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См. также в других словарях:

  • close relative — index next of kin Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • close relative — artimieji giminaičiai statusas Aprobuotas sritis baudžiamoji teisė ir procesas apibrėžtis Tėvai, vaikai, seneliai, vaikaičiai, broliai ir seserys. atitikmenys: angl. close relative rus. близкие родственники pranc. parent proches šaltinis Lietuvos …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • close - near — If something is near, near to, or close to a place or thing, it is a short distance from it. When close has this meaning, it is pronounced . I live now in Reinfeld, which is near Lübeck. I stood very …   Useful english dictionary

  • relative — [[t]re̱lətɪv[/t]] ♦♦♦ relatives 1) N COUNT Your relatives are the members of your family. Do relatives of yours still live in Siberia?... Get a relative to look after the children. Syn: relation 2) ADJ: ADJ n You use relative to say that… …   English dictionary

  • close — closable, closeable /kloh zeuh beuhl/, adj. closely /klohs lee/, adv. closeness /klohs nis/, n. v. /klohz/; adj., adv. /klohs/ or, for 56, /klohz/; n. /klohz/ for 66, 67, 70 72, 74, 75, /klohs/ for 68, 69, 73, v., closed …   Universalium

  • close — I SHUTTING OR COMPLETING ♦ closes, closing, closed (Pronounced [[t]klo͟ʊz[/t]] in close 1 and 3, and [[t]klo͟ʊs[/t]] in close 2 and 4.) 1) V ERG When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or… …   English dictionary

  • close — v. [[t]kloʊz[/t]] adj., adv. [[t]kloʊs[/t]] n. [[t]kloʊz[/t]] for 66, 67, 70–72, 74, 75, [[t]kloʊs[/t]] for 68, 69, 73 v. closed, clos•ing, 1) to put (something) in a position to obstruct an entrance or opening; shut 2) to stop or obstruct (a gap …   From formal English to slang

  • close — 1. adj., adv., & n. adj. 1 (often foll. by to) situated at only a short distance or interval. 2 a having a strong or immediate relation or connection (close friend; close relative). b in intimate friendship or association (were very close). c… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Relative Vigor Index - RVI — An indicator used in technical analysis that measures the conviction of a recent price action and the likelihood that it will continue. The RVI compares the positioning of a security s closing price relative to its price range, and the result is… …   Investment dictionary

  • Relative return — is a measure of the return of an investment portfolio relative to a theoretical passive reference portfolio or benchmark.In active portfolio management, the aim is to maximize the relative return (often subject to a risk constraint). In passive… …   Wikipedia

  • Relative difference — refers to an evaluation of a difference in measures in context with a base measure. It may be contrasted with an absolute difference.One approach to obtain the relative difference of two numbers is their absolute difference divided by the maximum …   Wikipedia

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