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circulatory force

  • 1 circulatory force

    Авиасловарь > circulatory force

  • 2 force

    1. сила; усилие/ прикладывать усилие/ силовой
    5. (войсковое) соединение; части и соединения; подразделения
    force at the hub
    force due to pitching
    force due to rolling
    force on the pitch control
    force per unit length
    forces due to aerodynamic hinge moments
    1/rev force
    acceleration force
    accelerative force
    actuating force
    actuator force
    aerobatic forces
    aerodynamic force
    aft stick force
    air force
    airborne early warning force
    airframe force
    airframe aerodynamic force
    antiautorotational force
    applied force
    axial force
    backward rotated force
    balancing force
    balloon's supporting force
    bending force
    body axis aerodynamic forces
    braking force
    break-out force
    buffet onset normal force
    buffeting force
    buoyant force
    cancellation force
    carrier force
    carrier forces
    centrifugal force
    centripetal force
    chordwise forces
    circulatory force
    combined test force
    compressive force
    concentrated force
    constraint force
    contact force
    control force
    control feel force
    controller force
    controlling force
    Coriolis force
    cornering force
    crack driving force
    cross-stream force
    crush force
    damper force
    damper spring force
    damping force
    deceleration force
    decelerative force
    destabilizing force
    dissipative forces
    disturbance force
    downward force
    drag force
    EBO force
    ejection force
    ejection forces
    elastic force
    embarked force
    exciting force
    exhaust forces
    eye balls out force
    field force
    finite force
    fracture force
    friction force
    frictional force
    G force
    generalized force
    ground contact force
    gyroscopic force
    hub shear force
    impact force
    impulsive force
    in-flight tanker force
    in-phase force
    inertia force
    inertial force
    inlet forces
    in-plane force
    input force
    interaction force
    interface force
    lateral force
    lateral stick force
    lateral-directional forces
    leading-edge suction force
    lift force
    longitudinal force
    longitudinal stick force
    maneuver force
    mass force
    membrane force
    modal forces
    net force
    normal force
    normal-to-path forces
    once-per-revolution force
    oscillatory force
    out-of-phase force
    overall force
    pedal force
    perturbation forces
    pitch force
    pitch stick force
    point force
    power plant forces
    pressure forces
    propelling force
    propulsion force
    propulsive force
    pushing force
    radial drag force
    redundant forces
    repulsive force
    restoring force
    resultant force
    retarding force
    retroactive force
    root mean square force
    rotational force
    rotor force
    rotor forces
    rotor head forces
    rudder pedal force
    seagoing air forces
    section force
    shear force
    side force
    spring force
    stability axis aerodynamic forces
    stick force
    stick force per g
    stick force per inch
    stick force to trim
    stretching force
    suckdown force
    suction force
    surface force
    tail force
    task force
    tension force
    thrust force
    torque force
    transverse force
    transverse shearing force
    trim force
    V/STOL air force
    vibration forces
    vibratory forces
    virtual force
    vortex force
    vortex-induced force
    vortical force
    wind forces
    yaw force
    yawing force

    Авиасловарь > force

  • 3 torque

    1. n археол. кручёное металлическое ожерелье или браслет
    2. n физ. вращающий момент
    3. v спец. закручивать
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. rotary force (noun) circulatory force; energy; force; movement causing rotation; pull; revolving; rotary force; stress; tension; twist
    2. strain (verb) strain; stretch; tense
    Антонимический ряд:
    relax; slack

    English-Russian base dictionary > torque

  • 4 component

    1. компонент; составная часть, элемент; агрегат; узел; блок; деталь
    2. составляющая, компонента
    component about the axis
    component along the axis
    component of the load factor
    component of the moment
    component of the thrust
    acceleration component
    angular velocity component
    axial component
    Cartesian components
    circulatory component
    cool engine component
    crosswind component
    displacement component
    drag component
    force component
    headwind component
    high-use components
    hot-end component
    inertial component
    in-plane component
    input component
    integrally machined component
    lift component
    lift-dependent component
    long-lead-time components
    longitudinal component
    motivator component
    noncirculatory component
    oscillatory component
    output component
    radar-reflective component
    rearward component
    resultant force component
    resultant moment component
    rotating components
    sideforce component
    strain component
    stress component
    structure component
    systematic component
    tailwind component
    tensorial component
    thrust component
    torque component
    upward component
    velocity component
    wind component
    wind velocity component

    Авиасловарь > component

  • 5 matrix

    1. матрица <в математике, металлообработке, материаловедении>
    4х4 matrix
    aerodynamic matrix
    aerodynamic damping matrix
    aerodynamic influence coefficient matrix
    aerodynamic stiffness matrix
    aerodynamics matrix
    aeroelastic matrix
    banded matrix
    block gain matrix
    carbonised matrix
    circulatory aerodynamic matrix
    closed-loop matrix
    coefficient matrix
    column matrix
    complex matrix
    compliance matrix
    condensed matrix
    configuration matrix
    consistent matrix
    constant matrix
    constitutive matrix
    control matrix
    control derivative matrix
    control effectiveness matrix
    controller matrix
    Coriolis matrix
    cost matrix
    covariance matrix
    damping matrix
    dense matrix
    derivative matrix
    diagonal matrix
    differentiating matrix
    direction cosine matrix
    downwash matrix
    dynamics matrix
    eigenvalue matrix
    eigenvector matrix
    epoxy matrix
    error matrix
    feed forward matrix
    feedback matrix
    Fisher's information matrix
    flexibility matrix
    Floquet transition matrix
    force matrix
    frequency matrix
    gain matrix
    generalized matrix
    generalized stiffness matrix
    generic configuration matrix
    Hessenberg matrix
    Hessian matrix
    identity matrix
    inertia matrix
    influence matrix
    influence coefficient matrix
    information matrix
    input matrix
    integrating matrix
    interelement compatible matrix
    inverse matrix
    Jacobian matrix
    lateral-directional matrix
    logic matrix
    mass matrix
    measurement matrix
    measurement noise covariance matrix
    modal matrix
    moment of inertia matrix
    negative semidefinite matrix
    noise intensity matrix
    noncirculatory aerodynamic matrix
    nondiagonal matrix
    observation matrix
    output matrix
    pentadiagonal matrix
    periodic matrix
    perturbation matrix
    pilot transfer matrix
    plant matrix
    positive semidefinite matrix
    positive-definite matrix
    real matrix
    residual matrix
    return difference matrix
    row matrix
    sensitivity matrix
    sequence-free transformation matrix
    silicon carbide matrix
    skew symmetric matrix
    solution matrix
    sparse matrix
    square matrix
    stability matrix
    stability derivative matrix
    state matrix
    state transition matrix
    stiffness matrix
    stress matrix
    structural damping matrix
    structure matrix
    superelement matrix
    symmetric matrix
    system matrix
    test matrix
    time separation matrix
    transfer matrix
    transfer function matrix
    transformation matrix
    transition matrix
    transmission matrix
    transposed matrix
    tridiagonal matrix
    unitary matrix
    Vandermonde matrix
    weightage matrix
    weighting matrix

    Авиасловарь > matrix

  • 6 lubrification

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > lubrification

См. также в других словарях:

  • reserve force — energy above that required for normal functioning; in the heart it is the power which will take care of the additional circulatory burden imposed by bodily exertion …   Medical dictionary

  • torque — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. circulatory force, twist, revolving; see energy 3 , revolution 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • circulation — circulable /serr kyeuh leuh beuhl/, adj. /serr kyeuh lay sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of circulating, moving in a circle or circuit, or flowing. 2. the continuous movement of blood through the heart and blood vessels, which is maintained… …   Universalium

  • animal — animalic /an euh mal ik/, animalian /an euh may lee euhn, mayl yeuhn/, adj. /an euh meuhl/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Animalia, comprising multicellular organisms that have a well defined shape and usually limited growth, can move… …   Universalium

  • Blood pressure — For information about high blood pressure, see Hypertension. Blood pressure Diagnostics A sphygmomanometer, a device used for measuring arterial pressure. MeSH …   Wikipedia

  • excretion — excretion1 /ik skree sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of excreting. 2. the substance excreted, as urine or sweat, or certain plant products. [1595 1605; < LL excretion (s. of excretio) that which is sifted out. See EXCRETE, ION] excretion2 /ik skree… …   Universalium

  • Science in medieval Islam — In the history of science, Islamic science refers to the science developed under the Islamic civilization between the 8th and 16th centuries, during what is known as the Islamic Golden Age. [cite journal|first=A. I.|last=Sabra|authorlink=A. I.… …   Wikipedia

  • Health and Disease — ▪ 2009 Introduction Food and Drug Safety.       In 2008 the contamination of infant formula and related dairy products with melamine in China led to widespread health problems in children, including urinary problems and possible renal tube… …   Universalium

  • Timeline of Islamic science and engineering — This timeline of Islamic science and engineering covers the general development of science and technology in the Islamic world during the Islamic Golden Age, usually dated from the 7th to 16th centuries.From the 17th century onwards, the advances …   Wikipedia

  • cardiovascular disease — Introduction       any of the diseases, whether congenital or acquired, of the heart and blood vessels (blood vessel). Among the most important are atherosclerosis, rheumatic heart disease, and vascular inflammation. Cardiovascular diseases are a …   Universalium

  • death — /deth/, n. 1. the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. Cf. brain death. 2. an instance of this: a death in the family; letters published after his death. 3. the state of being …   Universalium

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