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  • 21 swat

    [swot] 1. past tense, past participle - swatted; verb
    (to crush (a fly etc) by slapping it with something flat: He swatted the fly with a folded newspaper.) esmagar
    2. noun
    (an act of swatting: He gave the wasp a swat.) pancada
    * * *
    [swɔt] n 1 golpe violento. 2 mata-moscas. • vt 1 esmagar, matar com um golpe (moscas). 2 atingir com uma pancada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > swat

  • 22 tread

    [tred] 1. past tense - trod; verb
    1) (to place one's feet on: He threw his cigarette on the ground and trod on it.) pisar
    2) (to walk on, along, over etc: He trod the streets looking for a job.) calcorrear
    3) (to crush by putting one's feet on: We watched them treading the grapes.) pisar
    2. noun
    1) (a way of walking or putting one's feet: I heard his heavy tread.) passo
    2) (the grooved and patterned surface of a tyre: The tread has been worn away.) banda de rodagem/piso QUERY
    3) (the horizontal part of a step or stair on which the foot is placed.) piso
    * * *
    [tred] n 1 passo, ruído de passos. 2 andar, modo de andar. 3 piso de degrau. 4 face de rolamento de uma roda, banda de rodagem de pneu, superfície de rolamento do trilho. 5 bitola, distância entre as rodas de um automóvel. 6 galadura. 7 sola (do pé ou do sapato). 8 gala do ovo, cicatrícula. • vt+vi (ps trod, pp trodden) 1 andar, marchar, caminhar. 2 pisar. don’t tread on his toes / fig não pise em seus calos. 3 calcular, esmagar com os pés. 4 seguir nas pegadas. we trod in his footsteps / fig seguimos seu exemplo. he is treading on her heels / ele segue em seus calcanhares. 5 dominar, reprimir. 6 trilhar, abrir caminho com os pés. to tread down a) pisar, esmagar com os pés. b) reprimir. to tread in fazer entrar com pisadelas. to tread on, to tread upon pisar em, pisar sobre. to tread out a) apagar (fogo) com os pés. b) espremer uvas pisando-as. to tread under foot a) pisar, calcar, esmagar. b) dominar.
    adj pisado, pisoteado (por muitas pessoas ou animais), amassado, marcado com pegadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tread

  • 23 uncrushable

    [∧nkr'∧ʃəbl] adj 1 não amarrotável, não amarfanhável. 2 fig que não cede, permanente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > uncrushable

  • 24 grind down

    (to crush: She was ground down by poverty.) esmagar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grind down

  • 25 stamp out

    1) (to put out or extinguish (a fire) by stamping on it: She stamped out the remains of the fire.) pisar
    2) (to crush (a rebellion etc).) esmagar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stamp out

  • 26 crunch

    1. verb
    (to crush noisily (something hard), with the teeth, feet etc: She crunched sweets all through the film.) mastigar ruidosamente
    2. noun
    the crunch of gravel under the car wheels.) ranger

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > crunch

  • 27 grind

    1. past tense, past participle - ground; verb
    1) (to crush into powder or small pieces: This machine grinds coffee.) moer, triturar
    2) (to rub together, usually producing an unpleasant noise: He grinds his teeth.) ranger, rilhar
    3) (to rub into or against something else: He ground his heel into the earth.) esmagar
    2. noun
    (boring hard work: Learning vocabulary is a bit of a grind.) trabalho penoso
    - grinding - grindstone - grind down - grind up - keep someone's nose to the grindstone - keep one's nose to the grindstone

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > grind

  • 28 grind down

    (to crush: She was ground down by poverty.) esmagar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > grind down

  • 29 mangle

    ['mæŋɡl] 1. verb
    1) (to crush to pieces: The car was badly mangled in the accident.) estraçalhar
    2) (to spoil (eg a piece of music) by bad mistakes etc: He mangled the music by his terrible playing.) massacrar
    3) (to put (clothing etc) through a mangle.) calandrar
    2. noun
    (a machine with rollers for squeezing water out of wet clothes etc.) calandra

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > mangle

  • 30 mash

    [mæʃ] 1. verb
    (to crush into small pieces or a soft mass: Put in some butter when you mash the potatoes.) triturar, esmagar
    2. noun
    (mashed potato: sausage and mash.) purê de batatas

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > mash

  • 31 pulverise

    (to make or crush into dust or powder.) pulverizar
    - pulverisation

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pulverise

  • 32 pulverize

    (to make or crush into dust or powder.) pulverizar
    - pulverisation

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pulverize

  • 33 squash

    [skwoʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to press, squeeze or crush: He tried to squash too many clothes into his case; The tomatoes got squashed (flat) at the bottom of the shopping-bag.) espremer, esmagar
    2) (to defeat (a rebellion etc).) esmagar
    2. noun
    1) (a state of being squashed or crowded: There was a great squash in the doorway.) aperto
    2) ((a particular flavour of) a drink containing the juice of crushed fruit: Have some orange squash!)
    3) ((also squash rackets) a type of game played in a walled court with rackets and a rubber ball.) squash
    4) (a vegetable or plant of the gourd family.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > squash

  • 34 stamp out

    1) (to put out or extinguish (a fire) by stamping on it: She stamped out the remains of the fire.) apagar pisoteando
    2) (to crush (a rebellion etc).) esmagar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stamp out

  • 35 swat

    [swot] 1. past tense, past participle - swatted; verb
    (to crush (a fly etc) by slapping it with something flat: He swatted the fly with a folded newspaper.) esmagar com um tapa
    2. noun
    (an act of swatting: He gave the wasp a swat.) tapa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > swat

  • 36 tread

    [tred] 1. past tense - trod; verb
    1) (to place one's feet on: He threw his cigarette on the ground and trod on it.) pisar em
    2) (to walk on, along, over etc: He trod the streets looking for a job.) trilhar
    3) (to crush by putting one's feet on: We watched them treading the grapes.) pisotear, pisar
    2. noun
    1) (a way of walking or putting one's feet: I heard his heavy tread.) passada
    2) (the grooved and patterned surface of a tyre: The tread has been worn away.) banda de pneu
    3) (the horizontal part of a step or stair on which the foot is placed.) degrau

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tread

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Crush 40 — est un groupe hard rock américain et japonais ayant grandement participé à la piste sonore de plusieurs jeux vidéo chez SEGA, compagnie japonaise de jeux vidéo réputée, principalement les jeux Sonic.Le cœur du groupe est le guitariste hard rock… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • crush — vb 1 Crush, mash, smash, bruise, squash, macerate are comparable when they mean to reduce or be reduced to a pulpy or broken mass. Crush implies a compressing between two hard or resistant surfaces that succeeds, usually, in destroying the shape… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Crush 'Em — «Crush Em» Сингл Megadeth c альбома «Risk» Выпущен …   Википедия

  • Crush 3D — Developer(s) Zoe Mode Publisher(s) Sega P …   Wikipedia

  • Crush — (kr[u^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crushed} (kr[u^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Crushing}.] [OE. cruschen, crousshen, Of. cruisir, croissir, fr. LL. cruscire, prob. of Ger. origin, from a derivative of the word seen in Goth. kruistan to gnash; akin to Sw …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Crush — Crush, n. 1. A violent collision or compression; a crash; destruction; ruin. [1913 Webster] The wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. Violent pressure, as of a crowd; a crowd which produced uncomfortable pressure;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Crush — Crush: Crush  компьютерная игра в жанре головоломки и платформера. «Crush»  песня австралийской драм н бейс группы Pendulum. «Crush»  песня немецкого трансового диджея Пола ван Дайка. «Crush»  песня Jennifer Paige. См. также… …   Википедия

  • Crush — (englisch: Verknalltsein; aber auch: zerquetschen) bezeichnet: Brian Adams (Wrestler), Künstlername eines Wrestlers Crush (Album), Album der Rockband Bon Jovi Crush, Originaltitel des Films Heiraten für Fortgeschrittene Crush (Song), der größte… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Crush'd — Ugly Betty episode Episode no. Season 3 Episode 7 Directed by Victor Neili, Jr. Written by …   Wikipedia

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