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  • 101 линия

    - (трубопровод, электропроводка) — line
    -, базовая — base line
    вид сбоку (в торец) на горизонтальную плоскость, являющийея нулевой точкой отсчета ординат, — an edge view of а horizontal plane which is used as a zero point from which to measure all ordinates.
    - безопасного пролета над препятствиямиobstacle clearance line (ocl)
    линия, ограничивающая высоту над препятствием в зоне, аэродроме, ниже которой не обеспечивается безопасный пролет над препятствием при взлете, заходе на посадку, уходе на второй круг, — the height above the aerodrome elevation below which the minimum prescribed vertical clearance cannot be maintained either on takeoff, approach or in event of a missed approach.
    -, береговая — shoreline

    а line following the general contour of the shore.
    - боевого пути (лпб)run-in track
    - бокового уклонения (лбу) (см. уклонение, линейное боковое) — cross track distance (xtk). а distance left or right from desired track to present position. measured perpendicular to desired track.
    -, вертикальная (на полях документа, указывающая на енесение изменения в текст) — vertical line. the portion of the text affected by the current revision is indicated by a vertical black line along the lefthand margin of the page.
    - взлетно-посадочной полосы, осевая (рис. 121) — runway center line
    выставлять самолет вдоль осовой линии вппalign the airplane with the runway center line
    - визированияline of sight (los)
    - визирования на звезду — line of sight to a star, los to a star
    -, вихревая — vortex line
    -, воздушная (авиатранспортная) — airline
    -, воздушная (пневматическая) — pneumatic line
    - воздушного дренажаvent line
    - (воздушного) потокаstreamline
    траектория каждой частицы воздуха, — streamline is а path of each air particle.
    - входного (выходного) коридора (впп)gate line
    -, выносная (на чертеже дпя указания размеров и т.п.) — leader. used to indicate where dimensions or notes are intended to apply.
    -, выносная, со стрелкой — leader terminating in arrow head
    - выносная, с точкой — leader terminated in dot
    - выпуска шасси — landing gear extension /down/ line
    - горизонтаhorizon
    - горизонта (авиагоризонта)horizon bar
    - графика (иллюстрирующая пример пользования графиком) (рис. 144) — guide line follow the guide lines to the reference line, and proceed to the left to the appropriate temperature curve.
    - действия силы тягиthrust line
    - дренажа (вентиляционная)vent line
    -, дренажная (слива утечек) — drainage line
    - заданного пути (лзп) — desired track (dsrtk, dtk)
    линия ортодромического курса между двумя последовательными ппm (рис. 124) — this line describes the great circle course between two successive waypoints.
    - заданного пути маяка — desired track to beacon, beacon dtk
    - заданного пути, текущая — current track
    - задержки (цепь)delay circuit
    - заправки (гидросистемы)supply line
    - земли, теоретическая — theoretical ground line
    -, изогоническвя — isogonic line
    - искусственного горизонта (aг, пкп) (рис. 72) — horizon bar
    -, исходная — reference line
    - крыла, базовая — wing base line (wbl)
    - курса (курс)heading
    -, локсодромическая (см. локсодромия) (рис. 111) — rhumb line
    -, магнитная силовая — magnetic line of force
    - маршрута (линия пути) (рис. 122) — track, course
    - межконтинентальная (авиатранспортная)intercontinental airline
    - местоположений (ла)line of positions (lop)
    - нагнетанияpressure line
    -, наклонная (на центровочном графике) — inclined guide line
    -, направляющая (иллюстрирующая пример пользования графиком) — guide line
    - нулевой подъемной силыzero-lift line
    - обрезаcutting-off line
    - ограничения отклонений (от) глиссадыglide slope deviation limit line
    - ограничения препятствий (рис. 112) — obstacle (limit) line
    -, ортодромическая — great circle line
    ортодромический курс - линия пути по ортодромии (большому кругу), включающая точки (пункты) вылета и назначения (рис. 111), — а great circle course is any route or course which follows the line of the great circle which includes the points of departure and destination.
    - ортодромического пеленгаgreat circle bearing line
    -, осевая (самолета) — center line (cl, lc)
    - отвесаplumb line
    - отсчета (на графике) — reference line (kef, line)
    начинать отсчет с левой стороны графика от величины располагаемой взлетной дистанции, провести линию до величины уклона впп, а затем опустить перпендикуляр до пересечения с линией отсчета (рис. 144) — start on left of the chart from the given takeoff distance available, proceed across to the runway slope, then down the guide lines to the referonce line.
    -, питающая (гидросистемы) — feed line
    - положенияline of position (lop)
    геометрическое место точек вероятного местонахождения самолета, соответствующее постоянному значению измеренного навигациоиного параметра. используются след. линии положения: линия ортодромического пеленга, линия равных азимутов (радиопеленгов), линия равных расстаяний и линия равных разностей расстояний (гипербола). — in navigation, а line representing all possible locations of an aircraft at a given instant.
    -, пневматическая — pneumatic line
    -, пневматическая, заводская — factory airline
    -, предвычисленного пеленга — preselected bearing line
    -, прицеливания — aiming line
    - пролета над препятствиямиobstacle clearance line
    -, пунктирная (на графиках) — broken line
    - пути (самолета) (лп) — track (тк), course
    проекция на земную поверхность траектории его движения в пространстве. применяются две линии пути: ортодромия и лаксодромия (рис. 122). — the path of actual line of an aircraft movement over the surface of the earth. the projection of the path of the centre of gravity of an aircraft on the earth surface.
    - пути, заданная (см. л. заданного пути, лзп) (рис. 124) — desired track (dtk, dsrtk)
    - пути, истинная — true track
    - пути, ортодромическая — great circle track
    - пути (по сигналам) вор — vor course /radial/
    - пути, фактическая (рис. 124) — track
    - равных азимутов (лра)curve of equal bearings
    линия, из любой точки котарой пеленг радиостанции постоянный.
    - равных пеленгов (см. л. равных азимутов) — curve of equal bearings
    - равных разностей расстояний (гипербола) — line of equal differences in distance, hyperbola
    линия, в каждой точке которой разность расстояний до двух фиксированных точек (напр., радиостанций) - постоянная величина.
    - равных расстояний (линия положения)circle of position
    линия, все точки которой находятся на одинаковом удалении от фиксированной точки. на земной поверхности: окружность малого круга.
    - разверткиsweep
    линия движения сканирующей точки на экране рлс. — displacement of а scanning spot оп the screen.
    - разъема (конструкции) — break line, split line
    выступ бандажа статера соединен шпонками no линии разъема, — the stater shroud ring extension is doweled at the split line.
    - связиcommunication line
    -, секущая (на графике) — line
    провести секущую линию до (величины уклона впп 0,55 %). — proceed across to (the runway slope of 0.55 % downhill).
    - силы магнитного поля землиline (of force) of the earth's magnetic field
    индукционный датчик гик определяет направление силовых линий магнитного поля земли. — the flux gate detects the direction оf the lines of the earth's magnetic field.
    - слива (возврата рабочей жидкости в зону низкого давления)return line
    - слива (за борт)drain line
    - слива масла (при циркуляции в маслосистеме двигателя) — oil return line, return oil line
    - слива топлива (на вход наcoca высокого давления из системы управления)lp fuel return (from control system)
    - сноски (на графике)reference line
    - со стрелками, пунктирная (на графике) (рис. 144) — arrowed broken line
    -, сплошная (на графике) — continuous line
    -, средняя (профиля) — center line (of an airfoil)
    линия, равноудаленная от верхней и нижней поверхностей (обводов) аэродинамического профиля. (рис. 139) — а line, each point of which is equidistant from the upper and tower boundaries of the airfoil section
    - стартаstanding start
    перпендикулярная оси впп линия, над которой находится центр тяжести самолета при его стояночном попожении перед началом разбега при взлете. (рис. 139) — the takeoff path extends from а standing start to а point at which the airplane is 1,500 feet above the takeoff surface.
    - технологического разъемаproduction break-line
    - тока (возд. потока) — streamline
    - тягиthrust line
    - уборки шасси — landing gear retraction /up/ line
    - установки вооружения, базовая — armament datum line (adl)
    - хордыchord line
    прямая линия соединяющая крайние точки передней и задней кромки аэродинамического профиля, (рис. 138) — the straight line through the centres of curvature at the leading and trailing edges of an aerofoil section.
    - хорды лопасти винта — propeller blade chord line the propeller blade chord line is at 2/3 radius section.
    - четвертей хорд (рис. 8) — quarter-chord line, 25 % chord line
    -, штрих-пунктирная (на графике) — dash-and-dot line
    -, эквидистантная полет по лп (90") станции vor в направлении от (к) станции — equidistant line flying on (90") outbound (inbound) vor radial
    выводить самолет на лзп — put /roll/ the aircraft on the desired track
    выдерживать лзпmaintain the desired track
    выставлять самолет в л. горизонтального полета без крена — level the airplane
    выходить на лзп — get /roll, rollout/ on the desired track
    выходить на лп (90") по сигналам вор (90") — intercept and fly the vor course /radial/
    выходить на лп (90") станции вор и стабилизироваться на ней с автоматическим учетом угла сноса — intercept аnd fly the vor (90") radial with crosswind correction automatically computed
    проводить вертикальную л. вверх или вниз (на графике) — proceed /go/ up or down
    проводить вертикальную л. — go up (down) from the refer
    (на графике) из точки линии отсчета к... — еncе line point to...
    проводить горизонтальную л. (на графике) до пересечения c... — proceed horizontally to intersection with
    проводить л. на графике до — proceed across to intersection
    пересечения с... — with..., proceed across to...
    следовать no л. графика — follow the guide line (on chart)

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > линия

  • 102 резьба

    (screw) thread
    (винтовая) (рис.155)
    винтовая поверхность, образования на телах вращения, применяется как средство соединения, уплотнения или обеспечения заданных перемещений деталей машин, механизмов, приборов, инструмента. — screw threads serve two general purposes: а means of securing parts or units together, for transmitting power of motion.
    -, внешняя — external thread
    -, внутренняя — internal thread
    -, газовая — gas pipe thread
    -, двухзаходная — two-start thread
    -, забитая — damaged thread
    -, забитая (с образованием заусенцев) — burred thread
    -, коническая — taper thread
    -, крупная (большого шага) — coarse-pitch thread
    -, левая — left-hand thread, lh thread
    -, ленточная (прямоугольная) — square thread
    -, международная стандартная (метрическая) — international standard metric screw thread
    -, мелкая (малого шага) — fine thread
    -, мелкая,... класса точности — fine thread,... class fit
    -, метрическая — metric thread
    -, многозаходная — multi-start thread
    для обеспечения ускоренного линейного поступательного движения. — used where rapid linear movement is required.
    -, накатанная — rolled thread
    -, наружная — external thread
    -, неполная — imperfect thread
    -, нормальная — international standard metric screw thread
    -, однозаходная — single-start thread
    -, полезная — effective thread
    -, правая — right-hand thread, rh thread
    -, прямоугольная — square thread
    -, силовая (для передачи усилий) — power transmission screw thread
    -, смятая — damaged thread
    -, сорванная — stripped thread
    -, стандартная — standard thread
    -, трапецеидальная — acme thread
    -, треугольная — sharp-v thread
    -, упорная — buttress thread
    боковая поверхность (нитки) р. — flank
    вершина р. — crest
    виток р. — thread turn
    внутренний диаметр р. — core /root/ diameter
    впадина р. — groove
    заедание р. — thread seizure
    канавка р. — groove
    нарезание р. — thread cutting
    наружный диаметр р. — outside /crest/ diameter
    нитка р. — thread, thread ridge
    основание канавки р. — root
    сбег р. — thread runout
    средний диаметр р. — pitch diameter
    срыв р. — thread strippage
    шаг р. — pitch
    восстанавливать р. — restore the thread
    зачищать р. — clean the thread
    зачищать (поврежденную) р. (надфилем) — correct the thread (with a needle file)
    калибровать p. (восстанавливать) — restore thread
    калибровать p. (калибром) — gauge /gage/ the thread
    калибровать p. (подправлять) — correct the thread
    калибровать (прогонять) р. — run thread down
    калибровать p. метчиком — run thread down with tap
    накатывать p. — roll the thread
    нарезать p. — cut the thread
    обеспечивать легкий ход р. — ease the thread
    прогонять р. — run down thread
    срывать p. — strip the thread

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > резьба

  • 103 Fox, Samson

    b. 11 July 1838 Bowling, near Bradford, Yorkshire, England
    d. 24 October 1903 Walsall, Staffordshire, England
    English engineer who invented the corrugated boiler furnace.
    He was the son of a cloth mill worker in Leeds and at the age of 10 he joined his father at the mill. Showing a mechanical inclination, he was apprenticed to a firm of machine-tool makers, Smith, Beacock and Tannett. There he rose to become Foreman and Traveller, and designed and patented tools for cutting bevelled gears. With his brother and one Refitt, he set up the Silver Cross engineering works for making special machine tools. In 1874 he founded the Leeds Forge Company, acting as Managing Director until 1896 and then as Chairman until shortly before his death.
    It was in 1877 that he patented his most important invention, the corrugated furnace for steam-boilers. These furnaces could withstand much higher pressures than the conventional form, and higher working pressures in marine boilers enabled triple-expansion engines to be installed, greatly improving the performance of steamships, and the outcome was the great ocean-going liners of the twentieth century. The first vessel to be equipped with the corrugated furnace was the Pretoria of 1878. At first the furnaces were made by hammering iron plates using swage blocks under a steam hammer. A plant for rolling corrugated plates was set up at Essen in Germany, and Fox installed a similar mill at his works in Leeds in 1882.
    In 1886 Fox installed a Siemens steelmaking plant and he was notable in the movement for replacing wrought iron with steel. He took out several patents for making pressed-steel underframes for railway wagons. The business prospered and Fox opened a works near Chicago in the USA, where in addition to wagon underframes he manufactured the first American pressed-steel carriages. He later added a works at Pittsburgh.
    Fox was the first in England to use water gas for his metallurgical operations and for lighting, with a saving in cost as it was cheaper than coal gas. He was also a pioneer in the acetylene industry, producing in 1894 the first calcium carbide, from which the gas is made.
    Fox took an active part in public life in and around Leeds, being thrice elected Mayor of Harrogate. As a music lover, he was a benefactor of musicians, contributing no less than £45,000 towards the cost of building the Royal College of Music in London, opened in 1894. In 1897 he sued for libel the author Jerome K.Jerome and the publishers of the Today magazine for accusing him of misusing his great generosity to the College to give a misleading impression of his commercial methods and prosperity. He won the case but was not awarded costs.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Royal Society of Arts James Watt Silver Medal and Howard Gold Medal. Légion d'honneur 1889.
    1877, British Patent nos. 1097 and 2530 (the corrugated furnace or "flue", as it was often called).
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1903, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: 919–21.
    Obituary, 1903, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (the fullest of the many obituary notices).
    G.A.Newby, 1993, "Behind the fire doors: Fox's corrugated furnace 1877 and the high pressure steamship", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 64.

    Biographical history of technology > Fox, Samson

  • 104 движение долгосрочного капитала

    Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > движение долгосрочного капитала

  • 105 сальдо движения капитала

    Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > сальдо движения капитала

  • 106

    a falsehood, lie
    to forge
    by striking
    to drive
    especially of root crops
    to grow large
    especially of root crops
    to grow ripe
    a small, cone-shaped ant hill
    of musical instruments
    to cause to sound by beating
    sound of a bell
    to ring
    to be in vigorous motion
    to cause vigorous motion
    to palpitate
    to strike
    to throb
    ti inflict
    to agree
    to apply
    to appoint
    to astonish
    to attach oneself to a family
    to attach oneself to a person
    to be in unison
    to be level
    to be lost from
    to be marred
    to be removed
    to be smashed
    to be taken from
    to be withheld from
    to beat
    to become loose
    to befall
    to bend
    to bind with a belt
    to blow strongly
    to bow
    to break out
    to break
    to bring together and fasten
    to bring together
    to burst out
    to call forth
    to call the names of
    to cause a great disturbance
    to cause public uproar
    to cause
    to chase away
    to commit
    to converse
    to cough
    to counteract a movement
    to crack
    to create by uniting
    to create
    to cry aloud
    to cut off
    to dash
    to deal a blow
    to destroy
    to discourse
    to drive away
    to drive into the ground
    to emit excessive heat
    to enter into close contact
    to exercise
    to exert
    to fabricate
    to fail
    to fall back
    to fall
    to fasten with a sash
    to form into balls or lumps
    to form
    to get by cutting and peeling off
    to get by digging
    to get by filling in
    to get by scooping
    to get for oneself
    to get for someone else
    to gird
    to girdle
    to give a blow
    to give a push
    to give rise to
    to go to ruin
    to grow big
    to grow heavy
    to grow old
    to grow or divide into
    to grow or swell into
    to grow or turn into
    to hammer
    to have tied around
    to have tied on
    to hit
    to institute
    to invent
    to join a society
    to join closely
    to knock out
    to knock
    to laugh
    to make a noise
    to make by beating
    to make by collection
    to make by digging
    to make by removing obstables
    to make
    to move forward rapidly
    to move the hand
    to move to a place
    to nominate to an office
    to ordain from the beginning
    to originate
    to perform
    to perish
    to play on
    to practice against
    to practise
    to praise the names of
    to prick
    to procure
    to proffer
    to pronounce
    to push aside
    to push away
    to rage
    to relate
    to relax
    to report
    to resort to a person
    to resort to a place
    to resort to a shelter or hiding place
    to rise up in public disorder
    to roar
    to ruin
    to rush into destruction
    to set before
    to set in motion
    to set one's hand to
    to set to flight
    to set up
    to shake
    to shape into
    to shatter
    to shout
    to sink
    to smack with the tongue
    to smash
    to sound off
    to speak out
    to speak
    to spoil
    to sting
    to stop something from spreading
    to strike at
    to surprise
    to take refuge in
    to talk
    to thunder
    to treat with
    to turn into
    to utter and address with words of various purpose
    to utter
    to wail
    to whirl up

    Twi to English dictionary >

  • 107 çalım

    1. swagger, strut, affected dignity. 2. the curved cutting edge of a scimitar. 3. soccer fake, faking movement. -ından geçilmemek /ın/ to swagger unbearably. -ına getirmek /ı/ 1. to find a convenient occasion (for). 2. to make (something) work out as one desires. - satmak to swagger.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çalım

  • 108 הוצאה

    הוֹצָאָהf. ( יצא, v. יְצִיאָה) 1) carrying out. B. Kam30a שעת הוֹצָאַת זבלים the season for carrying out dung; a. fr.הוֹצָאַת המת funeral escort. Meg.3b; a. e.Esp. (with ref. to Sabbath law) carrying out of the house, in gen. transferring an object from one territory to another (from private to public ground a. vice versa, v. רָשוּת). Sabb.2b שתים דה׳ two forbidden acts in taking out of the house, opp. הכנסה, carrying in. Ib. תנא הכנסה נמיה׳וכ׳ the teacher of the Mishnah calls the carrying in, too, hotsaah (Mish. יְצִיאָה), transfer. Ib. כל עקירת … ה׳וכ׳ any removal of an object from its place is implied in the term hotsaah. Y. ib. I, 2b; a. fr. 2) bringing forth, sprouting. Y.Shebi.V, 35d bot. מהוצאת עלין from the rime that the leaves come forth. 3) ה׳ נפש the escape of life, last dying movement. Ḥull.38a. 4) the time consumed by the laborer to go out to the field. Gen. R. s. 72 ה׳ מִשֶּׁל בעה״ב the time for going out to the place of labor is included in the working hours belonging to the employer (B. Mets.83b, a. e. יציאה). 5) expenditure, outlay, cost; marketing. Y.Peah IV, beg.18a ה׳ משל בעה״ב the cost (of cutting the fruits of the tree) must be borne by the owner (and not by the poor). Y.Shek.I, end, 46b ה׳ דרכים expense for keeping the roads in repair. Keth.80a אם הי׳ שבח יתר על הה׳ if the income from the improvement exceeds the outlay. Sabb.117b ה׳ שבת the marketing for the Sabbath; a. fr.Pl. הוֹצָאוֹת. Keth.VIII, 5 המוציאה׳ עלוכ׳ if one spends money for improving his wifes estate. Num. R. s. 14, end כמהה׳ יוצאיתוכ׳ how large the expenses are for the royal table; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > הוצאה

  • 109 הוֹצָאָה

    הוֹצָאָהf. ( יצא, v. יְצִיאָה) 1) carrying out. B. Kam30a שעת הוֹצָאַת זבלים the season for carrying out dung; a. fr.הוֹצָאַת המת funeral escort. Meg.3b; a. e.Esp. (with ref. to Sabbath law) carrying out of the house, in gen. transferring an object from one territory to another (from private to public ground a. vice versa, v. רָשוּת). Sabb.2b שתים דה׳ two forbidden acts in taking out of the house, opp. הכנסה, carrying in. Ib. תנא הכנסה נמיה׳וכ׳ the teacher of the Mishnah calls the carrying in, too, hotsaah (Mish. יְצִיאָה), transfer. Ib. כל עקירת … ה׳וכ׳ any removal of an object from its place is implied in the term hotsaah. Y. ib. I, 2b; a. fr. 2) bringing forth, sprouting. Y.Shebi.V, 35d bot. מהוצאת עלין from the rime that the leaves come forth. 3) ה׳ נפש the escape of life, last dying movement. Ḥull.38a. 4) the time consumed by the laborer to go out to the field. Gen. R. s. 72 ה׳ מִשֶּׁל בעה״ב the time for going out to the place of labor is included in the working hours belonging to the employer (B. Mets.83b, a. e. יציאה). 5) expenditure, outlay, cost; marketing. Y.Peah IV, beg.18a ה׳ משל בעה״ב the cost (of cutting the fruits of the tree) must be borne by the owner (and not by the poor). Y.Shek.I, end, 46b ה׳ דרכים expense for keeping the roads in repair. Keth.80a אם הי׳ שבח יתר על הה׳ if the income from the improvement exceeds the outlay. Sabb.117b ה׳ שבת the marketing for the Sabbath; a. fr.Pl. הוֹצָאוֹת. Keth.VIII, 5 המוציאה׳ עלוכ׳ if one spends money for improving his wifes estate. Num. R. s. 14, end כמהה׳ יוצאיתוכ׳ how large the expenses are for the royal table; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > הוֹצָאָה

  • 110 קטיף

    קְטִיףm. (קְטַף) (the movement of the grape-cutter,) cut. Koh. R. to X, 2 מחמי ליה ק׳ מן הדין גיסא showed him (with his hand) a cut from that (left) side (threatening punishment; Var. in Matt. K. מחיוכ׳ he struck him a cutting blow with his hand).(Koh. R. to XI, 9, v. קְטַף I.

    Jewish literature > קטיף

  • 111 קְטִיף

    קְטִיףm. (קְטַף) (the movement of the grape-cutter,) cut. Koh. R. to X, 2 מחמי ליה ק׳ מן הדין גיסא showed him (with his hand) a cut from that (left) side (threatening punishment; Var. in Matt. K. מחיוכ׳ he struck him a cutting blow with his hand).(Koh. R. to XI, 9, v. קְטַף I.

    Jewish literature > קְטִיף

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