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См. также в других словарях:

  • cubes — noun /kjuːbz/ testicles. Actually, I should have just kicked him in the cubes and gotten my face out of there …   Wiktionary

  • Cubes OLAP — Hypercube OLAP Un hypercube OLAP (ou cube OLAP) est une représentation abstraite d informations multidimensionnelles exclusivement numérique utilisé par l approche OLAP (acronyme de On line Analytical Processing). Cette structure est prévue à des …   Wikipédia en Français

  • CUBES — Capacity utilization bottleneck efficiency system (Academic & Science » Electronics) …   Abbreviations dictionary

  • cubes — kjuːb n. shape composed of six equal squares; object shaped like a cube (i.e. box); third power (Mathematics) v. raise to the third power (Mathematics) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • cubes — A colloquial term for cubic inches, or cubic inch displacement of an engine …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • CUBES — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dyadic cubes — In mathematics, the dyadic cubes are a collection of cubes in ℝn of different sizes or scales such that the set of cubes of each scale partition ℝn and each cube in one scale may be written as a union of cubes of a smaller scale. These are… …   Wikipedia

  • Bituriges Cubes — Les Bituriges Cubes (Lat. bituriges cubii, grec. Βιτούριγες οἱ Κοῦβοι) étaient un peuple gaulois qui occupait un territoire correspondant approximativement à l ancienne province du Berry[1]. Leur capitale était Avaricon (Lat. Avaricum, gr.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Marching cubes — Head and cerebral structures (hidden) extracted from 150 MRI slices using marching cubes (about 150,000 triangles) Marching cubes is a computer graphics algorithm, published in the 1987 SIGGRAPH proceedings by Lorensen and Cline,[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Marching Cubes — Polygonmodell eines Kopfes, der mittels Marching Cube aus 150 MRT Schichten extrahiert wurde ( 150.000 Dreiecke) Marching Cubes ist ein Algorithmus zur Berechnung von Isoflächen in der 3D Computergrafik. Er nähert eine Voxelgrafik durch eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Compound of five cubes — Type Regular compound Stellation core rhombic triacontahedron Convex hull Dodecahedron Index …   Wikipedia

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