1 cross motion
2 cross motion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cross motion
3 cross motion
4 cross motion
1) Техника: поперечное перемещение2) Экономика: контр-предложение3) Макаров: движение в поперечном направлении, поперечное движение -
5 cross motion
6 cross motion
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > cross motion
7 cross motion
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > cross motion
8 cross motion
поперечное ( тангенциальное) движение -
9 cross motion
10 motion
1) движение; перемещение2) механизм3) подача ( рабочего органа)•- 3-position head motion -
absolute motion
accelerated motion
air motion
alternate motion
angular motion
apparent motion
approach motion
ascending motion
atmospheric motion
autonomous spatial motion
axis motion
back-and-forth motion
backward motion
Brownian motion
cam motion
centrifugal motion
centripetal motion
centroidal motion
circular motion
collision-free motion
compliant motion
compound motion
conflicting motions
conservative motion
constrained motion
continuous motion
continuous path motion
controlled yawing motion
coordinated motion
coplanar motion
cross motion
cross-feed motion
cross-isobar motion
crowding motion
curvilinear motion
cutting motion
cyclonic motion
damped harmonic motion
decelerated motion
deproach motion
descending motion
differential motion
discontinuous motion
downslide motion
down-up motion
downward motion
driving motion
eccentric motion
eddying motion
eddy motion
end-to-end motion
engagement motion
exponential motion
fault motion
feed motion
flapping motion
flexural motion
force-controlled motion
forced motion
free motion
fretting motion
functional motion
functionally defined motion
galloping motion
Geneva motion
groundwater motion
gyroscopic motion
harmonic motion
heat motion
helical motion
hobbing motion
holding motion
image motion
impulsive motion
increasing motion
incremental motion
inertial motion
in-line motion
in-plane motion
interconnected motion
intermittent film motion
interrupted motion
irregular motion
irrotational motion
isobaric motion
jerking motion
jigging motion
jog motion
joint-interpolated motion
laminar motion
lateral motion
lever motion
lift motion
linear motion
longitudinal motion
lost motion
micro motion
nonautonomous spatial motion
nonstationary motion
nonsteady motion
nonuniform motion
offshore motion of sediments
omnidirectional motion
onshore motion of sediments
orbital motion
oscillatory motion
out-of-plane motion
pan motion
parallel motion
pendulum motion
perceptually controlled motion
periodic motion
perpetual motion
pivoting motion
plane motion
planetary motion
plunge motion
point-to-point motion
positive motion
prescribed motion
progressive motion
proper motion
quasi-geostrophic motion
quasi-periodic motion
rack motion
radial motion
random motion
rapid motion
rapid return motion
reciprocal motion
reciprocating motion
rectilinear motion
relative motion
restricted motion
resulting motion
retarded motion
return motion
reverse motion
rocking motion
rolling motion
rotary motion
rotational fluid motion
rotational motion
screw motion
selvage motion
sensor-based motion
shearing motion
shedding motion
shifting motion
shock motion
shogging motion
shuttle gate intermittent motion
sideward motion
sideways sliding motion
simple harmonic motion
sinusoidal motion
slide-roll motion
sliding motion
slipping motion
smooth motion
snake motion
spatial motion
spiral motion
spool modulating motion
stable motion
steady motion
step-by-step film motion
stick-slip motion
stop motion
stop on force motion
straight line motion
streamline motion
successive tool motion
sway motion
swinging motion
swirling motion
tapped motion
temperature motion
thermal motion
tilting motion
to-and-fro motion
tool motion
transient motion
translational motion
transverse motion
traverse motion
tropical cyclone turning motion
turbulent motion
undulatory motion
unequal motion
uniform motion
uniformly accelerated motion
uniformly retarded motion
unit-directional motion
unstable motion
unsteady motion
up-and-down motion
upslide motion
upward motion
variable motion
vibratory motion
vibroimpulsive motion
vortex motion
vortex-free motion
warp let-off motion
wasted motion
wave motion
wind-induced motion
wobbling motion
zero-point motion -
11 motion
1) движение; ход, перемещение2) механизм; устройство3) каменоломня4) юр. ходатайство ( в суде)•- angular motion - backward motion - continuous motion - cross motion - cross-feed motion - crowding motion - derricking motion - down-up motion - drill motion - fluid motion - harmonic motion - hydrostatic motion - ice motion - impulsive motion - lateral motion - lift motion - mixing motion - periodic motion - plunge motion - rapid motion - reciprocating motion - retarded motion - rotary motion - screw motion - sliding motion - slip motion - smooth motion - steady motion - turbulent motion - vortex motion* * *движение, перемещение ( кинематическое)- accelerated motion
- air motion
- alternate motion
- circular motion
- constraint motion
- free motion
- harmonic motion
- helicoidal motion
- rotary motion of the crane
- slewing motion
- slow motion
- sweeping motion
- translatory motion
- uniform motion -
12 motion
1) движение; перемещение (см. тж movement)2) устройство; механизм•- absolute motion of bodymotion per command — длина перемещения по команде, длина перемещения по одной команде (УП)
- absolute motion of particle
- accelerated motion
- angular motion
- approaching motion
- ascensional motion
- axis motion
- B axis motion
- back motion
- back-and-forth motion
- backward motion
- bar-link motion
- bending motion
- bipedal motion
- box link motion
- bulk motion
- Cartesian motion
- closed link motion
- compliant motion
- compound motion of particle
- conflicting motions
- constrained motion
- continuous motion
- controlled motion
- controlling motion
- coordinated axis motion
- coordinated motion
- copying motion
- counter motion
- crank motion
- creep motion
- creeping motion
- cross motion
- curvilinear motion
- cushioned motion
- cutting motion
- damped harmonic motion
- decelerated motion
- differential motion
- discontinuous motion
- disturbed motion
- down-up motion
- driving motion
- drop motion
- eccentric feed motion
- eccentric motion
- eddy motion
- eddying motion
- end-to-end motion
- error motion
- fast motion
- feed motion
- fine motion
- four-bar motion
- free motion
- friction feed motion
- galloping motion
- generating motion
- generation motion
- Geneva motion
- harmonic motion
- helical motion
- hobbling motion
- impulse motion
- in motion
- in-and-out motion
- increasing motion
- independent axis motion
- in-line motion
- in-out motion
- intended motion
- interlocked motion with the rotation of the main spindle
- interlocked motion
- intermittent motion
- interrelated motions
- interrupted rectilinear motion
- irregular motion
- jerking motion
- jigging motion
- joint motion
- lever motion
- lift motion
- lift-and-carry motions
- lifting motion
- limited motion
- limited reciprocating rectilinear motion
- limited rectilinear motion and return
- limited rectilinear motion with delay
- link motion
- lost motion
- machine axis motion
- main motion
- micrometer motion
- motion of rigid body about fixed axis
- motion of rigid body about fixed point
- negative motion
- nonprobing axis motion
- nonsteady motion
- nonuniform motion
- nosing motion
- orbital motion
- oscillating motion
- oscillatory motion
- out-and-in motion
- out-in motion
- out-of-straightness motion
- parallel motion
- pendulum motion
- perturbed motion
- pitch motion
- pivoting motion
- planet motion
- planetary motion
- plunge motion
- plural axis motion
- positive motion
- power traverse motion
- powered motion
- primary motion
- programmed cutting motion
- progressive motion
- proper motion
- quick motion
- rack motion
- radial error motion
- rapid motion
- rapid traverse motion
- rapid-tool motion
- reciprocating motion
- rectilinear motion
- reducing motion
- relative motion of axes
- relative motion
- relieving motion
- restricted motion
- resultant cutting motion
- retarded motion
- reverse motion
- rocking motion
- rolling motion
- rotary motion
- rotational motion
- rotatory motion
- screw motion
- screw-cutting motion
- see-saw motion
- separating motion
- setting motion
- sideward motion
- single motion
- sliding motion
- slipping motion
- smooth motion
- spin motion
- spindle radial error motion
- spiral motion
- stable motion
- steady motion
- stick-slip motion
- stop and go motion
- stop motion
- straight line motion
- stroke motion
- surfacing motion
- sway motion
- sweeping motion
- switching motion
- switching-in motion
- tilting motion
- to-and-fro motion
- tracer motion
- translational motion
- translatory motion
- transverse motion
- two-dimensional motion
- uncovenanted motion
- uncushioned motion
- undulatory motion
- unequal motion
- uniform linear motion
- uniform motion
- uniformly accelerated motion
- uniformly retarded motion
- unperturbed motion
- unsteady motion
- unwanted motion
- up motion
- up-down motion
- upslide motion
- upward motion
- valve motion
- variable motion
- vortex motion
- W axis motion
- wasted motion
- wave motion
- wheel infeed motion
- whirling motion
- withdrawal motion
- wobbling motion
- wristbend motion
- X axis motion
- Y axis motion
- yaw motion
- Z axis motionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > motion
13 motion
14 motion
n1) движение2) предложение (на собрании)3) юр. ходатайство
- basic motion
- cross motion
- fundamental motion
- procedural motion
- substantive motion
- uniform motion
- working motion
- motion for judgement
- bring forward a motion
- file a motion
- second a motion
- table a motionEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > motion
15 cross axis motion
3.1 поперечная вибрация (cross axis motion): Вибрация, действующая в направлении, отличном от заданного (определяемая обычно в плоскости, перпендикулярной к заданному направлению движения).
Источник: ГОСТ 31419-2010: Методы испытаний на стойкость к механическим внешним воздействующим факторам машин, приборов и других технических изделий. Испытания на вибрацию с воспроизведением воздействий нескольких типов оригинал документа
3.1 поперечная вибрация (cross axis motion): Вибрация, действующая в направлении, отличном от заданного (определяемая обычно в плоскости, перпендикулярной к заданному направлению движения).
Источник: ГОСТ Р 53189-2008: Методы испытаний на стойкость к механическим внешним воздействующим факторам машин, приборов и других технических изделий. Испытания на вибрацию с воспроизведением воздействий нескольких типов оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cross axis motion
16 cross-slide table
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > cross-slide table
17 cross-bar selector
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > cross-bar selector
18 cross-feed motion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cross-feed motion
19 cross-isobar motion
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cross-isobar motion
20 cross-feed motion
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > cross-feed motion
См. также в других словарях:
cross–motion — cross–mo·tion / krȯs ˌmō shən/ n: a motion that attempts to counter a similar motion filed by an opposing party after the plaintiffs moved to recuse his counsel, the defendant filed a cross–motion to disqualify theirs Merriam Webster’s… … Law dictionary
motion picture — motion picture, adj. 1. a sequence of consecutive pictures of objects photographed in motion by a specially designed camera (motion picture camera) and thrown on a screen by a projector (motion picture projector) in such rapid succession as to… … Universalium
Cross Racing Championship Extreme 2005 — Developer(s) Invictus Games Publisher(s) Invictus Games Series CRC Platform(s) … Wikipedia
Motion control photography — is a technique used in still and motion photography that enables precise control of, and optionally also allows repetition of, camera movements. It can be used to facilitate special effects photography. The process can involve filming several… … Wikipedia
Cross modal plasticity — can reorganize connections between the four main lobes as a response to sensory loss. Cross modal plasticity is the adaptive reorganization of neurons to integrate the function of two or more sensory systems. Cross modal plasticity is a type of… … Wikipedia
Motion Tracking using Java — Motion tracking is the process of locating a moving object (or several ones) in time. An algorithm analyses the video frames and outputs the location of moving targets within the video frame. Libraries to Implement Motion tracking OpenCV It’s a… … Wikipedia
Motion blindness — is a neurological condition caused by brain damage (from a stroke for example). The visual perception is intact in other ways and it s possible to see clearly though they are not able to see motion and instead see things going in frames. In a… … Wikipedia
cross-country skiing — cross country skier. the sport of skiing across the countryside, often through woods and usually on relatively flat terrain, using narrow skis with boots that can be raised off the ski at the heel when striding. Also called ski touring. * * *… … Universalium
Cross Creek (Florida) — Cross Creek is a natural waterway in Florida connecting Lochloosa Lake to Orange Lake, in southeastern Alachua County. It is 1.8 miles long, and carries the outflow from Lochloosa Lake into Orange Lake. It is normally navigable by small boats,… … Wikipedia
cross-promotion — ˌcross proˈmotion 7 [cross promotion] noun countable, uncountable (business) a set of advertisements or other activities that are designed to help a company se … Useful english dictionary
motion-picture technology — Introduction the means for the production and showing of motion pictures. It includes not only the motion picture camera and projector but also such technologies as those involved in recording sound, in editing both picture and sound, in… … Universalium