1 braserillo calentador
• chafing dish -
2 calientaplatos
• chafing dish• dish warmer• hot pants• hot pot -
3 escalfeta
• chafing dish -
4 escoriación
• chafing• excoriation -
5 excoriación
• chafing• excoriation• rubbing -
6 rozadura
f.1 scratch, scrape (señal).2 graze (herida).3 gall, harness sore.4 rubbing, graze.5 chafing, irritation of the skin by friction.* * *1 scratch, abrasion* * *SF (=marca) mark of rubbing, chafing mark; [en la piel] abrasion, graze* * *a) ( raspadura) scratchb) ( en la piel)* * *= abrasion, chafing, rub, rub mark.Ex. Maps should lie unfolded one on the other, without intermediate fasteners and other objects that may cause abrasion, corrosion or discoloration, in appropriate enclosures made of suitable materials.Ex. She's a super fit girl with very muscular legs and as a result experiences chafing during long runs.Ex. Someone who knows will probably strip and clean but I don't know how so it has had a rub with a duster.Ex. One panel has a rub mark that can be easily painted over.----* hacer rozaduras = chafe.* * *a) ( raspadura) scratchb) ( en la piel)* * *= abrasion, chafing, rub, rub mark.Ex: Maps should lie unfolded one on the other, without intermediate fasteners and other objects that may cause abrasion, corrosion or discoloration, in appropriate enclosures made of suitable materials.
Ex: She's a super fit girl with very muscular legs and as a result experiences chafing during long runs.Ex: Someone who knows will probably strip and clean but I don't know how so it has had a rub with a duster.Ex: One panel has a rub mark that can be easily painted over.* hacer rozaduras = chafe.* * *1 (raspadura) scratchle hizo una rozadura al coche he scratched the car2(en la piel): los zapatos nuevos le hicieron una rozadura her new shoes rubbed* * *
rozadura sustantivo femenino
los zapatos nuevos le hicieron una rozadura her new shoes rubbed
rozadura sustantivo femenino
1 (en la piel) mark of rubbing, chafing
2 (en un objeto) scratch
(en una camisa, etc) mark of wear
' rozadura' also found in these entries:
* * *rozadura nf1. [señal] scratch, scrape2. [herida] graze;estos zapatos me hacen rozaduras en los tobillos these shoes are rubbing my ankles* * *f chafing, rubbing* * *rozadura nf1) : scratch, abrasion2) : rubbed spot, sore -
7 excoriación
f.1 excoriation, chafing, rubbing, abrasion.2 excoriation, abrasion, ectrimma.* * *1 excoriation, chafing2 (raspadura) graze* * *SF1) (=desolladura) graze2) (=rozadura) chafing* * *chafing, excoriation ( tech)* * *excoriación, escoriación nfMed excoriation -
8 roce
m.1 rubbing (contacto).el roce de la seda contra su piel the feel of the silk against her skinel roce de su mano en la mejilla the touch of his hand on her cheekel roce del viento en la piedra the weathering effect of the wind on the stoneme ha salido una ampolla del roce del zapato I've got a blister from my shoe rubbing against my foot2 graze (rasguño) (en piel).el pantalón tiene roces en las rodillas the trousers are worn at the kneesla pared está llena de roces the wall has had the paint scraped off it in several places3 close contact (trato).4 brush, quarrel (desavenencia).tener un roce con alguien to have a brush with somebody5 disagreement, friction, clashing, confrontation.6 rub, kiss, light touch.pres.subj.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: rozar.* * *1 (fricción) rubbing; (en piel) chafing3 (contacto físico) light touch, brush5 familiar (disensión) friction, brush* * *noun m.1) brush, graze2) friction* * *SM1) (=acción) rub, rubbing; (Téc) friction; (Pol) friction2) (=herida) graze3) * (=contacto) close contacttener roce con algn — to be in close contact with sb, have a lot to do with sb
4) (=disgusto) brush* * *1) ( contacto) rubbing2) ( trato frecuente) regular contact3) (fricción, desacuerdo)4) (CS) ( don de gentes) social graces (pl)* * *= friction, run-in.Ex. It is becoming urgently necessary for all information agencies to develop the closest co-operation to avoid wasting their resources through needless duplication and friction.Ex. 'When you've been here a while, you'll see that it's hard to avoid run-ins with her,' Lehmann spoke up.----* roce con la muerte = close shave with death, close encounter with death.* * *1) ( contacto) rubbing2) ( trato frecuente) regular contact3) (fricción, desacuerdo)4) (CS) ( don de gentes) social graces (pl)* * *= friction, run-in.Ex: It is becoming urgently necessary for all information agencies to develop the closest co-operation to avoid wasting their resources through needless duplication and friction.
Ex: 'When you've been here a while, you'll see that it's hard to avoid run-ins with her,' Lehmann spoke up.* roce con la muerte = close shave with death, close encounter with death.* * *A1 (contacto) rubbingno soporta el roce de la sábana en las quemaduras he can't bear the sheet rubbing against o touching his burnsel roce del zapato le había producido ampollas the constant rubbing o chafing of the shoe had given her blisters, she had blisters where the shoe had rubbed o chafedel roce de las dos piezas genera calor friction between the two parts produces heatel roce de su mejilla the brush of her cheektiene los puños gastados por el roce his cuffs have worn2(marca, señal): le hicieron un roce al coche someone scratched o scraped her carel cuello de la camisa tiene roce the shirt collar is grimy with wearB(fricción, desacuerdo): no han tenido ni un roce they haven't had a single cross word, there's been no friction between themha habido graves roces dentro del partido there have been serious clashes o there has been a lot of friction within the partytuvo un roce con la policía she had a brush with the law* * *
Del verbo rozar: ( conjugate rozar)
rocé es:
1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
roce es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
roce sustantivo masculino
( fricción) friction;
el roce de su mejilla the brush of her cheek;
tiene los puños gastados por el roce his cuffs are worn
c) ( desacuerdo):
tener un roce con algn to have a brush with sb
rozar ( conjugate rozar) verbo transitivo ( tocar ligeramente):
sus labios roceon mi frente her lips brushed my forehead;
las sillas rozan la pared the chairs rub o scrape against the wall;
la bala le rozó el brazo the bullet grazed his arm;
me roza el zapato my shoe's rubbing
rozarse verbo pronominal
[manos/labios] to touch
◊ el bebé está rozado the baby has diaper (AmE) o (BrE) nappy rash
roce sustantivo masculino
1 (acción) rubbing, friction
estar algo desgastado por el roce, to be worn
2 (señal: en la piel) graze
(: en una superficie) rub, scuff mark
3 (entre personas: trato) regular contact
(: discusión) friction, brush
I verbo transitivo
1 (una cosa o persona a otra) to touch, brush: su mano rozó mi cara, his hand brushed my face
2 (produciendo daño) to graze
(un zapato) to rub
3 (una cualidad o defecto, una cifra) to border on, verge on: su último cuadro roza la genialidad, his last painting borders on genius
4 (por el uso) to wear out
II verbo intransitivo
1 (una cosa o persona a otra) to touch, brush
pasar rozando, to brush past
2 (produciendo daño) to rub: estos zapatos me rozan, these shoes are rubbing
3 (una cualidad o defecto, una cifra) to border on, verge on: su actitud rozaba en la mala educación, his attitude verged on rudeness
' roce' also found in these entries:
- rub off
- touch
* * *♦ nm1. [contacto] rubbing;el roce de la seda contra su piel the brushing of the silk against her skin;el roce de su mano en la mejilla the touch of his hand on her cheek;el roce de la silla con la pared ha desgastado la pintura the back of the chair has worn away some of the paint on the wall;me ha salido una ampolla del roce del zapato I've got a blister from my shoe rubbing against my foot;el roce del viento en la piedra the weathering effect of the wind on the stone2. [rozadura]la pared está llena de roces the wall has had the paint scraped off it in several places3. [rasguño] [en piel] graze;[en madera, zapato] scuffmark; [en metal] scratch4. [trato] close contact;con el roce se han ido tomando cariño being in close contact has made them grow fond of each other5. [desavenencia] brush, quarrel;tener un roce con alguien to have a brush with sb* * *m figfriction;tener roces con come into conflict with* * *roce nm1) : rubbing, chafing2) : brush, graze, touch3) : close contact, familiarity4) : friction, disagreement -
9 escalfador
m.1 A barber's pan for keeping water warm.2 chafing-dish.3 poacher, heater.* * *SM chafing dish* * *escalfador nm: chafing dish -
10 hacer rozaduras
11 rozar
v.1 to rub.me roza el zapato en la parte de atrás my shoe is rubbing my heel2 to skim, to shave (pasar cerca de).la bala lo pasó rozando the bullet missed him by a hair's breadth3 to border on (estar cerca de).roza los cuarenta he's almost fortysu talento roza lo divino he is touched by genius4 to grate on, to rub.Frisamos su espalda We rub his back.* * *1 (tocar ligeramente) to touch lightly, brush4 (pared) to scrape1 (raspar) to rub2 (desgastarse) to wear (out)* * *verb1) to graze2) scrape3) touch* * *1. VT1) (=tocar ligeramente)la pelota rozó el poste — the ball shaved o grazed the post
2) (=acercarse a)3) (Arquit) to make a groove o hollow in4) (Agr) [+ hierba] to graze; [+ terreno] to clear2.VIrozar con algo: eso roza con la codicia — that's bordering o verging on greed
3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivoa) ( tocar ligeramente)b) ( aproximarse a)2.su actitud rozaba la impertinencia — his attitude verged upon o bordered on rudeness
rozar vi3.rozar CON algo: eso ya roza con la grosería — that is bordering o verging on rudeness
rozarse v pron1) (recípr) cables/piezas to chafe2) (refl) <brazo/rodillas> to graze3) cuello/puños to wear4) (Méx) bebé to get diaper rash (AmE), get nappy rash (BrE)el bebé está rozado — the baby has diaper (AmE) o (BrE) nappy rash
* * *= brush past, scuff, chafe, clip.Ex. Physical harassment may occur as bottom pinching, breast grabbing, 'accidental' brushing past or invasion of a woman's space.Ex. The front wheel trims were scuffed so they decided to replace them.Ex. Among other things, staying well hydrated will help prevent chafing by allowing you to perspire.Ex. But when his rear wheel clipped the last bus he summersaulted through the air and broke his pelvis -- ending his career.----* golpear rozando = clip.* pasar casi rozando = skim.* rozar el uno con el otro = rub against + each other.* rozar la superficie = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* rozarse con = rub up against.* * *1.verbo transitivoa) ( tocar ligeramente)b) ( aproximarse a)2.su actitud rozaba la impertinencia — his attitude verged upon o bordered on rudeness
rozar vi3.rozar CON algo: eso ya roza con la grosería — that is bordering o verging on rudeness
rozarse v pron1) (recípr) cables/piezas to chafe2) (refl) <brazo/rodillas> to graze3) cuello/puños to wear4) (Méx) bebé to get diaper rash (AmE), get nappy rash (BrE)el bebé está rozado — the baby has diaper (AmE) o (BrE) nappy rash
* * *= brush past, scuff, chafe, clip.Ex: Physical harassment may occur as bottom pinching, breast grabbing, 'accidental' brushing past or invasion of a woman's space.
Ex: The front wheel trims were scuffed so they decided to replace them.Ex: Among other things, staying well hydrated will help prevent chafing by allowing you to perspire.Ex: But when his rear wheel clipped the last bus he summersaulted through the air and broke his pelvis -- ending his career.* golpear rozando = clip.* pasar casi rozando = skim.* rozar el uno con el otro = rub against + each other.* rozar la superficie = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* rozarse con = rub up against.* * *rozar [A4 ]vt1(tocar ligeramente): sus labios rozaron mi frente her lips touched o brushed my foreheadla bala le rozó el brazo the bullet grazed his armno pongas el sillón ahí que roza la pared don't put the armchair there, it'll rub against o mark the wallestá muy larga, roza el suelo it's too long, it's dragging o trailing on the floorme roza el zapato my shoe's rubbingle rozaba el cuello de la camisa his shirt collar chafed o rubbed his neckapenas le he rozado y dice que le he hecho daño I hardly even touched him and he says I hurt himel coche pasó rozando la pared de la casa the car just scraped past the wall of the house2rozaba la impertinencia verged upon o bordered on rudeness■ rozarvirozar CON algo:eso ya roza con la grosería that is bordering o verging on rudeness■ rozarseA ( recípr) «cables/piezas» to chafesus manos se rozaron their hands touchedB ‹brazo/rodilla› to grazeme rocé el codo con la pared I grazed o scraped my elbow on the wallC «pantalón» to wear, wear out; «cuello/puños» to wear, fray* * *
rozar ( conjugate rozar) verbo transitivo ( tocar ligeramente):
sus labios rozaron mi frente her lips brushed my forehead;
las sillas rozan la pared the chairs rub o scrape against the wall;
la bala le rozó el brazo the bullet grazed his arm;
me roza el zapato my shoe's rubbing
rozarse verbo pronominal
[manos/labios] to touch
◊ el bebé está rozado the baby has diaper (AmE) o (BrE) nappy rash
I verbo transitivo
1 (una cosa o persona a otra) to touch, brush: su mano rozó mi cara, his hand brushed my face
2 (produciendo daño) to graze
(un zapato) to rub
3 (una cualidad o defecto, una cifra) to border on, verge on: su último cuadro roza la genialidad, his last painting borders on genius
4 (por el uso) to wear out
II verbo intransitivo
1 (una cosa o persona a otra) to touch, brush
pasar rozando, to brush past
2 (produciendo daño) to rub: estos zapatos me rozan, these shoes are rubbing
3 (una cualidad o defecto, una cifra) to border on, verge on: su actitud rozaba en la mala educación, his attitude verged on rudeness
' rozar' also found in these entries:
- rayar
- chafe
- graze
- rub
- scrape
- skim
- shave
- sweep
- touch
* * *♦ vt1. [frotar] to rub;[suavemente] to brush;la rueda de la bicicleta está rozando con la horquilla the wheel is rubbing against the fork of the bicycle;separa la silla para que no roce la pared move the chair away from the wall a bit so that it doesn't rub against it;me roza el zapato en la parte de atrás my shoe is rubbing my heel;la rozó con el brazo ligeramente his arm brushed against her2. [pasar cerca de] to skim, to shave;la bala lo pasó rozando the bullet missed him by a hair's breadth;la pelota rozó el poste the ball shaved the post3. [estar cerca de] to border on;roza los cuarenta he's almost forty;su talento roza lo divino he is touched by genius;tu plan roza la locura your plan is verging o bordering on madness4. [desgastar] to wear out5. Agr to clearno puedo usar tejidos sintéticos porque me rozan I can't wear synthetics, they irritate my skin♦ virozar con [tocar] to brush against;[relacionarse con] to touch on;no dejes que el sofá roce con la pared don't let the sofa rub against the wall* * *I v/t1 rub3:rozar los sesenta be pushing 60 fam II v/i rub* * *rozar {21} vt1) : to chafe, to rub against2) : to border on, to touch on3) : to graze, to touch lightly* * *rozar vb1. (tocar) to touch / to brush -
12 escalfeta
f.1 small pan, used to hold live coals.2 chafing-dish.3 water-dish or water-plate, for keeping meat hot.4 chafing dish. -
13 irritación
f.1 irritation, fret, aggravation, exasperation.2 irritation, peevedness, botherment.3 irritation, inflammation.4 chafe, chafing, ardor.* * *1 irritation* * *noun f.1) irritation2) exasperation* * *SF irritation* * *a) (Med) irritation, inflammationb) ( enfado) irritation, annoyance* * *= annoyance, irritation, exasperation.Ex. False drops are perhaps less of an annoyance in a computer-based system when brief records can be quickly scanned and rejected as necessary.Ex. Datto felt a wave of irritation engulf him, but he persevered, keeping his voice steady.Ex. I can appreciate the frustration, annoyance, irritation, aggravation, and exasperation of having to start over.----* expresar irritación = express + irritation.* irritación de la piel = skin irritation.* irritación de la piel del bebé causada por el pañal = nappy rash.* irritación de la piel producida por el viento = windburn.* motivo de irritación = pet peeve.* * *a) (Med) irritation, inflammationb) ( enfado) irritation, annoyance* * *= annoyance, irritation, exasperation.Ex: False drops are perhaps less of an annoyance in a computer-based system when brief records can be quickly scanned and rejected as necessary.
Ex: Datto felt a wave of irritation engulf him, but he persevered, keeping his voice steady.Ex: I can appreciate the frustration, annoyance, irritation, aggravation, and exasperation of having to start over.* expresar irritación = express + irritation.* irritación de la piel = skin irritation.* irritación de la piel del bebé causada por el pañal = nappy rash.* irritación de la piel producida por el viento = windburn.* motivo de irritación = pet peeve.* * *1 ( Med) irritation, inflammation2 (enfado) irritation, annoyance* * *
irritación sustantivo femenino
irritación sustantivo femenino irritation
' irritación' also found in these entries:
- amor
- andar
- bueno
- cabreo
- condenado
- maldito
- mirar
- groan
- irritation
- annoyance
* * *irritación nf1. [enfado] irritation, annoyance2. [de la piel] irritation;[de la garganta] inflammation* * *f tbMED irritation* * ** * *irritación n irritation -
14 cocinilla
f.1 portable or camp stove (aparato).2 portable stove.* * *1 (small portable) cooker, US stove* * *SF1) (=cuarto) kitchenette, small kitchen2) (=aparato) [cocina pequeña] small cooker, small stove; [de alcohol] spirit stove, alcohol stove (EEUU); (=escalfador) chafing dish* * *femenino camp stove (AmE), camping stove (BrE)* * *femenino camp stove (AmE), camping stove (BrE)* * *Compuesto:* * *
cocinilla sustantivo femenino
camp stove (AmE), camping stove (BrE)
' cocinilla' also found in these entries:
* * *♦ nf[infiernillo] portable o camp stove♦ nmFam [persona]es un cocinilla he's great in the kitchen* * *f camp stove, Brcamping stove -
15 rozamiento
m.1 rubbing.2 abrasion, friction.* * *1 (roce) rubbing, friction2 figurado (discusión) friction, disagreement* * *SM1) (=fricción) rubbing, chafing; (Mec) friction2)tener un rozamiento con algn — * to have a slight disagreement with sb
* * *masculino friction* * *masculino friction* * *friction* * *
rozamiento sustantivo masculino
rozamiento sustantivo masculino
1 rubbing
2 Fís friction
' rozamiento' also found in these entries:
* * *rozamiento nm1. [fricción] rubbing2. Fís friction;el rozamiento del aire air resistance* * *m rubbing; FÍS friction -
16 escaldadura
f.1 scald, scall, scalding.2 scald, scalding, wet burn.* * *1 scald, scalding* * *SF1) (=quemadura) scald, scalding2) (=irritación) chafing* * *escaldadura nf1. [quemadura] scald2. [acción] scalding -
17 espejeras
SFPL Caribe chafing, chafed patch -
18 infernillo
m.1 chafing dish.2 portable stove, stove.* * *1→ link=infiernillo infiernillo* * *SM = infiernillo -
19 escoriación
f.excoriation, chafe, abrasion, chafing.* * *1 scraping* * ** * * -
20 braserillo calentador
m.chafing dish.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Chafing — Chaf ing, n. [See {Chafe}, v. t.] The act of rubbing, or wearing by friction; making by rubbing. [1913 Webster] {Chafing dish}, a dish or vessel for cooking on the table, or for keeping food warm, either by coals, by a lamp, or by hot water; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chafing — For the cooking utensil, see chafing dish. Chafing of skin Chafing when used as a nautical term describes the process of wear on a line or sail caused by constant rubbing against a hard, usually metallic, surface. Various methods are used to… … Wikipedia
Chafing — Chafe Chafe (ch[=a]f), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Chafed} (ch[=a]ft); p pr. & vb. n. {Chafing}.] [OE. chaufen to warm, OF. chaufer, F. chauffer, fr. L. calefacere, calfacere, to make warm; calere to be warm + facere to make. See {Caldron}.] 1. To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chafing fuel — is a generic term for various products that are used for heating food. These products often contain methanol, ethanol, or diethylene glycol, as these may be burned safely indoors. These fuels are also used for emergency heating, outdoor cooking,… … Wikipedia
Chafing dish — Chafing Chaf ing, n. [See {Chafe}, v. t.] The act of rubbing, or wearing by friction; making by rubbing. [1913 Webster] {Chafing dish}, a dish or vessel for cooking on the table, or for keeping food warm, either by coals, by a lamp, or by hot… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chafing gear — Chafing Chaf ing, n. [See {Chafe}, v. t.] The act of rubbing, or wearing by friction; making by rubbing. [1913 Webster] {Chafing dish}, a dish or vessel for cooking on the table, or for keeping food warm, either by coals, by a lamp, or by hot… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chafing dish — [chāf′iŋ] n. [see CHAFE] a pan with a heating apparatus beneath it, to cook food at the table or to keep food hot … English World dictionary
Chafing-dish — Diego Velázquez portrayed an old woman poaching eggs in a glazed earthenware chafing dish over charcoal A chafing dish (from the Old French chauffer, to make warm ) is a kind of portable grate ( a dish of Coles ) raised on a tripod, originally… … Wikipedia
Chafing-Dish — Ein Chafing Dish [ˈtʃeɪfɪŋ dɪʃ] (von englisch chafing, anglisiert von französisch chauffer „erhitzen“, und engl. dish „Schüssel, Platte, Geschirr“) ist ein Behälter zum Warmhalten von Speisen. In der Regel ruht der Speisenbehälter auf… … Deutsch Wikipedia
chafing dish — noun a metal pan over a heater; used to cook or to keep things warm at the table • Hypernyms: ↑cooking utensil, ↑cookware * * * ˈchafing dish 7 [chafing dish chafing dishes] noun a metal pan used for keeping food warm … Useful english dictionary
chafing dish — noun Etymology: Middle English chafing, present participle of chaufen, chafen to warm Date: 15th century a utensil for cooking or keeping food warm especially at the table … New Collegiate Dictionary