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См. также в других словарях:

  • Callaloo — (sometimes calaloo) is a Caribbean dish that is most popular in Guyana, Barbados, Grenada, Haiti, Dominica, Jamaica and Trinidad Tobago. The main ingredient is a leaf vegetable, traditionally either amaranth (known by many local names including… …   Wikipedia

  • callaloo — [ka΄lə lo͞o′, ka′lə lo͞o΄] n. 1. the leaves of the taro, or, sometimes, other plants, cooked and eaten as a vegetable 2. a West Indian stew or soup made with this vegetable and, typically, crabmeat, okra, pork, and coconut milk …   English World dictionary

  • callaloo — [ˌkalə lu:] (also callalou) noun 1》 the spinach like leaves of a tropical American plant, widely used in Caribbean cookery.     ↘a soup or stew made with callaloo leaves. 2》 the plant from which callaloo leaves are obtained. [Genus Xanthosoma.]… …   English new terms dictionary

  • callaloo — noun Etymology: Caribbean English, perhaps ultimately of African origin; akin to Caribbean Spanish calalú callaloo (greens and dish), Brazilian Portuguese carurú, Haitian Creole kalalou okra Date: 1892 1. the edible young green leaves of a plant… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Callaloo (disambiguation) — Callaloo can mean:* Callaloo, a Caribbean dish sometimes called pepperpot * The Callaloo Journal * Amaranth * Coco ** Taro ** Malanga …   Wikipedia

  • Callaloo (journal) — Infobox Journal title = Callaloo discipline = African American studies, Literature, African studies abbreviation = CAL website = http://callaloo.tamu.edu/ publisher = Johns Hopkins University Press country = USA history = 1976 to present ISSN =… …   Wikipedia

  • callaloo — /kal euh looh , kal euh looh /, n. Southern Cookery. a thick soup of crabmeat, greens, and various seasonings. [1695 1700; cf. Jamaican E calalu any of a variety of greens used as an ingredient in soup < AmerSp calalú, Pg carurú, said to be …   Universalium

  • callaloo — noun /kæləˈluː/ a) Any of various tropical plants grown in the Americas, especially of the genus Xanthosoma, cultivated for their edible leaves. b) A spicy soup or stew made from such leaves …   Wiktionary

  • callaloo — n. Caribbean thick soup (made with crab meat, okra, green peppers, coconut milk, onions and seasoning); confusion …   English contemporary dictionary

  • callaloo — cal·la·loo …   English syllables

  • callaloo — cal•la•loo [[t]ˌkæl əˈlu, ˈkæl əˌlu[/t]] n. coo a thick soup of crabmeat, greens, and seasonings • Etymology: 1695–1700; cf. Jamaican E calalu greens used in soup < AmerSp calalú, Pg carurú, said to be < Tupi caárurú thick leaf …   From formal English to slang

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