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  • DeeplyDeep ly, adv. 1. At or to a great depth; far below the surface; as, to sink deeply. [1913 Webster] 2. Profoundly; thoroughly; not superficially; in a high degree; intensely; as, deeply skilled in ethics. [1913 Webster] He had deeply offended both …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Deeplyoriginal DVD cover Directed by Sheri Elwood Produced by Karen Arikian Carolynne Bell Executive pro …   Wikipedia

  • deeplyO.E. deoplice (see DEEP (Cf. deep)), used in both literal and figurative senses …   Etymology dictionary

  • deeply — [adv] completely, intensely acutely, affectingly, distressingly, feelingly, genuinely, gravely, intensely, mournfully, movingly, passionately, profoundly, sadly, seriously, severely, surely, thoroughly, to the quick; concepts 531,772 Ant.… …   New thesaurus

  • deeply ADVERB 1) far down or in. 2) intensely …   English terms dictionary

  • deeplydeep|ly W3 [ˈdi:pli] adv 1.) used to emphasize that a belief, feeling, opinion etc is very strong, important, or sincere Her lies hurt my father deeply. She is deeply upset. He loves her deeply. Teachers are deeply divided on this issue.… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • DeeplyFilmdaten Deutscher Titel Deeply Produktionsland Kanada, Deutschland …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • deeplydeep, deeply Deep is used as an adverb both in physical senses • (With the horses provided you could trek deep into the forest Drive, 1972Johnny was standing with his back to the window, his hands thrust deep into his pockets E. Nash, 1993)… …   Modern English usage

  • deeplydeep|ly [ dipli ] adverb *** 1. ) very or very much: The comment had offended him deeply. The president said he was deeply concerned about the situation. 2. ) a long way into something: The needle had penetrated deeply into his skin. 3. ) if you… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • deeply */*/*/UK [ˈdiːplɪ] / US [ˈdɪplɪ] adverb 1) very or very much The comment had offended him deeply. The government said it was deeply concerned about the situation. 2) a long way into something The needle had penetrated deeply into his skin. 3) if you… …   English dictionary

  • deeply*/*/ — [ˈdiːpli] adv 1) very, or very much Your mother is deeply concerned.[/ex] 2) a long way into something The needle had penetrated deeply into his skin.[/ex] 3) if you breathe or SIGH deeply, you breathe a lot of air into or out of your body …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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