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    Господин председатель, уважаемые дамы и господа! Прежде всего, разрешите поблагодарить, за предоставленную мне возможность выступить на этом заседании.
    Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen (distinguished can usually be omitted), first of all permit/allow me to thank you for (giving me) this opportunity (much better than possibility) to speak at this meeting.
    Прежде всего, от имени Х'а, мне хотелось бы поздравить вас, господин Y, по поводу занятия Вами поста председателя...
    First of all, on behalf of (not in the name of!) I should like to/permit me to/congratulate you on your election.
    Позвольте приветствовать Вас на высоком посту председателя...
    поздравить Вас с избранием на этот ответственный пост.
    Поздравляю Вас с избранием...
    to chair to this lofty/responsible/high/ important post/position/office
    Примите поздравления делегации...
    по случаю (единодушного) избрания
    ... on your (unanimous) election
    Примите наши горячие поздравления по случаю вашего избрания председателем этой сессии и пожелания успехов в вашей ответственной работе.
    Please accept our warmest congratulations on your election as chairman of this session and allow us to wish you every success/all success.
    Мы хотели бы выразить искреннее удовлетворение по поводу того, что вновь видим Вас на посту... в кресле... Мы с удовлетворением видим Вас...
    We should like to express/convey/ voice/state our sincere satisfaction at seeing you once again elected/ appointed in the chair...
    Пользуясь случаем, хотелось бы также выразить глубокую признательность представителю Х'а...
    I should first (and foremost) like to take advantage of this opportunity to express profound gratitude to the representative of...
    Мы хотели бы также отдать должное Х'у за его умелое руководство и квалифицированное руководство этой сессией...
    We should also like to pay a (well deserved) tribute to X on his skillful and expert/able/competent guidance/leadership of the work of this session.
    Хотелось бы также отдать должное Вашему предшественнику
    We also wish to pay a tribute to/congratulate your predecessor
    Мы с удовлетворением отмечаем, что Вы успешно используете свой богатый государственный и дипломатический опыт, руководя работой комитета...
    We note with satisfaction that you are putting to good use your governmental and diplomatic experience in guiding the work...
    Мы уверены в том, что под Вашим компетентным/умелым/искусным/ квалифицированным руководством комитет успешно справится со стоящими перед ним задачами.
    We are confident that under your skilled/capable/competent/able leadership the committee will successfully cope with/face/deal with the responsible/important/ significant tasks/problems/items before it/facing it/on its agenda.
    Разрешите нам выразить уверенность, что ваша деятельность будет способствовать плодотворной работе этой сессии комитета.
    Allow us to express our confidence that your guidance/activity/actions will promote/advance the fruitful work of this session of the committee.
    Мы убеждены, что Ваши глубокие знания, богатый опыт, неизменная преданность делу мира и справедливости будут и впредь отданы служению интересам комитета.
    We are convinced/we know that your vast knowledge, wealth of experience, tireless/unflagging/ unswerving dedication to the cause of peace and justice will continue to serve the interests of the committee.
    Мне выпала сегодня большая честь приветствовать вас/открыть это заседание.
    Today I have the/it is my great honor to welcome you/open this meeting.
    Выражаем свою неизменную готовность сотрудничать с вами.
    We should like to express our continuing readiness to cooperate with you.
    От имени руководства конференции благодарю всех участников, которые содействовали ее успешному проведению.
    On behalf of the conference organizers I should like to thank all those participants/delegates who contributed to the success of this session/meeting/made this meeting a success.
    Особо отмечается юбилей или какай-то дата:
    Примечательно, что в этом году наш комитет отметил свое тридцатилетие. - It is noteworthy that this year our committee marked/celebrated/ observed its thirtieth anniversary.
    Даже эти стандартные варианты имеют массу вариантов в языке:
    – I cannot sufficiently thank you
    – I cannot say how glad/pleased/gratified/happy I am – I cannot hope adequately to express – I can scarcely find fitting words – I don't know how else to express – I find it difficult to put into words – Words are not adequate to express – Words cannot/are unable to convey/express my feelings – Words fail me – It affords me deep satisfaction to – I am deeply/very honored – You have done me great honor – I consider myself privileged/I am thankful for the privilege – I feel it a proud privilege – It is a great honor for me to – I have great/much/enormous/vast pride (and/or) pleasure in – It is my pleasant duty to – I welcome this opportunity to/appreciate this opportunity – I wish/desire/want/would wish/would like/intend/rise to – I beg/take leave to/take the liberty to/of – Let me – Permit me – Allow me – May I be allowed/permitted/given leave/granted permission to – If I may be allowed to/If you will allow me to – I think/believe/consider/feel/trust/deem/regard/assume/suppose/presume/take it/surmise/claim/submit/ contend/ hold/affirm/assert/guess/am under the impression that
    - I think we all feel/we all will agree/I am sure everyone will agree/I may take it for granted that/No one will dispute
    - I must say/am bound to say/feel obliged to/cannot but/cannot fail to/must take this opportunity/occasion to say/cannot but say/would be remiss if I did not say/ express

    Словарь переводчика-синхрониста (русско-английский) > ОБРАЗЦЫ ПОЗДРАВЛЕНИЙ И ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ БЛАГОДАРНОСТИ


    Господин председатель, уважаемые дамы и господа! Прежде всего, разрешите поблагодарить, за предоставленную мне возможность выступить на этом заседании.
    Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen (distinguished can usually be omitted), first of all permit/allow me to thank you for (giving me) this opportunity (much better than possibility) to speak at this meeting.
    Прежде всего, от имени Х'а, мне хотелось бы поздравить вас, господин Y, по поводу занятия Вами поста председателя...
    First of all, on behalf of (not in the name of!) I should like to/permit me to/congratulate you on your election.
    Позвольте приветствовать Вас на высоком посту председателя...
    поздравить Вас с избранием на этот ответственный пост.
    Поздравляю Вас с избранием...
    to chair to this lofty/responsible/high/ important post/position/office
    Примите поздравления делегации...
    по случаю (единодушного) избрания
    ... on your (unanimous) election
    Примите наши горячие поздравления по случаю вашего избрания председателем этой сессии и пожелания успехов в вашей ответственной работе.
    Please accept our warmest congratulations on your election as chairman of this session and allow us to wish you every success/all success.
    Мы хотели бы выразить искреннее удовлетворение по поводу того, что вновь видим Вас на посту... в кресле... Мы с удовлетворением видим Вас...
    We should like to express/convey/ voice/state our sincere satisfaction at seeing you once again elected/ appointed in the chair...
    Пользуясь случаем, хотелось бы также выразить глубокую признательность представителю Х'а...
    I should first (and foremost) like to take advantage of this opportunity to express profound gratitude to the representative of...
    Мы хотели бы также отдать должное Х'у за его умелое руководство и квалифицированное руководство этой сессией...
    We should also like to pay a (well deserved) tribute to X on his skillful and expert/able/competent guidance/leadership of the work of this session.
    Хотелось бы также отдать должное Вашему предшественнику
    We also wish to pay a tribute to/congratulate your predecessor
    Мы с удовлетворением отмечаем, что Вы успешно используете свой богатый государственный и дипломатический опыт, руководя работой комитета...
    We note with satisfaction that you are putting to good use your governmental and diplomatic experience in guiding the work...
    Мы уверены в том, что под Вашим компетентным/умелым/искусным/ квалифицированным руководством комитет успешно справится со стоящими перед ним задачами.
    We are confident that under your skilled/capable/competent/able leadership the committee will successfully cope with/face/deal with the responsible/important/ significant tasks/problems/items before it/facing it/on its agenda.
    Разрешите нам выразить уверенность, что ваша деятельность будет способствовать плодотворной работе этой сессии комитета.
    Allow us to express our confidence that your guidance/activity/actions will promote/advance the fruitful work of this session of the committee.
    Мы убеждены, что Ваши глубокие знания, богатый опыт, неизменная преданность делу мира и справедливости будут и впредь отданы служению интересам комитета.
    We are convinced/we know that your vast knowledge, wealth of experience, tireless/unflagging/ unswerving dedication to the cause of peace and justice will continue to serve the interests of the committee.
    Мне выпала сегодня большая честь приветствовать вас/открыть это заседание.
    Today I have the/it is my great honor to welcome you/open this meeting.
    Выражаем свою неизменную готовность сотрудничать с вами.
    We should like to express our continuing readiness to cooperate with you.
    От имени руководства конференции благодарю всех участников, которые содействовали ее успешному проведению.
    On behalf of the conference organizers I should like to thank all those participants/delegates who contributed to the success of this session/meeting/made this meeting a success.
    Особо отмечается юбилей или какай-то дата:
    Примечательно, что в этом году наш комитет отметил свое тридцатилетие. - It is noteworthy that this year our committee marked/celebrated/ observed its thirtieth anniversary.
    Даже эти стандартные варианты имеют массу вариантов в языке:
    – I cannot sufficiently thank you
    – I cannot say how glad/pleased/gratified/happy I am – I cannot hope adequately to express – I can scarcely find fitting words – I don't know how else to express – I find it difficult to put into words – Words are not adequate to express – Words cannot/are unable to convey/express my feelings – Words fail me – It affords me deep satisfaction to – I am deeply/very honored – You have done me great honor – I consider myself privileged/I am thankful for the privilege – I feel it a proud privilege – It is a great honor for me to – I have great/much/enormous/vast pride (and/or) pleasure in – It is my pleasant duty to – I welcome this opportunity to/appreciate this opportunity – I wish/desire/want/would wish/would like/intend/rise to – I beg/take leave to/take the liberty to/of – Let me – Permit me – Allow me – May I be allowed/permitted/given leave/granted permission to – If I may be allowed to/If you will allow me to – I think/believe/consider/feel/trust/deem/regard/assume/suppose/presume/take it/surmise/claim/submit/ contend/ hold/affirm/assert/guess/am under the impression that
    - I think we all feel/we all will agree/I am sure everyone will agree/I may take it for granted that/No one will dispute
    - I must say/am bound to say/feel obliged to/cannot but/cannot fail to/must take this opportunity/occasion to say/cannot but say/would be remiss if I did not say/ express

    Русско-английский словарь переводчика-синхрониста > ОБРАЗЦЫ ПОЗДРАВЛЕНИЙ И ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ БЛАГОДАРНОСТИ

  • 103 хотеть

    нсв vt

    хоте́ть есть — to be hungry

    хоте́ть пить — to be thirsty

    хоте́ть игру́шку — to want a toy

    е́сли хоти́те — if you want/wish/like

    не хочу́ име́ть с ним ничего́ о́бщего — I don't want/wish to have anything to do with him

    2) иметь пожелание, склонность to like, to feel like sth/doing sth, should/would like

    не хоте́ть де́лать что-л — to be reluctant/unwilling to do sth

    что вы хоти́те на у́жин? — what would you like for supper?

    я бы хоте́л уви́деть её — I should like/I'd like to see her

    он бы хоте́л/он хо́чет, что́бы вы ему́ всё рассказа́ли — he would like/he wants you to tell him everything

    хоти́те ча́ю? — would you like a cup of tea?, would you care for a cup of tea? lit, do you feel like a cup of tea?

    она́ сама́ не зна́ет, чего́ хо́чет — she doesn't know her own mind

    3) добиваться to want, to seek lit, to strive for lit; to be after coll

    хоте́ть внима́ния — to want/to seek attention

    они́ хотя́т сно́ва установи́ть пре́жнюю систе́му — they seek to restore the old system

    я́-то зна́ю, чего́ он хо́чет — I do know what he wants/what he's after

    - хочешь не хочешь

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > хотеть

  • 104 не боги горшки обжигают

    не боги горшки обжигают (жгут, лепят)
    one doesn't need the divine spark to make pots; not God but man makes pot and pan; it doesn't take gods to make pots; it's no gods who bake the pots; it is not as hard as that; whatever man has done, man can do

    Басова томило желание взять на себя ответственность, только бы действовать немедленно. - Я возьмусь сдать заказ, - сказал он быстро, - всё будет в порядке. Горшки-то не боги обжигают. (Ю. Крымов, Танкер "Дербент") — Basov was burning with the desire to take the responsibility upon himself, if only he could act immediately. 'I will undertake to execute the order,' he said quickly. 'Everything will turn out right. You know our proverb: Not God but man makes pot and pan.'

    - Поезд надо формировать. Ты знаешь, как это делается? - Нет. А ты? - Я тоже не знаю, - сказал Потапенко. - Не боги жгут горшки, Иван Егорыч. (В. Панова, Спутники) — 'The train has to be marshalled first. Do you know how it's done?' 'No. Do you?' 'No, I don't either. But it's not gods who bake the pots.'

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не боги горшки обжигают

  • 105 من

    مِن \ by: (showing how sth. is done): We hold things by the handle. We know people by name. We learn by experience. We earn money by working. from: showing the time that sth. started: I waited from six o’clock till eight, showing where sth. began or was obtained Are men descended from monkeys? He read aloud from the newspaper, showing cause He suffered from stomach pains, showing the lower limit of costs, numbers, etc. New bicycles cost from $60 to $90 each, showing a change The price rose from 20 pence to 25 pence, showing difference I don’t know one from the other, showing the place that one has left He arrived from Glasgow. of: (after a noun) showing contents, amount, kind, etc.: a cup of coffee (a cup that contains coffee); a cupful of coffee (enough coffee to fill a cup); a pound of sugar (sugar that weighs a pound); a piece of bread (not a whole loaf), (after an adj. or verb) concerning; about: I’m sure of it. She’s afraid of mice, (after a verb) showing a cause He died of hunger, (after an adj.) showing who did sth. and how he did it It was kind of your father to invite me (Your father was kind...), (after a participle) showing how sth. is formed a dress made of silk. than: used in comparing two objects; here the second subject and verb are always left out: I like you better than him (I like you better than I like him), used in comparing two subjects; it is better to put in the second verb, although some writers leave it out He is taller than I (am). He runs faster than I (do). \ مِن أَجْل \ because of: as a result of: Because of his illness, he could not travel. for: because of: He jumped for joy. She was sent to prison for stealing. for sb. to do sth.: that sb. should do sth.: I’m anxious for him to pass his exams. sake, for the sake of, for sb.’s sake: for the desire of: Why ruin your health for the sake of a little pleasure?, for the good of; so as to help: Soldiers die for the sake of their county (or for their country’s sake). Don’t take any risks for my sake. towards: as a help to: He gave me $5 towards the cost of my bicycle. \ مِن أَجْل ذلك \ hence: (often with no verb) for this reason: My car broke down; hence my late arrival. \ مِن أحدث طِراز \ up to date: up to the present moment; modern; knowing or showing the latest facts: Give me an up-to-date report on political events in South America. \ مِن أَصْل \ out: from among: Ten out of the twenty people were late. \ مِن الأَفْضَل \ preferably: if possible: Any day suits me, but preferably not Sunday. \ مِن الأَفْضَل \ had better: would be wise to: You had better try again tomorrow. \ See Also الأَجْدى لِـ \ مِن الآن \ hence: from now: A week hence I shall be in Rome. \ مِن... إلى \ from... to...: (without a or the) showing passage of time, distance in space, or repeated action: He visits me from time to time. He went from house to house in search of work. \ مِن آن إلى آخر \ every now and again, every now and then: again and again, but with no regular space between. \ مِن الآن فَصَاعِدًا \ henceforth, henceforward: from now on; in future. on: onwards: From now on I shall be more careful. \ مِن البداية إلى النهاية \ through: passing from one side or place to another; making a continuous journey: a through train. \ مِن بَعْدُ \ since: after; during the period after: I saw him on Tuesday, but I haven’t seen him since. I’ve been thinking about him ever since. \ مِن بَعيد \ from afar: from a great distance. \ مِن بَين \ out of: from among: Ten out of the twenty people were late. \ مِن ثَمَّ \ subsequently: afterwards: He became ill in the winter, and subsequently died. \ مِن جَانِبٍ إِلَى آخر \ across: form one side to the other: Run across before a car comes. The river is half a mile across. over: so that a different side is upwards: Turn the page over. Roll the body over. \ مِن جَديد \ afresh: again; making a new beginning: Tear up this page and start afresh. \ مِن جَمِيع الجهَات \ around: on all sides (of); round; here and there: The boys were running around. A crowd gathered around me. \ مِن جَمِيع الوُجوه تقريبًا \ to all intents and purposes: in regard to all that matters: To all intents and purposes, the work is finished (though a few unimportant points remain to be dealt with). \ مِن جِهة \ in respect of, with respect to, respecting: concerning: a bill in respect of car repairs. on the part of: in the case of; so far as sb. is concerned: There was no mistake on her part (If there was a mistake, it was not hers). \ مِن جهة ومِن الجهة الأخرى \ on the one hand, on the other hand: comparing opposite facts or ideas; the first phrase is often left out: (On the one hand) you can live more cheaply in the country; on the other hand, work is harder to find there. \ مِن الحديد \ iron: made of iron; as strong as iron: an iron bar; an iron will. \ مِن حُسن التوفيق \ happily: fortunately: Happily, he was not hurt in the accident. a good job: a fortunate thing: It’s a good job that you crossed before the bridge fell. fortunately: adv. as the result of good fortune: He fell down but fortunately did not hurt himself. \ See Also لحسن الحظ (لِحُسْنِ الحَظّ)‏ \ مِن حَوْل \ around: on all sides (of); round; here and there: The boys were running around. A crowd gathered around me. \ مِن حَيْثُ شَخْصُهُ \ personally: as a person (in regard to character); socially: I like him personally, but I dislike his political ideas. \ مِن حِين لآخَر \ occasional: happening sometimes, but not regularly: We had an occasional quarrel. now and again, now and then: sometimes. \ مِن خِلال \ through: from one side to the other; from one end to the other: He drove a nail through (the board). A river ran through (the town). Water runs through pipes. I looked through the window, but I couldn’t see far through the mist. I read through my notes. \ مِن الدرجة الأولى \ first-class, first-rate: of the best quality: He is a first-class photographer. \ مِن سُخْرِية الأقدار \ ironic(al): (of events) like a cruel joke: It was ironical that she should break her leg just when she had at last got a job as a dancer. \ مِنَ الشرق \ eastern: belonging to the east. \ مِن صُنْعِ اليَد \ hand-made: made by hand, not by a machine: Hand-made shoes. \ مِن الضروريّ أن كما \ must: (p.t.. had to, neg.. needn’t, don’t/didn’t need to; don’t/didn’t have to) need to: You must go now, mustn’t you? Yes, I must. No, I needn’t go yet. \ مِن الطبيعيّ \ it goes without saying (that): naturally; of course: The invitation was sent to me; but it goes without saying that my wife is included. \ مِن الطراز القديم \ old-fashioned: (of people) holding on to old ideas and customs; (of things) not modern; no longer used. \ مِن طَرَف لآخر \ through: passing from one side or place to another; making a continuous journey: a through train. \ مِن عَجيب التَّقادِير \ ironic(al): (of events) like a cruel joke: It was ironical that she should break her leg just when she had at last got a job as a dancer. \ مِن عَلى ظهر السفينة \ overboard: over the side of a boat, and into the water: They jumped overboard when the ship was on fire. \ مِن غَيْر \ without: not with; not having: Without doubt, this is the best. I did it without his help. He took my bicycle without asking me. \ مِن غَيْر حَرَج \ freely: readily: They freely accepted my advice. \ مِنَ الفراء \ fur: animal skin, with the fur on it, used as clothing: a coat with a collar of fur; a fur hat. \ مِنَ الفِراش \ up: out of bed: I get up at 6.30 every morning. We stayed up very late last night. \ مِن فَضْلِك \ kindly: please!: kindly close the door!. please: (when asking) giving a polite order: Please stop that noise. A cup of coffee, please, asking for a favour or for permission Will you help me, please? Please, may I use your pen?. \ مِن فَوْق \ over: across, from one side of sth. to the other: He jumped over the fence. The gate was locked, so he climbed over. \ مِن فَوق سَطْح المَرْكَب \ overboard: over the side of a boat, and into the water: They jumped overboard when the ship was on fire. \ مِن قَبْل \ ago: before the present time: 100 years ago; a short while ago. already: before this time: She’s already married. before: at an earlier time (than): I have been here before. beforehand: before; early; in readiness: If you want your dinner early, warn the cook beforehand. \ مِن قِبَل \ by: (showing who or what did sth.): He was bitten by a dog. \ مِن قَلْبٍ مُخْلص \ heartily: thoroughly: I heartily agree with you. \ مِنَ المُؤسِف \ pity: (with a) an unfortunate fact or happening: It’s a pity that you can’t go with us to the cinema. \ مِنَ المُحَتَّم \ bound, (bind, bound) to: certain to: He’s bound to win. \ See Also المُؤَكَّد أَنّ \ مِنَ المُحْتَمَل \ likely: (usu. with very, most, more or quite) probably: She’s very likely right. well: (with may) very possibly; with good reason: He may well be late if the road is being repaired. \ مِن مُدّةٍ قريبة \ the other day: a few days ago: I met your son the other day. \ مِن المَرْتَبَة أو الدَّرَجة الثّانِية \ second-class: of the next level below that of top quality: The less comfortable second-class seats were much cheaper than the first-class ones. \ مِن المَفْروض أنّ \ be supposed to: to have a duty to; be expected to: You’re supposed to be working now, not playing. You’re not supposed to be here (You ought not be here). \ مِن مَكانٍ لآخَر \ about: from place to place in: We wandered about the town. \ مِن المُمْكِن \ could, (could not, couldn’t): (with an if clause, showing a possibility that depends on sth. else) would be able to: She could buy it if you lent her the money. possibly: perhaps: Possibly you can help. well: (with may) very possibly; with good reason: He may well be late if the road is being repaired.. \ مِنَ المُمْكِن أن \ could, (could not, couldn’t): (showing a simple possibility): You could telephone her (if you wanted to). might: expressing a weak possibility (future, present or past): She might do that tomorrow; she might be doing it at this moment; she might even have done it already (but I doubt that she has done it or ever will do it). \ مِنْ ناحية... مِنَ الناحية الأخرى \ on the one hand, on the other hand: comparing opposite facts or ideas; the first phrase is often left out: (On the one hand) you can live more cheaply in the country; on the other hand, work is harder to find there. \ مِن النّاحية النظريّة \ in theory: as an idea; according to ideas: Your plan may work in theory, but it will not work in practice. \ مِنَ النُّبَلاء \ earl: the title of a British nobleman. \ مِنَ النُّبَلاء \ noble: of high rank: a woman of noble birth. \ See Also الأشراف \ مِنْ نِتاج الوَطَن \ home-grown: (of food) grown in one’s own country, not in another country: home-grown vegetables. \ مِنْ نُسْخَتَين \ in duplicate: on two separate copies: Please complete this list in duplicate. \ مِنْ نَسْل \ descendant: sb. who is descended from a person: a descendant of Queen Victoria. \ See Also ذرية (ذُرِّيَّة)‏ \ مِنْ نَفْس البَلَد \ countryman, countrymen: (usu. fellow countryman) a person of the same nation as another. \ مِنْ نوع راق \ classical: of proved and lasting value: classical music. \ مَنْ هُم أَعْلَى مقَامًا \ betters, one’s betters: those who have more experience or higher rank than onself: Treat your betters with more respect. \ See Also أَرْفَع شَأنًا مِن \ مِن هُنَا \ away: (with verbs of movement) to a distance: Go away! We drove the dog away. by: past: Please let me (get) by. He smiled as he went by. \ مَن هو أَعْلَى دَرَجَةً \ superior: sb. of higher rank: You must obey your superiors. \ مِن واجبه أن \ up to: the duty of: It’s up to his father to punish him. \ مِن وَاحِد إلى آخَر \ over: across, from one person to another: She handed over the keys to a friend. \ مِن الواضح \ much: (in comparison; before most, etc.) without doubt; clearly: He is much the most experienced player in the team. \ مِن وَراءِ ظَهْرِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ مِن وَقْت لاِخَر \ now and again: sometimes. off and on, on and off: not continuously; at one time and another: It has been raining off and on the whole day. sometimes: at certain times but not always: Sometimes I win and sometimes I don’t. England sometimes has a hot summer, but not often.

    Arabic-English dictionary > من

  • 106 ἵνα

    ἵνα (Hom.+) conjunction, the use of which increased considerably in H. Gk. as compared w. earlier times because it came to be used periphrastically for the inf. and impv. B-D-F §369; 379; 388–94 al.; Mlt. index; Rob. index.
    marker to denote purpose, aim, or goal, in order that, that, final sense
    w. subjunctive, not only after a primary tense, but also (in accordance w. Hellenistic usage) after a secondary tense (B-D-F §369, 1; Rob. 983; Mlt-Turner 100–102; JKnuenz, De enuntiatis Graecorum finalibus 1913, 15ff):
    α. after a present tense Mk 4:21; 7:9; Lk 6:34; 8:16; J 3:15; 5:34; 6:30; Ac 2:25 (Ps 15:8); 16:30; Ro 1:11; 3:19; 11:25; 1 Cor 9:12; Gal 6:13; Phil 3:8; Hb 5:1; 6:12; 1J 1:3 and oft.
    β. after a perfect Mt 1:22; 21:4; J 5:23, 36; 6:38; 12:40, 46; 14:29; 16:1, 4; 17:4; 1 Cor 9:22b al.
    γ. after a pres. or aor. impv. Mt 7:1; 14:15; 17:27; 23:26; Mk 11:25; J 4:15; 5:14; 10:38; 1 Cor 7:5; 11:34; 1 Ti 4:15; Tit 3:13. Likew. after the hortatory subj. in the first pers. pl. Mk 1:38; Lk 20:14; J 11:16; Hb 4:16.
    δ. after a fut. Lk 16:4; 18:5; J 5:20; 14:3, 13, 16; 1 Cor 15:28; Phil 1:26.
    ε. after a secondary tense: impf. Mk 3:2; 6:41; 8:6; Lk 6:7; 18:15 al.—Plpf. J 4:8.—Aor. Mt 19:13; Mk 3:14; 11:28; 14:10; Lk 19:4, 15; J 7:32; 12:9; Ro 7:4; 2 Cor 8:9; Hb 2:14; 11:35; 1J 3:5.
    w. fut. ind. (LXX e.g. Sus 28; En 15:5; TestSol 13:7; SIG 888, 87ff; OGI 665, 35; POxy 299; 1071, 5 ἵνα ποιήσουσιν καὶ πέμψουσιν; Gen 16:2 [Swete; ARahlfs, Genesis 1926 v.l.] al.; Just., D. 115, 6), beside which the aor. subj. is usu. found in the mss. (B-D-F §369, 2; Rob. 984; Mlt-Turner 100) ἵνα σταυρώσουσιν Mk 15:20 v.l. ἵνα ἐρεῖ σοι Lk 14:10. ἵνα δώσουσιν 20:10. ἵνα θεωρήσουσιν J 7:3. ἵνα δώσει 17:2 v.l.; Rv 8:3. ἐπισκιάσει Ac 5:15 v.l.; ξυρήσονται 21:24. κερδανῶ 1 Cor 9:21 v.l.; καυθήσομαι 13:3 v.l. καταδουλώσουσιν Gal 2:4. κερδηθήσονται 1 Pt 3:1. ἵνα … δηλώσεις Hv 3, 8, 10. The fut. ind. is also used oft. when ἵνα has no final mng., esp. in Rv: 1 Cor 9:18 (ἵνα as answer, as Epict. 4, 1, 99); Rv 6:4, 11; 9:4, 5, 20; 13:12; 14:13; 22:14. Occasionally the fut. ind. and aor. subj. are found in the same sentence Rv 3:9; cp. also Phil 2:10f v.l. (on this interchange s. Reinhold 106; JVogeser, Zur Sprache d. griech. Heiligenlegenden, diss. Munich 1907, 34f; Knuenz, op. cit. 23ff; 39; Dio Chrys. 26 [43], 7 ἵνα μὴ παρῶ … μηδὲ ἕξουσιν; POxy 1068, 5 ἵνα διαπέμψεται, ἵνα δυνηθῶ …).—On the interchange of pres. subj. and fut. ind. in J 15:8 s. GLee, Biblica 51, ’70, 239f.
    ἵνα is found w. the pres. ind. only in passages where the subj. is also attested in the mss.; its presence is prob. due to corruption of the text (B-D-F §369, 6; Rob. 984f; Mlt-Turner 100f. But see the clear instance in PAnt III, 188, 15: ἵνα μή ἐσμεν, and cp. BGU 1081, 3 ἐχάρην, ἵνα σὲ ἀσπάζομαι; TestNapht 8:2; PassPtPl 60 [Aa I, 170, 8] ἵνα κατευθύνει; AcPtPl 58 [Aa I, 203, 17]; AcPlTh 11 [Aa I, 243, 11 v.l.]). φυσιοῦσθε 1 Cor 4:6 and ζηλοῦτε Gal 4:17 could be subj. (B-D-F §91; Rob. 984). But Gal 6:12 v.l. διώκονται; Tit 2:4 v.l. σωφρονίζουσιν; J 5:20 v.l. θαυμάζετε; 17:3 v.l. γινώσκουσιν; 1J 5:20 v.l. γινώσκομεν; Rv 12:6 v.l. τρέφουσιν; 13:17 v.l. δύναται; ἵνα σύνετε B 6:5 v.l. (in text συνιῆτε; v.l. συνῆτε); ἵνα … ᾂδετε IEph 4:2 (Lghtf. ᾂδητε); μετέχετε ibid. (v.l. μετέχητε). διατάσσομαι ITr 3:3 (v.l. διατάσσωμαι). βλασφημεῖται 8:2 v.l.
    The opt. after ἵνα is not used in our lit. (B-D-F §369, 1; 386, 3; Rob. 983). Mk 12:2 v.l. ἵνα λάβοι (for λάβῃ). Eph 1:17 ἵνα δῴη (v.l. δῷ) is certainly subj., and δώῃ is the correct rdg. (B-D-F §95, 2; Mlt. 196f). Likew. ἵνα παραδοῖ J 13:2.
    after a demonstrative (Epict. 2, 5, 16 ἐν τούτῳ … ἵνα) εἰς τοῦτο for this (purpose, namely) that J 18:37; 1J 3:8; Ro 14:9; 2 Cor 2:9; 1 Pt 3:9; 4:6; B 5:1, 11; 14:5. εἰς αὐτὸ τοῦτο for this very purpose, that Eph 6:22; Col 4:8. διὰ τοῦτο for this reason … that (Himerius, Or. 14, 3) 2 Cor 13:10; Phlm 15; 1 Ti 1:16; the ἵνα clause can also precede διὰ τοῦτο J 1:31. τούτου χάριν … ἵνα for this reason … that Tit 1:5.
    ἵνα with ‘I should like to say this’ supplied is found also in earlier Gk (Soph. Ph. 989) Mk 2:10 (B-D-F §470, 3. Differently [a virtual impv.] DSharp, ET 38, 1927, 427f). The necessary supplement precedes in ἵνα δείξῃ (he said this), in order to show B 7:5.—Cp. J 15:13.
    marker of objective, that. Very oft. the final mng. is greatly weakened or disappears altogether. In this case the ἵνα-constr. serves as a substitute for an inf. that supplements a verb, or an acc. w. inf. (cp. Od. 3, 327 and a spurious document in Demosth. 18, 155. Later very common, also in ins, pap [Rdm.2 191ff]; LXX).
    after verbs w. the sense
    α. ‘wish, desire, strive’ (PGiss 17, 5 [II A.D.] ἠγωνίασα … ἵνα ἀκούσω; BGU 1081, 3 ἐχάρην, ἵνα σὲ ἀσπάζομαι) θέλειν ἵνα (TestAbr A 19, 101, 9 [Stone p. 50]) Mt 7:12; Mk 9:30; 10:35; Lk 6:31; J 17:24; 1 Cor 14:5. βουλεύεσθαι J 11:53; 12:10. συμβουλεύεσθαι Mt 26:4. συντίθεσθαι J 9:22. ἀγαλλιᾶσθαι joyfully strive after 8:56 (s. ἀγαλλιάω). ζητεῖν 1 Cor 4:2; 14:12; AcPlCor 2:8. ζηλοῦν 14:1. εὔχεσθαι ‘wish’ IPhld 6:3.
    β. ‘take care, be ashamed, be afraid’ φυλάσσεσθαι 2 Pt 3:17. προσέχειν take care that B 16:8. βλέπειν see to it, that 1 Cor 16:10.
    γ. ‘request, demand’: δεῖσθαι request (Dionys. Hal. 4, 12, 1; Lucian, Dom. 9; Jos., Ant. 6, 321; 12, 125 al.) Lk 9:40; 21:36; 22:32; B 12:7; Pol 6:2; Hv 3, 1, 2; Hs 5, 4, 1. ἐρωτᾶν request (s. ἐρωτάω 2) Mk 7:26; Lk 7:36; 16:27; J 4:47; 17:15 al. (JEarwaker, ET 75, ’64, 316f so interprets the third ἵνα in 17:21). παρακαλεῖν request, exhort (EpArist 318; 321, Jos., Ant. 14, 168) Mt 14:36; Mk 5:18; 6:56; 7:32; 8:22; Lk 8:32; 1 Cor 1:10 al. αἰτεῖσθαι Col 1:9 (Just., D. 30, 2 αἰτοῦμεν). προσεύχεσθαι Mt 24:20; 26:41; Mk 14:35; Lk 22:46; 1 Cor 14:13 al. εὔχεσθαι pray (s. εὔχομαι 1 end) Hs 5, 2, 10. εὐχαριστεῖν Eph 1:16f. ἀξιοῦν demand, request (CIG 4892, 13 [III A.D.]; Jos., Ant. 14, 22) Hv 4, 1, 3. καταξιοῦν ISm 11:1; IPol 7:2.
    δ. ‘summon, encourage, order’ (Epict, 4, 11, 29; 1 Esdr 8:19; EpArist 46) ἀπαγγέλλειν Mt 28:10. παραγγέλλειν (CIG 4957, 48 [68 A.D.] restored) Mk 6:8. διαμαρτύρεσθαι 1 Ti 5:21. ἐντέλλεσθαι (Jos., Ant. 7, 356) Mk 13:34; J 15:17. κηρύσσειν Mk 6:12. διαστέλλεσθαι Mt 16:20; Mk 5:43; 7:36; 9:9. ἐπιτιμᾶν warn Mt 16:20; 20:31; Mk 8:30; 10:48; Lk 18:39. ἐξορκίζειν Mt 26:63. ὁρκίζειν Hs 9, 10, 5. λέγειν order Mt 4:3; 20:21; Mk 3:9; 9:18; Lk 4:3; 10:40; Hv 2, 2, 6. γράφειν write (Jos., Ant. 11, 7; 127) Mk 9:12; 12:19; Lk 20:28. ἀποστέλλειν Ac 16:36.
    ε. ‘cause, bring about’ πείθειν Mt 27:20. ποιεῖν J 11:37; Col 4:16; cp. Rv 3:9; 13:16. τιθέναι appoint J 15:16. ἀγγαρεύειν Mt 27:32; Mk 15:21.
    ζ. ‘permit, grant’ ἀφιέναι Mk 11:16. On J 12:7 s. CBarrett, The Gospel According to St. John2, ’78, 413–14. διδόναι 10:37; Rv 9:5.
    η. συνευδοκεῖν Hs 5, 2, 8.
    after impers. expr.: ἀρκετόν (ἐστι) it is sufficient Mt 10:25. λυσιτελεῖ (εἰ … ἢ ἵνα) Lk 17:2. συμφέρει Mt 5:29f; 18:6; J 11:50. ἐμοὶ εἰς ἐλάχιστόν ἐστιν it is a matter of little consequence to me 1 Cor 4:3. ἔδει B 5:13. πολλὰ λείπει Hv 3, 1, 9.
    after nouns and adjs., esp. when they are parts of fixed expressions:
    α. χρείαν ἔχειν J 2:25; 16:30; 1J 2:27. ἔστιν συνήθεια J 18:39. θέλημά ἐστιν Mt 18:14; J 6:40; 1 Cor 16:12b. βουλὴ ἐγένετο Ac 27:42. ἐντολή (cp. Polyb. 36, 17, 10 νόμος) J 15:12; 11:57; 13:34; Ac 17:15; 2J 6. δέησις Eph 6:19. ἐξουσία Ac 8:19. ἐμὸν βρῶμά ἐστιν J 4:34. τίς ἐστιν ὁ μισθός; ἵνα … 1 Cor 9:18.
    β. οὐκ εἰμὶ ἱκανός Mt 8:8; Lk 7:6. οὐκ εἰμὶ ἄξιος J 1:27; cp. Hs 9, 28, 5. S. B-D-F §379; Rob. 996.
    after nouns mng. time: χρόνον διδόναι, ἵνα give time Rv 2:21. ἔρχεται ἡ ὥρα the time comes (Aesop, Fab. 242 H. ἡ ἡμέρα, ἵνα=the day on which) J 12:23; 13:1; 16:2, 32. S. B-D-F §382, 1; 393.
    ἵνα can also take the place of the explanatory inf. after a demonstrative (B-D-F §394; Rdm.2 192.—Wsd 13:9; Just., D. 14, 2 τοῦτο γάρ ἐστι τὸ σύμβολον τῶν ἀζύμων, ἵνα μὴ …) Mk 11:28. πόθεν μοι τοῦτο ἵνα ἔλθῃ (for τὸ ἐλθεῖν τὴν κτλ.) Lk 1:43 (cp. GJs 12:2). τοῦτο προσεύχομαι ἵνα Phil 1:9. cp. 1 Cor 9:18. This is a favorite usage in J: τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ ἔργον τοῦ θεοῦ ἵνα πιστεύητε (for τὸ πιστεύειν ὑμᾶς) 6:29; cp. vs. 50. μείζονα ταύτης ἀγάπην οὐδεὶς ἔχει ἵνα … θῇ (for τοῦ θεῖναι) 15:13; cp. 3J 4.—J 6:39; 17:3; 1J 3:11, 23; 4:21; 5:3; 2J 6a. ἐν τούτῳ: ἐν τούτῳ ἐδοξάσθη ὁ πατήρ μου ἵνα … φέρητε (for ἐν τῷ φέρειν ὑμᾶς ἐδοξάσθη) J 15:8; cp. 1J 4:17.—S. also Hs 9, 28, 4, and ποταπὴν ἀγάπην ἵνα 1J 3:1.
    ἵνα is used elliptically ἀλλʼ ἵνα but this has happened that, where the verb to be supplied must be inferred fr. the context (Epict. 1, 12, 17): ἀλλʼ ἵνα μαρτυρήσῃ (sc. ἦλθεν) J 1:8. ἀλλʼ (ἐγένετο ἀπόκρυφον) ἵνα ἔλθῃ εἰς φανερόν but it was hidden that it might be revealed Mk 4:22 (but cp. CCadoux, JTS 42, ’41, 169 n. 3). ἀλλʼ (κρατεῖτέ με) ἵνα πληρωθῶσιν but you are holding me (prisoner), that 14:49. ἀλλʼ (ἐγένετο τυφλὸς) ἵνα φανερωθῇ J 9:3. ἀλλʼ (ἀποθνῄσκει) ἵνα … συναγάγῃ 11:52.—13:18; Hv 3, 8, 10 (cp. 1b above).
    ἵνα w. subjunctive as a periphrasis for the impv. (B-D-F §387, 3; Mlt. 178; 210f; 248; Rob. 994; Mlt-Turner 94f; FSlotty, D. Gebr. des Konj. u. Opt. in d. griech. Dialekten I 1915, 35; CCadoux, The Impv. Use of ἵνα in the NT: JTS 42, ’41, 165–73; in reply HMeecham, JTS 43, ’42, 179f, also ET 52, ’40/41, 437; AGeorge, JTS 45, ’44, 56–60. Goodsp., Probs. 57f.—Soph., Oed. Col. 155; Epict. 4, 1, 41, Enchir. 17; PTebt 408, 17 [3 A.D.]; BGU 1079, 20; PFay 112, 12; POxy 299, 5 ἵνʼ εἰδῇς ‘know’; PGM 4, 2135; Tob 8:12 BA; 2 Macc 1:9. ἵνα πρὶν τούτων ἴδητε τὴν ἀπώλειαν τῶν υἱῶν ‘before these events, you shall behold the destruction of your sons’ En 14:6. κύριε, ἵνα γινώσκῃ τὸ σὸν κράτος ὅτι ‘Lord, may you in your majesty know, that …’ TestAbr A 4 p. 80, 35f [Stone pp. 8 and 10]). ἵνα ἐπιθῇς τὰς χεῖρας αὐτῇ please lay your hands on her Mk 5:23. ἡ δὲ γυνὴ ἵνα φοβῆται τ. ἄνδρα the wife is to respect her husband Eph 5:33. Cp. Mt 20:33; Mk 10:51; 1 Cor 7:29; 16:16; 2 Cor 8:7; Gal 2:10. ἵνα ἀναπαήσονται let them rest Rv 14:13. W. θέλω: θέλω ἵνα δῷς Mk 6:25 (=δός Mt 14:8.).—On Mk 2:10 s. 1f above.
    ἵνα without a finite verb, which can be supplied fr. the context (Epict. 3, 23, 4 ἵνα ὡς ἄνθρωπος, i.e. ἐργάζῃ) ἵνα ἡμεῖς εἰς τὰ ἔθνη, αὐτοὶ δὲ εἰς τὴν περιτομήν (i.e. εὐαγγελιζώμεθα and εὐαγγελίζωνται) Gal 2:9. ἵνα κατὰ χάριν (γένηται) Ro 4:16. ἵνα ἄλλοις ἄνεσις (γένηται) 2 Cor 8:13. ἵνα (γένηται) καθὼς γέγραπται 1 Cor 1:31 (B-D-F §481; Rob. 1202f).
    marker serving as substitute for the inf. of result, so that (‘ecbatic’ or consecutive use of ἵνα: B-D-F §391, 5; Mlt. 206–9; Rob. 997–99 and in SCase, Studies in Early Christianity [Porter-Bacon Festschr.] 1928, 51–57; EBlakeney, ET 53, ’41/42, 377f, indicating that the result is considered probable, but not actual. But this distinction is not always strictly observed. Cp. Epict. 1, 24, 3; 25, 15; 27, 8 al.; 2, 2, 16 οὕτω μωρὸς ἦν, ἵνα μὴ ἴδῃ; Vett. Val. 185, 31; 186, 17; 292, 20; Jos., Bell. 6, 107; Just., D. 112, 5; PLond III, 964, 13 p. 212 [II/III A.D.]. Many exx. in AJannaris, An Historical Greek Grammar 1897 §1758 and 1951) ἦν παρακεκαλυμμένον ἀπʼ αὐτῶν ἵνα μὴ αἴσθωνται αὐτό it was concealed from them, so that they might not comprehend it Lk 9:45. τίς ἥμαρτεν, ἵνα τυφλὸς γεννηθῇ; Who sinned, so that he was born blind? J 9:2. Cp. 2 Cor 1:17; Gal 5:17; 1 Th 5:4; 1J 1:9; Rv 9:20; 13:13; Hs 7:2; 9, 1, 10.—In many cases purpose and result cannot be clearly differentiated, and hence ἵνα is used for the result that follows according to the purpose of the subj. or of God. As in Semitic and Gr-Rom. thought, purpose and result are identical in declarations of the divine will (Ps.-Callisth. 2, 16, 10 the rule of the Persian king is being overthrown by the deity ἵνα Δαρεῖος … φυγὰς γενόμενος κτλ. Here ἵνα means both ‘in order that’ and ‘so that’): Lk 11:50; J 4:36; 12:40; 19:28; Ro 3:19; 5:20; 7:13; 8:17; 11:31f al. (ESutcliffe, Effect or Purpose, Biblica 35, ’54, 320–27). The formula ἵνα πληρωθῇ is so to be understood, since the fulfillment is acc. to God’s plan of salvation: Mt 1:22; 2:15; 4:14; 12:17; 21:4; 26:56; J 12:38; 17:12; 19:24, 36.—The ἵνα of Mk 4:12=Lk 8:10, so much in dispute, is prob. to be taken as final (w. AvVeldhuizen, NTS 8, 1925, 129–33; 10, 1927, 42–44; HWindisch, ZNW 26, 1927, 203–9; JGnilka, Die Verstockung Israels ’61, 45–48; B-D-F §369, 2 [here, and B-D-R p. 386f n. 2, the lit. on ‘causal’ ἵνα, which is allowed at least for Rv 22:14 and perh. 14:13, where P47 has ὅτι; see 2g]. S. also FLaCava, Scuola Cattol. 65, ’37, 301–4; MBlack, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 211–16; ISluiter, Causal ἵνα, Sound Greek: Glotta 70, ’92, 39–53. On J 12:7 s. τηρέω 2a).
    marker of retroactive emphasis, that. At times, contrary to regular usage, ἵνα is placed elsewhere than at the beginning of its clause, in order to emphasize the words that come before it (B-D-F §475, 1; cp. the position of ὅτι Gal 1:11): τὴν ἀγάπην ἵνα γνῶτε 2 Cor 2:4. εἰς τὸν ἐρχόμενον μετʼ αὐτὸν ἵνα πιστεύσωσιν Ac 19:4. τῷ ὑμετέρῳ ἐλέει ἵνα Ro 11:31. Cp. J 13:29; 1 Cor 7:29; Gal 2:10; Col 4:16b.—EStauffer, Ἵνα u. d. Problem d. teleol. Denkens b. Pls: StKr 102, 1930, 232–57; JGreenlee, ἵνα Substantive Clauses in the NT: Asbury Seminarian 2, ’47, 154–63; HRiesenfeld, Zu d. johanneischen ἵνα-Sätzen, StTh 19, ’65, 213–20; MBlack, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 76–81.—Frisk. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἵνα

  • 107

    ",-çi 1. the interior, the inside, the inner part or surface. 2. see içinde. 3. insides, innards (internal organs of a person or animal). 4. (a person´s) true self, heart, soul: Merak etme, Safigül´ün içi temiz. Don´t worry, Safigül´s a good soul at heart. Eğer içinde varsa, bir yolunu bulup üniversiteyi bitirir. He´ll find a way to finish university, if he really wants to do so. 5. inner part (of a nut or seed), kernel; inner part (of a fruit), meat, flesh. 6. stuffing, filling (material used to stuff or fill something). 7. inner, inside; interior; internal. 8. domestic, internal (as opposed to foreign). 9. inland (as opposed to coastal). -ler acısı heartrending, heartbreaking. - açı interior angle. - açıcı gladdening, glad, cheering, heartening. -ini açmak 1. /a/ to pour out one´s troubles (to), unburden oneself (to). 2. /a/ to make one´s feelings clear to (someone who has annoyed or angered one). 3. /ın/ to cheer (someone) up, gladden (someone), gladden (someone´s) heart, lift (someone´s) spirits: Bu haber Nefise´nin içini açtı. This news gladdened Nefise´s heart. -ine alan including. -ine alma inclusion. -ine almak /ı/ to include, encompass; to hold, contain. -i almamak /ı/ 1. not to feel like eating (something). 2. to be reluctant to (do something). -ine ateş düşmek to suffer a grievous emotional blow. -ine atmak /ı/ 1. to keep (a worry, a problem) to oneself. 2. to store away in one´s memory (an insult which one has appeared to disregard). - bağlamak (for the kernel of a nut or seed) to become plump, fill its shell, hull, or husk. - bakla shelled broad beans. -ine baygınlıklar çökmek to feel like screaming (because one finds something extremely tiresome or exasperating). -i bayılmak 1. to feel faint (with hunger). 2. to feel full and thirsty (after eating too much rich food). -ini bayıltmak /ın/ 1. (for an over-sweet food) to make (one) feel sick. 2. to exasperate (someone) (by talking too much or dillydallying). -i beni yakar, dışı eli (yakar). colloq. Others only know his outward charm, whereas I know his inner nastiness. - bezelye shelled peas. -ini bir kurt yemek/kemirmek for a doubt to nag one. -ini boşaltmak 1. to blow one´s stack. 2. to pour out one´s troubles (to). -i bulanmak 1. to feel nauseated. 2. to get suspicious. - bulantısı nausea. -i burkulmak to feel a deep pang of sadness. - bükün ling. internal inflection. - cep tailor. inside pocket. -i cız etmek 1. suddenly to feel a tug at one´s heartstrings; suddenly to be touched to the quick. 2. suddenly to feel very sad, very dispirited, or very discouraged. - çamaşırı underwear. - çekmek 1. to sigh. 2. to sob. -i çekmek /ı/ to have a longing for, desire. -ine çekmek /ı/ to breathe in, inhale. -ini çekmek to sigh. -i çıfıt çarşısı evil-minded. -inden çıkılmaz impossible, (something) which seems insuperably difficult; insoluble, insolvable (problem): içinden çıkılmaz bir hal an impasse. -inden çıkmak /ın/ successfully to manage, carry out, or do (a difficult job); to solve (a difficult problem). -i dar impatient, restless (person). -i daralmak to be depressed, be distressed. -i dayanmamak /a/ 1. to be unable to stand by and do nothing. 2. for (one´s) conscience not to let one do (something). 3. not to be able to stand or bear (something) (because of jealousy). -ine dert olmak to be unhappy at having failed to accomplish (something). -i dışı bir unaffected, free of hypocrisy, genuine. -i dışına çıkmak 1. to vomit, throw up. 2. to have been so bounced about and jolted that one feels nauseated. -inden doğmak see -inden gelmek. -ine doğmak /ın/ intuitively to feel that, have a feeling that (something is going to happen): Böyle bir şey olacağı içime doğmuştu. I´d had a feeling something like this would happen. -ine dokunmak /ın/ to sadden; to pain. - donu underpants. -ini dökmek /a/ to pour out one´s troubles (to), unburden oneself (to). - dünya (a person´s) inner world, inner self. -i erimek to be greatly worried

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük >

  • 108 В-303

    В ТО ЖЕ ВРЕМЯ PrepP Invar sent adv when used after Conj «но», «но и», and, in some contexts, «и», emphasizes contrast fixed WO
    (some action, event etc occurs) simultaneously with another previously mentioned one, (some quality, feeling etc is present in s.o. or sth.) along with another previously mentioned one (a contrast may be implied)
    at the same time
    simultaneously at once (when the English equivalent is placed before the first of the two connected phrases or clauses) while (only when a contrast is implied) (and) yet.
    «Спросите любого из ваших же мужиков, в ком из нас - в вас или во мне - он скорее признает соотечественника. Вы и говорить-то с ним не умеете». - «А вы говорите с ним и презираете его в то же время» (Тургенев 2). "Ask any of your peasants which of us - you or me — he would more readily acknowledge as a fellow-countryman. You don't even know how to talk to them." "While you talk to them and despise them at the same time" (2c).
    Дядя Сандро был рад... что ему не изменило его тогда ещё только брезжащее чутьё на возможности гостеприимства, заложенные в малознакомых людях. Впоследствии... он это чутьё развил до степени абсолютного слуха, что отчасти позволило ему стать знаменитым в наших краях тамадой, так сказать, самой весёлой и в то же время самой печальной звездой на небосклоне свадебных и поминальных пиршеств (Искандер 3). Uncle Sandro was happy...that his already sensitive nose for the possibilities of finding hospitality among people he barely knew had not betrayed him. In later years...he developed this sense to the point of absolute pitch. It was largely responsible for his becoming a celebrated tamada, or toastmaster, in our part of the world—at once the merriest and the saddest star, as it were, in the firmament of marriage and funeral feasts (3a).
    Изощрённость этого сионистского издевательства Давида Аракишвили состояла в том, что, оставляя дом на имя несуществующего племянника, он в то же время всех своих существующих племянников забрал с собой (Искандер 3). One refinement of this Zionist mockery of David Arakishvili's was that while he left his house in the name of a nonexistent nephew, he took all his existing nephews with him (3a).
    «Я и не скрываюсь: я люблю то, что вы называете комфортом, и в то же время я мало желаю жить» (Тургенев 2). "I don't deny that I love what you call comfort and yet I have little desire to live" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-303

  • 109 Г-342

    ПО ГОРЛО coll PrepP Invar
    1. \Г-342 занят, загружен, завален работой и т. п. ( modif or adv (intensif)) (one is) extremely (busy, overloaded with work etc): (be) up to one's neck (ears, eyes, elbows) in sth.
    have one's hands full (be) overburdened
    weighed down, swamped) (with work etc)
    (be) buried under a pile of work.
    Кириллов отвечал поспешно и бойко: «Мне, Ардальон Борисыч, нет времени особенно углубляться в городские отношения и слухи, я по горло завален делом» (Сологуб 1). "I have no time, Ardal'on Borisych," replied Kirillov hurriedly, "to get mixed up in town relations and gossip-I'm up to my neck in work" (1a).
    2. дел, работы, забот и т. п..у кого \Г-342 (quantit subj-compl with copula ( subj / gen: abstr)) s.o. has a great quantity (of work, troubles etc), so much that it deeply concerns him: у X-a дел \Г-342 « X is up to his neck (ears, eyes, elbows) in work
    X has his hands full X has enough work and more X has more than enough to do X is knee-deep in work X is overburdened (weighed down, swamped) (with work etc)
    (Зоя:) Я знаю, что у вас дела по горло (Булгаков 7). (Z.:) I know you are up to your ears in work (7a).
    ...Как случилось, что однажды конвой недоглядел, оставил щель в седьмом вагоне во время стоянки? По-человечески понять можно, у конвоя тоже было дел по горло (Гинзбург 1). Once an extraordinary thing happened: the guards omitted to bar our door at one of the stops. Humanly speaking, this was understandable: they had their hands full all day... (1b).
    Желание сажать есть. Лагерей хватает. Работы, которую могут выполнить заключённые, по горло» (Зиновьев 2). "There is still a desire to put people in prison and there are plenty of camps. There is enough work and more which prisoners could do" (2a).
    Даже вохровцам недосуг заняться охотой или рыбной ловлей. У них дел по горло (Гинзбург 2). Even the armed guards had no time to spare for hunting or fishing. They had more than enough to get through as it was (2a).
    3. бытье, сидеть, увязнуть в долгах - влезать, залезать в долги \Г-342 ( adv (intensif)) (to be in debt, get into debt) beyond any measure
    X в долгах \Г-342 = X is up to his neck (ears) in debt
    X is mired (buried) in debt(s) X is swamped with debts X is deep in the hole (in debt).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-342

  • 110 И-23

    иди (ты) (идите (вы)) (куда) подальше! (а не) пошёл бы ты (он и т. п.) (куда) подальше! all substand, rude (sent fixed WO
    used to express the speaker's intense annoyance with s.o., his desire to be rid of s.o. etc
    to hell with you
    him etc)!
    (why don't you (doesn't he etc)) get lost (beat it, drop dead, go to hell, take a running jump, take a flying leap, go jump in the lake, go fly a kite)!
    Как видим, Толя вполне мог и не откликнуться на ужасное имя, снабжённое к тому же давно отправленной восвояси приставкой («фон»), всё было по закону, он Боков Анатолий Аполлинариевич, идите вы все подальше! (Аксёнов 6). As we can see, Tolya had every right not to respond to that awful name with its telltale "von," which, in any case, had long since been sent back to the place it came from, his legal name was Anatoly Apollinarievich Bokov, and to hell with the whole bunch of you! (6a).
    Комиссар поморщился и сказал: «Знаешь что, Чита? Иди-ка ты подальше со своим раскаянием. Я вашего брата тридцать пять лет ловлю, и все одну пластинку крутят, когда ко мне приводят» (Семёнов 1). The Commissioner frowned and said: "Do you know something, Cheetah? Go and take a running jump with your repentance. I've been catching your sort for thirty-five years now and they all sing the same tune when they're brought to me (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > И-23

  • 111 П-465

    ЕСЛИ (УЖ) НА TO ПОШЛб ЁЖЕЛИ (КОЛИ, КОЛЬ) (УЖ) НА ТО ПОШЛО all coll subord clause these forms only уж may take the initial position, otherwise fixed WO
    since the topic has been raised, I would like to say...
    the topic under discussion prompts me to say... ( occas. the statement in question expresses sth. that the speaker refrained from saying earlier but now feels a responsibility or desire to interject occas. it presents a contrast with a previous statement or with a commonly held idea, belief etc): since (while, now that) we're on the subject (the topic) speaking of that (in limited contexts) for that matter come to think of it come to that.
    «Что ты, не знаешь своей жены? Хозяйственная баба. Этого у неё не отнимешь. И уж если на то пошло, так с лесозаготовками у нее не хуже было, чем у других. А даже лучше» (Абрамов 1). "Don't you know your own wife? She's an efficient woman: that you can't take away from her. And while we're on the subject, her timber production was no worse than anyone else's. Better even" (1a).
    ...Как же измучит его отвращением крохотный угорёк под ухом раскрасивейшей Альбины, когда он, лишь только погаснет этот сладкий и такой не вечный миг, отрывается от нее всем своим существом и разглядывает со стороны. Нет ничего некрасивей красивой женщины, если вы ее не любите, если уж на то пошло (Битов 2).... How he will be tormented by his revulsion at the teeny little blackhead under very, very beautiful Albina's ear, as soon as this sweet and so uneternal instant fades and with his whole being he tears himself away to study her from a distance. For that matter, there is nothing uglier than a beautiful woman if you don't love her (2a).
    Нет, Нюрок - не учитель! Если на то пошло, у Ирины Викторовны никогда не было учителя, не нашлось во всем белом свете. Одни только советники, консультанты, наставники, вожатые, воспитатели, тренеры, инструкторы, секретари и председатели, а учителя - ни одного! (Залыгин 1). No, Niurok was no teacher. Come to think of it, Irina Viktorovna had never had a teacher. She'd never found one in all the world. Only advisers, consultants, mentors, guides, trainers, instructors, secretaries, and chairmen-never a teacher (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-465

  • 112 Р-176

    ЗАТЫКАТЬ/ЗАТКНУТЬ (ЗАКРЫВАТЬ/ ЗАКРЫТЬ, ЗАЖИМАТЬ/ЗАЖАТЬ) РОТ кому highly coll VP subj: human to force s.o. to be silent, prevent s.o. from speaking or voicing his opinion
    X заткнул рот Y-y ' X shut Y up
    X shut (stopped) Y's mouth X gagged (silenced) Y X muzzled Y
    X put a muzzle on Y. "А теперь если ты, скажем, ошибаешься, а я хочу тебя поправить, говорю тебе об этом словами, а ты меня не слушаешь, даже рот мне затыкаешь - так что мне делать? Палкой тебя по голове?» (Солженицын 3). "Let's say you make a mistake and I want to correct you. I speak to you about it, and you don't listen to me, you even shut me up. Well, what am I supposed to do? Beat you over the head?" (3a).
    Младший продавец, когда начали продавать мед из запасной бочки, видно, кое о чем догадался... Шал и ко никак не мог решить - заткнуть ему рот парой тридцаток или не стоит унижаться? (Искандер 4). The junior salesman must have caught on when they began selling honey from the reserved barrel...Shaliko could not decide: should he stop the man's mouth with a pair of thirty-ruble bills, or was it worth demeaning himself? (4a).
    Володя, чтобы не было недоразумений. Я разделяю линию партии. Будем держать свои взгляды при себе. Ни к чему бесполезные споры». - «У меня тем более нет желания дискутировать со сталинскими подголосками, -высокомерно ответил Володя, - но уж раз вы меня сюда (в ссылку) загнали, то рот не заткнёте» (Рыбаков 2). "Volodya, just so there won't be any misunderstandings, I want you to know that I accept the Party line. Let's keep our views to ourselves. No need to have pointless arguments." "I haven't the slightest desire to debate with Stalinist yes-men," Volodya had replied haughtily. "But since you put me here, don't try to gag me as well" (2a).
    Помню, как... вмешался Твардовский: «Дайте ей сказать, я хочу понять -что произошло что вы ей рот затыкаете?» (Ивинская 1). I remember that Tvardovski tried to intervene on my behalf: "Let her speak. I want to understand what happened. Why do you want to muzzle her?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-176

  • 113 С-243

    ДАВАТЬ/ДАТЬ СЛАБИНУ highly coll VP subj: human to yield (to s.o. 's requests, usu. out of a desire not to offend him) to back down from a stand one has taken, be insufficiently firm. X дал слабину - X showed weakness X gave in.
    Иногда я пытался как-нибудь отбрыкаться (от чтения его рукописи). «Ну зачем тебе мое мнение? Ты же знаешь, что от критики я отошел...» Он в таких случаях пугался, смущался и пытался меня уверить, что ни на какую печатную критику и не надеется, ему достаточно только моего высокоавторитетного устного мнения. И, конечно, я всегда давал слабину (Войнович 6). Sometimes I tried to get out of it (reading his manuscript). "Why do you want my opinion? You know I quit criticism.. " Then, blushing, he would assure me that he wasn't asking for an actual review-just my highly authoritative verbal opinion. And of course I always gave in (6a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-243

  • 114 Х-90

    ХОТЬ (ХОТИ) БЫ... ( these forms only)
    subord Conj, concessive) used to express hypothetical concession
    even if.
    "Я хотела уж зайти к Катерине Ивановне....... - «Катерина Ивановна ведь вас чуть не била, у отца-то?» - «Ах нет, что вы, что вы это, нет!.. Господи, била! А хоть бы и била, так что ж! Ну так что ж? Вы ничего, ничего не знаете...» (Достоевский 3). "I was even going to go to Katerina Ivanovna..."... "But Katerina Ivanovna all but beat you when you lived at your father's?" "Ah, no, what are you saying, no!...Beat me—Lord! And even if she did beat me, what of it! Well, what of it! You know nothing, nothing..." (3c).
    2. (Particle) (used to show that the person, thing, phenomenon etc named is less than optimal) if nothing better, more substantial, more important etc
    at least
    if nothing else (in limited contexts) if only.
    ...Видно, его могучая, замкнутая в своей безысходности страсть нуждалась в поддержке доброжелателей или хотя бы зрителей (Искандер 5)....His mighty passion, locked in hopelessness, must have needed the support of well-wishers, or at least spectators (5a).
    Затянувшись дымом и глядя на меня с необычной внимательностью, она сказала: «Чем обогатилась? Хотя бы тем, что лучше узнала твой характер» (Трифонов 5). Inhaling on her cigarette and gazing at me with unusual attentiveness, she said, "In what way was I enriched by it? Well, if nothing else, I gained a better understanding of your character" (5a).
    3. (intensif Particle
    used with a verb in the affirmative) used to indicate that sth. that was to be expected did not take place not even.
    (Телятев:) Выпили по бутылке, и хоть бы краска в лице прибавилась... (Островский 4). (Т.:) We had a bottle each and his face didn't even colour... (4b).
    4. (exemplifying Particle) as an example
    for example
    for instance.
    Сколько всего напридумано ими, безвестными следователями соответствующих органов. Возьмите хотя бы знаменитую теперь стенограмму процесса Бухарина и других (Войнович 3). How much of all this did they make up themselves, the unsung investigators of the appropriate organs! Take for example the now famous shorthand report of the trial of Bukharin et al. (3a).
    «Ещё между собой придётся воевать. Ты как думаешь?»... -«С кем воевать-то?» - «Мало ли с кем... Хотя бы с большевиками»... - «Нам с ними нечего делить» (Шолохов 3). "There's still some fighting to be done among ourselves, don't you think?"... "Who have we got to fight?" "Plenty of people....The Bolsheviks, for instance."..."We've got no quarrel with them" (3a).
    5. (Particle) (used to express a wish or desire) it would be good if
    if only
    would that I wish...
    (in limited contexts) oh, that... (Нина:) У меня в руке только одна горошина. Я загадала: идти мне в актрисы или нет? Хоть бы посоветовал кто. (Три-горин:) Тут советовать нельзя (Чехов 6). (N.:) There's just one pea in my hand. I was trying to tell my fortune: should I become an actress or not? If only someone would advise me. (T.:) No one can about that (6c).
    «Хоть бы Штольц скорей приехал!» - сказал он (Гончаров 1). "I wish Stolz would hurry up and come," he said (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Х-90

  • 115 в то же время

    [PrepP; Invar; sent adv; when used after Conj "но", "но и", and, in some contexts, "и", emphasizes contrast; fixed WO]
    (some action, event etc occurs) simultaneously with another previously mentioned one, (some quality, feeling etc is present in s.o. or sth.) along with another previously mentioned one (a contrast may be implied):
    - [when the English equivalent is placed before the first of the two connected phrases or clauses] while;
    - [only when a contrast is implied](and) yet.
         ♦ "Спросите любого из ваших же мужиков, в ком из нас - в вас или во мне - он скорее признает соотечественника. Вы и говорить-то с ним не умеете". - "А вы говорите с ним и презираете его в то же время" (Тургенев 2). "Ask any of your peasants which of us - you or me - he would more readily acknowledge as a fellow-countryman. You don't even know how to talk to them." "While you talk to them and despise them at the same time" (2c).
         ♦ Дядя Сандро был рад... что ему не изменило его тогда ещё только брезжащее чутьё на возможности гостеприимства, заложенные в малознакомых людях. Впоследствии... он это чутьё развил до степени абсолютного слуха, что отчасти позволило ему стать знаменитым в наших краях тамадой, так сказать, самой весёлой и в то же время самой печальной звездой на небосклоне свадебных и поминальных пиршеств (Искандер 3). Uncle Sandro was happy...that his already sensitive nose for the possibilities of finding hospitality among people he barely knew had not betrayed him. In later years...he developed this sense to the point of absolute pitch. It was largely responsible for his becoming a celebrated tamada, or toastmaster, in our part of the world - at once the merriest and the saddest star, as it were, in the firmament of marriage and funeral feasts (3a).
         ♦ Изощрённость этого сионистского издевательства Давида Аракишвили состояла в том, что, оставляя дом на имя несуществующего племянника, он в то же время всех своих существующих племянников забрал с собой (Искандер 3). One refinement of this Zionist mockery of David Arakishvili's was that while he left his house in the name of a nonexistent nephew, he took all his existing nephews with him (За).
         ♦ " Я и не скрываюсь: я люблю то, что вы называете комфортом, и в то же время я мало желаю жить" (Тургенев 2). "I don't deny that I love what you call comfort and yet I have little desire to live" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в то же время

  • 116 по горло

    ПО ГОРЛО coll
    [PrepP; Invar]
    1. по горло занят, загружен, завален работой и т.п. [modif or adv (intensif)]
    (one is) extremely (busy, overloaded with work etc):
    - (be) up to one's neck (ears, eyes, elbows) in sth.;
    - (be) overburdened <weighed down, swamped> (with work etc);
    - (be) buried under a pile of work.
         ♦ Кириллов отвечал поспешно и бойко: "Мне, Ардальон Борисыч, нет времени особенно углубляться в городские отношения и слухи, я по горло завален делом" (Сологуб 1). "I have no time, Ardal'on Borisych," replied Kirillov hurriedly, "to get mixed up in town relations and gossip-I'm up to my neck in work" (1a).
    2. дел, работы, забот и т.п. у кого по горло [quantit subj-compl with copula (subj/ gen: abstr)]
    s.o. has a great quantity (of work, troubles etc), so much that it deeply concerns him:
    - у X-a дел по горло X is up to his neck (ears, eyes, elbows) in work;
    - X is overburdened (weighed down, swamped) (with work etc).
         ♦ [Зоя:] Я знаю, что у вас дела по горло (Булгаков 7). [Z.:] I know you are up to your ears in work (7a).
         ♦...Как случилось, что однажды конвой недоглядел, оставил щель в седьмом вагоне во время стоянки? По-человечески понять можно, у конвоя тоже было дел по горло (Гинзбург 1). Once an extraordinary thing happened: the guards omitted to bar our door at one of the stops. Humanly speaking, this was understandable: they had their hands fiill all day... (1b).
         ♦ "Желание сажать есть. Лагерей хватает. Работы, которую могут выполнить заключённые, по горло" (Зиновьев 2). "There is still a desire to put people in prison and there are plenty of camps. There is enough work and more which prisoners could do" (2a).
         ♦ Даже вохровцам недосуг заняться охотой или рыбной ловлей. У них дел по горло (Гинзбург 2). Even the armed guards had no time to spare for hunting or fishing. They had more than enough to get through as it was (2a).
    3. быть, сидеть, увязнуть в долгах по горло ; влезать, залезать в долги - [adv (intensif)]
    (to be in debt, get into debt) beyond any measure:
    - X is deep in the hole (in debt).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > по горло

  • 117 а не пошел бы ты куда подальше!

    ИДИ (ТЫ) < ИДИТЕ (ВЫ)> (КУДА) ПОДАЛЬШЕ! (А НЕ) ПОШЕЛ БЫ ТЫ (он и т. п.) (КУДА) ПОДАЛЬШЕ! all substand, rude
    [sent; fixed WO]
    used to express the speaker's intense annoyance with s.o., his desire to be rid of s.o. etc:
    - to hell with you <him etc>!;
    - (why don't you <doesn't he etc>) get lost (beat it, drop dead, go to hell, take a running jump, take a flying leap, go jump in the lake, go fly a kite)!
         ♦ Как видим, Толя вполне мог и не откликнуться на ужасное имя, снабжённое к тому же давно отправленной восвояси приставкой ["фон"], всё было по закону, он Боков Анатолий Аполлинариевич, идите вы все подальше! (Аксёнов 6). As we can see, Tolya had every right not to respond to that awful name with its telltale "von," which, in any case, had long since been sent back to the place it came from; his legal name was Anatoly Apollinarievich Bokov, and to hell with the whole bunch of you! (6a).
         ♦ Комиссар поморщился и сказал: "Знаешь что, Чита? Иди-ка ты подальше со своим раскаянием. Я вашего брата тридцать пять лет ловлю, и все одну пластинку крутят, когда ко мне приводят" (Семёнов 1). The Commissioner frowned and said: "Do you know something, Cheetah? Go and take a running jump with your repentance. I've been catching your sort for thirty-five years now and they all sing the same tune when they're brought to me (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > а не пошел бы ты куда подальше!

  • 118 а не пошел бы ты подальше!

    ИДИ (ТЫ) < ИДИТЕ (ВЫ)> (КУДА) ПОДАЛЬШЕ! (А НЕ) ПОШЕЛ БЫ ТЫ (он и т. п.) (КУДА) ПОДАЛЬШЕ! all substand, rude
    [sent; fixed WO]
    used to express the speaker's intense annoyance with s.o., his desire to be rid of s.o. etc:
    - to hell with you <him etc>!;
    - (why don't you <doesn't he etc>) get lost (beat it, drop dead, go to hell, take a running jump, take a flying leap, go jump in the lake, go fly a kite)!
         ♦ Как видим, Толя вполне мог и не откликнуться на ужасное имя, снабжённое к тому же давно отправленной восвояси приставкой ["фон"], всё было по закону, он Боков Анатолий Аполлинариевич, идите вы все подальше! (Аксёнов 6). As we can see, Tolya had every right not to respond to that awful name with its telltale "von," which, in any case, had long since been sent back to the place it came from; his legal name was Anatoly Apollinarievich Bokov, and to hell with the whole bunch of you! (6a).
         ♦ Комиссар поморщился и сказал: "Знаешь что, Чита? Иди-ка ты подальше со своим раскаянием. Я вашего брата тридцать пять лет ловлю, и все одну пластинку крутят, когда ко мне приводят" (Семёнов 1). The Commissioner frowned and said: "Do you know something, Cheetah? Go and take a running jump with your repentance. I've been catching your sort for thirty-five years now and they all sing the same tune when they're brought to me (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > а не пошел бы ты подальше!

  • 119 иди куда подальше!

    ИДИ (ТЫ) < ИДИТЕ (ВЫ)> (КУДА) ПОДАЛЬШЕ! (А НЕ) ПОШЕЛ БЫ ТЫ (он и т. п.) (КУДА) ПОДАЛЬШЕ! all substand, rude
    [sent; fixed WO]
    used to express the speaker's intense annoyance with s.o., his desire to be rid of s.o. etc:
    - to hell with you <him etc>!;
    - (why don't you <doesn't he etc>) get lost (beat it, drop dead, go to hell, take a running jump, take a flying leap, go jump in the lake, go fly a kite)!
         ♦ Как видим, Толя вполне мог и не откликнуться на ужасное имя, снабжённое к тому же давно отправленной восвояси приставкой ["фон"], всё было по закону, он Боков Анатолий Аполлинариевич, идите вы все подальше! (Аксёнов 6). As we can see, Tolya had every right not to respond to that awful name with its telltale "von," which, in any case, had long since been sent back to the place it came from; his legal name was Anatoly Apollinarievich Bokov, and to hell with the whole bunch of you! (6a).
         ♦ Комиссар поморщился и сказал: "Знаешь что, Чита? Иди-ка ты подальше со своим раскаянием. Я вашего брата тридцать пять лет ловлю, и все одну пластинку крутят, когда ко мне приводят" (Семёнов 1). The Commissioner frowned and said: "Do you know something, Cheetah? Go and take a running jump with your repentance. I've been catching your sort for thirty-five years now and they all sing the same tune when they're brought to me (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > иди куда подальше!

  • 120 иди подальше!

    ИДИ (ТЫ) < ИДИТЕ (ВЫ)> (КУДА) ПОДАЛЬШЕ! (А НЕ) ПОШЕЛ БЫ ТЫ (он и т. п.) (КУДА) ПОДАЛЬШЕ! all substand, rude
    [sent; fixed WO]
    used to express the speaker's intense annoyance with s.o., his desire to be rid of s.o. etc:
    - to hell with you <him etc>!;
    - (why don't you <doesn't he etc>) get lost (beat it, drop dead, go to hell, take a running jump, take a flying leap, go jump in the lake, go fly a kite)!
         ♦ Как видим, Толя вполне мог и не откликнуться на ужасное имя, снабжённое к тому же давно отправленной восвояси приставкой ["фон"], всё было по закону, он Боков Анатолий Аполлинариевич, идите вы все подальше! (Аксёнов 6). As we can see, Tolya had every right not to respond to that awful name with its telltale "von," which, in any case, had long since been sent back to the place it came from; his legal name was Anatoly Apollinarievich Bokov, and to hell with the whole bunch of you! (6a).
         ♦ Комиссар поморщился и сказал: "Знаешь что, Чита? Иди-ка ты подальше со своим раскаянием. Я вашего брата тридцать пять лет ловлю, и все одну пластинку крутят, когда ко мне приводят" (Семёнов 1). The Commissioner frowned and said: "Do you know something, Cheetah? Go and take a running jump with your repentance. I've been catching your sort for thirty-five years now and they all sing the same tune when they're brought to me (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > иди подальше!

См. также в других словарях:

  • desire to know — index interest (concern) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • desire to know — noun curiosity that motivates investigation and study • Syn: ↑lust for learning, ↑thirst for knowledge • Hypernyms: ↑curiosity, ↑wonder …   Useful english dictionary

  • desire — I UK [dɪˈzaɪə(r)] / US [dɪˈzaɪr] noun Word forms desire : singular desire plural desires *** Get it right: desire: When the noun desire is followed by a verb, use the infinitive (not the pattern desire of doing something ): Wrong: A child without …   English dictionary

  • Desire (Bob Dylan album) — Desire Studio album by Bob Dylan Released January 5, 1976 …   Wikipedia

  • Desire — De*sire , n. [F. d[ e]sir, fr. d[ e]sirer. See {Desire}, v. t.] 1. The natural longing that is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of any good, and impels to action or effort its continuance or possession; an eager wish to obtain or enjoy.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Desire Climax — Infobox animanga/Header name = Desire Climax caption = ja name = 欲情(C)MAX ja name trans = Yokujou Climax genre = Drama, Romance, Mature, HaremInfobox animanga/Manga title = author = Ayane Ukyou publisher = flagicon|Japan Shueisha publisher other …   Wikipedia

  • Desire (philosophy) — In philosophy, desire has been identified as a philosophical problem since Antiquity. In Plato s The Republic, Socrates argues that individual desires must be postponed in the name of the higher ideal. Within the teachings of Buddhism, craving is …   Wikipedia

  • Desire (album) — Infobox Album Name = Desire Type = studio Artist = Bob Dylan Released = January 5, 1976 Recorded = July–October 1975 Genre = Folk rock, rock Length = 56:13 Label = Columbia Producer = Don DeVito Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|4.5|5… …   Wikipedia

  • Know Theatre of Cincinnati — Infobox Venue name = Know Theatre of Cincinnati location = 1120 Jackson Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 coordinates = type = Theatre opened = 1997 expanded = September 2007 former names = The Know Theatre Tribe seating type = General Admission… …   Wikipedia

  • Backstreets of Desire — Infobox Album Name = Backstreets of Desire Type = studio Artist = Willy DeVille Released = October 10, 1992 (Europe) 1994 (United States) Recorded = Hot Tin Roof, North Hollywood The Nut Ranch, Studio City Ocean Way, Hollywood One on One, North… …   Wikipedia

  • Hypoactive sexual desire disorder — Classification and external resources ICD 10 F52.0 ICD 9 302.71 …   Wikipedia

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