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См. также в других словарях:

  • councilman — coun·cil·man n pl men: a member of a council: councillor Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. councilman …   Law dictionary

  • Councilman — Coun cil*man (koun s[i^]l*man), n.; pl. {Councilmen} (koun s[i^]l*men). A member of a council, especially of the common council of a city; a councilor. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • councilman — [koun′səlpʉr΄sənkoun′səlmən] n. pl. councilmen [koun′səlmən] a member of a council, esp. of the governing body of a city or town: also councilperson [koun′səlpʉr΄sən] councilmanic [koun′səlman′ik] adj …   English World dictionary

  • councilman — [[t]ka͟ʊns(ə)lmən[/t]] councilmen N COUNT; N TITLE A councilman is a man who is a member of a local council. [AM] ...a city councilman. ...Councilman Simpkins. (in BRIT, use councillor) …   English dictionary

  • councilman — UK [ˈkaʊns(ə)lmən] / US noun [countable] Word forms councilman : singular councilman plural councilmen UK [ˈkaʊns(ə)lmən] / US American a man who is an elected member of the government of a city in the US …   English dictionary

  • councilman — Synonyms and related words: MP, Member of Congress, Member of Parliament, alderman, archon, assemblyman, bailie, burghermaster, burgomaster, cabinet member, cabinet minister, chancellor, chosen freeholder, city councilman, city father, city… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Councilman body — (upper right) and ballooning degeneration (centre left). H E stain. In pathology, a Councilman body, also known as Councilman hyaline body, is an eosinophilic globule often found in the liver of individuals suffering …   Wikipedia

  • Councilman-Körperchen — Councilman Körper oben rechts (Leberbiopsie, HE Färbung). Councilman Körperchen (auch „rote Körper“, „red bodies“) sind Einzelzellnekrosen von Leberzellen (Hepatozyten). Councilman Körper findet man ausschließlich in der Leber bei einer akuten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Councilman-Körper — [ka̲u̲nßilmen...; nach dem amer. Pathologen W.Councilman KörperT. Councilman, 1854 1933]: acidophile Körperchen im Zytoplasma, die als degeneratives Zeichen bei bestimmten Krankheiten (z. B. Virushepatitis) auftreten …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • Councilman bodies — Coun·cil·man bodies (kounґsəl mən) [William Thomas Councilman, American pathologist, 1854–1933] see under body …   Medical dictionary

  • councilman — noun Date: circa 1637 a member of a council (as of a town or city) • councilmanic adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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