1 cross-border merger
cross-border merger 1. ECON grenzüberschreitende Fusion f; 2. STOCK grenzüberschreitender Firmenzusammenschluss mpl, grenzüberschreitende Fusion fEnglisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > cross-border merger
2 cross-border merger
фин., упр. = transnational merger -
3 cross-border merger
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > cross-border merger
4 cross-border merger
слияние компаний, расположенных в соседних странах, трансграничное слияниеEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > cross-border merger
5 cross-frontier merger
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > cross-frontier merger
6 cross
I 1. [krɒs] [AE krɔːs]1) (shape) croce f.the Cross — relig. la Croce
to put a cross against — segnare con una croce [name, item]
"put a cross in the box" — "sbarrate la casella", "segnate la casella con una croce"
a cross between Hitler and Napoleon — fig. un incrocio fra Hitler e Napoleone
3) sart. sbieco m.to cut sth. on the cross — tagliare qcs. di sbieco
4) sport (in football) cross m., traversone m.2.1) (angry) arrabbiato, irritato, di cattivo umoreto be cross with sb. — essere seccato con qcn.
to be cross about sth. — essere di cattivo umore per qcs.
to get cross — arrabbiarsi o adirarsi ( with con)
2) (transverse) [ timber] trasversale, obliquo3) (contrary to general direction) [breeze, swell] contrario••II 1. [krɒs] [AE krɔːs]1) (go across) attraversare [road, country, room]; passare, attraversare [ river]; superare, oltrepassare [border, line, mountains]; [ bridge] attraversare, scavalcare [river, road]; [road, railway line, river] tagliare, attraversare [country, desert]; [ line] attraversare, tagliare [ page]2) fig. superare, oltrepassare [limit, boundary]3) (meet) [road, railway line] incrociare, intersecare [road, railway line, river]4) (place in shape of a cross) incrociareto cross one's legs — incrociare o accavallare le gambe
5) biol. bot. zool. incrociare, ibridare7) (draw line across) (s)barrare [ cheque]2.1) (anche cross over) (go across) fare una traversata3.to cross oneself — relig. segnarsi, farsi il segno della croce
••* * *[kros] I adjective(angry: I get very cross when I lose something.)- crosslyII 1. plural - crosses; noun1) (a symbol formed by two lines placed across each other, eg + or x.)2) (two wooden beams placed thus (+), on which Christ was nailed.)3) (the symbol of the Christian religion.)4) (a lasting cause of suffering etc: Your rheumatism is a cross you will have to bear.)5) (the result of breeding two varieties of animal or plant: This dog is a cross between an alsatian and a labrador.)6) (a monument in the shape of a cross.)7) (any of several types of medal given for bravery etc: the Victoria Cross.)2. verb1) (to go from one side to the other: Let's cross (the street); This road crosses the swamp.)2) ((negative uncross) to place (two things) across each other: He sat down and crossed his legs.)3) (to go or be placed across (each other): The roads cross in the centre of town.)4) (to meet and pass: Our letters must have crossed in the post.)5) (to put a line across: Cross your `t's'.)6) (to make (a cheque or postal order) payable only through a bank by drawing two parallel lines across it.)7) (to breed (something) from two different varieties: I've crossed two varieties of rose.)8) (to go against the wishes of: If you cross me, you'll regret it!)•- cross-- crossing
- crossbow
- cross-breed
- cross-bred
- crosscheck 3. noun(the act of crosschecking.) controllo accurato, riscontro- cross-country skiing
- cross-examine
- cross-examination
- cross-eyed
- cross-fire
- at cross-purposes
- cross-refer
- cross-reference
- crossroads
- cross-section
- crossword puzzle
- crossword
- cross one's fingers
- cross out* * *cross (1) /krɒs/n.1 croce ( segno, oggetto, simbolo): Maltese Cross, croce di Malta; the Cross and the Crescent, la Croce e la Mezzaluna; (mil., in GB) the Distinguished Service Cross, la Croce al Valor Militare; to mark with a cross, segnare con una croce; to put a cross against a name, segnare un nome con una croce4 (zool., bot.) incrocio; ibrido: The mule is a cross between a mare and an ass, il mulo è l'incrocio d'una cavalla con un asino5 (fig.) incrocio; via di mezzo; (un) misto: The taste is a cross between yoghurt and cream cheese, il sapore è una via di mezzo tra lo yogurt e il formaggio burroso7 (mecc.) crociera; raccordo a croce● (relig.) cross-bearer, portatore di croce; crocifero □ cross-shaped, cruciforme □ to make one's cross, fare una croce ( in luogo della firma) □ on the cross, diagonalmente; ( anche sartoria) di sbieco; (fam. USA) (in modo) disonesto □ (stor.) to take the cross, farsi crociato □ (fig.) to take up one's cross, accettare (con rassegnazione) la propria croce.cross (2) /krɒs/a.1 arrabbiato; irritato; di cattivo umore; iroso: to be cross with sb., essere arrabbiato con q.; a cross word, una parola irosa● ( Si veda anche sotto i singoli lemmi) (leg.) cross appeal, appello incidentale □ (naut.) cross bearing, rilevamento incrociato □ (geol.) cross-bedding, stratificazione incrociata □ (polit., GB) cross bench, banco di deputato indipendente ( alla Camera dei Lord) □ (polit., GB) cross-bencher, deputato indipendente □ cross-border, transfrontaliero; tra Stati confinanti; con l'estero; estero; straniero: (fin.) cross-border merger, incorporazione di società straniere; cross-border worker, frontaliere □ (edil.) cross bracing, controvento □ (leg.) cross-claim, domanda riconvenzionale □ (comput.) cross compiler, compilatore incrociato □ ( boxe) cross counter, colpo d'incontro □ (GB) cross-curricular, multidisciplinare □ cross-dating, datazione incrociata □ (med.) cross-dominance, lateralità incrociata □ (rag.) cross entry, trasferimento d'una somma ad altro conto □ cross hairs, reticolo ( di arma da fuoco o su schermo di computer) □ (mecc.) cross-head screwdriver, giravite a testa obliqua □ (fin.) cross holding, partecipazione incrociata □ (chim.) cross link, legame trasversale □ (med.) cross-matching technique, tecnica della prova crociata ( del sangue) □ (fin.) cross participation, partecipazione incrociata □ (mecc.) cross-peen hammer, martello da meccanico □ (mat.) cross product, prodotto vettoriale □ (fin.) cross rate, corso ( di cambio) indiretto; parità indiretta □ (mat.) cross ratio, birapporto □ ( sport) cross shot, ( calcio) tiro trasversale, traversone; ( tennis, ecc.) tiro angolato □ ( USA) cross street, (strada) traversa □ cross stroke, frego ( a penna); ( sport: golf, ecc.) tiro trasversale □ (polit.) cross voting, voto trasversale □ cross wires, reticolo □ (fam. GB) as cross as two sticks, irritatissimo; d'umore nero □ at cross purposes, senza capirsi; fraintendendosi: to talk at cross purposes, parlare senza capirsi; fraintendersi.♦ (to) cross /krɒs/A v. t.1 attraversare: to cross a road [the sea], attraversare una strada [il mare]2 attraversare; passare su; passare per: A worried look crossed her face, un'espressione preoccupata le si disegnò sul viso; It has never crossed my mind, non mi è mai passato per la testa3 oltrepassare; superare: to cross the gender divide, superare le differenze di sesso; to cross the bounds of decency, superare i limiti della decenza4 incrociare; intersecare; tagliare; sbarrare: to cross two wires, incrociare due fili; Broadway crosses Seventh Avenue at Times Square, Broadway interseca la Settima Avenue a Times Square; to cross one's «t's», tagliare le (o fare il taglietto alle) «t»; to cross one's arms, incrociare le braccia; to cross one's legs, incrociare le gambe; ( su una sedia) accavallare le gambe; to cross one's fingers, incrociare le dita ( per scaramanzia); My previous letter crossed yours, la mia lettera precedente ha incrociato la tua; to cross each other, incrociarsi; intersecarsi5 fare una croce su; sbarrare: to cross a name, fare una croce su un nome; to cross a ballot paper, mettere la croce su una scheda elettorale; ( banca) to cross a cheque, sbarrare un assegno6 contrariare; contrastare; opporsi a: Nobody likes to be crossed, a nessuno piace essere contrariato; to cross sb. 's plans, contrastare i piani di q.7 (bot., zool.) incrociare, ibridareB v. i.1 fare una traversata: I crossed by hovercraft from Ramsgate to Calais, feci la traversata sull'hovercraft da Ramsgate a Calais2 andare, recarsi ( attraversando un confine, il mare, ecc.); passare; entrare: We crossed into Austria, siamo entrati in Austria3 incrociarsi: We crossed on the street, ci siamo incrociati per strada; Our letters crossed in the post, le nostre lettere si sono incrociate● Cross!, avanti! ( ai semafori pedonali) □ (polit., GB) to cross the floor, passare all'opposizione (o dalla parte del governo); votare per il partito avverso □ to cross sb. 's hand = to cross sb.'s palm ► sotto □ to cross one's heart, mettersi una mano sul cuore ( per asseverare): Cross my heart ( and hope to die)!, mi venga un colpo ( se non è vero, se sono stato io, ecc.) □ (relig.) to cross oneself, farsi il segno della croce; segnarsi □ (fig.) to cross sb. 's palm with silver, dare soldi a ( una chiromante, ecc., che legge la mano); (scherz.) ungere q., allungare una bustarella a q. □ to cross sb. 's path, trovarsi sulla strada di q.; sbarrare la strada a q. □ (fig.) to cross one's «t's» and dot one's «i's», controllare tutti i dettagli; essere molto preciso □ ( anche fig.) to cross swords with sb., incrociare la spada con q. □ (fig.) We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, ci occuperemo di quella faccenda quando sarà il momento.* * *I 1. [krɒs] [AE krɔːs]1) (shape) croce f.the Cross — relig. la Croce
to put a cross against — segnare con una croce [name, item]
"put a cross in the box" — "sbarrate la casella", "segnate la casella con una croce"
a cross between Hitler and Napoleon — fig. un incrocio fra Hitler e Napoleone
3) sart. sbieco m.to cut sth. on the cross — tagliare qcs. di sbieco
4) sport (in football) cross m., traversone m.2.1) (angry) arrabbiato, irritato, di cattivo umoreto be cross with sb. — essere seccato con qcn.
to be cross about sth. — essere di cattivo umore per qcs.
to get cross — arrabbiarsi o adirarsi ( with con)
2) (transverse) [ timber] trasversale, obliquo3) (contrary to general direction) [breeze, swell] contrario••II 1. [krɒs] [AE krɔːs]1) (go across) attraversare [road, country, room]; passare, attraversare [ river]; superare, oltrepassare [border, line, mountains]; [ bridge] attraversare, scavalcare [river, road]; [road, railway line, river] tagliare, attraversare [country, desert]; [ line] attraversare, tagliare [ page]2) fig. superare, oltrepassare [limit, boundary]3) (meet) [road, railway line] incrociare, intersecare [road, railway line, river]4) (place in shape of a cross) incrociareto cross one's legs — incrociare o accavallare le gambe
5) biol. bot. zool. incrociare, ibridare7) (draw line across) (s)barrare [ cheque]2.1) (anche cross over) (go across) fare una traversata3.to cross oneself — relig. segnarsi, farsi il segno della croce
•• -
7 merger
слияние, объединение (компаний)• -
8 merger
nслияние, объединение (компаний)
- bank merger
- conglomerate merger
- cross-border merger
- directed merger
- downstairs merger
- geographic market extension merger
- horizontal merger
- market extension merger
- monopoly merger
- outright merger
- product extension merger
- stock-swap merger
- vertical merger
- merger of banks
- merger of business
- merger of cartels
- merger of companies
- merger of enterprises
- merger of firms
- merger of stock and futures exchanges
- announce a merger
- conclude a mergerEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > merger
9 transnational merger
фин., упр. транснациональное слияние (слияние предприятий, находящихся в разных странах)Syn:See: -
10 kapitala
• cross-border merger prekogranično spajanje• cross-border netting scheme shema prekograničnoga netiranja/saldiranja• cross-border payment prekogranično plaćanje• cross-border settlement prekogranična namira• cross-border trade prekogranično trgovanje• cross-border transaction prekogranična transakcija• cross-border transmission prekogranični prijenosEnglesko-Hrvatski Glosar bankarstva, osiguranja i ostalih financijskih usluga > kapitala
11 frontier
1. гл.общ. ограничивать, ставить предел2. сущ.1) общ. граница, рубеж ( между странами)Syn:See:2) общ. граница; рубеж, предельный уровень, предельная возможностьThe frontiers of political economy needed to be more carefully marked. — Сфера исследования политической экономии должна быть определена более точно.
Syn:3) общ. новая [активно разрабатываемая\] область (науки, техники, экономики)issue at the frontiers of theoretic debates — проблема, находящаяся на рубеже теоретических исследований
4) мат. граница (на графике: граница множества точек, удовлетворяющих какому-л. критерию)Syn:See:
См. также в других словарях:
cross-border merger — ➔ merger … Financial and business terms
Merger — (1) Acquisition in which all assets and liabilities are absorbed by the buyer. (2) More generally, any combination of two companies. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * merger merg‧er [ˈmɜːdʒə ǁ ˈmɜːrdʒər] noun [countable] FINANCE an… … Financial and business terms
merger — (1) acquisition in which all assets and liabilities ( liability) are absorbed by the buyer. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary (2) More generally, any combination of two companies. The firm s activity in this respect is sometimes called M&A (Merger… … Financial and business terms
U.S. Customs and Border Protection — Abbreviation CBP Patch of CBP … Wikipedia
Gerrards Cross — infobox UK place country = England latitude= 51.5882 longitude= 0.553 official name= Gerrards Cross population= 7,342 [ [http://www.neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/dissemination/LeadTableView.do?a=7 b=792139 c=Gerrards+Cross d=16 e=15 g=424926… … Wikipedia
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium
Computers and Information Systems — ▪ 2009 Introduction Smartphone: The New Computer. The market for the smartphone in reality a handheld computer for Web browsing, e mail, music, and video that was integrated with a cellular telephone continued to grow in 2008. According to… … Universalium
Øresund Region — The Oresund strait between Malmö and Copenhagen with Malmö in the foreground and the island of Amager and part of southern Copenhagen in the background … Wikipedia
Oresund Region — The Oresund Region ( da. Øresundsregionen; Swedish: Öresundsregionen ) is a transnational region in southern Scandinavia located by the shores of the Oresund strait and connected by the Oresund Bridge. The western part is constituted by the… … Wikipedia
Flowback — When foreign investors perform a massive sell off of a company s cross listed shares back to the country of issuance as a result of an impending cross border merger. In some situations, these cross border mergers give foreign investors the… … Investment dictionary
Allianz — Infobox Company company name = Allianz SE company company type = Public (FWB|ALV, nyse|AZ) foundation = 1890 location = Munich, Germany key people = Michael Diekmann (CEO), Henning Schulte Noelle (Chairman of the supervisory board), Paul… … Wikipedia