1 currency in circulation
деньги в обращении; денежное обращение -
2 currency in circulation
деньги в обращении ; денежное обращение ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > currency in circulation
3 currency in circulation
эк. деньги в обращении (совокупность банкнот и монет, обращающихся в экономике, т. е. находящихся на руках у населения и предприятий)See:
* * *
деньги в обращении: бумажные деньги и монета в обращении (часть денежной массы).* * ** * *Финансы/Кредит/ВалютаАнгло-русский экономический словарь > currency in circulation
4 currency in circulation
1) Экономика: бумажные деньги и монеты в обращении, валюта в обращении, деньги в обращении2) Бухгалтерия: деньги в обращении, обращающиеся платёжные средства3) Банковское дело: денежная масса в обращенииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > currency in circulation
5 currency in circulation
Politics english-russian dictionary > currency in circulation
6 currency in circulation
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > currency in circulation
7 currency in circulation
деньги в обращении, обращающиеся платёжные средстваEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > currency in circulation
8 currency in circulation
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > currency in circulation
9 money in circulation (currency in circulation)
денежная масса в обращении ; количество денег в обращении ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > money in circulation (currency in circulation)
10 paper currency in circulation
Банковское дело: бумажные деньги в обращенииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > paper currency in circulation
11 volume of currency in circulation
Экономика: объём денежных средств в обращенииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > volume of currency in circulation
12 paper currency in circulation
Англо-русский экономический словарь > paper currency in circulation
13 volume of currency in circulation
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > volume of currency in circulation
14 volume of currency in circulation
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > volume of currency in circulation
15 currency
сущ.1) фин. валюта (национальная денежная единица какой-л. страны)ATTRIBUTES:
appreciated currency — переоцененная валюта, валюта с завышенным курсом
The dollar was a strong currency. — Доллар был сильной валютой.
Mergers can dilute the equity of existing shareholders of the acquiring company if the deal currency is stock rather than cash.
They normally require payment in the currency of their own country.
See:account currency, accounting currency, agreement currency, Article 8 currency, artificial currency, base currency, blocked currency, common currency, community currency, composite currency, convertible currency, credit currency, domestic currency, dual currency, eurocurrency, exotic currency, fixed currency, floating currency, foreign currency, free currency, freely convertible currency, freely usable currency, functional currency, green currency, hard currency 1), home currency, inconvertible currency, intervention currency, investment currency, key currency, local currency, managed currency, national currency, non-convertible currency, overvalued currency, pegged currency, petrocurrency, price currency, quoted currency, reporting currency, reserve currency, single currency, soft currency, sound currency, undervalued currency, vehicle currency, weak currency, xenocurrency, currency appreciation, currency arbitrage, currency area, currency band, currency basket, currency bloc, currency block, currency board, currency clause, currency cocktail, currency composite, currency contract, currency conversion, currency convertibility, currency crisis, currency dealer, currency depreciation, currency fund, currency futures, currency futures contract, currency holdings, currency integration, currency intervention, currency market, currency option, currency policy, currency position, currency quotation, currency reserve, currency restrictions, currency risk, currency snake, currency speculation, currency substitution, currency swap, currency union, currency zone, backing of currency, convertibility of currency, currency interest rate swap, currency of contract, currency of credit, currency of price, gold and foreign currency reserves, indexed currency option note, inflation of currency, issue of currency, N-th currency problem, par value of currency, purchasing power of the currency, Currency Transaction Report, First National Bank of Eden, South Dakota v. Department of the Treasury, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, First National Bank of Eden, South Dakota v. Department of the Treasury, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, First National Bank of Eden, South Dakota v. Department of the Treasury, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, First National Bank of Eden, South Dakota v. Department of the Treasury, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, First National Bank of Eden, South Dakota v. Department of the Treasury, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency2) эк. средство обращения (деньги, но также любой актив, выступающий как средство обращения, напр., монеты, банкноты, чеки, векселя, долговые расписки и т. п.)currency shipment — перевозка денег; партия (перевозимых) денег
See:counterfeit currency, deposit currency, fiat currency, fiduciary currency, fractional currency, gold currency, hard currency 2), irredeemable currency, metallic currency, paper currency, strong currency, Treasury currency, wildcat currency, worn currency, currency issue, currency note, currency in circulation, money, asset 1), coin, bank note 1), cheque, bill of exchange, debt obligation, medium of exchange, functions of money, negotiable instrument3)а) эк. обращение (денег) (движение денег в процессе производства и обращения товаров, оказания услуг и совершения платежей)See:, double currency, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Comptroller of the Currency, bimetallism, monometallism, monetary system, money, coinб) общ. распространение, распространенность; широкая применимость, употребительностьSince the Gulf war, the term has gained new currency. — После войны в Персидском заливе данный термин вновь обрел частотность.
4) общ. срок действия (чего-л., напр., контракта, страхового полиса и т. д.)during the currency of the agreement [policy\] — в течение срока действия данного договора [полиса\]
* * *. любая форма денег, которые находятся в обращении; . Глоссарий финансовых и биржевых терминов .* * *Финансы/Кредит/Валюта1. денежная единица страны, используемая в данном государстве2. денежные знаки иностранных государств, кредитные и платежные документы в виде векселей, чеков, банкнот, используемые в международных расчетах-----1. денежная единица для измерения величины стоимости товара2. денежная единица данной страны3. международная денежная единица и платежное средство -
16 currency
n2) деньги; валюта•to appreciate the currency — повышать курс валюты, ревальвировать валюту
to depreciate the currency by... per cent — девальвировать / обесценивать валюту на... процентов
- common currencyto devalue the currency — девальвировать / обесценивать валюту
- conversion of currencies
- convertible currency
- crashing currency
- currency firmed
- currency has lost value
- currency in circulation
- decline of a currency
- depreciated currency
- devaluation of currencies
- domestic currency
- earner of foreign currency
- floating currency
- foreign currency
- free currency
- freely floating currency
- hard currency
- home currency
- imposition of a single currency
- in local currency
- inconvertible currency
- inflationary depreciation of currencies
- inflow of foreign currency
- international unit of currency
- key currency
- leading currencies
- local currency
- main source of hard currency
- major currencies
- managed currency
- member of the single currency
- national currency
- native currency
- nearly worthless currency
- nonconvertible currency
- overvalued currency
- paper currency
- pegged currency
- reserve currency
- reserves of foreign currency are low
- revolution of currencies
- sharp fall in the value of a currency
- shortage of hard currency
- single European currency
- soft currency
- sound currency
- stabilization of currency
- undervalued currency
- unified currency -
17 currency
[ˈkʌrənsɪ]borrowing currency валюта займа composite currency составная валюта convertible currency конвертируемая валюта counterfeit currency фальшивая валюта currency валюта, деньги currency валюта currency денежное обращение currency деньги currency продолжительность currency распространенность currency срок действия currency употребительность; this word (this game) is in common currency это очень распространенное слово (распространенная игра); to give currency (to smth.) пускать (что-л.) в обращение currency употребительность currency convertible in fact фактически конвертируемая валюта currency in circulation бумажные деньги и монеты в обращении currency in circulation денежная масса в обращении currency in opposition валюта в оппозиции currency of borrowing валютный заем currency of payment валюта платежа decimal currency десятичная денежная система devaluated currency девальвированная валюта devalue a currency девальвировать валюту devalue a currency проводить девальвацию валюты domestic currency местная валюта external value of a currency интернациональная стоимость валюты floating currency валюта с плавающим курсом foreign currency девизы foreign currency иностранная валюта forward currency валюта на срок forward currency форвардная валюта freely convertible currency свободно конвертируемая валюта freely floating currency валюта со свободно колеблющимся курсом functional currency официальная валюта currency употребительность; this word (this game) is in common currency это очень распространенное слово (распространенная игра); to give currency (to smth.) пускать (что-л.) в обращение gold-pegged currency валюта, курс которой привязан к стоимости золота hard currency вал.-фин. конвертируемая валюта hard currency вал.-фин. твердая валюта hard: currency устойчивый; hard prices устойчивые цены; hard currency устойчивая валюта key currency вал.-фин. ключевая валюта key currency вал.-фин. резервная валюта legal currency законная валюта low-inflation currency валюта с низкими темпами инфляции low-inflation currency валюта с устойчивым курсом low-interest currency валюта с низкой процентной ставкой main currency основная денежная единица managed currency регулируемая валюта nonconvertible currency неконвертируемая валюта paper currency бумажные деньги pegged currency валюта с искусственно поддерживаемым курсом principal currency основная валюта refuge currency вывозимая валюта reserve currency резервная валюта scarce currency дефицитная валюта snake currency валюта с ограниченными колебаниями курса при свободном плавании относительно доллара США soft currency валюта с понижательной тенденцией курса soft currency неконвертируемая валюта specified currency валюта для платежей за экспорт в страны, не входящие в стерлинговую зону (Великобритания) stabilized currency устойчивая валюта suspend a currency приостанавливать операции с определенной валютой currency употребительность; this word (this game) is in common currency это очень распространенное слово (распространенная игра); to give currency (to smth.) пускать (что-л.) в обращение undervalued currency валюта с заниженным курсом -
18 currency
n1) валюта, деньги
- accounting currency
- adjustable currency
- agreed currency
- agreement currency
- anchor currency
- appreciated currency
- article eight currency
- automatic currency
- base currency
- blocked currency
- cheap currency
- cheque currency
- clearing currency
- collective currency
- common currency
- controlled currency
- convertible currency
- convertible in gold currency
- counterfeit currency
- credit currency
- dealt currency
- decimal currency
- deposit currency
- depreciated currency
- depreciating currency
- devalued currency
- domestic currency
- double currency
- elastic currency
- emergency currency
- exotic currency
- exporter's currency
- falling currency
- fiat currencies
- fiduciary currency
- floating currency
- fluctuating currency
- forced currency
- foreign currency
- fractional currency
- free currency
- freely convertible currency
- freely floating currency
- full-bodied currency
- fully convertible currency
- functional currency
- general asset currency
- gold currency
- green currency
- hand-to-hand currency
- hard currency
- home currency
- importer's currency
- inconvertible currency
- inflated currency
- international currency
- intervention currency
- irredeemable currency
- jointly floating currency
- key currency
- lawful currency
- leading currency
- local currency
- major currencies
- managed currency
- metallic currency
- mixed currency
- national currency
- nonconvertible currency
- overvalued currency
- paper currency
- partially convertible currency
- pegged currency
- permitted currencies
- quotation currency
- redeemable in gold currency
- reference currency
- regulated currency
- reporting currency
- reserve currency
- revalued currency
- scarce currency
- settled currency
- shaky currency
- silver currency
- single currency
- small denomination currency
- soft currency
- sound currency
- splinter currency
- stable currency
- standard currency
- third-country currency
- trading currency
- transaction currency
- treasury currency
- undervalued currency
- unstable currency
- vehicle currency
- volatile currency
- currency in circulation
- currency of account
- currency of a bill
- currency of clearing
- currency of a contract
- currency of credit
- currency of exchange clause
- currency of money
- currency of payment
- currency of price
- currency pegged to the dollar
- appreciate currency
- back currency
- compute in currency
- control currency
- convert currency
- debase currency
- deposit currency
- depreciate currency
- devalorize currency
- devaluate currency
- devalue currency
- dump currency
- earn currency
- exchange currency
- express in currency
- manage currency
- pay in currency
- prop up currency
- purchase currency
- realize for foreign currency
- regulate currency
- remit currency
- revalorize currency
- revalue currency
- sell for foreign currency
- transfer currency from one account to another
- transfer currency to an accountEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > currency
19 currency
1) валюта, денежная единица2) деньги в обращении, денежные инструменты• -
20 currency
См. также в других словарях:
Currency In Circulation — Currency that is physically used to conduct transactions between consumers and businesses rather than stored in a bank, financial institution or central bank. Currency in circulation is part of the overall money supply, with a larger portion of… … Investment dictionary
currency in circulation — Paper money, coins, and demand deposits that constitute all the money circulating in the economy. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
currency in circulation — amount of money circulating throughout a country … English contemporary dictionary
Circulation (currency) — The social system in which we live has usually developed to the stage for money to be used as the medium for the exchange of goods and services. Hence the money is an important aspect of the general social or macroeconomics system. To better… … Wikipedia
Currency of Venezuela — This article provides a historical summary of the currency used in Venezuela since the end of the 18th century. For the present currency of Venezuela, see Venezuelan bolívar. Contents 1 Pre independence currency 1.1 Coin 1.1.1 1787 lightweight… … Wikipedia
Currency strap — A stack of $10,000 straps. Note the ABA compliant mustard color. A currency strap, also known as currency band or bill strap is a simple paper device designed to hold a specific denomination and number of banknotes. It can also refer to the… … Wikipedia
Currency of Maldives — Contents 1 History 1.1 Boli 1.2 Dhigu laari 1.3 Loa laari 2 Today … Wikipedia
currency — / kʌrənsɪ/ noun 1. money in coins and notes which is used in a particular country 2. a foreign currency, the currency of another country (NOTE: =Currency has no plural when it refers to the money of one country:… … Dictionary of banking and finance
currency — / kʌrənsɪ/ noun money in coins and notes which is used in a particular country ▪▪▪ ‘…today’s wide daily variations in exchange rates show the instability of a system based on a single currency, namely the dollar’ [Economist] ▪▪▪ ‘…the level of… … Marketing dictionary in english
circulation — /ˌsɜ:kjυ leɪʃ(ə)n/ noun the number of readers of a newspaper or magazine. It is audited and is not the same as ‘readership’. ▪▪▪ ‘…the level of currency in circulation increased to N4.9 billion in the month of August’ [Business Times (Lagos)] … Marketing dictionary in english
Circulation — may refer to: Circulatory system, a biological organ system whose primary function is to move substances to and from cells Circulation (fluid dynamics), the path integral of the fluid velocity around a closed curve Circulation (journal), one of… … Wikipedia