that...
    Теперь мы покажем, что допустимо (предполагать и т. п.)... - We shall now show that it is permissible to...
    Термометр показывает 20 градусов ниже нуля. - The thermometer shows/reads 20 degrees below zero.
    Типичный... показан на рис. 2. - A typical... is shown in Figure 2.
    То же самое рассуждение показывает, что... - The same reasoning shows that...
    То же самое рассуждение четко показывает, что... - The same reasoning evidently shows that...
    То же самое рассуждение, что и выше, показывает, что... - The same argument as above shows that...
    То, что мы показали, это... - What we have shown is that...
    Только что проделанные вычисления показывают нам, что... - The result just calculated shows us that...
    Рис. 2 показывает результаты, полученные... - Fig. 2 shows results obtained for Equation (2.8).
    Цель заключается в том, чтобы показать, что... - The aim is to show that...
    Чтобы доказать теорему, достаточно показать, что... - То prove the theorem it is sufficient to show that...
    Чтобы завершить доказательство, нам остается показать, что... - То complete the proof, we need to demonstrate that...
    Чтобы показать, что обратное несправедливо, мы должны... - То show that the converse is false, we must...
    Чтобы показать, что это невозможно, давайте... - То show that this is not possible, let...
    Чтобы это доказать, нам остается лишь показать, что... - То prove this we need only show that...
    Эксперимент подтверждает это, однако также
    (= одновременно) показывает, что... - Experiment confirms this but also shows that...
    Эксперимент показывает, что... - Experiment shows that...; Experiment tells us that...
    Эксперименты с полупроводниками показывают, что... - Experiments with semiconductors show that...
    Эти и многие другие примеры показывают, что... - These and many other examples show that...
    Эти равенства позволяют нам показать, что... - These identities enable us to show that...
    Эти рассуждения показывают нам, что... - These considerations show us that...
    Эти результаты ясно показывают, что... - These results clearly show that...
    Это доказательство легко переделывается для того, чтобы показать, что... - The proof is easily adapted to show that...
    Это могло бы быть легко показано при использовании условия... - This may be shown readily by employing the condition that...
    Это можно показать двумя методами. - This can be seen in two ways.
    Это показывает (одно) важное ограничение (чего-л). - This demonstrates an important limitation of...
    Это показывает еще раз, что... - This shows once more that...
    Это показывает, что невозможно... - This shows that it is impossible to...
    Это простое соотношение немедленно показывает, что... - This simple relation shows immediately that...
    Это соотношение также показывает, что... - This relation also shows that...
    Это ясно показано на рис. 1, которая представляет результаты (чего-л). - This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 1 which shows the results of...
    Этот пример показывает, что может быть необходимым... - This example shows that it may be necessary to...
    Этот рисунок четко показывает принципиальные различия между... - This figure clearly illustrates the basic differences between...
    Этот эффект будет обсуждаться в главе 2, где будет показано, что... - This effect will be discussed in Chapter 2, where it will be shown that...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > показать

  • 49 rabia

    1 rage (ira).
    me da rabia it makes me mad
    me da rabia no haber podido ayudarles it's so annoying o frustrating not having been able to help them
    ¡qué rabia! how annoying!
    “¡déjame!”, dijo con rabia “leave me alone,” she said angrily
    ¿dónde dejo esto? — donde más rabia te dé where shall I put this? — wherever you like
    compra el que más rabia te dé buy whichever one you like o fancy
    2 rabies.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: rabiar.
    2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: rabiar.
    * * *
    1 MEDICINA rabies
    2 figurado (enfado) rage, fury, anger
    dar rabia to make furious
    ¡qué rabia! familiar how annoying!
    tener rabia a alguien not to be able to stand the sight of somebody
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (Med) rabies
    2) (=ira) fury, anger

    me da rabiait makes me mad o infuriates me

    ¡qué rabia! — (=ira) isn't it infuriating!; (=pena) what a pity!

    con rabia —

    3) (=antipatía)

    tener rabia a algn — to have a grudge against sb, have it in for sb *

    el maestro le tiene rabiathe teacher has it in for him *, the teacher doesn't like him

    tomar rabia a algn/algo — to take a dislike to sb/sth

    * * *
    1) ( enfermedad) rabies

    no sabes la rabia que me da que... — you've no idea how much it annoys o irritates me that...

    b) (furor, ira) anger, fury

    con rabia — angrily, in a rage

    c) (antipatía, manía)
    * * *
    = fury, rage, rabies, hydrophobia, bile.
    Ex. In a painfully detailed letter to the editor, Lespran allowed vent for her fury.
    Ex. Librarians would find their jobs a lot easier if they were relieved of the responsibility of being all things to all people, and should encouraged to accept their own human fallibility and express their rage, frustration, and fears.
    Ex. The author presents a discussion of endemic tropical diseases including cholera, dengue fever, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, malaria, meningitis, rabies, tapeworms, travelers' diarrhea, typhoid fever, and yellow fever.
    Ex. Hydrophobia (fear of water) was once an alternative name for rabies as the victim has violent spasms when he sees or tries to drink water.
    Ex. It would merely give him the opportunity to pour out his bile.
    * barbotar de rabia = sputter with + rage.
    * dar rabia = incense, gall, peeve.
    * farfollar de rabia = sputter with + rage.
    * mascullar de rabia = sputter with + rage.
    * ojos + brillar de rabia = eyes + glint with + rage.
    * tenerle rabia a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * * *
    1) ( enfermedad) rabies

    no sabes la rabia que me da que... — you've no idea how much it annoys o irritates me that...

    b) (furor, ira) anger, fury

    con rabia — angrily, in a rage

    c) (antipatía, manía)
    * * *
    = fury, rage, rabies, hydrophobia, bile.

    Ex: In a painfully detailed letter to the editor, Lespran allowed vent for her fury.

    Ex: Librarians would find their jobs a lot easier if they were relieved of the responsibility of being all things to all people, and should encouraged to accept their own human fallibility and express their rage, frustration, and fears.
    Ex: The author presents a discussion of endemic tropical diseases including cholera, dengue fever, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, malaria, meningitis, rabies, tapeworms, travelers' diarrhea, typhoid fever, and yellow fever.
    Ex: Hydrophobia (fear of water) was once an alternative name for rabies as the victim has violent spasms when he sees or tries to drink water.
    Ex: It would merely give him the opportunity to pour out his bile.
    * barbotar de rabia = sputter with + rage.
    * dar rabia = incense, gall, peeve.
    * farfollar de rabia = sputter with + rage.
    * mascullar de rabia = sputter with + rage.
    * ojos + brillar de rabia = eyes + glint with + rage.
    * tenerle rabia a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.

    * * *
    A (enfermedad) rabies
    (expresando fastidio): ¡me da una rabia tener que irme tan pronto! it's really annoying that I have to leave so soon
    no sabes la rabia que me da que nunca llegues a tiempo you've no idea how much it annoys o irritates me that you're never on time
    ¡qué rabia! how maddening o annoying o infuriating!
    donde/cuando/el que más rabia te dé ( fam); wherever/whenever/whichever you like
    siéntate donde más rabia te dé sit wherever you like
    elige el que más rabia te dé take whichever one you like
    2 (furor, ira) anger, fury
    cerró la puerta con rabia she slammed the door angrily o in a rage
    (antipatía, manía): tenerle rabia a algn to have it in for sb ( colloq)
    * * *


    Del verbo rabiar: ( conjugate rabiar)

    rabia es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    rabia sustantivo femenino
    1 ( enfermedad) rabies

    no sabes la rabia que me da you've no idea how much it annoys o irritates me;

    ¡qué rabia! how annoying!
    b) (furor, ira) anger, fury;

    con rabia angrily, in a rage
    c) (antipatía, manía):

    tenerle rabia a algn to have it in for sb (colloq)

    rabiar ( conjugate rabiar) verbo intransitivo (de furor, envidia):

    no lo hagas rabia don't annoy him
    rabia sustantivo femenino
    1 (fastidio) ¡qué rabia!, how annoying!
    2 (ira) fury, anger
    con rabia, in a rage
    3 Med rabies sing
    4 fam (manía) dislike
    tenerle rabia a alguien, to have it in for sb
    rabiar vi fam
    1 (de enfado, disgusto, etc) to be furious with sthg o sb: no le hagas rabiar, don't torment him
    2 (de dolor) to be in great pain, suffer terribly
    3 (de deseo) to long for, be dying for: rabiaba por ir a esa fiesta, she was dying to go to that party
    ♦ Locuciones: a rabiar, terribly: le gusta el dulce a rabiar, he's crazy about o loves sweets

    ' rabia' also found in these entries:
    - desahogarse
    - disimular
    - estallar
    - obcecar
    - ofuscar
    - palidecer
    - patatús
    - bronca
    - enrojecer
    - furor
    - llorar
    - más
    - rabiar
    - blind
    - clench
    - outburst
    - pent-up
    - rabies
    - rage
    - shake
    - sickening
    - stir up
    - take out
    - vaccinate
    - vent
    - wild
    - annoying
    - begrudge
    - make
    - sicken
    - speechless
    * * *
    rabia nf
    1. [enfermedad] rabies [singular]
    2. [enfado] rage;
    me da rabia it makes me mad;
    me da rabia no haber podido ayudarles it's so annoying o frustrating not having been able to help them;
    ¡qué rabia! how annoying!;
    ¡qué rabia que no haya podido despedirme de ella! I'm so annoyed I wasn't able to say goodbye to her!;
    “¡déjame!”, dijo con rabia “leave me alone,” she said angrily;
    ¿dónde dejo esto? – donde más rabia te dé where shall I put this? – wherever you like;
    compra el que más rabia te dé buy whichever one you like o Br fancy
    3. [antipatía]
    me tienen rabia they've got something against me
    4. [furia] fury;
    el equipo empezó a atacar con rabia the team started attacking furiously
    * * *
    f MED rabies sg ;
    dar rabia a alguien make s.o. mad;
    ¡qué rabia! how annoying!;
    tener rabia a alguien have it in for s.o.
    * * *
    rabia nf
    1) hidrofobia: rabies, hydrophobia
    2) : rage, anger
    * * *
    rabia n (ira) anger / rage

    Spanish-English dictionary > rabia

  • 50 terreno desconocido

    unknown land, unfamiliar place, unfamiliar country, unknown country.
    * * *
    (n.) = uncharted territory, uncharted waters, unchartered territory, unchartered waters
    Ex. If the quality of information is a controversial subject, a discussion of the value of information can lead into even more uncharted territory.
    Ex. The article 'Doing your homework: market research in uncharted waters' provides a detailed review of the motivations for using market research within the data base publishing industry.
    Ex. The article 'Entering unchartered territory: putting CD-ROM in place' is a contribution to a special issue devoted in part to CD-ROM.
    Ex. We are looking for a candidate who will be able to lead our institution through the unchartered waters of rapid change in higher education.
    * * *
    (n.) = uncharted territory, uncharted waters, unchartered territory, unchartered waters

    Ex: If the quality of information is a controversial subject, a discussion of the value of information can lead into even more uncharted territory.

    Ex: The article 'Doing your homework: market research in uncharted waters' provides a detailed review of the motivations for using market research within the data base publishing industry.
    Ex: The article 'Entering unchartered territory: putting CD-ROM in place' is a contribution to a special issue devoted in part to CD-ROM.
    Ex: We are looking for a candidate who will be able to lead our institution through the unchartered waters of rapid change in higher education.

    Spanish-English dictionary > terreno desconocido

  • 51 territorio desconocido

    (n.) = uncharted territory, uncharted waters, unfamiliar territory, unchartered territory, unchartered waters
    Ex. If the quality of information is a controversial subject, a discussion of the value of information can lead into even more uncharted territory.
    Ex. The article 'Doing your homework: market research in uncharted waters' provides a detailed review of the motivations for using market research within the data base publishing industry.
    Ex. True interdisciplinary collaboration requires crossing professional boundaries into what is often unfamiliar territory.
    Ex. The article 'Entering unchartered territory: putting CD-ROM in place' is a contribution to a special issue devoted in part to CD-ROM.
    Ex. We are looking for a candidate who will be able to lead our institution through the unchartered waters of rapid change in higher education.
    * * *
    (n.) = uncharted territory, uncharted waters, unfamiliar territory, unchartered territory, unchartered waters

    Ex: If the quality of information is a controversial subject, a discussion of the value of information can lead into even more uncharted territory.

    Ex: The article 'Doing your homework: market research in uncharted waters' provides a detailed review of the motivations for using market research within the data base publishing industry.
    Ex: True interdisciplinary collaboration requires crossing professional boundaries into what is often unfamiliar territory.
    Ex: The article 'Entering unchartered territory: putting CD-ROM in place' is a contribution to a special issue devoted in part to CD-ROM.
    Ex: We are looking for a candidate who will be able to lead our institution through the unchartered waters of rapid change in higher education.

    Spanish-English dictionary > territorio desconocido

  • 52 approfondi

    approfondi, e [apʀɔfɔ̃di]
    [connaissances, étude] thorough ; [débat] in-depth
    * * *
    approfondie apʀɔfɔ̃di adjectif detailed, in-depth (épith)
    * * *
    apʀɔfɔ̃di adj approfondi, -e
    thorough, detailed
    * * *
    approfondi, approfondie adj [examen, recherche, discussion] detailed; [enquête, étude, connaissances] in-depth ( épith); étudier qch de façon très approfondie to study sth in great detail.
    ( féminin approfondie) [aprɔfɔ̃di] adjectif

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > approfondi

  • 53 eingehend

    ein·ge·hend [ʼainge:ənt] adj
    ein \eingehender Bericht a detailed [or an exhaustive] report;
    eine \eingehende Erörterung a lengthy discussion;
    eine \eingehende Prüfung an exhaustive [or extensive] [or a thorough] test;
    \eingehende Studien detailed [or in-depth]; [or thorough] studies;
    \eingehende Untersuchungen comprehensive surveys
    adv in detail;
    \eingehend besprechen/ diskutieren/ erörtern to discuss at length;
    \eingehend studieren to study thoroughly

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > eingehend

  • 54 цель

    (= намерение) aim, purpose, target, goal, object, end, mark
    Более контролируемый способ достижения той же цели это... - A more controlled way of achieving the same end is to...
    Более полезной для наших целей формой уравнения (1) является... - A form of (1) more useful for our purposes is...
    В наши цели не входит обсуждать здесь, что... - It is not our intention to argue here that...
    Вторая цель - установить, что... - A second objective is to ensure that...
    Вышеуказанная цель была достигнута. - The above objective has been achieved.
    Главной целью является... - The main objective is to...
    Для большинства целей, однако, достаточно (выбрать и т. п.)... - For most purposes it is, however, sufficient to...
    Для достижения этой цели... - With this aim in mind...; To accomplish these ends...
    Для многих целей предпочтительно (выбрать и т. п.)... - For many purposes it is preferable to...
    Для многих целей уравнение (10) полезно именно в том виде, как оно приведено. - For many purposes, equation (10) is useful as it stands.
    Для нашей цели совершенно не существенно, как выбирается значение х. - For our present purpose it does not matter how x is chosen.
    Для наших целей будет удобно... - It will be convenient for our purposes to...
    Для наших целей подходит следующее достаточно грубое определение. - For our purposes the following rather rough definition is adequate.
    Для наших целей удобно (ввести и т. п.)... - For our purposes it is convenient to...
    Для наших целей эти детали не являются важными. - For our purposes the details are not important.
    Для некоторых целей (нам) желательно иметь... - For certain purposes it is desirable to have...
    Для этой цели мы должны... - For this purpose we must...
    Для этой цели удобно... - For this purpose, it is convenient to...
    Значительно более важным для наших целей является... - Far more important for our purposes is...
    Изменение точки зрения необходимо с целью... - A shift in perspective is needed in order to...
    К несчастью, это не реальная цель, потому что... - Unfortunately this is an unrealistic goal because...
    Мы уже несколько раз сообщали о нашей цели (изучить и т. п.)'... - We have indicated a few times our intention to...
    На самом деле для настоящих целей достаточно рассмотреть... - In fact it is sufficient for the present purpose to consider...
    Наконец, для некоторых целей могло бы иметь преимущества... - Finally, it might be advantageous for some purposes to...
    Напоминаем, что целью данного упражнения является... - Recall that the purpose of the exercise is to...
    Наша цель здесь - переработать это в форму, которая... - Our aim is to recast this in a form which is...
    Наша цель имеет три направления. - Our goal is three-fold.
    Нашей основной целью является описание... - Our main purpose is to given an exposition of...
    Нашей основной целью является описание систематических методов для... - Our first concern is to describe systematic methods for...
    Нашей основной целью является определение... - The main objective is to determine...
    Нашей целью будет... - Our task will be to...
    Нашей целью не является развернутое рассмотрение (теории и т. п.)... - It is not our purpose to give an extensive treatment of...
    Нашей целью является доказательство того, что это действительно справедливо. - Our objective is to show that this is indeed the case.
    Нашей целью является изучить... - Our object is to study...
    Нашей целью является не систематическое развитие предмета, а, скорее,... - Our interest is not to develop the subject systematically, but to...
    Нашей целью является решение уравнение (1), подчиненного (условию и т. п.)... - Our objective is to solve (1) subject to...
    Однако все эти моменты находятся в стороне от целей данной работы. - These are, however, outside the scope of this work.
    Однако поскольку данная формула слишком сложна для практических целей, мы будем... - Since, however, this formula is too complicated for practical purposes, we shall...
    Однако следует попробовать провести такой анализ с целью... - But such an analysis has to be attempted in order to...
    Однако этот метод совершенно не удовлетворяет нашим целям. - This procedure, however, falls far short of our goal.
    Одной из главных целей данного обсуждения является... - One of the main goals of the discussion is...
    Основной целью данной книги является... - The principal aim of the present book is to...
    Особенно важным для наших целей является случай, что... - Particularly important for our purposes is the case of...
    Полное обсуждение подобных факторов находится вне целей данной работы. - A full discussion of such factors is beyond the scope of this paper.
    С тем, чтобы сфокусировать наше внимание на одной специальной цели, мы... - In order to focus our attention on a specific objective, we shall...
    С учетом целей этого тома здесь невозможно дать детальный отчет о... - It is impossible within the scope of this volume to give a detailed account of...
    С целью анализа мы предположим... - For purposes of analysis we shall assume...
    С целью дальнейшего использования заметим здесь... - Let us note here, for future use,...
    С целью дальнейших ссылок мы отметим, что... - We note for future reference that...
    С целью использования соотношения (14) мы заметим, что... - Wishing to exploit (14), we note that...
    С целью произвести оценки предположим что... - For the purpose of making estimates, suppose that...
    С целью упростить обозначения мы предполагаем, что... - For simplicity of notation, we assume that...
    С этой целью мы будем использовать... - For this purpose, we shall use...
    С этой целью мы заметим, что... - То this end (= For this purpose), we note that...
    Следующей нашей целью будет описание... - Our next task is to describe...
    Таким образом, для наших целей мы всегда можем воспользоваться... - Thus for our purposes we may always use...
    Требуются дальнейшие наблюдения с целью... - Further observations are required in order to...
    Удобная для практических целей формулировка состоит в следующем... - For practical applications a convenient formulation is...
    Удобным методом достижения необходимой цели является... - A convenient way to accomplish this is to...
    Цель данной книги - обеспечить... - It is the aim of this book to provide...
    Цель данной книги состоит в... - The purpose of this book is to...
    Цель состоит в том, чтобы показать, что... - The aim is to show that...
    Целью более абстрактной формулировки (6) является то, что... - The aim of the more abstract formulation (6) is to...
    Целью данной главы является представление... - It is the purpose of this chapter to present...
    Целью данной главы является развитие... - The aim of this chapter is to develop...
    Цель данной заметки заключается в том, чтобы сообщить, что... - It is the purpose of this note to announce that...
    Целью данной книги является описание... - The purpose of this book is to describe...
    Целью настоящего обсуждения является... - It is the purpose of the present discussion to...
    Целью следующего параграфа является нахождение условий, которые позволят нам... - The aim of the next section is to establish conditions which enable us to...
    Целью такого представления является... - The purpose of such a representation is to...
    Целью этого параграфа является краткий обзор... - The purpose of this section is to give a quick sketch of...
    Чтобы достичь цели, необходимо... - То meet this objective, it is necessary to...
    Это достаточно для нашей цели в связи с... - It is sufficient for the purpose in view...
    Это существенно для наших целей. - This is essential for our purposes.
    Этот подход может достигнуть цели, лишь если... - This approach can succeed only if...
    Я считаю, что целью данного симпозиума является... - A goal for this symposium, I believe is to ensure we all understand...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > цель

  • 55 изучение

    study (of), investigation (of), research (on), examination (of)
    В данной главе мы продолжим наше изучение (проблемы и т. п.)... - In this chapter, we will continue our study of...
    Данная книга настоятельно рекомендуется для изучения... - This book is highly recommended for the study of...
    Для нашего изучения А имеется много различных причин. - There are many reasons for our study of A.
    Изучение... имеет долгую и интересную историю. - The study of... has a long and interesting history.
    Изучение... показывает (= указывает), что... - Studies of... indicate that...
    Изучение таких ситуаций обеспечивает... - The study of such situations provides...
    Мы переходим к более или менее детальному изучению (чего-л). - We proceed to a more or less detailed study of...
    Нашей целью не является представить развернутое изучение (теории и т. п.)... - It is not our purpose to give an extensive treatment of...
    Океанография занимается изучением океанов со всевозможных точек зрения. - Oceanography encompasses the study of all aspects of the oceans.
    Перед тем как начать более детальное изучение..., полезно рассмотреть... - Before beginning a more detailed study of..., it is helpful to consider...
    Позднее мы более серьезно займемся изучением (данной проблемы), используя... - A better treatment will be given later with the aid of...
    При изучении этих систем важно рассмотреть... - In studying these systems, it is important to consider...
    Следующая теорема имеет приложения при изучении... - The next theorem has applications in the study of...
    Теорема Тейлора чрезвычайно полезна для изучения... - Taylor's theorem is extremely useful for the study of...
    Уравнение такого типа также возникает при изучении... - An equation of this type also arises in the study of...
    Это будет основным инструментом в нашем изучении (явления и т. п.)... - It will be an essential tool in our treatment of...
    Это неоценимый инструмент при изучении... - It is an indispensable tool in the study of...
    Это обсуждение подводит нас к общему изучению... - This discussion leads us to a general study of...
    Этот подход был использован при изучении... - This approach has been used in the study of...
    Этот результат автоматически приводит к необходимости изучения (чего-л). - This result automatically leads to a study of...
    Этот результат вытекает из изучения... - This result follows from a study of...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > изучение

  • 56 entregar

    1 to hand over.
    al final del curso te entregan un diploma you're given a diploma at the end of the course
    el presidente entregó los premios a los ganadores the president handed out o presented the prizes to the winners
    no entregarán a los rehenes hasta que no reciban el rescate they won't turn over o release the hostages until they receive the ransom
    2 to deliver, to give, to hand in, to turn in.
    El chico entregó el paquete The boy delivered the package.
    El ladrón entregó a su cómplice The thief turned in his accomplice.
    3 to give up.
    El Sr. Pérez entregó a su hija Mr. Perez gave up his daughter.
    4 to give away, to come across with, to surrender.
    Las víctimas entregaron sus joyas The victims surrendered their jewels.
    5 to render up, to surrender.
    El ladrón entregó las joyas The thief rendered up the jewels.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ LLEGAR], like link=llegar llegar
    1 (dar) to hand over
    2 (deberes, ejercicios) to hand in, give in; (premios) to present, award
    3 COMERCIO to deliver
    4 MILITAR to surrender
    1 (rendirse) to give in (a, to), surrender
    2 (dedicarse) to devote oneself (a, to), be devoted (a, to)
    3 peyorativo (caer en) to give oneself over (a, to), take (a, to)
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=dar)
    a) [+ impreso, documento, trabajo] to hand in, give in, submit frm
    b) [en mano] [gen] to hand over; [+ regalo] to give

    me entregó la carta esta mañana — she gave me the letter this morning, she handed over the letter to me this morning

    c) [+ premio, cheque] to present

    hoy entregan los premios — they are presenting the awards today, the awards ceremony is today

    2) (=distribuir) [gen] to give out; [+ correo, pedido] to deliver

    para entregar a — (Com) [en envíos] for the attention of

    3) (=ceder) [+ poderes, botín, rehenes] to hand over; [+ armas, país] to hand over, surrender

    el juez entregó la custodia del niño a su abuelathe judge gave o awarded o granted custody of the boy to his grandmother

    4) [en boda] [+ novia] to give away
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( llevar) to deliver
    a) ( dar) to give

    me/le entregó un cuestionario — she gave me/her o handed me/her a questionnaire

    entregó su alma a Dios — (euf) he passed away (euph)

    entregarlas — (Chi fam) to kick the bucket (colloq)

    b) <premio/trofeo> to present
    3) <trabajo/deberes> to hand in, give in; <solicitud/impreso> to hand in, submit (frml)
    a) <ciudad/armas> to surrender; <poder/control> to hand over
    b) ( dedicar) to devote

    entregó su vida a los pobresshe devoted o dedicated her life to the poor

    a) <delincuente/prófugo> to turn in, hand over; < rehén> to hand over
    b) < novia> to give away
    entregarse v pron
    1) ( dedicarse)

    entregarse a algo/alguien — to devote oneself to something/somebody

    a) ( rendirse) to surrender, give oneself up; ( a vicio) to succumb, give in

    me entregué al sueño — (liter) I succumbed to sleep (liter)

    * * *
    = deliver, hand over, hand out, hand in, pass over, surrender, tender.
    Ex. You do not want to try and clear the building, thinking it is a fire when it is just somebody trying to deliver a parcel of books to the back door.
    Ex. Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex. An aggressive approach is made to publicity, with posters and leaflets distributed widely, visits to local shops, post offices, doctors surgeries etc, to drum up business, and the use of volunteers to hand out leaflets at street corners = Se inicia una campaña de publicidad enérgica, distribuyendo de forma general folletos y pósteres, visitando las tiendas, oficinas de correos y consultorías médicas de la localidad, etc., para promocionar el negocio, además de utilizar voluntarios para distribuir prospectos por las esquinas de las calles.
    Ex. Detailed written reports could be handed in to instructors after oral presentation to the class.
    Ex. She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.
    Ex. The book's date label is stamped in the usual way, and the reader must surrender one token for each book he is borrowing.
    Ex. This address was tendered at the State Library of Victoria, Nov 88, to mark the retirement of Professor Jean Whyte.
    * entregar en garantía = pledge.
    * entregar en prenda = pledge.
    * entregar la vida = give + Posesivo + life.
    * entregar + Nombre + a = turn + Nombre + over to.
    * entregar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.
    * entregarse = get in + the game, give + Posesivo + all.
    * entregarse a = give + Reflexivo + up to, abandon + Reflexivo + to, indulge in.
    * entregar un premio = present + award.
    * imposible de entregar = undeliverable.
    * que no se puede entregar = undeliverable.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( llevar) to deliver
    a) ( dar) to give

    me/le entregó un cuestionario — she gave me/her o handed me/her a questionnaire

    entregó su alma a Dios — (euf) he passed away (euph)

    entregarlas — (Chi fam) to kick the bucket (colloq)

    b) <premio/trofeo> to present
    3) <trabajo/deberes> to hand in, give in; <solicitud/impreso> to hand in, submit (frml)
    a) <ciudad/armas> to surrender; <poder/control> to hand over
    b) ( dedicar) to devote

    entregó su vida a los pobresshe devoted o dedicated her life to the poor

    a) <delincuente/prófugo> to turn in, hand over; < rehén> to hand over
    b) < novia> to give away
    entregarse v pron
    1) ( dedicarse)

    entregarse a algo/alguien — to devote oneself to something/somebody

    a) ( rendirse) to surrender, give oneself up; ( a vicio) to succumb, give in

    me entregué al sueño — (liter) I succumbed to sleep (liter)

    * * *
    = deliver, hand over, hand out, hand in, pass over, surrender, tender.

    Ex: You do not want to try and clear the building, thinking it is a fire when it is just somebody trying to deliver a parcel of books to the back door.

    Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex: An aggressive approach is made to publicity, with posters and leaflets distributed widely, visits to local shops, post offices, doctors surgeries etc, to drum up business, and the use of volunteers to hand out leaflets at street corners = Se inicia una campaña de publicidad enérgica, distribuyendo de forma general folletos y pósteres, visitando las tiendas, oficinas de correos y consultorías médicas de la localidad, etc., para promocionar el negocio, además de utilizar voluntarios para distribuir prospectos por las esquinas de las calles.
    Ex: Detailed written reports could be handed in to instructors after oral presentation to the class.
    Ex: She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.
    Ex: The book's date label is stamped in the usual way, and the reader must surrender one token for each book he is borrowing.
    Ex: This address was tendered at the State Library of Victoria, Nov 88, to mark the retirement of Professor Jean Whyte.
    * entregar en garantía = pledge.
    * entregar en prenda = pledge.
    * entregar la vida = give + Posesivo + life.
    * entregar + Nombre + a = turn + Nombre + over to.
    * entregar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.
    * entregarse = get in + the game, give + Posesivo + all.
    * entregarse a = give + Reflexivo + up to, abandon + Reflexivo + to, indulge in.
    * entregar un premio = present + award.
    * imposible de entregar = undeliverable.
    * que no se puede entregar = undeliverable.

    * * *
    entregar [A3 ]
    A (llevar) ‹carta/paquete› to deliver; ‹mercancías› to deliver
    entregamos los pedidos en el día we offer same-day delivery
    entregó las invitaciones en mano she gave the invitations out o distributed the invitations by hand
    1 (dar) to give
    me entregó 5.000 pesos a cuenta he gave me 5,000 pesos on account
    se negó a entregármelo she refused to hand it over to me
    me amenazó y le entregué el dinero que llevaba encima he threatened me so I gave him o handed over all the money I had on me
    el secretario le entregó un cheque por $50.000 the secretary gave him o handed over o presented him with a check for $50,000
    me entregó un cuestionario she gave me o handed me a questionnaire
    hoy nos entregan las llaves de la casa they're handing over the keys of the house today, we get the keys to the house today
    [ S ] Alberto Ruiz, para entregar a José Lerga José Lerga, c/o Alberto Ruiz
    entregó su alma a Dios ( euf); he passed away ( euph), he gave up o delivered up his soul to God ( euph)
    entregarlas ( Chi fam); to kick the bucket ( colloq), to croak (sl)
    2 ‹premio/trofeo› to present
    el alcalde le entregó las llaves de la ciudad the mayor presented him with the keys to the city
    hoy nos entregan los certificados we receive o get our certificates today
    C ‹trabajo/deberes› to hand in, give in ( esp BrE); ‹solicitud/impreso› to hand in, submit ( frml)
    el proyecto será entregado al Congreso para su discusión the bill is to be put before o submitted to Congress for discussion
    1 ‹ciudad/armas› to surrender; ‹poder› to hand over
    han entregado el país a las empresas extranjeras they have handed the country over to foreign companies
    2 (dedicar) to devote
    entregó su vida a Dios/a los pobres she gave o devoted o dedicated her life to God/to the poor
    1 ‹delincuente/prófugo› to turn in, hand over; ‹rehén› to hand over
    lo entregaron a las autoridades they turned him in o handed him over to the authorities
    el juez entregó al niño a su padre adoptivo the judge put the child into his adoptive father's care
    2 ‹novia› to give away
    A (dedicarse) entregarse A algo/algn to devote oneself TO sth/sb
    1 (rendirse) to surrender, give oneself up; (a un vicio) to succumb, give in
    no creo que vaya a pasar de hoy, se ha entregado I don't think she'll last another day, she's given up
    entregarse A algo to give oneself over TO sth
    se entregó a la bebida he gave himself over to drink, he took to drink
    rendido, me entregué al sueño ( liter); exhausted, I succumbed to sleep ( liter)
    2 (sexualmente) entregarse A algn to give oneself TO sb
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    entregar algo
    entregar ( conjugate entregar) verbo transitivo
    1 ( llevar) ‹pedido/paquete/carta to deliver
    a) ( dar) to give;

    me entregó un cuestionario she gave me o handed me a questionnaire;

    no quiso entregármelo he refused to hand it over to me
    b)premio/trofeo to present;

    entregarle algo a algn to present sb with sth
    c)trabajo/deberes/informe to hand in, give in;

    solicitud/impreso to hand in, submit (frml)
    a)ciudad/armas to surrender;

    poder/control to hand over
    b)delincuente/prófugo to turn in, hand over;

    rehén to hand over

    entregarse verbo pronominal
    1 ( dedicarse) entregarse a algo/algn to devote oneself to sth/sb

    entregarse a algo/algn ‹al enemigo/a la policía› to give oneself up o surrender to sth/sb

    entregar verbo transitivo
    1 (poner en poder de) to hand over
    2 (unos papeles, trabajo, etc) to give in, hand in
    3 Com to deliver
    ' entregar' also found in these entries:
    - dar
    - desprender
    - pasar
    - presentar
    - commit
    - deliver
    - drop off
    - give in
    - hand
    - hand in
    - hand over
    - pass over
    - present
    - surrender
    - turn in
    - undelivered
    - give
    - put
    - serve
    - trade
    - turn
    * * *
    1. [dar] to hand over, to give;
    [premio, medalla, diploma] to present, to hand out;
    exigen que se les entregue un rescate they demand that a ransom be handed over;
    me entregó las llaves de la habitación y se fue she gave me the keys to the room and left;
    le entregaron las llaves de la ciudad they handed over the keys to the city to him;
    el presidente entregó los premios a los ganadores the president handed out o presented the prizes to the winners;
    al final del curso te entregan un diploma you're given a diploma at the end of the course
    2. [pedido, paquete, correspondencia] to deliver;
    [examen, informe, solicitud] to hand in;
    una carta certificada hay que entregarla en mano a registered letter must be delivered to the addressee in person
    3. [ceder] [ciudad, posesiones] to surrender;
    [armas] to hand over, to surrender;
    entregó el poder a su hermano he handed over power to his brother;
    con cinco goles en contra, entregaron el partido five goals down, they threw in the towel;
    Ven Fam
    entregar los papeles [rendirse] to throw in the towel;
    [morir] to kick the bucket
    4. [persona] to turn over;
    entregó al ladrón a la policía she turned the thief over to the police;
    no entregarán a los rehenes hasta que no reciban el rescate they won't turn over o release the hostages until they receive the ransom
    5. [dedicar] to devote;
    ha entregado su vida a la lucha por el desarme she has devoted her life to fighting for disarmament
    6. RP Fam [crimen]
    ese asalto lo entregó algún empleado del banco that robbery was an inside job;
    desvalijaron el apartamento de arriba, para mí que lo entregó el portero they cleaned out the apartment above, I think the Br caretaker o US superintendent was in on it
    * * *
    1 give, hand over
    2 trabajo, deberes hand in
    3 mercancías deliver
    4 premio present
    * * *
    entregar {52} vt
    1) : to deliver
    2) dar: to give, to present
    3) : to hand in, to hand over
    * * *
    1. (llaves, delincuente, etc) to hand over
    2. (trabajo, etc) to hand in
    ¿has entregado el trabajo? have you handed your essay in?
    3. (mercancía) to deliver
    4. (premios, etc) to present

    Spanish-English dictionary > entregar

  • 57 переходить

    (= перейти) pass, turn, cross, get over, change to, go into, turn (into)
    Если мы перейдем к уравнениям второго порядка... - If we pass on to equations of the second degree...
    Мы намерены перейти к дальнейшему обсуждению (чего-л). - We intend to move towards a further discussion of...
    Мы переходим к более или менее детальному изучению (чего-л). - We proceed to a more or less detailed study of...
    Перед тем как перейти к этой проблеме, желательно рассмотреть... - Before proceeding to this problem it is desirable to consider...
    Теперь мы перейдем к краткому обсуждению... - We proceed now to a brief discussion of...
    Теперь мы перейдем к установлению... - We proceed now to the establishment of...
    Теперь мы переходим к другой проблеме... - We now pass to another problem...
    Уравнение (1) переходит в уравнение (2). - Eq. (1) goes over into Eq. (2).
    Читатель, не интересующийся этими тонкостями, может перейти непосредственно к следующему параграфу. - The reader not interested in this subtle point can turn immediately to the next section.

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > переходить

  • 58 полный

    full, complete, total, perfect, whole, everywhere defined
    А теперь мы обсудим это несколько полнее. - We now give a somewhat fuller discussion.
    Безусловно, это полный список... - This is by no means an exhaustive list of...
    Более полное обсуждение (вопроса) может быть найдено в литературе. - A fuller discussion can be found in the literature.
    Данный результат находится в полном согласии с... - The result is in perfect agreement with...
    Мы не можем привести здесь полный ответ. - We cannot give a complete answer here.
    Относительно более полного описания предмета см. Найквист [1]. - For a fuller treatment of this subject, see Nyquist [1].
    Полная теория показывает, что... - Detailed theory shows that...
    Полный вывод дается Джонсом [1]. - The derivation is given in full by Jones [1].
    Приведем более полное доказательство, данное Гильбертом [2]. - A fuller proof, given by Hilbert [2], is as follows.
    Следовательно, полное решение имеет вид... - The complete solution is therefore...
    Теперь у нас имеется полное решение для... - We now have a complete solution for...
    Эта книга предназначена для того, чтобы дать практическим инженерам полное понимание... - This book is intended to give practicing engineers a thorough understanding of...
    Эти замечания не будут полны без упоминания... - These remarks will not be complete without mentioning...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > полный

  • 59 destacar

    1 to emphasize, to highlight (poner de relieve).
    cabe destacar que… it is important to point out that…
    hay que destacar el trabajo de los actores the acting deserves special mention
    Ella destaca sus logros She highlights his achievements.
    Ella destacó su importancia She emphasized its importance.
    2 to station (tropas).
    3 to stand out.
    destaca entre sus otras novelas por su humor it stands out among her other novels for o because of its humor
    Sus logros destacan His achievements stand out.
    4 to put on the front, to deploy, to detach, to put at the front line.
    Ricardo destacó al alumno Richard put the student on the front.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SACAR], like link=sacar sacar
    1 (despuntar) to stand out
    1 MILITAR to detach
    2 (en pintura) to highlight, make stand out
    3 figurado (dar énfasis) to point out, emphasize
    1 to stand out
    * * *
    1) to highlight, emphasize
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=hacer resaltar) to emphasize

    quiero destacar que... — I wish to emphasize that...

    2) (Mil) to detach, detail
    3) (Inform) to highlight
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2) ( realzar) <belleza/figura> to enhance; <color/plano> to bring out
    a) (Mil) < tropas> to post

    destacar a alguien para + inf — to detail somebody to + inf

    b) <periodista/fotógrafo> to send
    destacar vi to stand out

    destacar en algoto excel at o in something

    * * *
    = bring into + focus, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + prominence, give + emphasis, highlight, make + Posesivo + mark, single out, illuminate, heighten, stand out in + the text, play up, stand out, foreground, lay + emphasis on, be to the fore, bring to + the fore, come to + the fore, give + highlights, excel, spotlight, bring to + the forefront, place + great store on, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, have + high profile, bring + attention to, stand + apart, shine, deploy, flag + Nombre + up, stand + proud.
    Ex. The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.
    Ex. Analytical cataloguing aims to emphasise the content of documents, rather than relying entirely upon cataloguing whole works.
    Ex. Provision should be on the basis of quality and originality, with classic works of the genre given prominence.
    Ex. Some are poorly written giving either too much or too little data, and giving undue emphasis to the author's priorities.
    Ex. In each case the object of the discussion will be to highlight what appear to be the significant aspects, particularly those concerning the background which affect the nature of the scheme.
    Ex. Prior to that date he had already begun to make his mark.
    Ex. Conference proceedings are singled out for special attention because they are an important category of material in relation to abstracting and indexing publications.
    Ex. This appraisal attempts to illuminate aspects of Irish library history omitted from international reference works.
    Ex. Automated support services have heightened the sense of interdependency between libraries and vendors.
    Ex. Both Dialog and Chemical Abstracts Service stand out in the text.
    Ex. A long-standing but unfortunate tradition plays up antagonism between those librarians who become catalogers and those who opt for reference or public service.
    Ex. Three national library catalogues stand out as highly important sources of general bibliography.
    Ex. His survey of how such poetry has been edited in recent years, however, shows that a single edition is still foregrounded while other editions are only obliquely indicated via footnotes.
    Ex. Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.
    Ex. Those countries which were already to the fore in science and technology certainly faced problems in the handling of information.
    Ex. Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.
    Ex. As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.
    Ex. This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
    Ex. Expert systems represent an attempt to harness, as an intellectual tool, those features of the computer where it excels in the handling of data.
    Ex. This article spotlights the role that authority files play in promoting uniformity of cataloguing practice.
    Ex. This theft of valuable letters and documents brings to the forefront, once again, the question of collection security in the nation's archives.
    Ex. The IFLA letter places great store on the number of FID members who are also IFLA members.
    Ex. This article pesents an interview with George Cunningham who sees his role as creating a high profile for the library profession and fostering a love of books.
    Ex. The course gives information technology a very high profile.
    Ex. Before the launch of Penguin Books India in 1987, trade publishing in English in India did not have the high profile in bookstores it has today..
    Ex. In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
    Ex. There are many books published in the world and of many kinds, but one category stands apart: books that come under the heading of literature.
    Ex. A light box would be provided for this purpose so that the cards could be accurately stacked on top of each other to allow the light from the light box to shine through any holes that the three cards had in common.
    Ex. Any attack on Iran will require that military forces quickly deploy to Dubai to forestall the closing of the strait.
    Ex. If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.
    Ex. Even now, hundreds of years after his death, his timepieces stand proud in historic buildings around the world.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * destacar en = pull off on.
    * destacar la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * destacar la importancia de = stress + the importance of, emphasise + the importance of, highlight + the importance of.
    * destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * destacar sobre los demás = stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * es de destacar que = significantly.
    * es importante destacar = importantly.
    * hay que destacar = importantly.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2) ( realzar) <belleza/figura> to enhance; <color/plano> to bring out
    a) (Mil) < tropas> to post

    destacar a alguien para + inf — to detail somebody to + inf

    b) <periodista/fotógrafo> to send
    destacar vi to stand out

    destacar en algoto excel at o in something

    * * *
    = bring into + focus, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + prominence, give + emphasis, highlight, make + Posesivo + mark, single out, illuminate, heighten, stand out in + the text, play up, stand out, foreground, lay + emphasis on, be to the fore, bring to + the fore, come to + the fore, give + highlights, excel, spotlight, bring to + the forefront, place + great store on, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, have + high profile, bring + attention to, stand + apart, shine, deploy, flag + Nombre + up, stand + proud.

    Ex: The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.

    Ex: Analytical cataloguing aims to emphasise the content of documents, rather than relying entirely upon cataloguing whole works.
    Ex: Provision should be on the basis of quality and originality, with classic works of the genre given prominence.
    Ex: Some are poorly written giving either too much or too little data, and giving undue emphasis to the author's priorities.
    Ex: In each case the object of the discussion will be to highlight what appear to be the significant aspects, particularly those concerning the background which affect the nature of the scheme.
    Ex: Prior to that date he had already begun to make his mark.
    Ex: Conference proceedings are singled out for special attention because they are an important category of material in relation to abstracting and indexing publications.
    Ex: This appraisal attempts to illuminate aspects of Irish library history omitted from international reference works.
    Ex: Automated support services have heightened the sense of interdependency between libraries and vendors.
    Ex: Both Dialog and Chemical Abstracts Service stand out in the text.
    Ex: A long-standing but unfortunate tradition plays up antagonism between those librarians who become catalogers and those who opt for reference or public service.
    Ex: Three national library catalogues stand out as highly important sources of general bibliography.
    Ex: His survey of how such poetry has been edited in recent years, however, shows that a single edition is still foregrounded while other editions are only obliquely indicated via footnotes.
    Ex: Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.
    Ex: Those countries which were already to the fore in science and technology certainly faced problems in the handling of information.
    Ex: Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.
    Ex: As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.
    Ex: This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
    Ex: Expert systems represent an attempt to harness, as an intellectual tool, those features of the computer where it excels in the handling of data.
    Ex: This article spotlights the role that authority files play in promoting uniformity of cataloguing practice.
    Ex: This theft of valuable letters and documents brings to the forefront, once again, the question of collection security in the nation's archives.
    Ex: The IFLA letter places great store on the number of FID members who are also IFLA members.
    Ex: This article pesents an interview with George Cunningham who sees his role as creating a high profile for the library profession and fostering a love of books.
    Ex: The course gives information technology a very high profile.
    Ex: Before the launch of Penguin Books India in 1987, trade publishing in English in India did not have the high profile in bookstores it has today..
    Ex: In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
    Ex: There are many books published in the world and of many kinds, but one category stands apart: books that come under the heading of literature.
    Ex: A light box would be provided for this purpose so that the cards could be accurately stacked on top of each other to allow the light from the light box to shine through any holes that the three cards had in common.
    Ex: Any attack on Iran will require that military forces quickly deploy to Dubai to forestall the closing of the strait.
    Ex: If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.
    Ex: Even now, hundreds of years after his death, his timepieces stand proud in historic buildings around the world.
    * destacar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * destacar en = pull off on.
    * destacar la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * destacar la importancia de = stress + the importance of, emphasise + the importance of, highlight + the importance of.
    * destacar por encima de los demás = stand out from + the rest, stand out above + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * destacar sobre los demás = stand out above + the rest, stand out from + the rest, stand out in + the crowd.
    * es de destacar que = significantly.
    * es importante destacar = importantly.
    * hay que destacar = importantly.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.

    * * *
    destacar [A2 ]
    A (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    destacó la gravedad de la situación he underlined o stressed o emphasized the gravity of the situation
    B ( Art) to highlight, bring out
    1 (enviar) ‹tropas› to post
    fueron destacados para defender el puente they were detailed to defend the bridge
    2 ‹periodista/fotógrafo› to send
    ■ destacar
    to stand out
    el trabajo destaca por su originalidad the work is remarkable for o stands out because of its originality
    el marco hace destacar aún más la belleza del cuadro the frame further enhances the beauty of the picture
    destacó como autor teatral he was an outstanding playwright
    a lo lejos destacaba el campanario de la iglesia the church tower stood out in the distance
    nunca destacó como estudiante he never excelled o shone as a student
    destaca entre los de su edad por su estatura he stands out from others of his age because of his height
    * * *


    destacar ( conjugate destacar) verbo transitivo
    1 (recalcar, subrayar) to emphasize, stress
    2 ( realzar) ‹belleza/figura to enhance;
    color/plano to bring out
    a) (Mil) ‹ tropas to post

    b)periodista/fotógrafo to send

    verbo intransitivo
    to stand out;
    destacar en algo to excel at o in sth
    destacar vtr fig to emphasize, stress
    destacar(se) verbo intransitivo & verbo reflexivo to stand out
    ' destacar' also found in these entries:
    - despuntar
    - destacarse
    - perfilarse
    - realzar
    - resaltar
    - sobresalir
    - subrayar
    - detail
    - highlight
    - shine
    - stand out
    - crowd
    - excel
    - heighten
    - stand
    - tower
    * * *
    1. [poner de relieve] to emphasize, to highlight;
    debo destacar lo importante que es la operación I must stress o emphasize how important the operation is;
    cabe destacar que… it is important to point out that…;
    hay que destacar el trabajo de los actores the acting deserves special mention
    2. [tropas] to station;
    [corresponsales] to assign, to send
    [sobresalir] to stand out;
    tiene afán por destacar she is keen to excel;
    destacó como concertista de piano he was an outstanding concert pianist;
    hay una alumna que destaca de los demás/entre todos there is one student who stands out from the others/from all the others;
    destaca en sus estudios she is an outstanding student;
    destaca entre sus otras novelas por su humor it stands out from her other novels for o because of its humour;
    destaca mucho por su imponente físico he really stands out because of his impressive physique;
    un pueblo que no destaca por nada en particular a town that is not remarkable for anything in particular, a rather unremarkable town
    * * *
    I v/i stand out
    II v/t emphasize
    * * *
    destacar {72} vt
    1) enfatizar, subrayar: to emphasize, to highlight, to stress
    2) : to station, to post
    : to stand out
    * * *
    1. (resaltar) to point out / to emphasize
    2. (sobresalir) to stand out [pt. & pp. stood]

    Spanish-English dictionary > destacar

  • 60 вывод

    conclusion, deduction, inference, derivation
    Второй метод вывода уравнения (1) формулируется следующим образом. - A second method of obtaining (1) is as follows.
    Вывод из всего этого состоит в том, что... - The outcome of all this is that...
    Другой способ вывода этих формул основан на... - Another way of deriving these formulas is based on...
    Заметьте, что этот вывод не ограничен (чем-л). - Notice that this derivation is not restricted to...
    Из данного обсуждения не следует делать вывод, что... -It should not be inferred from this discussion that...
    Из способа вывода данного уравнения будет видно, что... - From the way in which this equation has been obtained, it will be seen that...
    Можно сделать вывод, что... - It may be concluded that...; It may be deduced that...
    Относительно строгого вывода соотношения (12) читатель должен обратиться к работе Смита [1]. - For a rigorous derivation of (12) the reader is referred to Smith [1].
    Подробный вывод показал бы, что... - A detailed derivation would show that...
    Полный вывод дается Джонсом [1]. - The derivation is given in full by Jones [1].
    Похоже, что неизбежно напрашивается вывод о том, что... - There seemed no escaping the conclusion that...
    Практическим выводом (из этого) является то, что... - The practical implication is that...
    При выводе большинства этих свойств отправной точкой служит наблюдение, что... - In establishing most of these properties the starting point is the observation that...
    При выводе данного уравнения мы использовали тот важный факт, что... - In deriving the above equation we have used the important fact that...
    Результат, представленный формулой (9), очень полезен при выводе свойств (чего-л). - The result (9) is very useful for deducing properties of...
    Формальный вывод (соотношения, уравнения и т. п.) дается ниже. - A formal derivation is given below.
    Формальный вывод (этого соотношения) приводится во втором параграфе. - A formal derivation is given in Section 2.
    (= выводу), мы... - То arrive at a definite conclusion, we...
    Эти два вывода совместно показывают, что... - These two results together show that...
    Это приводит к выводу, что... - This carries the implication that...
    Этот вывод (формулы) должен быть тщательно исследован, потому что... - The derivation should be studied closely because...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > вывод

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