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colloidal phase

См. также в других словарях:

  • Colloidal silica — Colloidal silicas are suspensions of fine amorphous, nonporous, and typically spherical silica particles in a liquid phase. Contents 1 Properties 2 Manufacture 3 Applications 4 See also …   Wikipedia

  • Colloidal particle — is a small amount of matter having size typical for colloids and with a clear phase boundary (phase colloids). A group of such particles (aggregate, agglomerate) or being a macromolecule (e.g. solution of polymer molecules is a molecular colloid) …   Wikipedia

  • Colloidal crystal — A colloidal crystal is an ordered array of colloid particles, analogous to a standard crystal whose repeating subunits are atoms or molecules.[1] A natural example of this phenomenon can be found in the gem opal, where spheres of silica assume a… …   Wikipedia

  • Colloidal gold — Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes …   Wikipedia

  • Colloïdal — Colloïde Le lait est une solution colloïdale de globules gras dans une solution à base d eau. Un colloïde est une substance sous forme de liquide ou galénique semi solide sous laquelle peuvent se présenter des préparations pharmaceutiques,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • phase — phaseless, adj. phasic, phaseal, adj. /fayz/, n., v., phased, phasing. n. 1. any of the major appearances or aspects in which a thing of varying modes or conditions manifests itself to the eye or mind. 2. a stage in a process of change or… …   Universalium

  • colloidal solution — noun a colloid that has a continuous liquid phase in which a solid is suspended in a liquid • Syn: ↑sol, ↑colloidal suspension • Hypernyms: ↑colloid …   Useful english dictionary

  • colloidal suspension — noun a colloid that has a continuous liquid phase in which a solid is suspended in a liquid • Syn: ↑sol, ↑colloidal solution • Hypernyms: ↑colloid …   Useful english dictionary

  • colloidal silicon dioxide — [NF] a submicroscopic fumed silica prepared by the vapor phase hydrolysis of a silicon compound; used as a tablet diluent and as a suspending and thickening agent …   Medical dictionary

  • État colloïdal — Colloïde Le lait est une solution colloïdale de globules gras dans une solution à base d eau. Un colloïde est une substance sous forme de liquide ou galénique semi solide sous laquelle peuvent se présenter des préparations pharmaceutiques,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dispersed phase — noun (of colloids) a substance in the colloidal state • Syn: ↑dispersed particles • Topics: ↑colloid • Hypernyms: ↑phase, ↑form * * * noun or …   Useful english dictionary

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