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  • 1 विधान

    mf (ī)n. disposing, arranging, regulating Vait. ;

    acting, performing, possessing, having MW. ;
    m. N. of a Sādhya Hariv. ;
    n. order, measure, disposition, arrangement, regulation, rule, precept, method, manner RV. etc. etc. (instr. sg. andᅠ pl., andᅠ - tas ind. according to rule orᅠ precept;
    saṉkhyā-vidhānāt, according to mathematical method, mathematically;
    deṡa-kāla-vidhānena, in the right place andᅠ at the right time);
    medical prescription orᅠ regulation, diet Suṡr. ;
    fate, destiny MBh. Kāv. ;
    taking measures, contriving, managing Mn. MBh. etc.;
    a means, expedient Pañcat. ;
    setting up (machines) Yājñ. ;
    creating, creation Kum. Ragh. ;
    performance (esp. of prescribed acts orᅠ rites), execution, making, doing, accomplishing Mn. MBh. etc.;
    enumeration, statement of particulars Suṡr. ;
    (in dram.) conflict of different feelings, occasion for joy andᅠ sorrow Sāh. Pratāp. ;
    (in gram.) affixing, prefixing, taking as an affix etc. W. ;
    an elephant's fodder etc. Ṡiṡ. V, 51 ;
    (only L. worship;
    act of hostility etc.);
    - kalpa m. - khaṇḍa m. orᅠ n. (?) N. of wks.;
    - ga m. « rulegoer», a Paṇḍit, teacher L. ;
    - gumpha m. N. of wk.;
    - jña mfn. one who knows rules orᅠ precepts MBh. Suṡr. ;
    m. a teacher, Paṇḍit W. ;
    - tilaka n. - pārijāta m. - mālā f. N. of wks.;
    - yukta mfn. agreeable to rule orᅠ precept MBh. ;
    - ratna n. - ratnamālā f. - rahasya n. N. of wks.;
    - saptamī f. N. of the 7th day in the light half of Māgha W. ;
    - sārasaṉgraha m. N. of wk.;
    - nôkta mfn. proclaimed orᅠ enjoined according to rule orᅠ (sacred) precept Bhag.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > विधान

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