1 decorate
['dekəreit]1) (to add some kind of ornament etc to (something) to make more beautiful, striking etc: We decorated the Christmas tree with glass balls.) okrasiti2) (to put paint, paper etc on the walls, ceiling and woodwork of (a room): He spent a week decorating the living-room.) pleskati; polagati tapete3) (to give a medal or badge to (someone) as a mark of honour: He was decorated for his bravery.) odlikovati•- decorative
- decorator* * *[dékəreit]transitive verb(o)krasiti, (o)lepšati, poslikati, prepleskati, obložiti s tapetami; odlikovatidecorated style — angleška gotika 1ɔ. stol. -
2 decoration
1) (something used to decorate: Christmas decorations.) okras2) (the act of decorating: The decoration of the house will be a long job.) opremljanje* * *[dekəréišən]nounokras, okrasitev; red, odlikovanjeto confer a decoration on s.o. — odlikovati kogaAmerican Decoration Day — 30. maj (praznik v počastitev padlih v l. 1861-66) -
3 embroider
[im'broidə](to decorate with designs in needlework: The child embroidered her name on her handkerchief; an embroidered tablecloth.) vesti* * *[embrɔidə]transitive verbvesti; (o)krasiti, (o)lepšati -
4 enamel
[i'næməl] 1. noun1) (a variety of glass applied as coating to a metal or other surface and made hard by heating: This pan is covered with enamel; ( also adjective) an enamel plate.) emajl2) (the coating of the teeth.) sklenina3) (a glossy paint.) oljnata barva2. verb(to cover or decorate with enamel.) emajlirati* * *I [inaeməl]nounlošč, lak, sklenina, emajl, steklovina, glazuraII [inaeməl]transitive verbloščiti, postekliti, emajlirati; figuratively poslikati, okrasiti -
5 engrave
[in'ɡreiv]1) (to cut (letters or designs) on stone, wood, metal etc: They engraved his initials on the silver cup.) vrezati2) (to decorate (metal etc) in this way: He engraved the silver cup.) vrezati•- engraver* * *[ingréiv]transitive verb(on, upon) vrez(ov)ati, gravirati; figuratively vtisniti (v spomin) -
6 feather
['feðə] 1. noun(one of the things that grow from a bird's skin that form the covering of its body: They cleaned the oil off the seagull's feathers.) pero2. verb(to line, cover or decorate with feathers: The eagle feathers its nest with down from its own breast.) operiti- feathery
- a feather in one's cap
- feather one's own nest
- feather one's nest* * *I [féðə]nounpero, perje; čopek; pena na morskem valu; vrsta; razpoloženjebirds of a feather flock together — enak se druži z enakim, ene vrste ptiči skupaj letijoto crop s.o.'s feathers — pristriči komu krila, ponižati gain grand feather — v svečani obleki, našemljen; odličnega zdravjain high feather — dobre volje; dobrega zdravjaAmerican slang feather merchant — zmuzne; military slang civilistto ruffle s.o.'s feathers — dražiti kogato show the white feather — popihati jo; biti strahopetento smooth s.o.'s ruffled feathers — pomiriti kogaII [féðə]1.transitive verb(o)krasiti s perjem, operiti (se); s perjem obrobiti; plosko dvigati veslo iz vode; z repom mahati;2.intransitive verbtrepetati, drgetatito feather one's nest — dobro si postlati, obogateti -
7 fur
[fə:]1) (the thick, short, fine hair of certain animals.) dlaka2) (the skin(s) of these animals, often used to make or decorate clothes etc for people: a hat made of fur; ( also adjective) a fur coat.) krzno3) (a coat, cape etc made of fur: She was wearing her fur.) kožuh•- furrier- furry* * *I [fə:]nounkožuhovina, krznomedicine obloga na jeziku; kotlovec; vinski kamen, bersa; American fo make the fur fly — glasno se prepiratiII [fə:]transitive verb & intransitive verbs krznom podložiti ali obrobiti; obložiti, prevleči; pokriti se z oblogo, kotlovcem, vinskim kamnom -
8 garnish
9 icing
noun (a mixture of sugar, white of egg, water etc used to cover or decorate cakes.) sladkorni obliv* * *[áisiŋ]nounsladkorni oblivsport prepovedan dolgi strel (hokej); British English icing sugar — sladkor v prahu -
10 ornament
1. ['o:nəmənt] noun(something decorative, intended to make a room etc more beautiful: china ornaments.) okras2. [o:nə'ment] verb(to decorate: The church was richly ornamented.) okrasiti- ornamental* * *I [ɔ:nəmənt]nounornament, okras (tudi music); figuratively dika, čast, ponos (to komu, čemu); ecclesiastic (zlasti plural) cerkvena posoda, okrasII [ɔ:nəment]transitive verbkrasiti, okrasiti -
11 parsley
(a kind of herb used in cookery to decorate or add flavour to food.) peteršilj* * *[pá:sli]nounbotany peteršilj -
12 trim
[trim] 1. past tense, past participle - trimmed; verb1) (to cut the edges or ends of (something) in order to make it shorter and/or neat: He's trimming the hedge; She had her hair trimmed.)2) (to decorate (a dress, hat etc, usually round the edges): She trimmed the sleeves with lace.)3) (to arrange (the sails of a boat etc) suitably for the weather conditions.)2. noun(a haircut: She went to the hairdresser's for a trim.) striženje3. adjective(neat and tidy: a trim appearance.) urejen- trimly- trimness
- trimming
- in good trim
- in trim* * *I [trim]nounred, (pravilno) stanje; razpoloženje, (telesno, duševno) stanje; oprema, (gala, paradna) obleka, okras; nautical opremijenost, oborožitev, pripravljenost; pravilen položaj (jader, jamborov) proti vetru; uravnoteženost (tovora, bremena)in fighting trim — military pripravljen za boj, za borbo (tudi figuratively)in good trim, out of trim — dobro, slabo opremljen; figuratively dobro, slabo razpoloženin travelling trim — v potovalni opremi, oblekito put in trim — spraviti v red, v dobro stanjeII [trim]1.transitive verburediti, v red spraviti, namestiti; pripraviti; opremiti; obleči, odeti ( with z); okrasiti, okititi, dekorirati; obšiti, zarobiti, garnirati (obleko, klobuk itd.) ( with z); počesati, ostriči, pristriči (lase, brado) (off, away); obrezati (nohte); oklestiti, pristriči (drevje, živo mejo); kopuniti (petelina); (pod)netiti, podkuriti (ogenj); prirezati, utrniti (stenj sveče); očistiti (svetilko); obtesati (les); nautical dobro namestiti (tovor); natovoriti ladjo, kot treba; uravnotežiti ladjo; obrniti jadra proti vetru; military nameriti top; colloquially ukoriti, grajati, ozmerjati; premlatiti, pretepsti; potolči, poraziti; slang prevarati, ogoljufati, oslepariti;2.intransitive verb figurativelyiskati ravnotežje, kolebati, nihati; politics prilagoditi se, najti ali obdržati srednji kurz, laviratito trim s.o.'s jacket — izprašiti komu hlače, nabiti, našeškati, premlatiti kogato trim one's sails to every wind figuratively obračati plašč po vetruto trim shore figuratively plavati čisto ob obali (ribe)to trim with the times politics figuratively voditi oportunistično politikoto trim away, to trim off transitive verb odstriči, odrezatito trim up transitive verb čedno obleči; okrasiti, nališpati;3.adjectivev dobrem stanju, v redu, urejen; čist, čeden, negova.n, lep, lepo oblečen; eleganten, koketen; čedne postave; ugoden; spreten;4.adverburejeno, čedno, lepó -
13 wallpaper
noun (paper used to decorate interior walls of houses etc: My wife wants to put wallpaper on the walls but I would rather paint them.) tapeta* * *[wɔ:lpeipə]1.nountapeta; American slang ponarejen bankovec;2.transitive verbtapecirati
См. также в других словарях:
Decorate — Dec o*rate (d[e^]k [ o]*r[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Decorated} (d[e^]k [ o]*r[=a] t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Decorating} (d[e^]k [ o]*r[=a] t[i^]ng).] [L. decoratus, p. p. of decorare, fr. decus ornament; akin to decere to be becoming. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
decorate — [dek′ə rāt΄] vt. decorated, decorating [< L decoratus, pp. of decorare, to decorate < decus, an ornament < IE base * dek̑, to receive, be suitable > DECENT] 1. to add something to so as to make more attractive; adorn; ornament 2. to… … English World dictionary
decorate — (v.) early 15c., from L. decoratus, pp. of decorare to decorate, adorn, embellish, beautify, from decus (gen. decoris) an ornament, from PIE root *dek to receive, be suitable (see DECENT (Cf. decent)). Related: Decorated; decorating … Etymology dictionary
decorate — [v1] beautify, embellish add finishing touches, adorn, bedeck, bedizen, brighten, burnish, color, deck, do up*, dress out*, dress up*, enhance, enrich, festoon, finish, fix up, frill, furbish, garnish, gild, grace, gussy up*, idealize, illuminate … New thesaurus
decorate — index embellish, honor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
decorate — ornament, embellish, beautify, *adorn, deck, bedeck, garnish Analogous words: enhance, heighten, *intensify … New Dictionary of Synonyms
decorate — ► VERB 1) make more attractive by adding ornamentation. 2) apply paint or wallpaper to. 3) confer an award or medal on. 4) (Decorated) denoting a stage of English Gothic church architecture of the 14th century with elaborate tracery. ORIGIN Latin … English terms dictionary
decorate — [[t]de̱kəreɪt[/t]] ♦♦♦ decorates, decorating, decorated 1) VERB If you decorate something, you make it more attractive by adding things to it. [V n with n] He decorated his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures... [V n] Simply… … English dictionary
decorate — v. (D; tr.) ( to give a medal to ) to decorate for (to decorate a soldier for valor) * * * [ dekəreɪt] (D;tr.) ( to give a medal to ) to decorate for (to decorate a soldier for valor) … Combinatory dictionary
decorate */*/ — UK [ˈdekəreɪt] / US [ˈdekəˌreɪt] verb Word forms decorate : present tense I/you/we/they decorate he/she/it decorates present participle decorating past tense decorated past participle decorated 1) a) [transitive] to make something look more… … English dictionary
decorate — dec|o|rate S3 [ˈdekəreıt] v [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: decoratus, past participle of decorare to decorate , from decus honour, decoration ] 1.) [I and T] BrE to paint the inside of a room, put special paper on the walls etc ▪ The bathroom … Dictionary of contemporary English