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  • 1 responsabilidad

    puesto de responsabilidad responsible position
    tener la responsabilidad de algo to be responsible for something
    responsabilidad civil/penal (law) civil/criminal liability
    responsabilidad limitada limited liability
    * * *
    1 responsibility
    cargar con la responsabilidad de algo to take responsibility for something
    responsabilidad limitada limited liability
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    SF responsibility; (Jur) liability

    responsabilidad civil — public liability, public liability insurance

    responsabilidad ilimitada — (Com) unlimited liability

    responsabilidad objetiva — (Jur) strict liability

    * * *
    a) (de cargo, tarea) responsibility
    b) ( conciencia de las obligaciones) responsibility
    2) (Der) ( culpa) responsibility; ( obligación de indemnizar) liability

    exigen responsabilidades al alcalde por... — the mayor is being held accountable for...

    * * *
    = incumbency, onus, span of authority, charge, responsibility.
    Ex. This incumbency is no less binding upon those in the arena of 'professional education' than for those elsewise situated in the educational community.
    Ex. With the onus on the searcher to achieve familiarity with filing orders, there are other factors that need to be considered.
    Ex. Prior to this appointment, he was Director of LC's Processing Department where his span of authority included a network of worldwide offices for the acquisition and cataloging of materials.
    Ex. She was offered an opportunity to chair a task force within the library with the charge to investigate a new integrated system.
    Ex. The responsibility for manning the one telephone left at the disposal of a residue of callers fell to a single officer who had other duties to carry out to justify his keep.
    * absolver de responsabilidad = absolve + Nombre + from/of + responsibility.
    * aceptar la responsabilidad = assume + responsibilitiy (for).
    * ampliación de las responsabilidades laborales = job enrichment.
    * ampliación de responsabilidades laborales = job enlargement.
    * área de título y de mención de responsabilidad = title and statement of responsibility area.
    * asignar responsabilidad = lodge + responsibility.
    * asumir la responsabilidad = assume + responsibilitiy (for).
    * asumir responsabilidad = take over, take + responsibility.
    * atribuir responsabilidad intelectual = assign + intellectual responsibility.
    * atribuirse la responsabilidad = make + claim of responsibility, claim + responsibility.
    * bloque funcional de responsabilidad intelectual = intellectual responsibility block.
    * caer fuera de las responsabilidades de = be on the outer fringes of.
    * cargar con la responsabilidad = shoulder + the burden, shoulder + the responsibility.
    * claridad de responsabilidades = role clarity.
    * compartir la responsabilidad = share + burden.
    * conflicto de responsabilidades = role conflict.
    * con responsabilidad = responsibly.
    * cumplir con la responsabilidad de Uno = do + Posesivo + share.
    * cumplir + Posesivo + responsabilidad = carry out + Posesivo + responsibility.
    * cumplir una responsabilidad = accomplish + responsibility.
    * delegación de responsabilidad = empowerment.
    * delegar responsabilidad = delegate + responsibility, empower.
    * descargar de responsabilidad = remove from + shoulders.
    * descargo de responsabilidad = declaration form, form of declaration, disclaimer.
    * distribuir la responsabilidad = spread + the load.
    * eludir responsabilidad = pass + the buck.
    * eludir una responsabilidad = shirk + responsibility.
    * entrar dentro de la responsabilidad de = fall under + the jurisdiction of, fall under + the auspices of, fall under + the purview of.
    * escaquearse de una responsabilidad = weasel out of + responsibility.
    * exención de responsabilidad = disclaimer.
    * eximir de responsabilidad = absolve + Nombre + from/of + responsibility.
    * exonerar a Alguien de responsabilidad = exonerate + Nombre + from responsibility.
    * hacer frente a una responsabilidad = meet + responsibility, face up to + responsibility.
    * hacer recaer la responsabilidad sobre = put + the onus on, put + the burden on.
    * inculcar responsabilidad = instil + responsibility.
    * la responsabilidad ahora recae en + Nombre = the ball is in + Posesivo + court.
    * la responsabilidad es de... = the buck + stops....
    * ley de responsabilidad por el producto = product liability law.
    * librar de la responsabilidad de = relieve of + the burden of.
    * librar de responsabilidad = relieve of + responsibility.
    * limitación de responsabilidad = limitation of liability.
    * llevar la responsabilidad de Algo = carry + the burden.
    * mención de responsabilidad = statement of authorship, statement of responsibility, byline, authorship statement.
    * mención de responsabilidad de la edición = imprint.
    * peso de la responsabilidad, el = burden of responsibility, the.
    * poner la responsabilidad en = put + the burden on.
    * rechazar la responsabilidad = disclaim + responsibility.
    * reivindicar la responsabilidad = make + claim of responsibility, claim + responsibility.
    * responsabilidad colectiva = collective responsibility, group responsibility.
    * responsabilidad combinada = mixed responsibility.
    * responsabilidad compartida = shared authorship, shared responsibility.
    * responsabilidad + competer a = responsibility + fall to.
    * responsabilidad + corresponder a = responsibility + fall to.
    * responsabilidad de demostrar lo que se defiende, la = burden of proof, the.
    * responsabilidad en la gestión = accountability.
    * responsabilidades = terms of reference, stewardship.
    * responsabilidades docentes = teaching responsibilities.
    * responsabilidades familiares = family responsibilities.
    * responsabilidad extracontractual = tort.
    * responsabilidad individual = individual responsibility.
    * responsabilidad intelectual = intellectual responsibility.
    * responsabilidad laboral = accountability.
    * responsabilidad legal = liability, legal liability, legal responsibility.
    * responsabilidad moral = moral stewardship, moral responsibility.
    * responsabilidad penal = criminal liability, criminal liability.
    * responsabilidad personal = personal responsibility.
    * responsabilidad + recaer en = responsibility + rest with.
    * responsabilidad + recaer sobre + espaldas = responsibility + rest on + shoulders.
    * responsabilidad secundaria = secondary responsibility.
    * responsabilidad social = social responsibility.
    * responsabilidad terciaria = tertiary responsibility.
    * seguro de responsabilidad civil = liability insurance.
    * sentido de la responsabilidad = sense of responsibility.
    * ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguien = be of + Posesivo + own making.
    * ser la responsabilidad de = be the responsibility of.
    * ser la responsabilidad de Alguien + Infinitivo = it + lie with + Nombre/Pronombre + to + Infinitivo.
    * ser responsabilidad de = be incumbent on/upon.
    * tener la responsabilidad = charge, undertake + burden.
    * tener la responsabilidad de = have + the responsibility of.
    * tomar como responsabilidad propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * tomar la responsabilidad = take + responsibility.
    * trasladar la responsabilidad a = shift + the burden to.
    * * *
    a) (de cargo, tarea) responsibility
    b) ( conciencia de las obligaciones) responsibility
    2) (Der) ( culpa) responsibility; ( obligación de indemnizar) liability

    exigen responsabilidades al alcalde por... — the mayor is being held accountable for...

    * * *
    = incumbency, onus, span of authority, charge, responsibility.

    Ex: This incumbency is no less binding upon those in the arena of 'professional education' than for those elsewise situated in the educational community.

    Ex: With the onus on the searcher to achieve familiarity with filing orders, there are other factors that need to be considered.
    Ex: Prior to this appointment, he was Director of LC's Processing Department where his span of authority included a network of worldwide offices for the acquisition and cataloging of materials.
    Ex: She was offered an opportunity to chair a task force within the library with the charge to investigate a new integrated system.
    Ex: The responsibility for manning the one telephone left at the disposal of a residue of callers fell to a single officer who had other duties to carry out to justify his keep.
    * absolver de responsabilidad = absolve + Nombre + from/of + responsibility.
    * aceptar la responsabilidad = assume + responsibilitiy (for).
    * ampliación de las responsabilidades laborales = job enrichment.
    * ampliación de responsabilidades laborales = job enlargement.
    * área de título y de mención de responsabilidad = title and statement of responsibility area.
    * asignar responsabilidad = lodge + responsibility.
    * asumir la responsabilidad = assume + responsibilitiy (for).
    * asumir responsabilidad = take over, take + responsibility.
    * atribuir responsabilidad intelectual = assign + intellectual responsibility.
    * atribuirse la responsabilidad = make + claim of responsibility, claim + responsibility.
    * bloque funcional de responsabilidad intelectual = intellectual responsibility block.
    * caer fuera de las responsabilidades de = be on the outer fringes of.
    * cargar con la responsabilidad = shoulder + the burden, shoulder + the responsibility.
    * claridad de responsabilidades = role clarity.
    * compartir la responsabilidad = share + burden.
    * conflicto de responsabilidades = role conflict.
    * con responsabilidad = responsibly.
    * cumplir con la responsabilidad de Uno = do + Posesivo + share.
    * cumplir + Posesivo + responsabilidad = carry out + Posesivo + responsibility.
    * cumplir una responsabilidad = accomplish + responsibility.
    * delegación de responsabilidad = empowerment.
    * delegar responsabilidad = delegate + responsibility, empower.
    * descargar de responsabilidad = remove from + shoulders.
    * descargo de responsabilidad = declaration form, form of declaration, disclaimer.
    * distribuir la responsabilidad = spread + the load.
    * eludir responsabilidad = pass + the buck.
    * eludir una responsabilidad = shirk + responsibility.
    * entrar dentro de la responsabilidad de = fall under + the jurisdiction of, fall under + the auspices of, fall under + the purview of.
    * escaquearse de una responsabilidad = weasel out of + responsibility.
    * exención de responsabilidad = disclaimer.
    * eximir de responsabilidad = absolve + Nombre + from/of + responsibility.
    * exonerar a Alguien de responsabilidad = exonerate + Nombre + from responsibility.
    * hacer frente a una responsabilidad = meet + responsibility, face up to + responsibility.
    * hacer recaer la responsabilidad sobre = put + the onus on, put + the burden on.
    * inculcar responsabilidad = instil + responsibility.
    * la responsabilidad ahora recae en + Nombre = the ball is in + Posesivo + court.
    * la responsabilidad es de... = the buck + stops....
    * ley de responsabilidad por el producto = product liability law.
    * librar de la responsabilidad de = relieve of + the burden of.
    * librar de responsabilidad = relieve of + responsibility.
    * limitación de responsabilidad = limitation of liability.
    * llevar la responsabilidad de Algo = carry + the burden.
    * mención de responsabilidad = statement of authorship, statement of responsibility, byline, authorship statement.
    * mención de responsabilidad de la edición = imprint.
    * peso de la responsabilidad, el = burden of responsibility, the.
    * poner la responsabilidad en = put + the burden on.
    * rechazar la responsabilidad = disclaim + responsibility.
    * reivindicar la responsabilidad = make + claim of responsibility, claim + responsibility.
    * responsabilidad colectiva = collective responsibility, group responsibility.
    * responsabilidad combinada = mixed responsibility.
    * responsabilidad compartida = shared authorship, shared responsibility.
    * responsabilidad + competer a = responsibility + fall to.
    * responsabilidad + corresponder a = responsibility + fall to.
    * responsabilidad de demostrar lo que se defiende, la = burden of proof, the.
    * responsabilidad en la gestión = accountability.
    * responsabilidades = terms of reference, stewardship.
    * responsabilidades docentes = teaching responsibilities.
    * responsabilidades familiares = family responsibilities.
    * responsabilidad extracontractual = tort.
    * responsabilidad individual = individual responsibility.
    * responsabilidad intelectual = intellectual responsibility.
    * responsabilidad laboral = accountability.
    * responsabilidad legal = liability, legal liability, legal responsibility.
    * responsabilidad moral = moral stewardship, moral responsibility.
    * responsabilidad penal = criminal liability, criminal liability.
    * responsabilidad personal = personal responsibility.
    * responsabilidad + recaer en = responsibility + rest with.
    * responsabilidad + recaer sobre + espaldas = responsibility + rest on + shoulders.
    * responsabilidad secundaria = secondary responsibility.
    * responsabilidad social = social responsibility.
    * responsabilidad terciaria = tertiary responsibility.
    * seguro de responsabilidad civil = liability insurance.
    * sentido de la responsabilidad = sense of responsibility.
    * ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguien = be of + Posesivo + own making.
    * ser la responsabilidad de = be the responsibility of.
    * ser la responsabilidad de Alguien + Infinitivo = it + lie with + Nombre/Pronombre + to + Infinitivo.
    * ser responsabilidad de = be incumbent on/upon.
    * tener la responsabilidad = charge, undertake + burden.
    * tener la responsabilidad de = have + the responsibility of.
    * tomar como responsabilidad propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * tomar la responsabilidad = take + responsibility.
    * trasladar la responsabilidad a = shift + the burden to.

    * * *
    1 (de un cargo, una tarea) responsibility
    tiene la responsabilidad de mantener a la familia he is responsible for supporting the family
    un puesto de mucha responsabilidad a post which involves a great deal of responsibility
    tenemos que afrontar nuestras responsabilidades we must face up to our responsibilities
    tiene un gran sentido de la responsabilidad she has a strong sense of responsibility
    B ( Der) (culpa) responsibility; (obligación de indemnizar) liability
    cargó con toda la responsabilidad para no involucrarme a mí she took full responsibility so as not to involve me
    se les imputa la responsabilidad de varios robos a mano armada they are thought to be responsible for several armed robberies
    exigen responsabilidades al gobernador por … the governor is being held accountable for …
    civil liability
    responsabilidad criminal or penal
    criminal responsibility
    * * *


    responsabilidad sustantivo femenino

    tener sentido de la responsabilidad to have a sense of responsibility;
    cargó con toda la responsabilidad she took full responsibility
    responsabilidad sustantivo femenino responsibility, liability

    ' responsabilidad' also found in these entries:
    - capear
    - cargar
    - cargo
    - competencia
    - culpa
    - formalidad
    - imputar
    - ligereza
    - limitada
    - limitado
    - mayor
    - mi
    - mucha
    - mucho
    - recaer
    - sobre
    - solvencia
    - afrontar
    - agobiar
    - asumir
    - atenuar
    - atribuir
    - carga
    - conferir
    - confiar
    - conllevar
    - cuenta
    - enfrentar
    - esquivar
    - evadir
    - frente
    - librar
    - menguar
    - pecho
    - peso
    - seriedad
    - sobrecargar
    - sociedad
    - blame
    - business
    - carry
    - disclaimer
    - down
    - elude
    - extend
    - fault
    - job
    - liability
    - obligation
    - onus
    - peril
    - quit
    - responsibility
    - responsible
    - responsibly
    - risk
    - shun
    - take upon
    - undertake
    - buck
    - commitment
    - reliability
    - shift
    - trust
    * * *
    1. [obligación] responsibility;
    Der liability;
    es responsabilidad suya atender el teléfono it's her job to answer the phone;
    exigir responsabilidad a alguien por algo to call sb to account for sth;
    no quiero que recaiga sobre mí esa responsabilidad I don't want that responsibility to fall on my shoulders;
    tener la responsabilidad de algo to be responsible for sth;
    los padres tienen la responsabilidad de alimentar a los hijos fathers are responsible for feeding their children;
    no tuve ninguna responsabilidad en el accidente I was not in the least to blame for the accident
    Der responsabilidad atenuada diminished responsibility; Der responsabilidad civil civil liability;
    responsabilidad ilimitada unlimited liability;
    responsabilidad limitada limited liability;
    Der responsabilidad penal criminal liability
    2. [cualidad] responsibility;
    tiene un gran sentido de la responsabilidad she has a strong sense of responsibility
    3. [importancia] responsibility;
    puesto de responsabilidad senior position;
    no quiero tareas de tanta responsabilidad I don't want to do tasks which involve so much responsibility
    * * *
    f responsibility
    * * *
    : responsibility
    * * *
    responsabilidad n responsibility [pl. responsibilities]

    Spanish-English dictionary > responsabilidad

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