1 concrete floor on grade
- concrete floor on grade
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > concrete floor on grade
2 concrete floor on grade
Строительство: бетонный пол на грунтовом основанииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > concrete floor on grade
3 concrete floor on grade
Англо-русский строительный словарь > concrete floor on grade
4 floor
- floor
- n1. пол
2. перекрытие
3. этаж
- floor of hollow construction
- acceptable floor
- Ackerman ribbed floor
- apparatus floor
- attic floor
- basement floor
- beam floor
- beam-and-block floor
- beam-and-girder floor
- beam-and-slab floor
- beamless floor
- bedroom floor
- bridging floor
- ceiling floor
- cellular-steel floor
- cement-wood floor
- clinker floor
- composite concrete-steel deck floor
- composite floor
- composition floor
- concrete floor on grade
- concrete-arch floor
- concrete pan floor
- counter floor
- double-joisted floor
- double floor
- false floor
- filler-joist floor
- finished floor
- finish floor
- fire-resisting floor
- first floor
- flatslab floor
- floating floor
- framed floor
- ground floor
- heavily loaded floor
- heavy duty floor
- hollow block floor
- industrial floor
- jointless floor
- joisted floor
- kitchen floor
- mushroom floor
- nonslip floor
- Omnia concrete floor
- Omnia floor
- one-way floor
- open floor
- open timber floor
- open-web joist floor
- pan floor
- parquet floor
- post-tensioned floor
- pot floor
- precast beam-and-filler floor
- precast concrete floor
- production floor
- raised floor
- ribbed floor
- rough floor
- second floor
- self-leveling floor
- shallow floor
- single floor
- site-precast floor
- skip joist system floor
- slab floor
- slab and beam floor
- slab-on-grade floor
- slippery floor
- slip-resistant floor
- slotted floor
- solid floor
- solid panel floor
- sparkproof floor
- squeak-free floor
- steel grating floor
- steel grid floor
- sub floor
- superflat floor
- suspended floor
- timber floor
- top floor
- troweled floor
- typical floor
- upper floors
- upstream floor
- vacuum-treated concrete floor
- waffle-slab floor
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
5 floor
1) пол; перекрытие; настил2) этаж4) проезжая часть моста; мостовой настил; ездовое полотно ( автодорожного моста); мостовое полотно ( железнодорожного моста)5) грунт; почва6) основание, подстилающий слой, дно ( реки)7) днище ( камеры шлюзового дока)8) площадка; участок; отделение•floor with precast beams placed close together — перекрытие из уложенных рядом сборных ( железобетонных) балок
- floor of lock - apparatus floor - arched floor - armoured concrete floor - asphalt mastic floor - attic floor - basement floor - battle-deck floor - beam floor - beam and girder floor - beamless floor - blind floor - bridge floor - bridging floor - cellular floor - cement floor - cement-wood floor - clay floor - clinker floor - composite floor - composition floor - concrete floor - continuous floor - counter floor - dead floor - double floor - downstream floor - drying floor - earth floor - false floor - filler-joist floor - finished floor - fire-resistive floor - first floor - flat-plate floor - flatslab floor - floating floor - floating wood floor - framed floor - free floor of bridge - garret floor - girderless floor - grating floor - ground floor - gypsum floor - heated floor - heat-insulated floor - heavy-duty floor - jointless floor - matched floor - metal-deck floor - mushroom floor - noise floor - open floor - open bridge floor - overall floor - pan floor - parquet floor - pivoting floor - plank floor - precast concrete floor - raised floor - reinforced concrete floor - rib floor - seamless floor - self-levelling floor - sheet floor - single-floor - slab floor - slab and girder floor - slippery floor - sloping floor - slotted floor - solid floor - solid bridge floor - suspended floor - tile floor - timber floor - timber floor of bridge - tongue floor - troweled floor - upper floor - upstream floor - wearing floorfloor without joint — бесшовный пол, монолитный пол
* * *1. пол2. перекрытие3. этаж- floor of hollow construction
- acceptable floor
- Ackerman ribbed floor
- apparatus floor
- attic floor
- basement floor
- beam floor
- beam-and-block floor
- beam-and-girder floor
- beam-and-slab floor
- beamless floor
- bedroom floor
- bridging floor
- ceiling floor
- cellular-steel floor
- cement-wood floor
- clinker floor
- composite concrete-steel deck floor
- composite floor
- composition floor
- concrete floor on grade
- concrete-arch floor
- concrete pan floor
- counter floor
- double-joisted floor
- double floor
- false floor
- filler-joist floor
- finished floor
- finish floor
- fire-resisting floor
- first floor
- flatslab floor
- floating floor
- framed floor
- ground floor
- heavily loaded floor
- heavy duty floor
- hollow block floor
- industrial floor
- jointless floor
- joisted floor
- kitchen floor
- mushroom floor
- nonslip floor
- Omnia concrete floor
- Omnia floor
- one-way floor
- open floor
- open timber floor
- open-web joist floor
- pan floor
- parquet floor
- post-tensioned floor
- pot floor
- precast beam-and-filler floor
- precast concrete floor
- production floor
- raised floor
- ribbed floor
- rough floor
- second floor
- self-leveling floor
- shallow floor
- single floor
- site-precast floor
- skip joist system floor
- slab floor
- slab and beam floor
- slab-on-grade floor
- slippery floor
- slip-resistant floor
- slotted floor
- solid floor
- solid panel floor
- sparkproof floor
- squeak-free floor
- steel grating floor
- steel grid floor
- sub floor
- superflat floor
- suspended floor
- timber floor
- top floor
- troweled floor
- typical floor
- upper floors
- upstream floor
- vacuum-treated concrete floor
- waffle-slab floor -
6 floor
1. перекрытие2. этажacceptable floor — покрытие пола, удовлетворяющее требованиям технических условий; приемлемое покрытие пола
basement floor — подвальное перекрытие; подвальный этаж
beam-and-slab floor — железобетонное балочное перекрытие, ребристое железобетонное перекрытие
bedroom floor — этаж с гостиничными номерами ; спальный этаж
cellular-steel floor — перекрытие из тонколистового стального настила с каналами замкнутого профиля и верхней монолитной бетонной плиты
cement-wood floor — пол из арболита; покрытие пола из арболита
3. брит. этаж над цокольным этажом, второй этажfloor height — высота этажа; высота перекрытия
4. амер. этаж на уровне нулевой отметки, первый этажground floor — цокольный этаж, первый этаж
heavily loaded floor — перекрытие, несущее тяжёлую нагрузку
heavy duty floor — пол, подвергаемый воздействию тяжёлых эксплуатационных нагрузок
5. балочное перекрытие6. пол, укладываемый по лагам или балкамkitchen floor — этаж, где размещён пищеблок
Omnia floor — сборно-монолитное железобетонное перекрытие «Омниа»
one-way floor — железобетонное плитное перекрытие, армированное в одном направлении
open-web joist floor — перекрытие из лёгких стальных сквозных прогонов и верхней железобетонной плиты
precast beam-and-filler floor — железобетонное перекрытие из сборных балок и сборных элементов заполнения
skip joist system floor — ребристое железобетонное перекрытие со значительными интервалами между рёбрами
floor screed — чистый пол; стяжка (пола)
7. монолитное безбалочное железобетонное перекрытие8. монолитный бетонный пол на грунтовом основанииI felt the floor trembling — я почувствовал, что пол дрожит
9. сборное железобетонное перекрытие из сплошных плит10. пол из сборных сплошных бетонных плитsparkproof floor — пол, не создающий искры
11. деревянное основание пола; чёрный пол12. бетонное основание полаtimber floor — деревянный пол; деревянное перекрытие
13. типовой этаж14. типовое железобетонное перекрытие -
7 concrete
1) бетон, бетонная смесь || бетонировать2) бетонный; бетонированный3) конкретный, определённый; реальный4) затвердевать, застывать• -
8 slab
1) плита; панель; плита дорожного покрытия; панель перекрытия3) горбыль•- anchor slab - apron slab - armoured concrete slab - back slab - balcony slab - beam slab - bending slab - building slab - cement slab - cladding slab - composite slab - concrete slab - concrete pavement slab - continuous slab - continuous foundation slab - cored slab - cork slab - corner slab - cornice slab - crest slab - cross slab - curb slab - deck slab of dam - face slab - facing slab - fibre reinforced gypsum slab - filler-concrete slab - fixed-edge slab - floating slab - floor slab - floor slab of a bridge - grade slab - ground slab - gunited slab - heat insulating slab - laminated slab - large slab - lift slab - load-bearing wall slabs - marble wall slab - mineral wool slab - multilayer slab - one-way slab - pavement slab - paving slab - peat slab - pillar wall slab - plaster slab - plinth slab - precast slab - prefabricated slabs - ready-made slab - reinforced-concrete slab - ribbed slab - road slab - roadway slab - rolled slab - roof slab - sandwich slab - sheet slab - shell slab - short span slab - side slab - single-layer slab - sluice slab - sound insulating slab - sound isolation slab - spillway slab - stiffened slab - T-beam floor slab - test slab - thickened edge slab - thin slab - three-layer slab - toe slab - truss slab - two-way slab - uniform road slab - uniform thickness slab - upstream-deck slab - ventilation slab - wall slab - wall heating slab - window slab - wind-protective slab - wood-based slab - woodfibre slab - woodwool slabslab with stiffened edges — плита с укреплёнными краями; плита с жёстко заделанными краями
* * *1. плита ( элемент конструкции)2. горбыль ( пиломатериал)slab over basement — надподвальная плита, плита подвального перекрытия
slab rested on loose fill material — плита ( пола), опирающаяся на насыпной грунт
slab shotcreted over expanded metal — бетонная плита, выполненная методом торкретирования поверх просечно-вытяжного настила; торкрет-бетонная плита, армированная просечно-вытяжным настилом
slab simply supported on four sides — прямоугольная плита, свободно [шарнирно] опёртая по четырём сторонам
- approach slabslab spanning in two directions — плита, работающая в двух направлениях
- apron slab
- balcony slab
- basement slab
- beam slab
- beam and girder slab
- brick-lined concrete slab
- bridge deck slab
- compressed straw slab
- concrete slab
- concrete slab on grade
- continuous slab
- deck slab
- edge supported slab
- equalizing slab
- fixed-edge slab
- flat slab
- floating slab
- floor slab
- foundation slab
- ground slab
- heat-insulating slab
- hollow core slab
- hollow-tile floor slab
- infinite slab
- in-situ concrete slab
- leftward skew slab
- lift slab
- marked out facing slab
- monolithic slab and foundation slab
- mud slab
- paving slab
- plaster slab
- post-tensioned slab
- post-tension slab
- restrained slab
- ribbed slab above basement
- roof slab
- sandwich slab
- semi-infinite slab
- short span slab
- simply supported slab
- skew slab
- solid slab
- spillway slab
- structural slab
- terrazzo facing slab
- terrazzo slab
- two-way slab
- two-way ribbed flat slab
- two-way ribbed slab
- unstiffened edge slab
- upstanding beam slab
- upstand beam slab
- upstream-deck slab
- waffle slab
- wood-fiber slab -
9 slab
- slab
- n1. плита ( элемент конструкции)
2. горбыль ( пиломатериал)
slab over basement — надподвальная плита, плита подвального перекрытия
slab rested on loose fill material — плита ( пола), опирающаяся на насыпной грунт
slab shotcreted over expanded metal — бетонная плита, выполненная методом торкретирования поверх просечно-вытяжного настила; торкрет-бетонная плита, армированная просечно-вытяжным настилом
slab simply supported on four sides — прямоугольная плита, свободно [шарнирно] опёртая по четырём сторонам
slab spanning in two directions — плита, работающая в двух направлениях
- approach slab
- apron slab
- balcony slab
- basement slab
- beam slab
- beam and girder slab
- brick-lined concrete slab
- bridge deck slab
- compressed straw slab
- concrete slab
- concrete slab on grade
- continuous slab
- deck slab
- edge supported slab
- equalizing slab
- fixed-edge slab
- flat slab
- floating slab
- floor slab
- foundation slab
- ground slab
- heat-insulating slab
- hollow core slab
- hollow-tile floor slab
- infinite slab
- in-situ concrete slab
- leftward skew slab
- lift slab
- marked out facing slab
- monolithic slab and foundation slab
- mud slab
- paving slab
- plaster slab
- post-tensioned slab
- post-tension slab
- restrained slab
- ribbed slab above basement
- roof slab
- sandwich slab
- semi-infinite slab
- short span slab
- simply supported slab
- skew slab
- solid slab
- spillway slab
- structural slab
- terrazzo facing slab
- terrazzo slab
- two-way slab
- two-way ribbed flat slab
- two-way ribbed slab
- unstiffened edge slab
- upstanding beam slab
- upstand beam slab
- upstream-deck slab
- waffle slab
- wood-fiber slab
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
10 panel
1) панель ( конструкции)2) облицовочная панель, филёнка8) плита (тротуара, мостовой)9) распределительный щит, приборная панель, щиток; панель управления10) список, перечень11) группа экспертов; совет консультантов12) обшивать панелями, отделывать филёнками•- acoustic panel - aerated panel - airing panel - alarm-signal panel - appliance panel - building panel - cladding panel - composite panel - corner panel - cornice panel - curtain wall panel - electric service panel - electronic control panel - face panel - facing panel - fibre reinforced gypsum panel - form panel - foundation panel - heating panel - laminated panel - large panel - lighting panel - load-bearing wall panels - multi-core panel - multilayer panel - operating panel - pillar wall panel - plinth panel - power panel - precast panel - prefabricated panels - raised panel - raised concrete panel - ready-made panel - ribbed panel - rolled panel - roof panel - sandwich panel - sheet panel - side panel - single-layer panel - site-cast panel - sluice panel - socle panel - solar-cell panel - solar collector roof panel - sound-insulating panel - subdivided panel - sunk panel - T-beam floor panel - test panel - three-layer panel - truss panel - ventilation panel - vibrolled panel - wall panel - wall panel between two windows - wall heating panel - window panel - wind-protective panel - wood-based panel* * *1. панель, плита; щит ( элемент конструкции)2. панель ( расстояние между узлами фермы)3. нижняя часть стены, имеющая иную отделку, чем верхняя4. распределительный щит; щит управления- access panel
- acoustical panel
- adjustable radius curved form panel
- aggregate-coated panel
- airing panel
- all-steel curved form panel
- appliance panel
- architectural panel
- architectural-grade concrete form panel
- asbestos cement wall panel
- brick-faced concrete wall panel
- brickwork infill panel
- building panel
- cladding panel
- composite panel
- concrete form panel
- control panel
- curtain wall panel
- deck panel
- demountable wall panel
- direct radiant panel
- distribution panel
- door panel
- double tee wall panel
- drop panel
- electric floor panel
- embedded heating panel
- enclosure panel
- energy-efficient precast wall panel
- exhaust panel
- expanded polystyrene form panel
- exterior panel
- facing panel
- floor panel
- form panel
- form panel with scaffold platform
- gauge panel
- girder web panel
- glass-fiber-reinforced concrete wall panel
- gypsum panel
- heating panel
- horizontal panel
- infill panel
- instrumental panel
- insulated panel
- large-surface form panel
- lift-slab panel
- load-bearing panel
- metal wall form panel
- operating panel
- ornamental precast panel
- patterned panel
- perforated deck panel
- perforated panel
- plywood form panel
- precast panel
- precast cladding panel
- precast concrete panel
- precast structural cladding panel
- precast windowed wall panel
- prefabricated formwork panel
- prefabricated masonry panel
- premolded asphalt panel
- prestressed panel
- radiant panel
- raised and fielded door panel
- raised and fielded panel
- ribbed panel
- rock faced concrete panel
- safety glass panel
- sample panel
- sandwich panel
- sculptured panel
- sheet panel
- site-cast panel
- site-precast concrete panel
- solar collector roof panel
- sound-insulating panel
- steel-ply panel
- storey-height wall panel
- stress skin panel
- structural roof deck panel
- subdivided panel
- suction panel
- supply air panel
- thermally insulated cladding panel
- tilt-up panel
- ventilation panel
- vortex air supply panel
- waffle-crete panel
- wall heating panel
- weld mesh panel
- window panel
- windowed concrete panel
- windowed panel
- wood fiber concrete panel -
11 structure
1) сооружение; конструкция; конструктивная система; строение; здание2) расположение частей; конструкция; устройство3) структура•- airtight structure - alignment structure - all-metal structure - all-veneer structure - all-welded steel structure - angle structure - armocement structure - aseismic structures - avalanche-protection structure - balloon structure - balloon frame structure - basic structure - beam and girder structure - beam and slab structure - beamless plate structure - bearing structure - bearing-wall structure - bedded structure - block structure - box structure - box-like space structure - braced structure - brick structure - brick-veneer structure - bridge structure - building structure - built-up structure - buried structure - cable structures - cable-stayed structures - cage structure - cancelled structure - cast-in-situ structures - cellular structure - classification of structures - coast-protecting structure - community structure - compact structure - compact grain structure - composite structure - concrete structure - concrete-bent structure - concrete gravity structure - concretionary structure - conjugation structure - crest structure - crib structure - cross-wall structure - crystal structure - cubic structure - curved structure - dangerous structure - dead-end structure - deformation of structure - disasterproof structure - double-skin structure - dust-tight structure - earthquakeproof structure - engineering structure - exterior structure - fabricated structure - filler structure - fine structure - fireproof structure - flood-regulating structure - folded plate structure - frame structure - geologic structure - girder structure - girderless structure - glued structure - glued-laminated structure - grade separation structure - grain structure - granular structure - guide structure - hipped-plate structure - historic structure - hollow-wood structure - hydraulic structure - incombustible structure - indeterminate structure - industrial structure - intake structure - jointless structure - ladder structure - lamellar structure - laminated structure - large-panel structures - large-sized block structures - latticed structure - layer-built structure - load-bearing structure - load-carrying structure - lumber core structure - mammoth building structure - masonry structure - mesh structure - metal structure - mixed structure - modular structure - moving-form structure - multi-span structure - non-bearing structure - non-fireproof structure - non-redundant structure - open structure - orbiting structure - pan structure - panelled structure - partially-prestressed composite structure - paste structure - pell-mell structure - permanent structure - plated structure - platform frame structure - porous structure - post and beam structure - post and panel structure - posttensioned structure - pre-assembled member structure - precast structure - precast and cast-in-situ structure - precast concrete structure - precast panel structure - prefabricated structure - prefabricated demountable structures - pre-posttensioned concrete structure - pressurized structure - prestressed structures - pretensioned concrete structures - probabilistic model of structure - protected metal structure - rammed loam structure - redundant structure - reinforced brick structure - reinforced concrete structure - reinforced masonry structure - reliability of structure - residential structures - rigid structure - rigid framed structure - road-mix structure - rumpled structure - sandwich structure - separation structure - shell structure - simple structure - simple in structure - single-grain structure - skeleton structure - slow-burning structure - slow-burning heavy timber structure - soil structure - solid-walled structure - space grid structures - statically determinate structure - statically indeterminate structure - steel structure - steel-frame structure - steel-plate structures - stone structures - stratified structure - supporting structure - suspended structures - temporary structure - thin-shell structure - thin-slab structure - thin-walled structure - tidal-regulating structure - tone structure - tower-base structure - track structure - trussed structure - two-hinged structure - urban spatial structure - veneered structure - vesicular structure - void structure - wall-bearing structure - water-diverting structure - waterfront structure - water purification structure - waterside structure - weight of structure - welded structure - welded steel structure - wood structureto load a structure — нагружать конструкцию, сооружение
* * *1. конструкция; конструктивная система (здания, сооружения)2. сооружение, здание3. структура4. pl леса; подмости; поддерживающие конструкцииstructure beyond repair — сооружение, не подлежащее восстановлению ( из-за чрезмерного износа)
structure designed by elastic method of analysis — конструкция, рассчитанная с учётом только упругой работы
structure designed by plastic theory — конструкция, рассчитанная по теории пластичности
structure designed on an experimental basis — сооружение [объект] экспериментального проектирования
structure exposed to wind force — сооружение, подвергаемое воздействию ветровых нагрузок; сооружение, для которого ветровые нагрузки являются основными
structure in design stage — сооружение в стадии проектирования; проектируемое сооружение
to make the structure statically determinate — превратить конструкцию в статически определимую ( путём удаления лишних связей)
- above-grade structurestructure subjected to specified loads — конструкция, нагруженная заданными [расчётными] нагрузками
- air-supported structure
- alien structure
- alignment structure
- all-metal structure
- all welded steel structure
- amorphous structure
- angle structure
- appurtenant structure
- arched structure
- architectural structure
- Armco multiplate superspan bridging structures
- armocement structure
- aseismic structure
- atomic reactor containment structure
- auxiliary structure
- avalanche brake structure
- backwater structure
- bank protection structure
- beam-and-column structure
- block structure
- box-type structure
- box structure
- braced structure
- building structure
- bulkhead structure
- cantilever structure
- carrying structure
- cased structure
- cast-in-situ structure
- cellular structure
- cladding structure
- closure structure
- coast-protecting structure
- completed structure
- composite structure
- concrete structure
- concrete gravity structure
- conjugation structure
- continuous structure
- control structure
- conveyance structure
- crest structure
- crib structure
- cross-wall structures
- crystalline structure
- dead-end structure
- dispersed structure
- dome structure
- drop structure
- earth structure
- earthquake-resistant structure
- earth-sheltered structure
- encased structure
- enclosing structures
- engineering structures
- external protection structure
- fish-protection structure
- fixed gravity structure
- floated-in structure
- floating structure
- flocculated structure
- floor structure
- folded plate structure
- folded structure
- framed structure
- freely supported structure
- free standing tower structure
- geological structure
- girder structure
- glass-block structure
- glued structure
- granular structure
- gravity structure
- grid structure
- guide structure
- heated structure
- heat-insulated structure
- high-rise structure
- high-strength structure
- hinged structure
- honeycomb structure
- hydraulic structure
- hyperstatic structure
- in-line structure
- intake structure
- laminated structure
- large-block structure
- large panel structure
- large span structure
- lattice structure
- lightweight structure
- linear structures
- line structures
- load-bearing structure
- log structure
- long span structure
- major structure
- manure storage structure
- marine structure
- massive concrete structure
- mass concrete structure
- metal structure
- modular structure
- multilevel structure
- multilevel cast-in-place parking structure
- multilevel precast concrete bar structure
- multiple span structure
- multistorey structure
- nonbearing structure
- nuclear energy structures
- offshore structure
- oil field structure
- open parking structure
- open-pile braced structure
- open-web structure
- orthotropic structure
- outfall structure
- outlet structure
- panel structure
- parking structure
- perlitic structure
- permanent structure
- pile structure
- pile-and-crib structure
- plate structures
- port structure
- portable structure
- portal structure
- post-and-beam structure
- precast structure
- prestressed structure
- prestressed pretensioned structure
- pretensioned structure
- radial plan structure
- rectilinear structure
- redundant structure
- regulating structure
- reinforced concrete structure
- reinforced masonry structure
- reinforced soil structure
- reinforced timber structure
- rigid structure
- rigid-plastic structure
- roof structure
- seismic structure
- self-supporting structure
- shell structure
- simply supported structure
- single span structure
- skeleton-type structure
- skeleton structure
- soil structure
- solid structure
- space structure
- space-grid structure
- spillway structure
- sports structure
- statically determinate structure
- statically indeterminate structure
- steel structure
- steel and concrete structure
- steel bearing structure
- storage structure
- stressed skin structure
- submerged structure
- subsurface structure
- supporting structure
- surface structure
- suspended structure
- suspended cable net structure
- tailrace structure
- tall structure
- thin-shell structure
- thin-walled prismatic structure
- thin-walled steel structure
- training structure
- truss structure
- tube-in-tube structure
- tubular structure
- turnout structure
- unclad structure
- underground structure
- underpinning structure
- underwater structure
- unified structure
- unsafe structure
- unusual structure
- urban structure
- utility structures
- vault structure
- water-conveyance structure
- water-diverting structure
- water-filled framed structure
- waterfront structure
- water retaining structure
- welded structure
- zoned earthfill structure -
12 panel
- panel
- n1. панель, плита; щит ( элемент конструкции)
2. панель ( расстояние между узлами фермы)
3. нижняя часть стены, имеющая иную отделку, чем верхняя
4. распределительный щит; щит управления
- access panel
- acoustical panel
- adjustable radius curved form panel
- aggregate-coated panel
- airing panel
- all-steel curved form panel
- appliance panel
- architectural panel
- architectural-grade concrete form panel
- asbestos cement wall panel
- brick-faced concrete wall panel
- brickwork infill panel
- building panel
- cladding panel
- composite panel
- concrete form panel
- control panel
- curtain wall panel
- deck panel
- demountable wall panel
- direct radiant panel
- distribution panel
- door panel
- double tee wall panel
- drop panel
- electric floor panel
- embedded heating panel
- enclosure panel
- energy-efficient precast wall panel
- exhaust panel
- expanded polystyrene form panel
- exterior panel
- facing panel
- floor panel
- form panel
- form panel with scaffold platform
- gauge panel
- girder web panel
- glass-fiber-reinforced concrete wall panel
- gypsum panel
- heating panel
- horizontal panel
- infill panel
- instrumental panel
- insulated panel
- large-surface form panel
- lift-slab panel
- load-bearing panel
- metal wall form panel
- operating panel
- ornamental precast panel
- patterned panel
- perforated deck panel
- perforated panel
- plywood form panel
- precast panel
- precast cladding panel
- precast concrete panel
- precast structural cladding panel
- precast windowed wall panel
- prefabricated formwork panel
- prefabricated masonry panel
- premolded asphalt panel
- prestressed panel
- radiant panel
- raised and fielded door panel
- raised and fielded panel
- ribbed panel
- rock faced concrete panel
- safety glass panel
- sample panel
- sandwich panel
- sculptured panel
- sheet panel
- site-cast panel
- site-precast concrete panel
- solar collector roof panel
- sound-insulating panel
- steel-ply panel
- storey-height wall panel
- stress skin panel
- structural roof deck panel
- subdivided panel
- suction panel
- supply air panel
- thermally insulated cladding panel
- tilt-up panel
- ventilation panel
- vortex air supply panel
- waffle-crete panel
- wall heating panel
- weld mesh panel
- window panel
- windowed concrete panel
- windowed panel
- wood fiber concrete panel
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
13 beam
- beam
- n1) балка; прогон; ригель
2) луч
3) брус; поперечина, траверса
4) коромысло (весов)
5) стрела или рукоять стрелы (крана)
- beam and column
- beam carrying transverse loads
- beam fixed at both ends
- beam loaded unsymmetrically
- beam made of precast hollow blocks
- beam on elastic foundation
- beams placed monolithically with slabs
- beam precast on site
- beam subjected to transverse and axial loads
- beam supported on a girder
- beam with overhangs
- beam with rectangular section
- beam with symmetrical section
- beam with unsymmetrical section
- beam of constant depth
- beam of one span
- beam of uniform strength
- anchor beam
- angle beam
- annular beam
- arch beam
- baffle beam
- balance beam
- bamboo-reinforced concrete beam
- basement beam
- bedplate beam
- bending test beam
- Benkelman beam
- bind beam
- bisymmetrical beam
- block beam
- bond beam
- boundary beam
- box beam
- braced beam
- bracing beam
- brake beam
- breast beam
- brick beam
- bridge beam
- bridging beam
- broad-flange beam
- buffer beam
- built-in beam
- built-up beam
- camber beam
- candle beam
- cantilever beam
- capping beam
- cased beam
- castellated beam
- castella Z beam
- ceiling beam
- channel beam
- chief beam
- circular beam
- collar beam
- composite beam
- compound beam
- conjugate beam
- constant-section beam
- continuous beam
- crane lifting beam
- crane runway beam
- cross beam
- curved beam
- deck beam
- deep beam
- double-T beam
- doubly symmetrical beam
- dragging beam
- drop-in beam
- eaves beam
- edge beam
- elastically restrained beam
- encastre beam
- externally reinforced concrete beam
- false beam
- fish beam
- fixed beam
- flitch beam
- floor beam
- footing beam
- foundation beam
- framework beam
- free beam
- gantry beam
- Gerber beam
- glue laminated beam
- grade beam
- grillage beams
- ground beam
- H beam
- hammer beam
- haunched beam
- high strength concrete beam
- hinged beam
- hollow beam
- hollow prestressed concrete beam
- horizontally curved beam
- hung-span beam
- hybrid beam
- I beam
- inverted T beam
- jack beam
- jesting beam
- joggle beam
- jointed beam
- keyed beam
- L beam
- laminated beam
- laterally-unsupported beam
- lattice beam
- leveling beam
- lifting beam
- link beam
- longitudinal beam
- main beam
- modified I beam
- multispan beam
- nailed beam
- needle beam
- outrigger beam
- overhead runway beam
- parallel flanges beam
- partition beam
- precast beam
- precast toe beam
- prestressed concrete beam
- prestressed precast concrete beam
- prismatic beam
- propped cantilever beam
- rectangular beam
- reinforced concrete beam
- reinforced floor beam
- restrained beam
- ridge beam
- ring beam
- rolled beam with cover plates
- rolled I beam
- rolled steel beam
- roof beam
- runway beam
- sandwich beam
- secondary beam
- simple beam
- simple-span beam
- simply supported beam
- single web beam
- slender beam
- soldier beam
- spandrel beam
- spreader beam
- statically determinate beam
- statically indeterminate beam
- steel beam
- steel binding beam
- stiff beam
- stiffening beam
- straight beam
- strengthened beam
- strut-framed beam
- supporting beam
- suspended-span beam
- T beam
- tail beam
- tee beam
- tertiary beam
- test beam
- through beam
- tie beam
- top beam
- top-running crane beam
- transverse beam
- trolley I beam
- trussed beam
- uniformly loaded beam
- unjointed beam
- upstand beam
- valley beam
- vibrating beam
- vibrating leveling beam
- vibratory beam
- wall beam
- welded I beam
- wide-flanged beam
- wind beam
- wood I beam
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
14 structure
- structure
- n1. конструкция; конструктивная система (здания, сооружения)
2. сооружение, здание
3. структура
4. pl леса; подмости; поддерживающие конструкции
structure beyond repair — сооружение, не подлежащее восстановлению ( из-за чрезмерного износа)
structure designed by elastic method of analysis — конструкция, рассчитанная с учётом только упругой работы
structure designed by plastic theory — конструкция, рассчитанная по теории пластичности
structure designed on an experimental basis — сооружение [объект] экспериментального проектирования
structure exposed to wind force — сооружение, подвергаемое воздействию ветровых нагрузок; сооружение, для которого ветровые нагрузки являются основными
structure in design stage — сооружение в стадии проектирования; проектируемое сооружение
to make the structure statically determinate — превратить конструкцию в статически определимую ( путём удаления лишних связей)
structure subjected to specified loads — конструкция, нагруженная заданными [расчётными] нагрузками
- above-grade structure
- air-supported structure
- alien structure
- alignment structure
- all-metal structure
- all welded steel structure
- amorphous structure
- angle structure
- appurtenant structure
- arched structure
- architectural structure
- Armco multiplate superspan bridging structures
- armocement structure
- aseismic structure
- atomic reactor containment structure
- auxiliary structure
- avalanche brake structure
- backwater structure
- bank protection structure
- beam-and-column structure
- block structure
- box-type structure
- box structure
- braced structure
- building structure
- bulkhead structure
- cantilever structure
- carrying structure
- cased structure
- cast-in-situ structure
- cellular structure
- cladding structure
- closure structure
- coast-protecting structure
- completed structure
- composite structure
- concrete structure
- concrete gravity structure
- conjugation structure
- continuous structure
- control structure
- conveyance structure
- crest structure
- crib structure
- cross-wall structures
- crystalline structure
- dead-end structure
- dispersed structure
- dome structure
- drop structure
- earth structure
- earthquake-resistant structure
- earth-sheltered structure
- encased structure
- enclosing structures
- engineering structures
- external protection structure
- fish-protection structure
- fixed gravity structure
- floated-in structure
- floating structure
- flocculated structure
- floor structure
- folded plate structure
- folded structure
- framed structure
- freely supported structure
- free standing tower structure
- geological structure
- girder structure
- glass-block structure
- glued structure
- granular structure
- gravity structure
- grid structure
- guide structure
- heated structure
- heat-insulated structure
- high-rise structure
- high-strength structure
- hinged structure
- honeycomb structure
- hydraulic structure
- hyperstatic structure
- in-line structure
- intake structure
- laminated structure
- large-block structure
- large panel structure
- large span structure
- lattice structure
- lightweight structure
- linear structures
- line structures
- load-bearing structure
- log structure
- long span structure
- major structure
- manure storage structure
- marine structure
- massive concrete structure
- mass concrete structure
- metal structure
- modular structure
- multilevel structure
- multilevel cast-in-place parking structure
- multilevel precast concrete bar structure
- multiple span structure
- multistorey structure
- nonbearing structure
- nuclear energy structures
- offshore structure
- oil field structure
- open parking structure
- open-pile braced structure
- open-web structure
- orthotropic structure
- outfall structure
- outlet structure
- panel structure
- parking structure
- perlitic structure
- permanent structure
- pile structure
- pile-and-crib structure
- plate structures
- port structure
- portable structure
- portal structure
- post-and-beam structure
- precast structure
- prestressed structure
- prestressed pretensioned structure
- pretensioned structure
- radial plan structure
- rectilinear structure
- redundant structure
- regulating structure
- reinforced concrete structure
- reinforced masonry structure
- reinforced soil structure
- reinforced timber structure
- rigid structure
- rigid-plastic structure
- roof structure
- seismic structure
- self-supporting structure
- shell structure
- simply supported structure
- single span structure
- skeleton-type structure
- skeleton structure
- soil structure
- solid structure
- space structure
- space-grid structure
- spillway structure
- sports structure
- statically determinate structure
- statically indeterminate structure
- steel structure
- steel and concrete structure
- steel bearing structure
- storage structure
- stressed skin structure
- submerged structure
- subsurface structure
- supporting structure
- surface structure
- suspended structure
- suspended cable net structure
- tailrace structure
- tall structure
- thin-shell structure
- thin-walled prismatic structure
- thin-walled steel structure
- training structure
- truss structure
- tube-in-tube structure
- tubular structure
- turnout structure
- unclad structure
- underground structure
- underpinning structure
- underwater structure
- unified structure
- unsafe structure
- unusual structure
- urban structure
- utility structures
- vault structure
- water-conveyance structure
- water-diverting structure
- water-filled framed structure
- waterfront structure
- water retaining structure
- welded structure
- zoned earthfill structure
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
15 material
1. материал, вещество2. грунт3. материальный, вещественныйmaterials by structural properties — материалы, классифицируемые по структурным свойствам
abrasive material — абразивный материал, абразив
4. глинистый материалbase material — основное вещество; основа; материал подложки
area material — печатный материал, подсчитываемый по площади
5. глинистая порода; глинистый грунтartificial pozzolanic material — искусственный пуццолановый материал, искусственный пуццолан
backing material — подкладочный материал, подкладка
bagged material — материал, поставляемый в мешках; материал, затариваемый в мешки
binding material — связующий материал, вяжущее
bonding material — вяжущий материал, вяжущее
cement-bound granular material — сцементировавшийся зернистый грунт; зернистый грунт, подвергнутый цементации
cementing material — минеральный вяжущий материал, минеральное вяжущее
coated material — чёрный щебень; щебень, обработанный чёрными вяжущими
coating material — обмазочный материал; обмазочная смесь, обмазка; штукатурка
composite material — композиционный материал, композит
fiber reinforced material — материал, армированный волокном
fill material — сыпучий материал, материал для засыпки
foamed-in-place acoustical materials — звукоизоляционные пенопласты, приготовляемые на месте укладки
6. зернистый материал7. зернистый грунтgritting materials — каменная мелочь, высевки, мелкий гравий
jointing material — материал для устройства швов; материал для герметизации стыков
laminated material — слоистый материал; слоистый пластик
lining material — облицовочный материал; футеровочный материал
8. рыхлый материал9. рыхлый грунтlow-tensile strength material — материал, обладающий малой прочностью при растяжении
maintenance patching material — материал для ямочного ремонта ; материал для мелкого отделочного ремонта
matrix material — вяжущий материал, вяжущее
nonconductive material — материал, не проводящий электротока, токоизолирующий материал
noncreeping material — материал с малой ползучестью, материал, практически не подверженный ползучести
parent material — минеральное или органическое вещество из материнской породы, которое образует грунт
10. пластичный материал11. пластическая масса, пластмассаpozzolanic material — пуццолан; пуццолановый материал
prebagged material — материал, затаренный в мешки
raw materials — сырьевые материалы, сырьё
recycled material — восстановленный материал; повторно используемый материал
release material — антиадгезионный материал, антиадгезионная смазка
resilient materials — эластомеры, эластичные материалы
matrice material — основная масса; шаблон
12. скальная порода13. элемент скальной породыsealing material — герметизирующий материал, герметик
sound material — прочный материал, качественный материал
sparkle material — материал, создающий блёскость покровного отделочного слоя
sprayed-on material — материал, наносимый набрызгом
strain-hardening material — самоупрочивающийся материал; материал, обладающий способностью к самоупрочнению
toxic material — токсичный материал, токсичное вещество
trim materials — материалы для плакирования деталей; материалы износостойких покрытий
walling material — стеновой материал, материал стен
16 rate
1) разряд; сорт; класс2) степень; коэффициент (напр. жёсткости пружины)3) величина; скорость; темп; ход; интенсивность4) расход; производительность5) норма; тариф; расценка; цена6) местный налог, коммунальный налог7) определять (коэффициент, степень)8) оценивать; расценивать; составлять смету•- rate of air circulation - rate of application - rate of change - rate of combustion - rate of concrete placement - rate of concrete strain - rate of construction - rate of constructional production line - rate of cooling - rate of corrosion - rate of crack propagation - rate of creep - rate of curve - rate of customs duty - rate of cutting - rate of decay - rate of deposition - rate of discharge - rate of dosing - rate of evaporation - rate of exchange - rate of fall - rate of feed - rate of filter clogging - rate of floculation - rate of floor space - rate of foundation settlement - rate of freight - rate of grade - rate of hardening - rate of heating - rate of infiltration - rate of insertion - rate of insurance fees - rate of ionization - rate of load application - rate of loading - rate of national taxes - rate of outflow - rate of port dues - rate of pressure drop - rate of pressure rise - rate of progress of the construction work - rate of sedimentation - rate of sediment delivery - rate of setting - rate of slope - rate of spread - rate of static - rate of strain - rate of strength gain - rate of tension - rate of transportation charges - rate of turnover - rate of wages and salaries and charge on payroll - rate of water demand - rate of water loss - rate of wear - rate of work - acceptance rate - accident rate - ageing rate - backwash rate - coverage rate - damage rate - decay rate - discharge rate - dosing rate - erosion rate - failure rate - feed rate - filtering rate - flashing rate - flow rate - grinding rate - injection rate - load rate - manufacturer's rates - oxydation rate - power rates - precipitation rate - production rate - pulse rate - pulse repetition rate - rejection rate - rental rate - retail rate - room-occupancy rate - setting rate - settling rate - shear rate - stroking rate - uptake rate - wage rate - washout rate - wash-water rate - water rate - water contamination rate - water filtration rate - water supply rate - water use rate - wear rate* * *1. скорость; степень; темп; режим; интенсивность2. тариф3. производительность; норма4. класс; сорт5. показатель; параметр; коэффициент- rate of air circulation
- rate of application
- rate of change of stresses
- rate of combustion
- rate of concrete placement
- rate of consolidation
- rate of construction
- rate of damping
- rate of decomposition
- rate of development
- rate of dilution
- rate of elastic recovery
- rate of feed
- rate of filter clogging
- rate of foundation settlement
- rate of growth
- rate of hardening
- rate of heat liberation
- rate of heat transfer
- rate of hydration
- rate of infiltration
- rate of load application
- rate of loading
- rate of motion
- rate of pour
- rate of response
- rate of rise and fall
- rate of runoff
- rate of sediment delivery
- rate of setting
- rate of set
- rate of spread
- rate of strain
- rate of strength development
- rate of swelling
- rate of temperature rise
- rate of travel
- rate of water loss
- rate of water supply
- rate of wear
- rate of work
- rate of work done by one man
- accident rate
- accident death rate
- accident frequency rate
- air change rate
- air flow rate
- air leakage rate
- annual depletion rate
- burning rate
- contract rate
- coverage rate
- creep rate
- daily production rate
- discharge rate
- drift rate
- emission rate
- energy efficiency rate
- energy flow rate
- erection rate
- filtering rate
- flow rate
- free area rate
- heat flow rate
- high rates
- hour rate
- initial rate of absorption
- insurance premium rate
- labor rates
- leak rate
- loading rate
- low rate
- mass flow rate
- metabolic rate
- night rate
- occupancy rate
- occupation rate
- oxidation rate
- penetration rate
- piece rate
- placing rate
- premium rate
- production rate
- safe rate of lift
- settling rate
- sewage flow rate
- shear rate
- spraying rate
- spreading rate
- spring rate
- standard busy rate
- strain rate
- supply rate
- tap discharge rate
- time rate of consolidation
- ventilation rate
- water consumption rate
- water demand rate
- water filtration rate
- water use rate
- worker's hourly wage rate -
17 continuous
длительный; продолжительный; непрерывный; сплошной; постоянный; неразрезной (напр. вал); незатухающий (напр. ток); поточный- continuous acceleration - continuous acoustical ceiling - continuous action optimization - continuous adjustment - continuous analyzer - continuous angle - continuous annealing - continuous annealing line - continuous approximation - continuous balancing - continuous braking system - continuous bucket ditcher - continuous bucket elevator - continuous butt-weld mill - continuous chain - continuous chain broaching machine - continuous chain conveyor - continuous chip - continuous circulation - continuous conditions - continuous contact - continuous control - continuous controller - continuous controller action - continuous cooling fin - continuous cooling transformation characteristics - continuous correction - continuous corrosion - continuous counter - continuous crack - continuous cruising speed - continuous cure - continuous current - continuous cut - continuous deformation - continuous delivery - continuous diagnosis - continuous dipmeter - continuous discharge - continuous distribution - continuous downhill brake performance - continuous drier - continuous drive - continuous drive gearbox - continuous drive transmission - continuous dryer - continuous duty - continuous duty rating - continuous dyeing - continuous dyeing machine - continuous electrode - continuous elevating and lowering system - continuous emission - continuous emission mode - continuous evacuation chamber - continuous exchange - continuous feed - continuous feed welding - continuous feedback - continuous feedback control system - continuous feeding - continuous fillet weld - continuous film - continuous floor - continuous flow - continuous flow calorimeter - continuous flow dampener - continuous flow irrigation - continuous flow pump - continuous flow system - continuous flowmeter - continuous flushing settling basin - continuous forces - continuous frame - continuous fuel injection system - continuous gas cycling - continuous gas delivery - continuous generation - continuous girder - continuous grade - continuous grades up and down - continuous handling equipment - continuous hardening - continuous hatch - continuous heating - continuous heavy-duty service - continuous hinge - continuous indication - continuous injection - continuous inspection - continuous interaction - continuous layer - continuous lift - continuous line bucket dredge - continuous liquid monitor - continuous load - continuous load rating - continuous longitudinal spring pressure - continuous lubricating film - continuous lubrication - continuous machine - continuous machine control mode - continuous machining operation - continuous maintenance - continuous measurement - continuous miner - continuous mixer - continuous mixing plant - continuous misfiring - continuous monitoring - continuous motion - continuous motion orienting-and-tapping machine - continuous oil circulation - continuous operating periodic duty - continuous operation - continuous oscillation - continuous oscillatory system - continuous output - continuous path mode - continuous path servorobot - continuous point contact - continuous potentiometer - continuous power - continuous power take-off - continuous processing line - continuous pumping - continuous range - continuous rate - continuous rating - continuous-reading indicator - continuous recharging - continuous recirculation - continuous release - continuous regulation - continuous resistance annealer - continuous reverse conducting current - continuous rheostat - continuous ring-type gear cutter - continuous roll-forming machine - continuous roller press - continuous rolling - continuous ropeway - continuous rotary miller - continuous rotation - continuous rotation electric drive - continuous electrical drive - continuous run - continuous running - continuous running duty - continuous sampler - continuous separation - continuous service - continuous shaking - continuous spar - continuous strand annealing - continuous stream degassing - continuous stress - continuous stringer - continuous strip sealing - continuous surface mirror - continuous synchronization - continuous system - continuous tooth formation - continuous tread -
18 place
1. n место, город, местечко; пунктLondon is a noisy place — Лондон — шумный город
2. n место, точка на поверхности; участок3. n обычное, привычное, отведённое место4. n сиденье, место5. n место в книге; страница; отрывокtake the place of — замещать; заменять; занять место
the place whither they went — место, куда они пошли
6. n место, пространство7. n существенное место; важная роль8. n подходящий момент, ситуация9. n в названиях10. n площадь11. n небольшая улица, тупик12. n дом, жилищеall over the place — везде, по всему дому
a regular barrack of a place — не дом, а казарма
13. n имение, загородный дом14. n уст. укрепление15. n должность, место, служба16. n высокая государственная должность; ответственная должность, высокий пост17. n членство, участие18. n тк. дело, право, обязанность19. n положение, статус20. n спорт. второе или третье призовое место21. n спорт. амер. второе местозабой, выработка
22. n спорт. мат. разряд23. n спорт. астр. местонахождениеto take place — случаться, иметь место
24. v ставить, помещать; размещатьto place on orbit — выводить на орбиту; размещать на орбите
25. v помещать, отдаватьplace business — помещать заказы; размещать заказы
26. v определять на должность; ставить на приходfeet together, place — ноги вместе ставь
27. v помещать, вкладывать деньги28. v делать, помещать заказthe French Government placed orders in England — французское правительство поместило заказы в Англии
place money on deposit — вносить деньги на депозит; помещать деньги на депозит
29. v продавать товары, акцииdifficult to place — плохо продаётся, плохо идёт
30. v возлагатьno confidence could be placed in any of the twelve judges — из двенадцати судей нельзя было верить ни одному
31. v определять местоположение или дату; соотноситьto try to place the spot where Caesar landed — пытаться определить то место, где высадился Цезарь
the manuscript is placed not later than the tenth century — установлено, что рукопись относится к десятому веку, не позже
I know his face but I cannot place him — мне знакомо его лицо, но я не могу вспомнить, где я его видел
fire place — камин; топка камина или печи
32. v считать, причислять; оценивать33. v спорт. определять занятые места в соревнованииtake place — случаться; происходить; иметь место
34. v спорт. присудить второе или третье призовое местоlanding place — место высадки, пристань
out of place — не на месте; неуместный
35. v амер. спорт. присудить второе место36. v занять местоhe campaigned for 10 weeks and placed fifth — он проводил предвыборную кампанию десять недель и вышел на пятое место
37. v s38. v занимать определённое положение39. v находиться в определённом положении40. v амер. разг. повысить голосСинонимический ряд:1. area (noun) area; locality; vicinity2. duty (noun) charge; duty; employment; function; responsibility3. home (noun) abode; domicile; dwelling; habitation; home; house; lodgings; residence4. job (noun) appointment; berth; billet; connection; job; office; post; slot5. location (noun) capacity; character; footing; locale; location; locus; plot; point; quality; rank; site; space; spot; standing; state; station; status; stead; where6. occasion (noun) cause; circumstances; ground; occasion; opportunity; position; reason; situation7. region (noun) field; province; region; section; sector; territory8. appoint (verb) appoint; hire; induct9. estimate (verb) approximate; call; estimate; judge; reckon10. fix (verb) affix; assign; blame; fasten; fix; pin on; saddle11. identify (verb) determinate; diagnose; diagnosticate; distinguish; finger; identify; pinpoint; recognise; recognize; spot12. put (verb) arrange; deposit; dispose; establish; lay; locate; order; position; put; set; settle; situate; stick13. rate (verb) categorise; class; classify; grade; group; pigeon-hole; rank; rate14. run (verb) come in; finish; runАнтонимический ряд:discompose; dislodge; dismiss; displace; disturb; eject; empty; eradicate; forget; jumble; misplace; remove
См. также в других словарях:
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building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
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