1 coke
2 coke
3 coke
I mcoke métallurgique — металлургический коксcoke de gaz — газовый кокс, ретортный коксII f разг. -
4 coke
m кокс;ma cuisinière marche au coke — моя́ [ку́хонная] плита́ рабо́тает на ко́ксе
5 coke
6 coke
кокс -
7 coke de cornue
= coke distillé en vase clos ретортный кокс -
8 coke distillé en vase clos
Dictionnaire polytechnique Français-Russe > coke distillé en vase clos
9 coke boursouflé
губчатый кокс; вспученный кокс -
10 coke de fonderie
Dictionnaire polytechnique Français-Russe > coke de fonderie
11 coke de gaz
газовый кокс; ретортный кокс -
12 coke de pétrole
13 coke de tourbe
14 coke gailleteux
15 coke grésillon
16 coke magnésié
17 coke menu
коксовые высевки, коксовый мусор, коксовая мелочь; коксик -
18 coke métallurgique
Dictionnaire polytechnique Français-Russe > coke métallurgique
19 coke tout venant
Dictionnaire polytechnique Français-Russe > coke tout venant
20 coke de brai
Dictionnaire français-russe de pétrole et de gaz > coke de brai
См. также в других словарях:
coke — coke … Dictionnaire des rimes
Coke — may refer to: Coca Cola, a soft drink originally based on coca leaf extract The Coca Cola Company, makers of this drink Cola, any soft drink similar to Coca Cola Soft drink, any non alcoholic carbonated beverage Coca, a plant Cocaine, a drug… … Wikipedia
Coke — bezeichnet: ein Getränk, siehe Coca Cola einen nordamerikanischen Indianerstamm, siehe Coco (Volk) im NATO Code das Flugzeug Antonow An 24 Coke ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Christopher „Dudus“ Coke (* 1969), mutmaßlicher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
COKE (E.) — COKE sir EDWARD (1552 1634) L’un des plus célèbres juristes anglais du XVIIe siècle. Nombre des jugements de sir Edward Coke ont fait jurisprudence. Sa vie publique a été marquée par la difficile recherche d’une conciliation entre les exigences… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Coke® — [ko:k , engl.: koʊk ], das; [s], s u. die; , s <aber: 5 Coke> [engl.( amerik.) Coke®, nach dem Werbeslogan »Coca Cola ist Coke«, viell. unter Anlehnung an: coke = ↑ 2Koks]: kurz für ↑ Coca Cola … Universal-Lexikon
Coke — Coke; coke; de·coke; nan·ti·coke; semi·coke; … English syllables
Coke — Coke, n. [Perh. akin to cake, n.] Mineral coal charred, or depriver of its bitumen, sulphur, or other volatile matter by roasting in a kiln or oven, or by distillation, as in gas works. It is lagerly used where ? smokeless fire is required.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Coke — Coke, v. t. To convert into coke. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
coke — [kəuk US kouk] n [Sense: 1; Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Coca (Cola)] [Sense: 2; Date: 1900 2000; Origin: cocaine] [Sense: 3; Date: 1600 1700; Origin: Origin unknown] 1.) Coke [U and C] trademark the drink Coca Cola, or a bottle, can, or glass of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
coke — [ kouk ] noun 1. ) Coke count or uncount TRADEMARK a type of sweet brown FIZZY drink (=with gas in it), or a glass of this drink 2. ) uncount INFORMAL the drug COCAINE 3. ) uncount a solid black substance similar to coal that people burn to… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
coke — [1] ► NOUN 1) a solid fuel made by heating coal in the absence of air so that the volatile components are driven off. 2) carbon residue left after the incomplete combustion or distillation of petrol or other fuels. ► VERB (usu. coking) ▪ convert… … English terms dictionary