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  • 1 CLXII

    English-Russian dictionary designations > CLXII

  • 2 162

    Запись римскими цифрами: CLXII.

    English-Russian dictionary designations > 162

  • 3 νικάω

    νικάω (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX; PsSol 4:10; TestJob 27:5; Test12Patr, Philo, Joseph., Just., Tat.; Ath. 3, 2) ptc. νικῶν, dat. νικῶντι or νικοῦντι (so some edd. Rv 2:17, in part also vs. 7; on this exchange of-άω and-έω forms s. B-D-F §90; W-S. §13, 26; Rob. 203; s. Mlt-H. 195); fut. νικήσω; 1 aor. ἐνίκησα; pf. νενίκηκα. Pass.: 1 fut. inf. νικηθήσεσθαι (Just., D. 78, 9); 1 aor. ἐνικήθην LXX, ptc. νικηθείς; pf. inf. νενικῆσθαι 4 Macc 13:2.
    to win in the face of obstacles, be victor, conquer, overcome, prevail, intr.
    in a battle or contest (EpArist 281); of Israel as victorious in battle 12:2 (cp. Ex 17:11); of Christ Rv 3:21b; 5:5 (the foll. inf. ἀνοῖξαι indicates what the victory enables the victor to do). ἐξῆλθεν νικῶν κ. ἵνα νικήσῃ 6:2. Of the good athlete (Lucian, Tim. 50; POxy 1759, 4 letter to an athlete) IPol 3:1. The Christian as ὁ νικῶν the one who is victorious (s. B-D-F §322; Rob. 865) Rv 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; 21:7 (s. Boll 49, 1). οἱ νικῶντες ἐκ τοῦ θηρίου (=τηρήσαντες ἑαυτοὺς ἐκ τ. θ.—B-D-F §212; GBonaccorsi, Primi saggi di filologia neotest. I ’33 p. clxii) 15:2.—Hs 8, 3, 6 v.l.
    in a legal action (Aristoph., Equ. 95, Av. 445; 447; Protagoras in Diog. L. 9, 56 [νικάω and νίκη]; Artem. 1, 35 p. 36, 20; 4, 31 p. 222, 17 al.; PSI 551, 7 [III B.C.] ἐνίκων τῇ κρίσει; PHal 1, 51; 58 [III B.C.]; Jos., Bell. 2, 284, Ant. 12, 126) ὅπως … και νικήσεις (v.l. νικήσῃς) ἐν τῷ κρίνεσθαί σε that you may win when you are accused Ro 3:4; 1 Cl 18:4 (both Ps 50:6.—IG XI/4, 1299, 26f [c. 200 B.C.] Sarapis and his worshipers win in a lawsuit over a new temple [Eng. tr. in Danker, Benefactor, no. 27]).
    to overcome someone, vanquish, overcome, trans.
    act. w. the obj. in the acc. τινά overcome someone (Polyb. 6, 58, 13; Diod S 4, 57, 6; Jos., Vi. 81) Lk 11:22; Rv 11:7; 13:7; 17:14. Of Christ νενίκηκα τὸν κόσμον I have overcome the world (i.e. the sum total of everything opposed to God; s. κόσμος 7b) J 16:33b (ν. τι=‘be stronger than’: IAndros Isis, Kyme 55 p. 124). Also said of Christians 1J 5:4f; cp. αὕτη ἐστιν ἡ νίκη ἡ νικήσασα τὸν κόσμον vs. 4b (s. νίκη). Also ν. τὸν πονηρόν overcome the evil one, the devil 2:13f (on this passage and J 16:33b s. JBruns, JBL 86, ’67, 451–53); cp. Rv 12:11. αὐτόν (=τὸν διάβολον) Hs 8, 3, 6. αὐτούς (=τοὺς ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου) 1J 4:4. ν. τὴν ψυχήν win a victory over the soul (i.e. the earthly-minded part of man; cp. Sextus 71a νίκα τὸ σῶμα) 2 Cl 16:2. The conquering power added in the dat.: by (means of) ἔν τινι (Pla., Symp. 213e; Himerius, Or. [Ecl.] 3, 11 ἐν δόγμασι νικῶν ἐκείνους): ἐν τῷ μὴ ποιεῖν τὰς ἐπιθυμίας αὐτῆς τὰς πονηράς by not carrying out its base desires 2 Cl 16:2. ν. ἐν τῷ ἀγαθῷ τὸ κακόν overcome evil with good Ro 12:21b (TestBenj 4:3 οὗτος τὸ ἀγαθὸν ποιῶν νικᾷ τὸ κακόν).
    pass. be conquered, beaten (Thu. 1, 76, 2 al.; Posidippus [III B.C.]: 447 Fgm. 2 Jac. νικᾶται ὁ Κύπριος τῷ σχήματι=the Cyprian is ‘conquered’ by the picture [of Aphrodite] et al.; Philo, De Jos. 200 νικώμενος ὑπὸ πάθους; Jos., Ant. 1, 302 by the force of necessity; Tat. 9, 2 ὁ νικώμενος νῦν εἰσαῦτις ἐπικρατεῖν εἴωθεν; Theoph. Ant. 2, 12 [p. 130, 30] θεὸν γὰρ οὐ χρὴ ὑφʼ ἡδονῆς νικᾶσθαι) Hm 12, 5, 2. ὁ πονηρὸς … νικηθείς AcPlCor 2:15. Let oneself be overcome μὴ νικῶ ὑπὸ τ. κακοῦ Ro 12:21a; Dg 7:7.
    to surpass in ability, outstrip, excel, trans. w. the superior power added in the dat. (cp. Eur., Herc. Fur. 342 ἀρετῇ; Ael. Aristid. 13 p. 272 D.: ἐπιεικείᾳ; Tat. 15:4 θανάτῳ … τὸν θάνατον νενικήκασιν) τοῖς ἰδίοις βίοις νικῶσι τ. νόμους in their way of life they surpass (or outdo) the laws (i.e., they live better lives than the laws require) Dg 5:10.—DELG s.v. νίκη. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > νικάω

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