Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 cricket

    I ['krikit] noun
    (an outdoor game played with bats, a ball and wickets, between two sides of eleven each.) críquete
    - not cricket II ['krikit] noun
    (an insect related to the grasshopper, the male of which makes a chirping noise.) grilo
    * * *
    [kr'ikit] n 1 críquete. 2 coll jogo leal. • vi jogar críquete. to play cricket fig jogar com espírito esportivo.
    [kr'ikit] n Ent grilo. (as) merry as a cricket muito alegre. the cricket chirps, creaks / o grilo canta.
    [kr'ikit] n banquinho baixo, de madeira.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cricket

  • 2 cricket

    I ['krikit] noun
    (an outdoor game played with bats, a ball and wickets, between two sides of eleven each.) críquete
    - not cricket II ['krikit] noun
    (an insect related to the grasshopper, the male of which makes a chirping noise.) grilo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > cricket

  • 3 cricket ground

    crick.et ground
    [kr'ikit graund] n = link=cricket cricket. field.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cricket ground

  • 4 cricket bat

    crick.et bat
    [kr'ikit bæt] n taco para críquete.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cricket bat

  • 5 cricket field

    crick.et field
    [kr'ikit fi:ld] n campo para críquete.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cricket field

  • 6 cricket match

    crick.et match
    [kr'ikit mætʃ] n partida de críquete.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cricket match

  • 7 (as) merry as a cricket

    {(as) merry as a cricket
    muito alegre. the cricket chirps, creaks/o grilo canta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > (as) merry as a cricket

  • 8 to play cricket

    to play cricket
    fig jogar com espírito esportivo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to play cricket

  • 9 fan cricket

    fan crick.et
    [f'æn krikit] n Ent grilo-toupeira.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fan cricket

  • 10 not cricket

    (unfair; not sportsmanlike.) desonesto

    English-Portuguese dictionary > not cricket

  • 11 not cricket

    (unfair; not sportsmanlike.) desleal

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > not cricket

  • 12 bat

    I 1. [bæt] noun
    (a shaped piece of wood etc for striking the ball in cricket, baseball, table-tennis etc.) taco
    2. verb
    1) (to use a bat: He bats with his left hand.) tacar
    2) (to strike (the ball) with a bat: He batted the ball.) bater
    - off one's own bat II [bæt] noun
    (a mouse-like animal which flies, usually at night.) morcego
    * * *
    [bæt] n 1 Baseball bastão. 2 Cricket pá. 3 Sport raquete. 4 Baseball, cricket batedor. 5 Baseball, cricket turno defensivo. 6 torrão, pedaço, chumaço. 7 tijoleira, fragmento de tijolo. 8 bats algodão inferior para estofar colchões. 9 coll pancada, golpe. 10 coll velocidade. 11 sl bebedeira, beberronia. 12 sl prostituta, meretriz. • vt 1 Sport rebater. 2 bater, surrar, espancar. 3 Baseball, Cricket estar na defesa. off his own bat por si, sem auxílio. right off the bat na primeira tentativa, de cara. to bat around sl a) viajar. b) discutir (idéia ou plano). c) ficar à toa. to bat for someone quebrar lanças por alguém, defender.
    [bæt] n Zool morcego. (as) blind as a bat completamente cego.
    [bæt] vt 1 piscar (o olho). 2 esvoaçar, adejar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bat

  • 13 bail

    I 1. [beil] noun
    (a sum of money which is given to a court of law to get an untried prisoner out of prison until the time of his trial, and which acts as security for his return: bail of $500.) fiança
    2. See also: II [beil] noun
    (one of the cross-pieces laid on the top of the wicket in cricket.) peça de cricket
    III see bale II
    * * *
    [beil] n 1 fiança, garantia. out on bail / livre sob fiança. to allow bail / permitir fiança. to give bail / dar fiança, pagar caução. 2 Jur caução. 3 fiador. 4 alça. 5 cabo em forma de arco, geralmente móvel. 6 concha ou balde para tirar água de um barco. 7 cricket travessa de madeira. 8 baia: divisão em estábulo. 9 muralha externa (de castelo feudal). • vt 1 obter liberdade (de uma pessoa presa) por meio de fiança, fiançar. 2 tirar água de um charco com concha ou balde. 3 baldear água. 4 entregar sob garantia ou contrato (bens ou mercadorias). 5 pôr em baia. I’ll go bail estou convencido. to bail out a) tirar da cadeia sob fiança. b) tirar água de um barco. c) sl saltar de pára-quedas de um avião que está prestes a cair ou explodir. d) coll descer de um veículo. to go bail for dar fiança para. to save one’s bail Jur comparecer de acordo com a intimação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bail

  • 14 batsman

    ['bæ -]
    noun (a person who bats in cricket.) jogador de críquete
    * * *
    [b'ætsmən] n Baseball, Cricket batedor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > batsman

  • 15 duck

    I verb
    1) (to push briefly under water: They splashed about, ducking each other in the pool.) mergulhar
    2) (to lower the head suddenly as if to avoid a blow: He ducked as the ball came at him.) abaixar-se
    II plurals - ducks, duck; noun
    1) (a kind of wild or domesticated water-bird with short legs and a broad flat beak.) pato
    2) (a female duck. See also drake.) pata
    3) (in cricket, a score of nil by a batsman: He was out for a duck.) jogada de críquete/zero
    * * *
    [d∧k] n 1 pato, pata. 2 Brit coll querido, amor, termo de carinho. 3 Cricket contagem de zero. 4 Amer coll colega, camarada. a dead duck uma questão ultrapassada. a sitting duck um alvo fácil, pessoa ou coisa sem defesa ou proteção. lame duck 1 pessoa, organização fraca ou incapaz. 2 Amer membro do Congresso prestes a se aposentar por não ter sido reeleito. 3 delinqüente, infrator. 4 falido. like water off a ducks back sem efeito algum. to make a duck fazer zero ponto (no críquete). to take to something like duck to water aprender ou habituar-se facilmente a alguma coisa. wild duck pato selvagem.
    [d∧k] n 1 mergulho. 2 súbita inclinação da cabeça ou do corpo, desvio da cabeça ou do corpo para não ser atingido ou visto. 3 reverência. • vt+vi 1 mergulhar, meter debaixo da água, retirar rapidamente. 2 abaixar, inclinar, desviar rapidamente a cabeca ou o corpo, esquivar-se, evitar. 3 fazer profunda reverência. 4 tirar o corpo fora, evadir-se. to duck out of esquivar-se de (responsabilidades). to make duck of, to play duck with dissipar, esbanjar, malbaratar, desperdiçar.
    [d∧k] n 1 pano grosso de linho ou de algodão de que se fazem velas, toldos, tendas, etc. 2 pl calças feitas do mesmo tecido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > duck

  • 16 lob

    [lob] 1. noun
    (a slow, high throw, hit etc of a ball etc.) jogada
    2. verb
    (to throw or strike (a ball etc) so that it moves high and slowly: He lobbed the ball over the net.) mandar
    * * *
    [lɔb] n 1 rústico, grosseirão. 2 Tennis bola alta. 3 Cricket bola jogada lentamente a pouca altura. • vt+vi 1 andar desengonçadamente. 2 Tennis arremessar a bola a grande altura. 3 Cricket atirar a bola lentamente a pouca altura.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lob

  • 17 ball

    I 1. [bo:l] noun
    1) (anything roughly round in shape: a ball of wool.) bola
    2) (a round object used in games: a tennis ball.) bola
    3) (balls (plural) (slang) testicles.)
    - ballcock
    - ballpoint
    2. adjective
    a ballpoint pen.) esferográfica
    - start/set
    - keep the ball rolling
    II 1. [bo:l]
    (a formal dance: a ball at the palace.) baile
    2. adjective
    ballroom dancing.) de salão
    * * *
    [bɔ:l] n 1 bola, esfera. 2 jogo de bola. 3 tiro, arremesso da bola. 4 beisebol (jogo de bola americano). 5 bala, projétil. 6 coisa parecida com bola, novelo. 7 parte arrendodada e protuberante do corpo, por exemplo a palma da mão. ball of the eye / globo ocular. 8 globo terrestre, Terra. • vi 1 formar bola, dar forma de bola. 2 aglomerar-se. 3 enovelar. 4 sl embaralhar (seguido de up). 5 vulg copular, praticar o ato sexual. ball and socket joint Engl junta articulada. he has the ball at his feet ele está com a faca e o queijo na mão. he pocketed a ball snooker ele embocou uma bola. no ball! cricket o lance não vale! to ball things up Amer coll embaraçar as coisas, estragar tudo. to have a ball coll divertir-se. to keep the ball rolling manter a conversa (ou o assunto) acesa.
    [bɔ:l] n baile, reunião dançante. she gave a ball / ela deu um baile. they opened the ball / eles abriram o baile. fancy dress ball baile à fantasia. masked ball baile de máscaras.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ball

  • 18 batting

    [b'ætiŋ] n 1 batedura (de algodão, linho etc.). 2 algodão ou lã em mantas para forrar acolchoados etc. 3 Cricket manejo da pá.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > batting

  • 19 boundary

    plural - boundaries; noun
    1) (an often imaginary line separating one thing from another: the boundary between two towns.) fronteira
    2) ((in cricket) a hit which crosses the boundary line round the field, scoring four runs or six runs.) pontuação
    * * *
    [b'aundəri] n 1 limite, fronteira. 2 divisa: marco de delimitação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > boundary

  • 20 catch

    [kæ ] 1. past tense, past participle - caught; verb
    1) (to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture: He caught the cricket ball; The cat caught a mouse; Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention.) apanhar
    2) (to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc): I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London.) apanhar
    3) (to surprise (someone) in the act of: I caught him stealing (my vegetables).) apanhar
    4) (to become infected with (a disease or illness): He caught flu.) apanhar
    5) (to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held: The child caught her fingers in the car door.) entalar
    6) (to hit: The punch caught him on the chin.) atingir
    7) (to manage to hear: Did you catch what she said?) apanhar
    8) (to start burning: I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately.) pegar fogo
    2. noun
    1) (an act of catching: He took a fine catch behind the wicket.) apanha
    2) (a small device for holding (a door etc) in place: The catch on my suitcase is broken.) fecho
    3) (the total amount (of eg fish) caught: the largest catch of mackerel this year.) pescaria
    4) (a trick or problem: There's a catch in this question.) ardil
    - catchy
    - catch-phrase
    - catch-word
    - catch someone's eye
    - catch on
    - catch out
    - catch up
    * * *
    [kætʃ] n 1 ato de apanhar ou prender, pega. 2 presa boa. 3 captura, tomadia. 4 pesca, pescaria, safra de peixe. 5 jogador que apanha a bola. 6 jogo de apanhar a bola. 7 vantagem, proveito. 8 coisa destinada a chamar a atenção. 9 chamariz, engodo. 10 armadilha, cilada, enredo. 11 coll bom partido. 12 Hist, Mus canção em forma de cânon. 13 lingüeta, taramela. 14 Tech detentor. 15 fragmento, pedacinho. 16 dificuldade, embaraço. • vt+vi (ps and pp caught) 1 deitar a mão a, apanhar, pegar, agarrar, tomar. 2 captar, capturar. I have caught his accent / adquiri a sua pronúncia. 3 alcançar, pegar, tomar (trem). 4 conter, prender (respiração). he caught his breath / ele prendeu a respiração. 5 apreender. 6 superar, bater. 7 compreender, perceber, escutar, entender. I did not quite catch what you said / não compreendi bem o que você disse. 8 pegar de surpresa, surpreender. we were caught in the rain / fomos surpreendidos pela chuva. 9 contrair, ser contagioso, pegar (doença). I have caught a cold / apanhei resfriado. 10 enredar-se, prender-se, enganchar-se. 11 cativar, fascinar. 12 atrair (atenção). 13 iludir, enganar. • adj 1 atraente, cativante. 2 enganoso. 3 que chama a atenção. a "Catch-22" situation situação sem saída, sem solução. a great catch um bom partido, um homem desejado. catch me doing this! nunca farei isso! he caught him one sl ele lhe pregou uma. there is a catch to it há um problema, entrave. to catch a nap tirar uma soneca. to catch at esforçar-se por agarrar. to catch fire pegar fogo. to catch hold of apoderar-se de, agarrar-se a. to catch it levar um pito, ser ralhado, apanhar. to catch on 1 Amer coll compreender. 2 Amer tornar-se popular, ser largamente usado ou aprovado. to catch one in a lie apanhar alguém numa mentira. to catch one’s fancy encantar, cativar, agradar. to catch sight, to catch a glimpse ver de repente, notar repentinamente. to catch someone redhanded sl pegar alguém em flagrante. to catch the truth descobrir a verdade. to catch up 1 apanhar, levantar rápida ou avidamente. 2 alcançar, superar. 3 Amer criticar, apartear. to catch up with alcançar, emparelhar-se, não ficar para trás. you will catch your death of cold você vai acabar mal de resfriado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > catch

См. также в других словарях:

  • Cricket — Match: Der helle Streifen ist die Pitch; die Personen mit schwarzen Hosen sind die Schiedsrichter (rechts im Bild) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cricket —    Cricket is a bat and ball summer game with elaborate ‘laws’ and terminology baffling to outsiders but very clear to initiates. It is played, under two ‘umpires’, by two teams of eleven on a level ‘pitch’ of closely mown turf twenty two yards… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Cricket 97 — Developer(s) Beam Software Publisher(s) EA Sports …   Wikipedia

  • cricket — [ krikɛt ] n. m. • 1728; mot angl. « bâton » ♦ Sport d équipe britannique, qui se pratique avec des battes de bois et une balle. Terrain, match de cricket. Le base ball américain dérive du cricket. ● cricket nom masculin (anglais cricket) Sport d …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Cricket 96 — Developer(s) Beam Software Publisher(s) EA Sports Platform(s) MS DOS Release date …   Wikipedia

  • Cricket — Crick et (kr?k ?t), n. [OE. criket, OF. crequet, criquet; prob. of German origin, and akin to E. creak; cf. D. kriek a cricket. See {Creak}.] (Zo[ o]l.) An orthopterous insect of the genus {Gryllus}, and allied genera. The males make chirping,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cricket — Ⅰ. cricket [1] ► NOUN ▪ an open air game played on a large grass field with bat and ball between teams of eleven players, the batsmen attempting to score runs by hitting the ball and running between the wickets. ● not cricket Cf. ↑not cricket… …   English terms dictionary

  • Cricket — Cricket  одноразовые зажигалки выпускаемые компанией Swedish Match. Содержание 1 Описание 2 История 3 См. также …   Википедия

  • Cricket — Cricket, NC U.S. Census Designated Place in North Carolina Population (2000): 2053 Housing Units (2000): 951 Land area (2000): 3.989066 sq. miles (10.331632 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000):… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Cricket, NC — U.S. Census Designated Place in North Carolina Population (2000): 2053 Housing Units (2000): 951 Land area (2000): 3.989066 sq. miles (10.331632 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 3.989066 sq. miles …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Cricket — Crick et, v. i. To play at cricket. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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