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  • 1 cloak

    [kləuk] 1. noun
    (a loose outer garment without sleeves, covering most of the body; something that conceals: a woollen cloak; They arrived under cloak of darkness.) capa
    2. verb
    (to cover or hide: He used a false name to cloak his activities.) disfarçar
    * * *
    [klouk] n 1 capote, manto, capa larga sem mangas. 2 fig disfarce, pretexto, manto. • vt 1 encapotar. 2 esconder, mascarar. cloak of charity manto da caridade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cloak

  • 2 cloak

    [kləuk] 1. noun
    (a loose outer garment without sleeves, covering most of the body; something that conceals: a woollen cloak; They arrived under cloak of darkness.) capa
    2. verb
    (to cover or hide: He used a false name to cloak his activities.) dissimular

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > cloak

  • 3 cloak

    manto, disfarce, capote

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > cloak

  • 4 cloak of charity

    cloak of charity
    manto da caridade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cloak of charity

  • 5 cloak-and-dagger

    [klouk ən d'ægə] adj característico de mistério, espionagem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cloak-and-dagger

  • 6 cloak-pin

    [kl'ouk pin] n gancho para pendurar capas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cloak-pin

  • 7 wrapping cloak

    wrap.ping cloak
    [r'æpiŋ klouk] n capa ou capote largo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wrapping cloak

  • 8 cloaking

    [kl'oukiŋ] n 1 disfarce, ocultação. 2 tecido grosso para o feitio de mantos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cloaking

  • 9 cloakroom

    1) (a room for coats, hats etc.) vestiário
    2) (a lavatory: the ladies' cloakroom.) lavabo
    * * *
    [kl'oukru:m] n chapeleira: 1 local onde podem ser guardados temporariamente casacos, chapéus, guarda-chuvas, etc. 2 Brit lavatório (especialmente em edifícios públicos), lavabo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cloakroom

  • 10 envelop

    past tense, past participle - enveloped; verb
    (to cover by wrapping; to surround completely: She enveloped herself in a long cloak.) envolver(-se)
    * * *
    [inv'el2p] vt 1 envolver, embrulhar, cobrir, encobrir. 2 circunvolver. 3 Mil envolver, cercar o inimigo. 4 fig ocultar, encobrir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > envelop

  • 11 hood

    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) capuz
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) cobertura
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) capô QUERY
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) capelo
    * * *
    [hud] n 1 capuz. 2 capelo, borla. 3 tampa sobre o motor de automóvel, capota. 4 capela (de laboratório). 5 toldo, coberta. • vt 1 cobrir, vedar, encobrir. 2 colocar capuz.
    [hud] n Brit coll abbr neighbourhood (vizinhança).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hood

  • 12 tattered

    adjective (ragged or torn: a tattered cloak/book.) rasgado
    * * *
    [t'ætəd] adj esfarrapado, maltrapilho.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tattered

  • 13 uncloak

    [∧nkl'ouk] vt+vi 1 tirar a capa ou o manto. 2 revelar, expor, desmascarar. uncloak yourself / tire a capa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > uncloak

  • 14 envelop

    past tense, past participle - enveloped; verb
    (to cover by wrapping; to surround completely: She enveloped herself in a long cloak.) embrulhar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > envelop

  • 15 hood

    1) (a usually loose covering for the whole head, often attached to a coat, cloak etc: The monk pulled his hood over his head.) capuz
    2) (a folding cover on a car, pram etc: Put the hood of the pram up - the baby is getting wet.) capota
    3) ((American) the bonnet of a car: He raised the hood to look at the engine.) capô
    4) (a fold of cloth representing a hood, worn by university graduates over their gowns on ceremonial occasions: The professors and lecturers all wore their gowns and hoods for the graduation ceremony.) capelo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hood

  • 16 tattered

    adjective (ragged or torn: a tattered cloak/book.) esfarrapado

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tattered

См. также в других словарях:

  • Cloak — (kl[=o]k; 110), n. [Of. cloque cloak (from the bell like shape), bell, F. cloche bell; perh. of Celtic origin and the same word as E. clock. See 1st {Clock}.] 1. A loose outer garment, extending from the neck downwards, and commonly without… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cloak — Cloak, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cloaked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Cloaking}.] To cover with, or as with, a cloak; hence, to hide or conceal. [1913 Webster] Now glooming sadly, so to cloak her matter. Spenser. Syn: See {Palliate}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cloak — cloak; cloak·less; cloak·let; un·cloak; …   English syllables

  • cloak — ► NOUN 1) an overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders over the arms to the knees or ankles. 2) something that hides or covers: a cloak of secrecy. 3) (cloaks) Brit. a cloakroom. ► VERB ▪ dress or hide in a cloak. ORIGIN Old French cloke …   English terms dictionary

  • cloak — [klōk] n. [ME cloke, cloak < OFr < ML clocca (see CLOCK1), a bell, cloak: so called from its bell like appearance] 1. a loose outer garment, usually sleeveless and extending to or below the knees 2. something that covers or conceals;… …   English World dictionary

  • cloak — [n] cover; coat beard, blind, camouflage, cape, capote, disguise, facade, face, front, guise, manteau, mantle, mask, pretext, semblance, shawl, shield, show, veneer, wrap; concepts 451,475,680 cloak [v] disguise blanket, camouflage, coat, conceal …   New thesaurus

  • cloak — I verb beguile, belie, blind, bluff, bury, camouflage, cloud, conceal, conceal the truth, construe falsely, couch, cover, cover up, curtain, deceive, decoy, disguise, dissemble, dissimulare, dissimulate, distort, divert, dress up, dupe, eclipse,… …   Law dictionary

  • cloak — vb mask, *disguise, dissemble, camouflage Analogous words: conceal, *hide, screen Antonyms: uncloak Contrasted words: *reveal, disclose, discover, betray …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Cloak — For other uses, see Cloak (disambiguation). Evening cloak or manteau, from Costume Parisien, 1823 …   Wikipedia

  • cloak — cloak1 [kləuk US klouk] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old North French; Origin: cloque bell, cloak , from Medieval Latin clocca bell ( CLOCK1); because of its shape] 1.) a warm piece of clothing like a coat without sleeves that hangs loosely from your… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cloak — [[t]klo͟ʊk[/t]] cloaks, cloaking, cloaked 1) N COUNT A cloak is a long, loose, sleeveless piece of clothing which people used to wear over their other clothes when they went out. 2) N SING: N of n A cloak of something such as mist or snow… …   English dictionary

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