1 cumulative
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cumulative ['kju:mjʊlətɪv]cumulatif►► Finance cumulative balance solde m cumulé;Law cumulative evidence preuve f par accumulation de témoignages;Finance cumulative interest intérêts mpl cumulatifs;Stock Exchange cumulative preference share action f privilégiée;Finance cumulative profit bénéfice m cumulé;Politics cumulative voting vote m plural -
3 cumulative
cumulative [ˊkju:mjυlətɪv] aсовоку́пный, нако́пленный; кумуляти́вный;cumulative changes о́бщие сдви́ги
;cumulative vote систе́ма вы́боров, при кото́рой ка́ждый избира́тель име́ет сто́лько голосо́в, ско́лько вы́ставлено кандида́тов, и мо́жет отда́ть все свои́ голоса́ одному́ кандида́ту или распредели́ть их по своему́ жела́нию
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cumulative kumulativ, sich anhäufend, sich steigernd; sich addierendEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > cumulative
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cumulative fatigueобщее утомление -
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накопленный (напр. о погрешности); кумулятивный; совокупный; суммарный (о зоне касания)- cumulative base pitch error - cumulative breakdown - cumulative burnup - cumulative changes - cumulative contact area - cumulative contact marking - cumulative damage - cumulative damages - cumulative data - cumulative discount - cumulative failure rate - cumulative fatige damage - cumulative flow - cumulative gear pitch error - cumulative hazard - cumulative injected fuel volume - cumulative jet - cumulative oil pumping - cumulative part training - cumulative pitch error of ķ pitches of the rack - cumulative pitch error of ķ pitches of the worm - cumulative pitch variation - cumulative pulse - cumulative scale of forces and power - cumulative storage life - cumulative time of engine running - cumulative time test - cumulative tolerance - cumulative tyre wear -
12 cumulative
adjective1) (increased by successive additions) kumulativ (geh.)cumulative strength/effect — Gesamtstärke/-wirkung, die
* * *['kju:mjulətiv](becoming greater by stages or additions: This drug has a cumulative effect.) steigernd* * *cu·mu·la·tive[ˈkju:mjələtɪv, AM -t̬-]the \cumulative evidence was overwhelming die Fülle an Beweismaterial war überwältigend\cumulative total Gesamtbetrag m* * *['kjuːmjʊlətɪv]adjgesamt, kumulativ (geh)the cumulative debts of ten years — die Schulden, die sich im Lauf von zehn Jahren angehäuft haben/hatten
* * *1. kumulativ, Sammel…, Gesamt…:cumulative effect Gesamtwirkung f3. zusätzlich, (noch) hinzukommend, verstärkend, Zusatz…4. WIRTSCH kumulativ:cumulative dividend Dividende f auf kumulative Vorzugsaktien;* * *adjective1) (increased by successive additions) kumulativ (geh.)cumulative strength/effect — Gesamtstärke/-wirkung, die
2) (formed by successive additions) zusätzlich; Zusatz-* * *adj.anwachsend adj.geballt adj.gesamt adj. -
13 cumulative
прил.1) общ. накопленный, совокупный; кумулятивный; сводный; интегральныйcumulative evidence [proof\] — совокупность улик [доказательств\]
cumulative data — накопленные [суммарные\] данные
2) общ. накопленный, кумулятивный (о показателе, который определяется в результате сложения других показателей за определенный период или по определенному признаку)See:3) фин. кумулятивный (о привилегированных акциях, дивиденды по которым в случае нехватки средств у компании-эмитента накапливаются и выплачиваются в последующие периоды)Ant:See:* * *нарастающим итогом; суммарно; совокупно. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
14 cumulative
['kjuːmjʊlətɪv] [AE -leɪtɪv]aggettivo cumulativo* * *['kju:mjulətiv](becoming greater by stages or additions: This drug has a cumulative effect.) cumulativo* * *cumulative /ˈkju:mjʊlətɪv/a.4 (fin.) cumulativo: cumulative preference shares, azioni privilegiate cumulative; (fisc.) cumulative turnover tax, imposta cumulativa sulla cifra d'affari● (stat.) cumulative distribution function, funzione di ripartizione □ (fin.) cumulative dividend, dividendo cumulativo □ (stat.) cumulative error, errore cumulativo □ (fin., mat.) cumulative interest, interesse composto □ (polit.) cumulative voting, votazione cumulativacumulatively avv. cumulativeness n. [u].* * *['kjuːmjʊlətɪv] [AE -leɪtɪv]aggettivo cumulativo -
15 cumulative
1) кумулятивный
2) накопляющийся
3) накопленный
4) совокупный
– cumulative ablation
– cumulative data
– cumulative depreciation
– cumulative diagram
– cumulative effect
– cumulative error
– cumulative ionization
– cumulative wear
– cumulative winding
cumulative amalgam polarography — <opt.> полярография с накоплением амальгамная
cumulative compound excitation — согласное смешанное возбуждение
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(error) cumulé(e)MARKETING cumulative audience audience f cumulée;cumulative balance solde m cumulé;cumulative costs coûts m pl cumulés;cumulative debit débit m cumulé;cumulative dividend dividende m cumulatif;FINANCE cumulative interest intérêts m pl cumulatifs;STOCK EXCHANGE cumulative preference share action f privilégiée cumulative;cumulative profit bénéfice m cumulé;cumulative revenue revenu m cumulé;STOCK EXCHANGE cumulative share action à dividende cumulatif -
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a кумулативен, който се натрупва/усилва, нарастващ
CUMULATIVE evidence юр. доказателства, които взаимно се потвърждават, стичащи се доказателства/улики
CUMULATIVE voting избирателна система, при която всеки избирател има право на толкова гласове, колкото са кандидатите, и може да подаде всичките за един кандидат* * *{'kju:mjulъtiv} а кумулативен, който се натрупва/усилва; н* * *кумулативен;* * *1. a кумулативен, който се натрупва/усилва, нарастващ 2. cumulative evidence юр. доказателства, които взаимно се потвърждават, стичащи се доказателства/улики 3. cumulative voting избирателна система, при която всеки избирател има право на толкова гласове, колкото са кандидатите, и може да подаде всичките за един кандидат* * *cumulative[´kju:mjulətiv] adj кумулативен, който се натрупва (усилва); \cumulative action мед. кумулативно действие (на лекарства); \cumulative evidence стичане на доказателствата (уликите, показанията); доказателства, които взаимно се потвърждават; \cumulative voting избирателна система, при която всеки избирател има толкова гласа, колкото е броят на кандидатите в неговия район, и може да ги подаде всички за един кандидат; FONT face=Times_Deutsch◊ adv cumulatively. -
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a накопленный, совокупный; кумулятивныйcumulative preference shares — кумулятивные привилегированные акции, акции с накопляющимся гарантированным дивидендом
cumulative vote — кумулятивный вотум, множественный голос
cumulative error — накопленная ошибка; суммарная ошибка
cumulative data — накопленные данные; суммарные данные
Синонимический ряд:1. accumulative (adj.) accumulative; additory; attained; chain; gathered; increasing; secured; summative2. additive (adj.) additive; aggregate; collective; total3. intensifying (adj.) advancing; heightening; intensifying; snowballingАнтонимический ряд: -
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накопленный ; накопляющийся ; кумулятивный ; ? cumulative arrears ; ? cumulative balance sheet ; ? ; ? cumulative figures ; ? cumulative depreciation ; ? cumulative effect ; ? cumulative series ; ? cumulative sum ; -
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[ʹkju:mjʋlətıv] aнакопленный, совокупный; кумулятивныйcumulative evidence [proof] - совокупность улик [доказательств]
cumulative offence(s) - юр. совокупность преступлений
cumulative vote = cumulative voting
cumulative preference shares - кумулятивные привилегированные акции, акции с накопляющимся гарантированным дивидендом
cumulative effect - спец. кумулятивное действие
cumulative effect of a drug - кумулятивное действие лекарственного или наркотического препарата
См. также в других словарях:
Cumulative — Cu mu*la*tive (k? m? l? t?v), a. [Cf. F. cumulatif.] [1913 Webster] 1. Composed of parts in a heap; forming a mass; aggregated. As for knowledge which man receiveth by teaching, it is cumulative, not original. Bacon [1913 Webster] 2. Augmenting,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cumulative — cu·mu·la·tive / kyü myə lə tiv, ˌlā / adj 1: increasing by successive additions 2: tending to prove the same point cumulative testimony 3: following in time Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster … Law dictionary
cumulative — cu‧mu‧la‧tive [ˈkjuːmjlətɪv ǁ leɪtɪv] adjective increasing gradually and having a greater effect as more is added over a period of time: • The state is already saddled with a cumulative deficit of about $73 million. • The company faces… … Financial and business terms
cumulative — cumulative, accumulative, additive, summative are comparable when meaning increasing or produced by the addition of like or assimilable things. Something is cumulative which is constantly increasing or is capable of constant increase (as in size … New Dictionary of Synonyms
cumulative — cumulative, accumulative are both used in the meaning ‘formed or increasing by successive additions’, although cumulative is now more usual (as in cumulative arguments, effect, evidence, force, etc.). Accumulative is however still found, (there… … Modern English usage
cumulative — [kyo͞o′myə lə tiv΄; ] occas. [, kyo͞o′myəlāt΄iv] adj. [see CUMULATE] 1. increasing in effect, size, quantity, etc. by successive additions; accumulated [cumulative interest] 2. taking successive additions into account [a cumulative average] 3.… … English World dictionary
cumulative — (adj.) c.1600, from L. cumulatus, pp. of cumulare to heap, from cumulus heap (see CUMULUS (Cf. cumulus)) + IVE (Cf. ive) … Etymology dictionary
cumulative — [adj] accruing; growing in size or effect accumulative, additive, additory, advancing, aggregate, amassed, augmenting, chain, collective, heaped, heightening, increasing, increscent, intensifying, magnifying, multiplying, snowballing*, summative; … New thesaurus
cumulative — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ increasing or increased by successive additions. DERIVATIVES cumulatively adverb … English terms dictionary
cumulative — adjective Date: 1605 1. a. made up of accumulated parts b. increasing by successive additions 2. tending to prove the same point < cumulative evidence > 3. a. taking effect upon completion of another penal sentence … New Collegiate Dictionary
cumulative — adj. 1 a increasing or increased in amount, force, etc., by successive additions (cumulative evidence). b formed by successive additions (learning is a cumulative process). 2 Stock Exch. (of shares) entitling holders to arrears of interest before … Useful english dictionary